288,000 jobs in June

Not to mention they are denied access to the Keystone Pipeline project. This project would create thousands of well paying jobs.

the Keystone Pipeline will cost railroad jobs. Plus Obama supporter Warren Buffet owns the railroads making big money shipping oil & Obama basher Koch owns the Tar Sands Oil would profit from the pipeline by not having to pay Buffet to haul his oil.
The new jobs created will far outweigh any possible job losses. Even President Obama’s own administration recognized that Keystone will have a positive impact on job creation.

No. The pipeline is not a huge jobs stimulus. Please research.
Part time service/retail and government jobs. Welcome to the new American economy folks.

As we reported previously, and as hardly anyone else will discuss, in June the composition of added jobs was rather abysmal: according to the Household survey, while over half a million full-time jobs were lost, this was offset by less paying, benefits-free part-time jobs rising by 799K, the most since 1993. So what does that mean for the job quality as reported by the Establishment Survey. Let's dive in.

Who Was Hiring In June | Zero Hedge
the Keystone Pipeline will cost railroad jobs. Plus Obama supporter Warren Buffet owns the railroads making big money shipping oil & Obama basher Koch owns the Tar Sands Oil would profit from the pipeline by not having to pay Buffet to haul his oil.
The new jobs created will far outweigh any possible job losses. Even President Obama’s own administration recognized that Keystone will have a positive impact on job creation.

No. The pipeline is not a huge jobs stimulus. Please research.

Even President Obama’s own administration recognizes Keystone’s positive jobs impact. The final State Department review found that the pipeline would create upward of 42,000 jobs during the construction period alone, and it would do so without a significant environmental impact, according to the State Department’s report. Economists, meanwhile, have found that the pipeline would create 20,000 manufacturing and construction jobs and an additional 118,000 spin-off jobs. There is no lack of evidence to justify Keystone’s capacity to fuel job creation, as President Obama claimed last year. Our companies’ jobs would count among those 42,000—real names and faces to us.

The Keystone Pipeline Would Create Thousands Of Jobs - Forbes

There are 20,000 direct jobs related to the pipeline itself, 118,000 spinoff jobs that would come from that.

President rejects Keystone Pipeline; Critics cry foul | Interviews | Your World with Cavuto | Fox News

“That’s why I’ve led the efforts in the House to support the Keystone XL Pipeline, a project that would bring more North American energy to the marketplace and put thousands to work. All told, Keystone will create roughly 20,000 new jobs related to the construction of the pipeline. And it will create another 118,000 jobs downstream. Labor leaders in my hometown of Omaha tell me it will create 2,000 jobs here.

Weekly Republican Address: It?s Time To Build the Keystone Pipeline | Speaker.gov
Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 6.1%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, accelerated the end of the war in Afghanistan, freed gays in the military, created over 15 million private sector jobs, 50 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $20 trillion dollars . . .

ALL without any help from the Republican Party.

Obama has done a very good job.
Speaking of adjustments... I can't post this enough. The percent change in jobs since 2007 from the EIA.

Keep in mind that these are the industries that the "science-believing" Liberals want to see dead and buried. These are the industries that Obama wants to tax to the tune of over $40 billion. They are denied export licenses, denied access to productive land, denied infrastructure...

Not to mention they are denied access to the Keystone Pipeline project. This project would create thousands of well paying jobs.

Keystone XL and other pipeline projects like it create thousands of direct construction jobs for welders, mechanics, electricians, pipefitters, laborers, safety coordinators and heavy equipment operators, but the true economic impacts are far more widespread. The real job-creation potential exists in the tens of thousands of jobs that would be supported throughout the supply chain—jobs for the manufacturers that make the steel pipe and the thousands of fittings, valves, pumps and control and safety devices required for a major oil pipeline.

Patterson Pump Company manufactures safety equipment that would secure the almost 12,000 miles of pipeline waiting to be built. Its Toccoa, Ga.–based facility is the largest private employer in the town. Patterson’s production line is only one part of a much longer supply chain that includes the companies that make component parts for the equipment and the transportation networks that deliver the parts and the finished products. For Patterson Pump and the dozens of other manufacturers in the supply chain, Keystone equals jobs for decades to come.

Baltimore-based Ellicott Dredges manufactures equipment used to recycle the water used in the mining process and to restore the landscape as the producers have committed to do. Ellicott also spends millions on a U.S. vendor base for fabrications and pumps and castings. It is not unusual for 20 percent of the company’s 200 U.S. employees to be working on oil sands–related projects at a given time. That number would only grow under a green-lit Keystone.

Even President Obama’s own administration recognizes Keystone’s positive jobs impact. The final State Department review found that the pipeline would create upward of 42,000 jobs during the construction period alone, and it would do so without a significant environmental impact, according to the State Department’s report. Economists, meanwhile, have found that the pipeline would create 20,000 manufacturing and construction jobs and an additional 118,000 spin-off jobs. There is no lack of evidence to justify Keystone’s capacity to fuel job creation, as President Obama claimed last year. Our companies’ jobs would count among those 42,000—real names and faces to us.

The Keystone Pipeline Would Create Thousands Of Jobs - Forbes

And here's the thing about that.

There was no guarantees baked into the legislation.

The government was just supposed to steamroll over people's lands with a product produced by a foreign company to be sold to foreigners.


There was no real DR plan in the legislation.

There was also absolutely no horse trading with the President.

This was essentially "My Way or the Highway" legislation.

Why would anyone want to pass anything so preposterous?

I'd like you to please grant me the effort to look into the Alberta Clipper Pipeline project.

I've posted this several times in various threads, and it just seems to go over everyone's heads. I trust you will at least give this some consideration. Lest I smite thee! :slap:

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

(My bolds)

After considerable review and evaluation, on August 20, 2009, the Department issued a Presidential Permit to Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership for the Alberta Clipper pipeline. In evaluating the Enbridge application, the Department worked in consultation with all relevant agencies and parties and with extensive public and stakeholder participation and outreach.

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Approval of the permit sends a positive economic signal, in a difficult economic period, about the future reliability and availability of a portion of United States’ energy imports, and in the immediate term, this shovel-ready project will provide construction jobs for workers in the United States.

This project is identical in scope to the Keystone XL. It crosses the international border with Canada, traverses several states in the U.S., and terminates at U.S. coastal refineries.

So, Sal Pal- what made this project so vital to the U.S. in 2009, and why is the Keystone XL "preposterous" today?

Think before you reply. Don't make me bitch-slap ya. :D
Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 6.1%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, accelerated the end of the war in Afghanistan, freed gays in the military, created over 15 million private sector jobs, 50 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $20 trillion dollars . . .

ALL without any help from the Republican Party.

Obama has done a very good job.

Sure Obama has done well, but where do you get that he created over 15 million private sector jobs? I only count 8 million.
News Stories & Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one & they stink. The facts have proven you irrelevant to economic discussions.

Have you actually bought anything in the last year? I can not believe you have gone shopping once and can say there is not inflation. MAYBE the inflation number is not increasing because they measure inflation discounting those things that people actually need to live, like food and energy.

:lol: OMG the 100 millionth Repubtard claims Obama is causing runaway inflation! :lol:

Bush and Cheney destroyed the US economy, started two useless wars, and let Bin Laden get away.Then they handed the baton to Obama to fix all the problems. Obama restarted the economy, ended the wars, and got Bin Laden, Yes, Obama was naive to believe that the GOP would work with him to save America, but the GOP would rather destroy America than to work with a black President.
bush and cheney destroyed the us economy, started two useless wars, and let bin laden get away.then they handed the baton to obama to fix all the problems. Obama restarted the economy, ended the wars, and got bin laden, yes, obama was naive to believe that the gop would work with him to save america, but the gop would rather destroy america than to work with a black president. Bullshit!!

SMACK!! That's the sound of you removing your lips from Barry Boy's ass.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 60 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, and got Gaddafi.

Obama has done a very good job.

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