288,000 jobs in June

You imply that somehow the administration is holding down growth, could you elaborate on what they need do to release their grip?

Well, completely change their opinions, public comments, stances and actions regarding business. So, since that's not gonna happen, this will have to be organic, by business being willing to take more chances than it usually would. Then, ironically, when business does that and things improve, the administration will get any credit. Gotta love it.

Not sure about the opinion and public comments seem to me to be something that can be ignored, what ACTION do you think the government is taking or has taken that can be changed?

As I read the information, retail sales are weak, exports have not increased so what in your opinion will spur economic growth?

Business and the markets know that the market run-up has not been based on traditional business activity, believe me. It's been based on the Fed's manic liquidity, the cash reserves of corporations who are scared shitless by the administration to spend it, and the relentless search for yield. All of that is the reality.

Certainly after 6 years of Obama it is pretty clear he isn't going to do things that harm businesses directly. Obamacare's cost to business should already be factored in. The environmental closing of electric utility plants actually are making the utilities happy, they can blame Obama for the closing and raise prices, perfect for them. So again, what with this administration, are they scared about? Obama hob nobs with the rich just as much if not more then did GWB.

So in the face of this, business still has to survive, and to survive it has to move, like a fish in water. So, as thankless as this will be, it will have to fall on the sword and take bigger risks than it wants to. That will be the trigger, and it may already be happening.

Could you elaborate on what risk? I realize companies are scared but I don't understand why it is scared concerning government and not just the world situation. If I were a company I would be scared of the money supply being flooded. That isn't being done by the government. (I take the view that the Fed is not part of the government.)

I don't know if that makes sense, but I can tell you that's what markets are thinking in general.


I think that the markets think of ONE thing, what makes them the most money, period. Buy short as a company is going out of business, the business doesn't matter as long as money is to be made. Money not really made but taken from some other poor loser.


This might be enough to be a kick in the ass. 50/50.

Let's keep it going.

Today marks a new record in job growth in America. With June's numbers showing growth in the private sector, that brings the streak of growth to 52 consecutive months ... the longest stretch of employment growth recorded in U.S. history.

Congratulations on a job well done, President Obama! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

I puked a little. ...
The velocity of money will fall for 4 more years to burn off the bubble. That continues to pull down demand for loans, interest rates & inflation. Then there is still the 75 million retiring Baby Boomers dragging these same rates down. There is no inflation on the horizon. The doom & gloomers have been proven wrong.


The Real Inflation Fear - US Food Prices Are Up 19% In 2014 | Zero Hedge

July Fourth fires up highest gas prices since '08


"O" really is the Messiah!
Food prices are up because of the droughts, not only in America but world wide. "O" caused the droughts. Of course gas is up because of what's going on in the ME and that's because of Obama too, he after all, started getting radical Islam going when he intervened in the ME decades ago.
The Messiah is amazing!

Your attempt at irony is a huge F A I L.. not even a good imitation. Food prices are up because the FED has pumped WORTHLESS fiat in to this economy- flooding the market with dollars which has in turn caused the dollar to be worth less.. this has a domino effect on prices.. Real wages are down, energy, gas, food.. all up.. Now you can piss vinegar and call it sugar all day long but it doesn't change the facts.

News Stories & Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one & they stink. The facts have proven you irrelevant to economic discussions.

Have you actually bought anything in the last year? I can not believe you have gone shopping once and can say there is not inflation. MAYBE the inflation number is not increasing because they measure inflation discounting those things that people actually need to live, like food and energy.

Food makes up 13.891% of the index, and energy is 9.046% They're not discounted.
I'm not seeing these signs of growth in my business here in KC. This time last year we were booked out solid for 3 months. This year demand has been down and we're lucky to push 4 weeks. Business has been relatively steady but the demand seems to be down quite a bit.
That and our food prices here have near doubled over the last couple years.

"O" really is the Messiah!
Food prices are up because of the droughts, not only in America but world wide. "O" caused the droughts. Of course gas is up because of what's going on in the ME and that's because of Obama too, he after all, started getting radical Islam going when he intervened in the ME decades ago.
The Messiah is amazing!

Your attempt at irony is a huge F A I L.. not even a good imitation. Food prices are up because the FED has pumped WORTHLESS fiat in to this economy- flooding the market with dollars which has in turn caused the dollar to be worth less.. this has a domino effect on prices.. Real wages are down, energy, gas, food.. all up.. Now you can piss vinegar and call it sugar all day long but it doesn't change the facts.

You found a new word but you don't have any clue about the meaning.


If this were a true "fiat" economy?

The world wouldn't peg it's currency against the dollar.

:thup: True story.
"O" really is the Messiah!
Food prices are up because of the droughts, not only in America but world wide. "O" caused the droughts. Of course gas is up because of what's going on in the ME and that's because of Obama too, he after all, started getting radical Islam going when he intervened in the ME decades ago.
The Messiah is amazing!

Your attempt at irony is a huge F A I L.. not even a good imitation. Food prices are up because the FED has pumped WORTHLESS fiat in to this economy- flooding the market with dollars which has in turn caused the dollar to be worth less.. this has a domino effect on prices.. Real wages are down, energy, gas, food.. all up.. Now you can piss vinegar and call it sugar all day long but it doesn't change the facts.

You found a new word but you don't have any clue about the meaning.


If this were a true "fiat" economy?

The world wouldn't peg it's currency against the dollar.

:thup: True story.

<Knocks on dummy's head> Money creation and regulation = Fed Reserve

News Stories & Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one & they stink. The facts have proven you irrelevant to economic discussions.

Have you actually bought anything in the last year? I can not believe you have gone shopping once and can say there is not inflation. MAYBE the inflation number is not increasing because they measure inflation discounting those things that people actually need to live, like food and energy.

I sell & I buy.

In 2012 Corn was selling for $8 a bushel. Today Corn is selling for $4 a bushel. Plus China just cut imports of Corn DDG & Grain. Last weekend corn plants were over my head. Knee-high by July use to be the rule for great crop. The weather is cool as tassel & silking is starting. This will be a record year for corn & soybean yields. This is pushing prices down further.

We are exporting the hell out of Ethanol.

Farm Land prices fell for the first time since 1981.

US Oil Production will soon outpace US Oil Consumption. Prices will fall.
Last edited:

"O" really is the Messiah!
Food prices are up because of the droughts, not only in America but world wide. "O" caused the droughts. Of course gas is up because of what's going on in the ME and that's because of Obama too, he after all, started getting radical Islam going when he intervened in the ME decades ago.
The Messiah is amazing!

Your attempt at irony is a huge F A I L.. not even a good imitation. Food prices are up because the FED has pumped WORTHLESS fiat in to this economy- flooding the market with dollars which has in turn caused the dollar to be worth less.. this has a domino effect on prices.. Real wages are down, energy, gas, food.. all up.. Now you can piss vinegar and call it sugar all day long but it doesn't change the facts.

Got a link. Why don't you do a google search to why food prices are up.
Real wages have been flat since the 70's, That's a fact.
Besides who determines wages? Who has held wages down? Who shipped jobs off-shore which reach it's apex a decade ago?
Here's a link to give you a start. My search words? "Why are food prices rising". Knock your socks off dealing with the real world.
https://www.google.com/webhp?source...&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=why are food prices rising
Obama is mopping the floor with both Bush's. They could only dream of having Obama's increased employment rates.


Average unemployment under Bush, under 5%
Average under Obama, over 6%.
Tell us more what a wonderful job he's done.
So? Bush didn't start off with the worst economy since the Great Depression with a million jobs lost in the month he started.
The velocity of money will fall for 4 more years to burn off the bubble. That continues to pull down demand for loans, interest rates & inflation. Then there is still the 75 million retiring Baby Boomers dragging these same rates down. There is no inflation on the horizon. The doom & gloomers have been proven wrong.


The Real Inflation Fear - US Food Prices Are Up 19% In 2014 | Zero Hedge

July Fourth fires up highest gas prices since '08


"O" really is the Messiah!
Food prices are up because of the droughts, not only in America but world wide. "O" caused the droughts. Of course gas is up because of what's going on in the ME and that's because of Obama too, he after all, started getting radical Islam going when he intervened in the ME decades ago.
The Messiah is amazing!

Food prices are up because of the rise in excise taxes, the production of Ethanol eating up all of the feed corn, and Osama's war on fossil fuels.

BTW, that drought was a Demcrat invention. Harry the Reed cut off the water to California growers. Where do you think Hoover Dam is located? In his state, Nevada. Chinatown all over. Jack Nicholson.
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I'm curious, oh dedicated Obamabots -- how many were full-time?

That's not measured. Employers are simply asked how many they had on their payroll for the pay period that contains the 12th, what their total payroll and total hours were and averages are calculated for hours, hourly wages, and weekly wages.
Your attempt at irony is a huge F A I L.. not even a good imitation. Food prices are up because the FED has pumped WORTHLESS fiat in to this economy- flooding the market with dollars which has in turn caused the dollar to be worth less.. this has a domino effect on prices.. Real wages are down, energy, gas, food.. all up.. Now you can piss vinegar and call it sugar all day long but it doesn't change the facts.

You found a new word but you don't have any clue about the meaning.


If this were a true "fiat" economy?

The world wouldn't peg it's currency against the dollar.

:thup: True story.

<Knocks on dummy's head> Money creation and regulation = Fed Reserve

Ah..so the whole wide world is wrong?

Good one.

Continued job growth in spite of the Repubs obstructing and filibustering all jobs bills.

Record Number of Americans Not in Labor Force in June | CNS News

(CNSNews.com) - The number of Americans 16 and older who did not participate in the labor force climbed to a record high of 92,120,000 in June, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

This means that there were 92,120,000 Americans 16 and older who not only did not have a job, but did not actively seek one in the last four weeks.

That is up 111,000 from the 92,009,000 Americans who were not participating in the labor force in April.

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