288,000 jobs in June

REAL unemployment is 12% plus, over 25% for minorities.

I own a business and have since GWB was first elected. We saw sales tank in 2008 and never come close to returning to what they were. These bullshit numbers are just that, absolute fucking bullshit. Ask anyone like me who has customers.
Obama is mopping the floor with both Bush's. They could only dream of having Obama's increased employment rates.

Obama is mopping the floor with both Bush's. They could only dream of having Obama's increased employment rates.


Average unemployment under Bush, under 5%
Average under Obama, over 6%.
Tell us more what a wonderful job he's done.
this is a good indication that the Mexicans have learned to say "do you want fries with that?"

Mexicans? More myopic thinking from the far right.

Lots of those jobs have been taken by Caucasian Americans who lost their jobs after Bush and Wall Street "..got drunk".

And since most business sectors except for energy, health care and retail are still in the dirt, they are still in those jobs. They are the ones who, being educated, started the movement for a higher minimum wage.


REAL unemployment is 12% plus, over 25% for minorities..

You're citing the U-6 measure of under-utilization. It includes in the numerator people working part tiime for economic reasons. Are you saying someone who's hours have temporarily been cut from 35 hours/week to 30 is really unemployed?

And while it's not a good sign if someone who wanted a full time job could only get a part time job, do you consider them to still be unemployed?

And please note that the U-6 also dropped...from 12.2% to 12.1%
Obama is mopping the floor with both Bush's. They could only dream of having Obama's increased employment rates.

Average unemployment under Bush, under 5%
Average under Obama, over 6%.
Tell us more what a wonderful job he's done.

Bush doubled unemployment
Obama has cut it 4%

RabbiTBrain steps in it again:

Job loss: Worst in 34 years
Employers slashed 598,000 more jobs in January as unemployment rate climbed to 7.6%.
January job loss: Worst in 34 years - Feb. 6, 2009

I don't think those 600,000 people gave a phlying phuck about averages.
Obama is mopping the floor with both Bush's. They could only dream of having Obama's increased employment rates.


Average unemployment under Bush, under 5%
Average under Obama, over 6%.
Tell us more what a wonderful job he's done.

You are an idiot.

Bush took the employment rate of working age population from 74% down to 65%. :eek:

Bush destroyed 18 million jobs. :eek:

Obama took the employment rate of working age population from 65% up to 69%. :eusa_clap:

Obama restored or created 8 million jobs. :eusa_clap:

These numbers, whether they end up good or bad, are not the big picture. There's going to be growth. The question is whether growth will be able to mitigate inflation. If it does, we'll be able to stay on top of inflation. If it does not, we'll end up with stagflation.

If you know what's gonna happen, start a hedge fund, you'll make billions.

The rest of us don't know.

Just goes to show how record low job participation rate, record high food stamp recipients, SS disability recipients, printing money, record debt, deficit spending, weekly scandals and endless borrowing can really turn an economy around.

Too little, too late. The next quarter's numbers will confirm we are in a recession.

5 straight months of strong job reports, a Market near 17K, Most major corporations reporting record profits, but one bad quarter (Due mainly to a severe winter) and we are in a recession.

Please..don't ever get into the financial industry. :cuckoo:
Too little, too late. The next quarter's numbers will confirm we are in a recession.

5 straight months of strong job reports, a Market near 17K, Most major corporations reporting record profits, but one bad quarter (Due mainly to a severe winter) and we are in a recession.

Please..don't ever get into the financial industry. :cuckoo:

After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working - Forbes

You and your nest of loons are so full of shit.. and for some reason, even with the polling data showing your boy King is absolutely despised, you dummies still continue to perpetuate so many lies.. It's absolutely dumbfounding.. LIBERALISM IS INSANITY.. it's true.. the studies are true.

These numbers, whether they end up good or bad, are not the big picture. There's going to be growth. The question is whether growth will be able to mitigate inflation. If it does, we'll be able to stay on top of inflation. If it does not, we'll end up with stagflation.

If you know what's gonna happen, start a hedge fund, you'll make billions.

The rest of us don't know.

Stagflation was caused by 1970's Oil Embargo & Congress failure to raise the debt limit causing the US Treasury to miss debt payments spiking interest rates to 16.3%.

Today we are increasing domestic oil & other energy production. Deficits are falling, gold is falling, velocity of money is falling, grain price is falling, crop yield is rising, employment is rising. Stagflation is off the table at least until the end of Obama's term.

These numbers, whether they end up good or bad, are not the big picture. There's going to be growth. The question is whether growth will be able to mitigate inflation. If it does, we'll be able to stay on top of inflation. If it does not, we'll end up with stagflation.

If you know what's gonna happen, start a hedge fund, you'll make billions.

The rest of us don't know.

Stagflation was caused by 1970's Oil Embargo & Congress failure to raise the debt limit causing the US Treasury to miss debt payments spiking interest rates to 16.3%.

Today we are increasing domestic oil & other energy production. Deficits are falling, gold is falling, velocity of money is falling, grain price is falling, crop yield is rising, employment is rising. Stagflation is off the table at least until the end of Obama's term.


These numbers, whether they end up good or bad, are not the big picture. There's going to be growth. The question is whether growth will be able to mitigate inflation. If it does, we'll be able to stay on top of inflation. If it does not, we'll end up with stagflation.

If you know what's gonna happen, start a hedge fund, you'll make billions.

The rest of us don't know.

Stagflation was caused by 1970's Oil Embargo & Congress failure to raise the debt limit causing the US Treasury to miss debt payments spiking interest rates to 16.3%.

Today we are increasing domestic oil & other energy production. Deficits are falling, gold is falling, velocity of money is falling, grain price is falling, crop yield is rising, employment is rising. Stagflation is off the table at least until the end of Obama's term.
Actually the truth value of those statements runs negative.

These numbers, whether they end up good or bad, are not the big picture. There's going to be growth. The question is whether growth will be able to mitigate inflation. If it does, we'll be able to stay on top of inflation. If it does not, we'll end up with stagflation.

If you know what's gonna happen, start a hedge fund, you'll make billions.

The rest of us don't know.

Stagflation was caused by 1970's Oil Embargo & Congress failure to raise the debt limit causing the US Treasury to miss debt payments spiking interest rates to 16.3%.

Today we are increasing domestic oil & other energy production. Deficits are falling, gold is falling, velocity of money is falling, grain price is falling, crop yield is rising, employment is rising. Stagflation is off the table at least until the end of Obama's term.

No it's not. The Fed is going to have to know just when to drain liquidity, how much, and how rapidly. No one can claim to know if it's going to work. No one. And anyone in the finance industry will agree with me.


These numbers, whether they end up good or bad, are not the big picture. There's going to be growth. The question is whether growth will be able to mitigate inflation. If it does, we'll be able to stay on top of inflation. If it does not, we'll end up with stagflation.

If you know what's gonna happen, start a hedge fund, you'll make billions.

The rest of us don't know.

Stagflation was caused by 1970's Oil Embargo & Congress failure to raise the debt limit causing the US Treasury to miss debt payments spiking interest rates to 16.3%.

Today we are increasing domestic oil & other energy production. Deficits are falling, gold is falling, velocity of money is falling, grain price is falling, crop yield is rising, employment is rising. Stagflation is off the table at least until the end of Obama's term.

No it's not. The Fed is going to have to know just when to drain liquidity, how much, and how rapidly. No one can claim to know if it's going to work. No one. And anyone in the finance industry will agree with me.


There is zero justification at this point for the Fed's interest rate policy. Actually there is one justification: if they raise rates now the Democrats will likely lose even worse in November.
Yes its come to that.
Employment is rising at increasing velocity. Last 5 months average 231k jobs added per month, last year the average was 194K jobs added per month.
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This might be enough to be a kick in the ass. 50/50.

Let's keep it going.


Actually that is barely treading water.

Summer has started, so college students are looking for work. 288k is a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed. It doesn't make up for the 3% contraction we just went through last quarter.

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