288,000 jobs in June

Continued job growth in spite of the Repubs obstructing and filibustering all jobs bills.


What jobs bills?

Too little, too late. The next quarter's numbers will confirm we are in a recession.

5 straight months of strong job reports, a Market near 17K, Most major corporations reporting record profits, but one bad quarter (Due mainly to a severe winter) and we are in a recession.

Please..don't ever get into the financial industry. :cuckoo:

After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working - Forbes

You and your nest of loons are so full of shit.. and for some reason, even with the polling data showing your boy King is absolutely despised, you dummies still continue to perpetuate so many lies.. It's absolutely dumbfounding.. LIBERALISM IS INSANITY.. it's true.. the studies are true.
a) it's 92 million, not 100 million

b) 86 million of them don't want to work

c) that number has been increasing since the first Bush's presidency:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Record Number of Americans Not in Labor Force in June | CNS News

(CNSNews.com) - The number of Americans 16 and older who did not participate in the labor force climbed to a record high of 92,120,000 in June, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

This means that there were 92,120,000 Americans 16 and older who not only did not have a job, but did not actively seek one in the last four weeks.

That is up 111,000 from the 92,009,000 Americans who were not participating in the labor force in April.

Where did you factor in the 347,222 Baby Boomers that retire every month?

23 million Baby Boomers have retired during Obama's 5.5 years. Yet he restored or created 8 million new jobs.
Employment is rising at increasing velocity. Last 5 months average 250k jobs added per month, last year the average was 193K jobs added per month.

Links to your made up statistics. We've all watched those numbers revised DOWNWARD.
Your wish is my command. :D

Excite News - US hiring surges as unemployment dips to 6.1 pct.

U.S. employers accelerated their hiring last month, adding a robust 288,000 jobs and helping drive the unemployment rate to 6.1 percent, the lowest since September 2008.
It was the fifth straight monthly job gain above 200,000 — the best such stretch since the late 1990s tech boom. In the past 12 months, the economy has added nearly 2.5 million jobs — an average of 208,000 a month, the fastest year-over-year pace since 2006.


June's healthy U.S. job growth followed additions of 217,000 jobs in May and 304,000 in April, figures that were both revised upward. Monthly job gains so far this year have averaged 230,833, up from 194,250 in 2013.
Investors appeared pleased by the news. When stock markets opened Thursday, an hour after the government released the jobs report, the Dow Jones industrial average traded above 17,000 for first time. By late morning, the Dow had risen about 65 points.
The unemployment rate dipped in June from 6.3 percent in May to its lowest level since the financial crisis struck at full force in the fall of 2008 with the bankruptcy of the Wall Street firm Lehman Brothers.
"Since February, this has now become a textbook jobs expansion," said Patrick O'Keefe, director of economic research at the consultancy CohnReznick. "It is both broad and accelerating."
Record Number of Americans Not in Labor Force in June | CNS News

(CNSNews.com) - The number of Americans 16 and older who did not participate in the labor force climbed to a record high of 92,120,000 in June, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

This means that there were 92,120,000 Americans 16 and older who not only did not have a job, but did not actively seek one in the last four weeks.

That is up 111,000 from the 92,009,000 Americans who were not participating in the labor force in April.

How dare those GD Boomers retire, don't they know the GOP requires them to work like salves till they drop dead on the job.

We're hoping for at least +3.0% second quarter, +2.8% absolute minimum. Anything less than that would be a disappointment.

Where is that going to come from? Household spending is down. Business investment is down. Gov' spending is flat/down. So how will you get over 3% growth?

A little bit will/would be a rebound from the first quarter, but -- as uneven as the data is -- there has also been some good numbers. There's a general feeling in the industry (who knows if this is right) that the economy can only be held down for so long by an administration. I can see that, an economy is as much psychological as structural.

Anyway, that's the guess, we'll see.


You believe that the Obama administration has been holding the economy down?

You imply that somehow the administration is holding down growth, could you elaborate on what they need do to release their grip?

Well, completely change their opinions, public comments, stances and actions regarding business. So, since that's not gonna happen, this will have to be organic, by business being willing to take more chances than it usually would. Then, ironically, when business does that and things improve, the administration will get any credit. Gotta love it.

As I read the information, retail sales are weak, exports have not increased so what in your opinion will spur economic growth?

Business and the markets know that the market run-up has not been based on traditional business activity, believe me. It's been based on the Fed's manic liquidity, the cash reserves of corporations who are scared shitless by the administration to spend it, and the relentless search for yield. All of that is the reality.

So in the face of this, business still has to survive, and to survive it has to move, like a fish in water. So, as thankless as this will be, it will have to fall on the sword and take bigger risks than it wants to. That will be the trigger, and it may already be happening.

I don't know if that makes sense, but I can tell you that's what markets are thinking in general.


Change opinions, comments and actions from what....to what? Exactly?

Let's have that discussion with some specifics, shall we?
Continued job growth in spite of the Repubs obstructing and filibustering all jobs bills.


And that is the key to this mild economic recovery. The insistence that we try to reduce the deficit and spur the economy at the same time

Republicans throw on the brakes and then complain you are not moving fast enough
Good news is bad news at the USMB.

This attitude has got to wear some of you down. Who is going to be the first USMB nutter to make the switch?
gotta wait for the inevitable adjustment which is always south.........

Speaking of adjustments... I can't post this enough. The percent change in jobs since 2007 from the EIA.

Keep in mind that these are the industries that the "science-believing" Liberals want to see dead and buried. These are the industries that Obama wants to tax to the tune of over $40 billion. They are denied export licenses, denied access to productive land, denied infrastructure...

Not to mention they are denied access to the Keystone Pipeline project. This project would create thousands of well paying jobs.

Keystone XL and other pipeline projects like it create thousands of direct construction jobs for welders, mechanics, electricians, pipefitters, laborers, safety coordinators and heavy equipment operators, but the true economic impacts are far more widespread. The real job-creation potential exists in the tens of thousands of jobs that would be supported throughout the supply chain—jobs for the manufacturers that make the steel pipe and the thousands of fittings, valves, pumps and control and safety devices required for a major oil pipeline.

Patterson Pump Company manufactures safety equipment that would secure the almost 12,000 miles of pipeline waiting to be built. Its Toccoa, Ga.–based facility is the largest private employer in the town. Patterson’s production line is only one part of a much longer supply chain that includes the companies that make component parts for the equipment and the transportation networks that deliver the parts and the finished products. For Patterson Pump and the dozens of other manufacturers in the supply chain, Keystone equals jobs for decades to come.

Baltimore-based Ellicott Dredges manufactures equipment used to recycle the water used in the mining process and to restore the landscape as the producers have committed to do. Ellicott also spends millions on a U.S. vendor base for fabrications and pumps and castings. It is not unusual for 20 percent of the company’s 200 U.S. employees to be working on oil sands–related projects at a given time. That number would only grow under a green-lit Keystone.

Even President Obama’s own administration recognizes Keystone’s positive jobs impact. The final State Department review found that the pipeline would create upward of 42,000 jobs during the construction period alone, and it would do so without a significant environmental impact, according to the State Department’s report. Economists, meanwhile, have found that the pipeline would create 20,000 manufacturing and construction jobs and an additional 118,000 spin-off jobs. There is no lack of evidence to justify Keystone’s capacity to fuel job creation, as President Obama claimed last year. Our companies’ jobs would count among those 42,000—real names and faces to us.

The Keystone Pipeline Would Create Thousands Of Jobs - Forbes


This might be enough to be a kick in the ass. 50/50.

Let's keep it going.

Today marks a new record in job growth in America. With June's numbers showing growth in the private sector, that brings the streak of growth to 52 consecutive months ... the longest stretch of employment growth recorded in U.S. history.

Congratulations on a job well done, President Obama! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

I puked a little. ...
That's good, you're supposed to whenever there's good news for Obama.
Not to mention they are denied access to the Keystone Pipeline project. This project would create thousands of well paying jobs.

the Keystone Pipeline will cost railroad jobs. Plus Obama supporter Warren Buffet owns the railroads making big money shipping oil & Obama basher Koch owns the Tar Sands Oil would profit from the pipeline by not having to pay Buffet to haul his oil.
Record Number of Americans Not in Labor Force in June | CNS News

(CNSNews.com) - The number of Americans 16 and older who did not participate in the labor force climbed to a record high of 92,120,000 in June, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

This means that there were 92,120,000 Americans 16 and older who not only did not have a job, but did not actively seek one in the last four weeks.

That is up 111,000 from the 92,009,000 Americans who were not participating in the labor force in April.

Where did you factor in the 347,222 Baby Boomers that retire every month?

23 million Baby Boomers have retired during Obama's 5.5 years. Yet he restored or created 8 million new jobs.
Your figure of 23 million is nowhere close to reality. There have been about 10,000 seniors turning 62 every day since Obama's been president. That's about 20 million while he's been president. Of that 20m, many don't work and of the ones who do, many haven't retired yet. Meanwhile, you're counting every single one of them as retiring. :cuckoo:
Last edited:
gotta wait for the inevitable adjustment which is always south.........

Speaking of adjustments... I can't post this enough. The percent change in jobs since 2007 from the EIA.

Keep in mind that these are the industries that the "science-believing" Liberals want to see dead and buried. These are the industries that Obama wants to tax to the tune of over $40 billion. They are denied export licenses, denied access to productive land, denied infrastructure...

Not to mention they are denied access to the Keystone Pipeline project. This project would create thousands of well paying jobs.

Keystone XL and other pipeline projects like it create thousands of direct construction jobs for welders, mechanics, electricians, pipefitters, laborers, safety coordinators and heavy equipment operators, but the true economic impacts are far more widespread. The real job-creation potential exists in the tens of thousands of jobs that would be supported throughout the supply chain—jobs for the manufacturers that make the steel pipe and the thousands of fittings, valves, pumps and control and safety devices required for a major oil pipeline.

Patterson Pump Company manufactures safety equipment that would secure the almost 12,000 miles of pipeline waiting to be built. Its Toccoa, Ga.–based facility is the largest private employer in the town. Patterson’s production line is only one part of a much longer supply chain that includes the companies that make component parts for the equipment and the transportation networks that deliver the parts and the finished products. For Patterson Pump and the dozens of other manufacturers in the supply chain, Keystone equals jobs for decades to come.

Baltimore-based Ellicott Dredges manufactures equipment used to recycle the water used in the mining process and to restore the landscape as the producers have committed to do. Ellicott also spends millions on a U.S. vendor base for fabrications and pumps and castings. It is not unusual for 20 percent of the company’s 200 U.S. employees to be working on oil sands–related projects at a given time. That number would only grow under a green-lit Keystone.

Even President Obama’s own administration recognizes Keystone’s positive jobs impact. The final State Department review found that the pipeline would create upward of 42,000 jobs during the construction period alone, and it would do so without a significant environmental impact, according to the State Department’s report. Economists, meanwhile, have found that the pipeline would create 20,000 manufacturing and construction jobs and an additional 118,000 spin-off jobs. There is no lack of evidence to justify Keystone’s capacity to fuel job creation, as President Obama claimed last year. Our companies’ jobs would count among those 42,000—real names and faces to us.

The Keystone Pipeline Would Create Thousands Of Jobs - Forbes

And here's the thing about that.

There was no guarantees baked into the legislation.

The government was just supposed to steamroll over people's lands with a product produced by a foreign company to be sold to foreigners.


There was no real DR plan in the legislation.

There was also absolutely no horse trading with the President.

This was essentially "My Way or the Highway" legislation.

Why would anyone want to pass anything so preposterous?
Not to mention they are denied access to the Keystone Pipeline project. This project would create thousands of well paying jobs.

the Keystone Pipeline will cost railroad jobs. Plus Obama supporter Warren Buffet owns the railroads making big money shipping oil & Obama basher Koch owns the Tar Sands Oil would profit from the pipeline by not having to pay Buffet to haul his oil.
The new jobs created will far outweigh any possible job losses. Even President Obama’s own administration recognized that Keystone will have a positive impact on job creation.
Speaking of adjustments... I can't post this enough. The percent change in jobs since 2007 from the EIA.

Keep in mind that these are the industries that the "science-believing" Liberals want to see dead and buried. These are the industries that Obama wants to tax to the tune of over $40 billion. They are denied export licenses, denied access to productive land, denied infrastructure...

Not to mention they are denied access to the Keystone Pipeline project. This project would create thousands of well paying jobs.

Keystone XL and other pipeline projects like it create thousands of direct construction jobs for welders, mechanics, electricians, pipefitters, laborers, safety coordinators and heavy equipment operators, but the true economic impacts are far more widespread. The real job-creation potential exists in the tens of thousands of jobs that would be supported throughout the supply chain—jobs for the manufacturers that make the steel pipe and the thousands of fittings, valves, pumps and control and safety devices required for a major oil pipeline.

Patterson Pump Company manufactures safety equipment that would secure the almost 12,000 miles of pipeline waiting to be built. Its Toccoa, Ga.–based facility is the largest private employer in the town. Patterson’s production line is only one part of a much longer supply chain that includes the companies that make component parts for the equipment and the transportation networks that deliver the parts and the finished products. For Patterson Pump and the dozens of other manufacturers in the supply chain, Keystone equals jobs for decades to come.

Baltimore-based Ellicott Dredges manufactures equipment used to recycle the water used in the mining process and to restore the landscape as the producers have committed to do. Ellicott also spends millions on a U.S. vendor base for fabrications and pumps and castings. It is not unusual for 20 percent of the company’s 200 U.S. employees to be working on oil sands–related projects at a given time. That number would only grow under a green-lit Keystone.

Even President Obama’s own administration recognizes Keystone’s positive jobs impact. The final State Department review found that the pipeline would create upward of 42,000 jobs during the construction period alone, and it would do so without a significant environmental impact, according to the State Department’s report. Economists, meanwhile, have found that the pipeline would create 20,000 manufacturing and construction jobs and an additional 118,000 spin-off jobs. There is no lack of evidence to justify Keystone’s capacity to fuel job creation, as President Obama claimed last year. Our companies’ jobs would count among those 42,000—real names and faces to us.

The Keystone Pipeline Would Create Thousands Of Jobs - Forbes

And here's the thing about that.

There was no guarantees baked into the legislation.

The government was just supposed to steamroll over people's lands with a product produced by a foreign company to be sold to foreigners.


There was no real DR plan in the legislation.

There was also absolutely no horse trading with the President.

This was essentially "My Way or the Highway" legislation.

Why would anyone want to pass anything so preposterous?
The government would need to compensate land owners for any private land that would be used by Keystone. When we look at the jobs impact I think it would be well worth the risk.

The final State Department review found that the pipeline would create upward of 42,000 jobs during the construction period alone, and it would do so without a significant environmental impact, according to the State Department’s report. Economists, meanwhile, have found that the pipeline would create 20,000 manufacturing and construction jobs and an additional 118,000 spin-off jobs.

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