2nd Impeachment? House counsel suggests Trump could be impeached again

WTF? Another impeachment? We are now entering the Twilight zone:

House counsel suggests Trump could be impeached again

"The House is open to the prospect of impeaching President Donald Trump a second time, lawyers for the Judiciary Committee said Monday.
House Counsel Douglas Letter said in a filing in federal court that a second impeachment could be necessary if the House uncovers new evidence that Trump attempted to obstruct investigations of his conduct. Letter made the argument as part of an inquiry by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals about whether Democrats still need testimony from former White House Counsel Don McGahn following the votes last week to charge Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
"If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly—including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment," Letter wrote."

After the 2020 election, there won't be enough demodumbasses left in Congress to do jack shit.

So when the country goes to shit it’ll be all your fault and you’ll never win another election.


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The country was going to shit until Trump pulled us back from the brink and saved us from shitforbrains assholes like yourself. Trouble is there are just too many demodumbasses in California to save it from itself so I guess they'll eventually bury themselves in shit and die of suffocation.
WTF? Another impeachment? We are now entering the Twilight zone:

House counsel suggests Trump could be impeached again

"The House is open to the prospect of impeaching President Donald Trump a second time, lawyers for the Judiciary Committee said Monday.
House Counsel Douglas Letter said in a filing in federal court that a second impeachment could be necessary if the House uncovers new evidence that Trump attempted to obstruct investigations of his conduct. Letter made the argument as part of an inquiry by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals about whether Democrats still need testimony from former White House Counsel Don McGahn following the votes last week to charge Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
"If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly—including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment," Letter wrote."

After the 2020 election, there won't be enough demodumbasses left in Congress to do jack shit.

So when the country goes to shit it’ll be all your fault and you’ll never win another election.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The country was going to shit until Trump pulled us back from the brink and saved us from shitforbrains assholes like yourself. Trouble is there are just too many demodumbasses in California to save it from itself so I guess they'll eventually bury themselves in shit and die of suffocation.

Peak Trump cultism
"Right now I’m on a Christmas light tour in a very conservative southern city. The tour guide just mentioned Trump getting impeached, everyone applauded. Including the kids." - Sassy Scott Dworkin
so if new intel or docs or factual witness' testify that donny is knee deep in putin's shit, he should get a pass because of the current shit he is knee deep in?
The appearance of partisan piling-on--is not a good one for the Democrats..IMO. You are risking overloading the public and turning them against the left. Offend their sense of fair play at your own risk.

Not that I would second-guess your sense of where "the public" stands at the time, but... Assume they got Al Capone because of his taxes, and, during that trial, found evidence justifying a murder charge: Would you say that charge should not be brought forward, you know, because fairness?

I'd say, frivolously to appeal Judge Jackson's compelling judgment McGahn must testify alone should be reason to impeach the bastard, and reason enough to assume the obstruction of justice by Trump ordering McGahn to falsify public records to be proven.

So, actually I don't give a rat's posterior on some misguided "sense of fair play" by parts of the population in thrall of their Dear Leader, who can't do no wrong anyway. Based on the available record of obstruction (as compiled by Mueller) in conjunction with the still ongoing cover-up, they should add another article to the list. It's like house cleaning, and those stables are filthy, indeed.
Well..that's a nice analogy--however I don't think it accurately represents the reality of impeachment. Impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, as you know, it is a political affair. Since anyone with half a brain knows that the articles are DOA in the Senate, one must reflect on just what the motives of the Democratic leadership are?
As I have said before, I think this is just one long campaign ad. By refusing..or delaying..the formal presentation of the Articles to the Senate, Pelosi and company have grabbed the news cycle--and I think that is the prime motive for all these machinations.
Impeach him once, twice..hell..go for three times..it will make no difference to the Senate..if Pelosi even intends to actually present the articles at all.
The longer she delays, the more the process descends into farce. A lot of people are getting tired of the unrelenting droning of facts...I don't see it making a lot difference..or changing a lot of minds..at this juncture.

You see...I think you are hung up on Trump's guilt---and not giving enough credence to the clear fact that his guilt is irrelevant...to the Senate. This delay has only served to harden their stance..and empower them.
I think Trump is as crooked as a dog's hind leg...but most of the country knows that...and they seem resigned to it. Times are good for many right now...and for many...the whole impeachment thing is sliding into irrelevance. A Senate trial..with the high drama that entails, could recapture their attention...but Pelosi knows that once she presents the articles..she is irrelevant--thus the delay.
Well..that's a nice analogy--however I don't think it accurately represents the reality of impeachment. Impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, as you know, it is a political affair. Since anyone with half a brain knows that the articles are DOA in the Senate, one must reflect on just what the motives of the Democratic leadership are?
As I have said before, I think this is just one long campaign ad. By refusing..or delaying..the formal presentation of the Articles to the Senate, Pelosi and company have grabbed the news cycle--and I think that is the prime motive for all these machinations.
Impeach him once, twice..hell..go for three times..it will make no difference to the Senate..if Pelosi even intends to actually present the articles at all.
The longer she delays, the more the process descends into farce. A lot of people are getting tired of the unrelenting droning of facts...I don't see it making a lot difference..or changing a lot of minds..at this juncture.

You see...I think you are hung up on Trump's guilt---and not giving enough credence to the clear fact that his guilt is irrelevant...to the Senate. This delay has only served to harden their stance..and empower them.
I think Trump is as crooked as a dog's hind leg...but most of the country knows that...and they seem resigned to it. Times are good for many right now...and for many...the whole impeachment thing is sliding into irrelevance. A Senate trial..with the high drama that entails, could recapture their attention...but Pelosi knows that once she presents the articles..she is irrelevant--thus the delay.

I know Trump's guilt is irrelevant to the majority of the Senate, Eye, I really, really have no doubt they will acquit. The process how they get there is what this fight is about at the time, and that fight entirely legit. What Pelosi is doing is to put some Senators in tough races on the spot, into the spotlight. Are they going to support a trial as envisioned by the Founders, including calling eminently important witnesses, or are they going to appear complicit with a crook who maintains he has exculpatory evidence but wouldn't even show it in a friendly-to-him environment, such as the Senate? That's the question Pelosi now puts to these Senators, and to that crook, McConnell, in particular, who is himself in a re-election fight that looks more complicated every day he his dithering, insulting, or lying on behalf of Trump.

Pelosi will present the Articles of Impeachment, and before long, that is, not long after the recess, when the rules of the game are known. She said so, and unless there are marked changes justifying a different course, she'll do exactly as she said. Otherwise, it'll look like a farce, and I am confident she knows it (probably better than the two of us combined).

I wholly reject the notion Pelosi withholds the Articles to appear relevant; if that were her aim, she would have started impeachment proceedings in 2017, after Comey's firing, and she wouldn't be done writing Articles right now. That's not what she did, and that's clearly not her aim.

I also note, I know it's not a criminal trial. If it were, all the witnesses Trump muffled would have appeared, in handcuffs if need be, and testified, and all the documents would have been produced, and Trump would be heading for the slammer, shortly. It is, however, an analog, however imperfect, to a trial, allowing politics to form the outcome. That doesn't mean we cannot apply criteria - like "due process", or making available witnesses with pertinent knowledge, along with evidentiary standards and trial logic - to judge the proceedings. I find, Pelosi plays this artfully to make Trump and his henchmen in the Senate and the White House, and their dodging and stalling, as dirty they are, and as dirty as it is - at least so far. We'll have to wait and see whether she overplays what she's been dealt. Trump couldn't have made a worse choice picking a person with whom to start a fight. And his insulting, lying, flailing six-page letter on the day before the impeachment vote demonstrates it.
WTF? Another impeachment? We are now entering the Twilight zone:

House counsel suggests Trump could be impeached again

"The House is open to the prospect of impeaching President Donald Trump a second time, lawyers for the Judiciary Committee said Monday.
House Counsel Douglas Letter said in a filing in federal court that a second impeachment could be necessary if the House uncovers new evidence that Trump attempted to obstruct investigations of his conduct. Letter made the argument as part of an inquiry by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals about whether Democrats still need testimony from former White House Counsel Don McGahn following the votes last week to charge Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
"If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly—including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment," Letter wrote."
With new evidence comes new crimes.
Just more games by the scum crybabies.
New crimes by the most criminal president in history.
Bullshit lies by scum demopussies.
WTF? Another impeachment? We are now entering the Twilight zone:

House counsel suggests Trump could be impeached again

"The House is open to the prospect of impeaching President Donald Trump a second time, lawyers for the Judiciary Committee said Monday.
House Counsel Douglas Letter said in a filing in federal court that a second impeachment could be necessary if the House uncovers new evidence that Trump attempted to obstruct investigations of his conduct. Letter made the argument as part of an inquiry by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals about whether Democrats still need testimony from former White House Counsel Don McGahn following the votes last week to charge Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
"If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly—including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment," Letter wrote."

TDS on steroids.

You can't write this stuff.
You see...I think you are hung up on Trump's guilt---and not giving enough credence to the clear fact that his guilt is irrelevant...to the Senate. This delay has only served to harden their stance..and empower them.
I think Trump is as crooked as a dog's hind leg...but most of the country knows that...and they seem resigned to it. Times are good for many right now...and for many...the whole impeachment thing is sliding into irrelevance. A Senate trial..with the high drama that entails, could recapture their attention...but Pelosi knows that once she presents the articles..she is irrelevant--thus the delay.

As long and as hard as the Democrats have been trying to get Trump on something, anything, if he were really that crooked, they'd have come up with something substantial to charge him with. Something much more legally-solid, and much more damning than the bullshit on which they finally passed articles of Impeachment. When Clinton was impeached, they actually came up with one, clear, solidly-established instance of unquestionably-illegal behavior on his part, albeit a relatively minor crime. Clinton wasn't removed from office, but for the clear instance of perjury in which he was caught, he was disbarred.

I just now found and read through the articles of impeachment that they just passed against Trump. Now, admittedly, I'm no lawyer, but it looks like bullshit to me.

The first charge amounts to a convoluted conspiracy theory, that's already been pretty solidly debunked. They're calling it “Abuse of Power”. That's ironic, right there, all that farcical kangaroo court bullshit on the part of the Democrats, to railroad the President for alleged “Abuse of Power”. Just goes to show their lack of self-awareness, along with their corruption and their proclivity to abuse their own powers.

The other charge is “Obstruction of Congress”, for refusing to play along with their illegal fishing expeditions against him and his associates.

I would have to say, that neither of these charges would be likely to stand up in a normal court of law, nor do I think they would have any chance in standing up in a Senate trial. I'm pretty sure that Congresscriminal Pelosi knows this, and nearly all the other Democrats in the House know this, and that this is why they are unwilling to pass this along to the Senate for trial. It's been speculated that Congresscriminal Pelosi may be hoping for a more favorable Senate after the next election cycle; if so, then she must be delusional. Even if, somehow, the Democrats gain a majority in the Senate, there is still no way in Hell that they are going to get 66 Senators who would vote to convict Trump on such flimsy charges, any time between now, and the end of Trump's second term in 2024, and probably not in the lifetime of anyone now living. I think I can say with absolute certainly that President Trump will not be removed from office based on these charges. And with this absurd cry of “Wolf!”, the House Democrats have assured that even if they did later find some more solid charges to bring against Trump, and pass another set of articles of impeachment based on such charges, they will not be taken seriously.
Amazing. Trump is trying to use the fact that he has made so many enemies by ignoring the rule of law as an excuse for him to ignore the rule of law. His dumb ass supporters fall for that crap.

No one is above the law! *

* Except Democratic "lawmakers" who twist or rewrite the laws for their own political gain.
so if new intel or docs or factual witness' testify that donny is knee deep in putin's shit, he should get a pass because of the current shit he is knee deep in?
The appearance of partisan piling-on--is not a good one for the Democrats..IMO. You are risking overloading the public and turning them against the left. Offend their sense of fair play at your own risk.

the request for don mcghan's testimony came 8 months ago & donny refused to comply. & it has been publicly mentioned that the 'obstruction of congress' might encompass mueller to demonstrate a pattern.

Top House Democrat wants Mueller findings in impeachment articles against Trump
By Emma Dumain
December 03, 2019 08:47 PM

Mueller evidence likely to be included in articles of impeachment
Details may be used to show pattern of obstruction
Mueller evidence likely to be included in articles of impeachment

By:Manu Raju and Jeremy Herb, CNN
Posted: Dec 06, 2019 01:02 AM CST
Updated: Dec 06, 2019 07:58 AM CST
Proving they are just butthurt is so hilarious.

still peddling that old 'reason', huh? lol.............. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket..................... keep going with that.
I recommend this. The Democrats should do NOTHING but impeach Trump until election day 2020

Americans will LOVE this. Really. Trust us
Man, I hope like Hell that the Dems lose their House majority next November, cuz they ain't going to stop digging to find anything they can use to de-legitimize Trump if he gets re-elected. I guess they can pretty much do what they want, impeach Trump a 2nd time or amend the 1st impeachment to include another charge(s), but it doesn't look like they're going to just let it go. I kinda doubt they'll get the courts to force McGhan or anyone else to testify, and it's doubtful IMHO that even if they did would any of them provide any dirt of Trump? They don't have to lie, they can just say "I don't remember" or "on the advice of counsel I respectfully decline to answer". All they're doing is making themselves look even worse than they already do. The far left wing of the Dem Party has them by the balls, apparently. And it's going to cost them.

just like 2018 - the house flipped for 2 reasons.

going after trump & healthcare. that will be the top issues AGAIN for 2020. the more info comes out, whether it's thru FOI or leaks - there will be more demand for witness' to testify. & the ACA is in the courts right now with even more to lose that pre existing conditions.
Man, I hope like Hell that the Dems lose their House majority next November, cuz they ain't going to stop digging to find anything they can use to de-legitimize Trump if he gets re-elected. I guess they can pretty much do what they want, impeach Trump a 2nd time or amend the 1st impeachment to include another charge(s), but it doesn't look like they're going to just let it go. I kinda doubt they'll get the courts to force McGhan or anyone else to testify, and it's doubtful IMHO that even if they did would any of them provide any dirt of Trump? They don't have to lie, they can just say "I don't remember" or "on the advice of counsel I respectfully decline to answer". All they're doing is making themselves look even worse than they already do. The far left wing of the Dem Party has them by the balls, apparently. And it's going to cost them.

just like 2018 - the house flipped for 2 reasons.

going after trump & healthcare. that will be the top issues AGAIN for 2020. the more info comes out, whether it's thru FOI or leaks - there will be more demand for witness' to testify. & the ACA is in the courts right now with even more to lose that pre existing conditions.

oh no sweetheart you all decided to make IMPEACHMENT a top issue.

Now we gonna be happy to watch you eat that crap sandwich one miserable bite at a time
WTF? Another impeachment? We are now entering the Twilight zone:

House counsel suggests Trump could be impeached again

"The House is open to the prospect of impeaching President Donald Trump a second time, lawyers for the Judiciary Committee said Monday.
House Counsel Douglas Letter said in a filing in federal court that a second impeachment could be necessary if the House uncovers new evidence that Trump attempted to obstruct investigations of his conduct. Letter made the argument as part of an inquiry by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals about whether Democrats still need testimony from former White House Counsel Don McGahn following the votes last week to charge Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
"If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly—including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment," Letter wrote."

All the court said is McGahn has to show up, nothing says he can't still claim executive privilege and not answer questions.


EP wasn't extended when he talked to mueller. you can't retroactively impose it & that is the crux. nor can you claim it when a crime was committed.
so if new intel or docs or factual witness' testify that donny is knee deep in putin's shit, he should get a pass because of the current shit he is knee deep in?
The appearance of partisan piling-on--is not a good one for the Democrats..IMO. You are risking overloading the public and turning them against the left. Offend their sense of fair play at your own risk.

the request for don mcghan's testimony came 8 months ago & donny refused to comply. & it has been publicly mentioned that the 'obstruction of congress' might encompass mueller to demonstrate a pattern.

Top House Democrat wants Mueller findings in impeachment articles against Trump
By Emma Dumain
December 03, 2019 08:47 PM

Mueller evidence likely to be included in articles of impeachment
Details may be used to show pattern of obstruction
Mueller evidence likely to be included in articles of impeachment

By:Manu Raju and Jeremy Herb, CNN
Posted: Dec 06, 2019 01:02 AM CST
Updated: Dec 06, 2019 07:58 AM CST

Yet that didn't happen, did it?


who knows? donny obstructed it all via barr.
um, no. there was no impeachment inquiry or trial regarding mueller's investigation.

If there was anything there, then they should and would have included it in the first impeachment.

The very idea of holding back charges from the first impeachment, so that they can be used as a basis for subsequent impeachments when the first fails, pretty much proves what everyone already knows—that this was never about any legitimate legal complaints against the President, but merely an abuse of the process for the purpose of harassing and undermining him.

no dummy - they wanted mcghan 8 months ago - only NOW is it possible because they went to the courts & finally got a ruling in their favor. but you are saying that now isn't a good time? oh well, homey don't play that.

Yet, it's still in court. Go figure.


why would that be little kitty? cause donny is appealing it. my my my.... that really makes him look innocent............................. oh did i say innocent? lol...

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