3 - 5 million illegal votes! Outrageous! Investigate!

I want BOTH sides to listen very carefully to a FACT.. I CHECKED the Cal secstate website for DAYS following the election to see the status of their counting. 2 days AFTER the election, there were 1.5 MILLION provisional ballots to be cleared !!!! Provisional ballots are issued to folks who are UNKNOWN to the registration officials at a particular polling site.

When I checked when the count was about to close -- there were STILL 900,000 provisional ballots left "uncleared". LIKELY the BULK of those will NEVER be investigated or cleared. Now when a state leaves that many PROVISIONALS on the floor or even ACCUMULATES that number of unknown voters, there is something sketchy and hinky going on and needs to be investigated. NOT -------- a partisan issue.

If just 10% are INELIGIBLE voters -- who violated Fed election law by attempting to vote in multiple places or without the proper qualifications -- that's a massive issue.

And rather than just closing your eyes and counting on those 900,000 attempts to vote to GO AWAY...
Wouldn't you LIKE somebody to figure out why ANY STATE has 1.5MILLION unknown voters? The system is broke. In the haste to make it painless and easy to vote -- we've TOTALLY SKIPPED the requirement for folks to properly register. It's at TIME OF REGISTRATION, that all this should be settled. NOT on election day. You should be able to show up AT YOUR poll and waltz in with a bathing suit and sign your name. IF you are properly registered. NO ID required. Because in a competent system that is NOT govt run -- the nice old folks at the table would have a picture come up to identify you and all the REGISTRATION DATA IN FRONT OF THEM.

SCREW Folks who are too lazy to go sign up to vote in a timely manner..

You have no idea what you're talking about. The number one reason people vote provisionally is because they are Vote by Mail voters that did not have their ballot to surrender. Those provisionals are counted if the voter has not already cast their VBM ballot. Number two are voters not registered. Those ballots are not counted. Third are voters that moved within county but didn't update their address. Those are counted and the address updated.

Work at an election office next election.

I highly doubt the majority were turned down because the white haired lady at the polling place told them they already voted by mail. They were ALLOWED to vote. If there's misrepresentation in their act --- they are criminals. If you voted by mail and missed the deadline to refile --- tough shit. Don't show at the polls.

SHOW me the percentage of the provisionals that were handed out by poll workers who had no clue if this person had sent in a VBM ballot.
I want BOTH sides to listen very carefully to a FACT.. I CHECKED the Cal secstate website for DAYS following the election to see the status of their counting. 2 days AFTER the election, there were 1.5 MILLION provisional ballots to be cleared !!!! Provisional ballots are issued to folks who are UNKNOWN to the registration officials at a particular polling site.

When I checked when the count was about to close -- there were STILL 900,000 provisional ballots left "uncleared". LIKELY the BULK of those will NEVER be investigated or cleared. Now when a state leaves that many PROVISIONALS on the floor or even ACCUMULATES that number of unknown voters, there is something sketchy and hinky going on and needs to be investigated. NOT -------- a partisan issue.

If just 10% are INELIGIBLE voters -- who violated Fed election law by attempting to vote in multiple places or without the proper qualifications -- that's a massive issue.

And rather than just closing your eyes and counting on those 900,000 attempts to vote to GO AWAY...
Wouldn't you LIKE somebody to figure out why ANY STATE has 1.5MILLION unknown voters? The system is broke. In the haste to make it painless and easy to vote -- we've TOTALLY SKIPPED the requirement for folks to properly register. It's at TIME OF REGISTRATION, that all this should be settled. NOT on election day. You should be able to show up AT YOUR poll and waltz in with a bathing suit and sign your name. IF you are properly registered. NO ID required. Because in a competent system that is NOT govt run -- the nice old folks at the table would have a picture come up to identify you and all the REGISTRATION DATA IN FRONT OF THEM.

SCREW Folks who are too lazy to go sign up to vote in a timely manner..
In an election in which the number of uncleared ballots can not possibly alter the outcome, it seems unreasonable for the state to spend a great deal of time and money on this issue.

The most common reason for issuing provisional ballots is purged voter rolls. In the 2012 election, 44% of provisional ballots were determined to be the result of purging.

Since there is current no sure way to tell if a voter has died, left the country, or taken up resident in another state, county, or city, rolls are periodically purged of voters who have not voted in a number of year. Then grandpa who hasn't voted in 20 years show up at the polls to vote and he's not on the rolls. So he casts a provisional ballot which is not counted till it is cleared. The process can be time consuming and the voter has the right to appeal.

Remember what I said about govt doing a crappy job of their most important duty?? Well, there it is in your list of excuses for this mountain of provisional ballots. If Grandpa has not VOTED in 20 years, why doesn't the registrar send out inquiries to voters every year -- after they haven't SHOWED UP for 8 years or so? No excuse for the sloppiness, inaccuracy, and stone age techniques used in guaranteeing fair elections and ballot access....

Why don't they share "change of address" notices with the post office and send inquiries? This is something AMAZON can handle. They can follow you around the world and know everything you've bought for crying out load.

I asked you to provide me at least 5 examples (not millions) of illegal votings but you decided to take cover.

Oh, where did you do that? Message #?

Sorry buddy. You are lying. Your link was blasted in this forum many many times. Yes it does automatically register me to vote as American citizen but there are process before you are eligible to vote. It doesn't work the way you posted it.

My link was blasted?

I must have missed that.

You assumed that DMV employees like illegals, or are not sick of illegals or all democrats or support illegals. Did any of these DMV employees came out even anonymously saying illegals were registered to vote? NONE. Are you aware that these DMV system/processes are subject to verification or audited? Are you aware that FEC was also involved and approving this system/processes to make sure that there are no conspiracy? Apparently you don't know anything.
Let say an illegals apply for DL. They ask a question are you an AC yes or no? Yes....... provide proof then verification. The system doesn't automatically registered ALL eligible to vote.

I note that democrats are little more than criminals who relish in election fraud and think it is a sacred right.

As for illegals voting;

According to election observers in California, ICE agents arrived at one polling location in Los Angeles County around 10:30 AM PST Tuesday morning after election officials caught a group of 7 illegal immigrants attempting to cast votes. The officials were initially going to allow the men to cast provisional ballots, but a court-appointed Republican election observer asked officials to take another look.

After further review it was determined that two of the men were not only illegal immigrants, but they were also wanted on separate federal warrants.

ICE agents arrested the fraudulent voters, but it is unclear exactly where they are being detained.

In Broward County, Florida, at least 18 arrests have been made.

“I was standing in line to vote when a bunch of guys in black ICE jackets walked several men out of the polling place in handcuffs,” one voter told CTN.

CTN is learning that similar arrests have been made in North Carolina, New Mexico, and Colorado.}

BREAKING : Over 40 Illegals Arrested For Trying to Vote in California ⋆ Freedom Daily

See my post #75 that you decided to take cover.
Yes your first link was debunked a link time ago as worthless. And I already explained why it's nothing more than a crap.

Your new link above. This is a very big news of illegal votings. Tell me why is it coming from unknown news media? Why there are no well known news media that corroborated this nonsense? Why there are no names of these illegals that was arrested? Since when an ICE wonder around voting places? Since when an ICE need a republican or any one to verify any illegals? Since when an illegals or criminals stay put and get arrested? Normally they run for their lives. Isn't it?
There are lots of other inconsistencies of your link. But read your link again and tell me what other misinformation they printed. I will give you a chance to prove the truthfulness of your link.

OBVIOUSLY low uninformed people you believed everything.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

It's a lie. Something to keep people from wanting to look at his tax returns and his close ties to Russia. The Russian Poodle isn't that stupid.

Obviously you are tough talking/thinking American. Oh............... I'm going to walk in there and vote. Sorry amigo most Illegals don't think that way. They need more than a sombrero to pull this kind of stupidity.

With the massive massive huge crowds that supports Trump during his rallies ONLY 65+ voted for this guy. All polls I man ALL polls indicate Trump will not win..................... Die hard supporters like you by the millions are very scared that Trump will lose............. Am I right or wrong?
So by analyzing your post and how tough you are......... Is that mean.... ...... did you vote twice or more illegally?

You're babbling. Not that there is much sense to any of your posts, but your idiocy about "tough" has no relation to any conversation and is a figment of your mental illness.

Trump won, you're butthurt, end of story.

You Soros Soldiers keep spewing this idiocy of "3 million votes" as if it has meaning. The sane and rational among us note that we elect through an electoral college. One of the many reasons we do so it to keep a single state like California from engaging in massive voter fraud and corrupting the election process.

Mexican support for democrats is a direct quid pro quo. Mexican nationals vote for democrats, and democrats open the border. Mexican nationals vote for democrats, and democrats give illegal drivers licenses. Mexican nationals vote for democrats, and democrats expand medical to illegals.

Yes Trump won the election no question but to say millions of illegals voted. That's nonsense.

Instead of keep going around and around. Do you mind answering some of my questions.

DL was issued for several reasons that people like you will never understand the benefits. So it's even worthless to debate that part of the subject.
What made you think people like me support criminality?
You assumed that we there are no GOPs law makers in California. You assumed that all GOPs are not nothing but worthless & ignorant in California. You assumed that there are no republicans that monitored these polling places.
1. Name me any republicans officials that say...... illegals has voted in California.
2. Name me one republicans that monitored these polling places that illegals has voted.
3. Give me one illegals that has registered to vote.

Dude get real.
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Voter registrations are not anonymous retard. Nor is the record of who voted and who didn't.

Oh look, a straw man,. How clever.

All we don't have is WHO each voter voted for,

Good thing, otherwise you democrats would be assaulting the children of those who voted against your gang.

but that hasn't stopped you from making up a story that three to five million illegals voted for Clinton, now has it. Even though you just said yourself we don't have that data.

Look Comrade, you support election fraud. You view it as the sacred right of your party. Trump correctly called you crooks on the election fraud you promote and perpetrate.

I get it, you want power for the foreign billionaire you serve, and you will do ANYTHING to get that power. I simply am pointing out the fact that you are engaging in and promoting election fraud. Motor voter is designed to register non-citizens.

You just don't have much going on upstairs, do you.

If I didn't, I'd be a Soros sheep like you, selling our soveriegnty to a foreign thug, like you are.

It would be impossible for three to five million illegal darkies to register to vote,

Darkies? You are an ignorant shit, along with being a vile racist

and then vote, all completely undetected. That you think it is possible shows everyone just how deep your credulousness and willful stupidity go.

Nor do you have a shred of integrity, which is why you keep repeating what you know to be a lie.

Err. Excuse me. It's why you keep repeating "alternate facts". :lol:

You're far too stupid and dishonest to have any sort of rational discussion with, a cross between rdean and bodecea, but less intelligent.

Motor voter registers foreign nationals - fact. You oppose ANY common sense control, such as ID - fact. You are a partisan leftist hack - fact. You're dumb as a brick - fact.

Combine all of these and you have zero credibility with anyone rational. You're just a leftist loon spewing ThinkProgress idiocy.
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Coming from Trump must be true. Any proof you can provide there buddy?

Okay the third lib in a row to ask, do you people live under a rock? Its not my job to educate ignorant liberals good grief you people are uninformed.

I'm not asking to educate me. I was just asking to back up your false claim. Why is that so hard?

What is your basis for saying my claim is false? So if you are not informed about something its false or doesn't exist lol the liberal brain is weird.

Well any proof you can provide will be nice señor.

Proof that you can ignore again?

According to election observers in California, ICE agents arrived at one polling location in Los Angeles County around 10:30 AM PST Tuesday morning after election officials caught a group of 7 illegal immigrants attempting to cast votes. The officials were initially going to allow the men to cast provisional ballots, but a court-appointed Republican election observer asked officials to take another look.

After further review it was determined that two of the men were not only illegal immigrants, but they were also wanted on separate federal warrants.

ICE agents arrested the fraudulent voters, but it is unclear exactly where they are being detained.

In Broward County, Florida, at least 18 arrests have been made.

“I was standing in line to vote when a bunch of guys in black ICE jackets walked several men out of the polling place in handcuffs,” one voter told CTN.

CTN is learning that similar arrests have been made in North Carolina, New Mexico, and Colorado.}

BREAKING : Over 40 Illegals Arrested For Trying to Vote in California ⋆ Freedom Daily

That's proof, sploogy.

I already answered this post which is nothing but non sense. But I will let you try again.
OK, I confess. It was me. I should have known that i would be found out sooner or later. I committed voter fraud. I voted for Trump 3,174,903 times. I'm so ashamed....

I live in here in California and I can tell you that you are lying.


If you live in California, you know full well that Mexican nationals vote in our elections. You might be willing to lie, but you know it anyway.

Well so far you have not proven anything to us yet. No I don't know nor aware that illegals voted in California....... but I'm waiting for you to prove that. Still waiting.

Yes Trump won the election no question but to say millions of illegals voted. That's nonsense.

You misspelled "fact" sparky.

Instead of keep going around and around. Do you mind answering some of my questions.

DL was issued for several reasons that people like you will never understand the benefits. So it's even worthless to debate that part of the subject.
What made you think people like me support criminality?
You assumed that we there are no GOPs law makers in California. You assumed that all GOPs are not nothing but worthless & ignorant in California. You assumed that there are no republicans that monitored these polling places.
1. Name me any republicans officials that say...... legals has voted in California.
2. Name me one republicans that monitored these polling places that illegals has voted.
3. Give me one illegals that has registered to vote.

Dude get real.

Son, I live in California. This is a 100% democrat controlled state, The major way the party wrested power away from the people is through the massive influx of illegals.

We didn't go from Dukmajian and Wilson to the current Estado Atzlan by magic. This involved MASSIVE fraud and corruption by the Mecha motherfuckers in Sacramento. This state has been invaded and occupied, with the collusion of the corrupt democrats who will sell their own mother for power.

And I'm done playing fetch, I gave you facts which you ignored and ran from.
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Okay the third lib in a row to ask, do you people live under a rock? Its not my job to educate ignorant liberals good grief you people are uninformed.

I'm not asking to educate me. I was just asking to back up your false claim. Why is that so hard?

What is your basis for saying my claim is false? So if you are not informed about something its false or doesn't exist lol the liberal brain is weird.

Well any proof you can provide will be nice señor.

Proof that you can ignore again?

According to election observers in California, ICE agents arrived at one polling location in Los Angeles County around 10:30 AM PST Tuesday morning after election officials caught a group of 7 illegal immigrants attempting to cast votes. The officials were initially going to allow the men to cast provisional ballots, but a court-appointed Republican election observer asked officials to take another look.

After further review it was determined that two of the men were not only illegal immigrants, but they were also wanted on separate federal warrants.

ICE agents arrested the fraudulent voters, but it is unclear exactly where they are being detained.

In Broward County, Florida, at least 18 arrests have been made.

“I was standing in line to vote when a bunch of guys in black ICE jackets walked several men out of the polling place in handcuffs,” one voter told CTN.

CTN is learning that similar arrests have been made in North Carolina, New Mexico, and Colorado.}

BREAKING : Over 40 Illegals Arrested For Trying to Vote in California ⋆ Freedom Daily

That's proof, sploogy.

I already answered this post which is nothing but non sense. But I will let you try again.

So, you lied that "not one illegal voted," when confronted that 40 were arrested for voting in one swoop, you say "nonsense." (Misspelling as "non sense".) You wanted proof, and you got it, then you ran of shrieking "NUHN UHN" as the dishonest little leftist turd that you are.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

LOL--Well this is Trump. Let's waste our time. Again, it's his Narcissist mental disorder coming into full light. He just can't get over the thought that he got his ass kicked in the popular vote by 3 MILLION.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

There isn't an illegal in this country that would be stupid to try and vote, only to get caught and deported. It would be considered a FELONY and reason for immediate deportation. It's the "here I am, come and get me moment."

Comrade Trump was in a meeting with congressional & Senate leaders the other day, and brought this up: Actually trying to convince them that he really won the popular vote because 3 to 5 million illegals voted. NANCY PELOSI walked out of that room with this look on her face, that she had just met someone crazier than herself. All of them had this pale look of disbelief on their faces.

This country has elected a maniac

They did catch a couple of Trump supporters trying to vote twice.
Officers: Trump supporter tried to vote twice in Fort Bend


Trump Supporter Who Tried To Vote Twice Also Pretty Racist - Iowa Starting Line


Yes Trump won the election no question but to say millions of illegals voted. That's nonsense.

You misspelled "fact" sparky.

Instead of keep going around and around. Do you mind answering some of my questions.

DL was issued for several reasons that people like you will never understand the benefits. So it's even worthless to debate that part of the subject.
What made you think people like me support criminality?
You assumed that we there are no GOPs law makers in California. You assumed that all GOPs are not nothing but worthless & ignorant in California. You assumed that there are no republicans that monitored these polling places.
1. Name me any republicans officials that say...... legals has voted in California.
2. Name me one republicans that monitored these polling places that illegals has voted.
3. Give me one illegals that has registered to vote.

Dude get real.

Son, I live in California. This is a 100% democrat controlled state, The major way the party wrested power away from the people is through the massive influx of illegals.

We didn't go from Dukmajian and Wilson to the current Estado Atzlan by magic. This involved MASSIVE fraud and corruption by the Mecha motherfuckers in Sacramento. This state has been invaded and occupied, with the collusion of the corrupt democrats who will sell their own money for power.

And I'm done playing fetch, I gave you facts which you ignored and ran from.

Suddenly you live in California. But you don't know anything senor. For crying out loud since when a republicans law makers don't have a voice in California?
Your facts are not even worth reading but I gave you a chance. I bet you ....... You cannot even give me a name of any republicans senators here in California.
It's okay buddy your can take a rest.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

Hey....moron......Trump keeps out foxing you morons.......the democrat journalists are now demanding an investigation...into voter fraud......and guess what.....Trump is going to investigate democrat voter fraud with his new Attorney General...Jim Sessions......

You guys keep thinking you are getting over on him.....and now your entire voter fraud apparatus is about to be exposed...

You guys are too stupid to vote....
I'm not asking to educate me. I was just asking to back up your false claim. Why is that so hard?

What is your basis for saying my claim is false? So if you are not informed about something its false or doesn't exist lol the liberal brain is weird.

Well any proof you can provide will be nice señor.

Proof that you can ignore again?

According to election observers in California, ICE agents arrived at one polling location in Los Angeles County around 10:30 AM PST Tuesday morning after election officials caught a group of 7 illegal immigrants attempting to cast votes. The officials were initially going to allow the men to cast provisional ballots, but a court-appointed Republican election observer asked officials to take another look.

After further review it was determined that two of the men were not only illegal immigrants, but they were also wanted on separate federal warrants.

ICE agents arrested the fraudulent voters, but it is unclear exactly where they are being detained.

In Broward County, Florida, at least 18 arrests have been made.

“I was standing in line to vote when a bunch of guys in black ICE jackets walked several men out of the polling place in handcuffs,” one voter told CTN.

CTN is learning that similar arrests have been made in North Carolina, New Mexico, and Colorado.}

BREAKING : Over 40 Illegals Arrested For Trying to Vote in California ⋆ Freedom Daily

That's proof, sploogy.

I already answered this post which is nothing but non sense. But I will let you try again.

So, you lied that "not one illegal voted," when confronted that 40 were arrested for voting in one swoop, you say "nonsense." (Misspelling as "non sense".) You wanted proof, and you got it, then you ran of shrieking "NUHN UHN" as the dishonest little leftist turd that you are.

NONSENSE. I already debunked you link as worthless. But I let you Give me another one that is credible.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

LOL--Well this is Trump. Let's waste our time. Again, it's his Narcissist mental disorder coming into full light. He just can't get over the thought that he got his ass kicked in the popular vote by 3 MILLION.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

There isn't an illegal in this country that would be stupid to try and vote, only to get caught and deported. It would be considered a FELONY and reason for immediate deportation. It's the "here I am, come and get me moment."

Comrade Trump was in a meeting with congressional & Senate leaders the other day, and brought this up: Actually trying to convince them that he really won the popular vote because 3 to 5 million illegals voted. NANCY PELOSI walked out of that room with this look on her face, that she just met someone crazier than herself. All of them had this pale look of disbelief on their faces.

This country has elected a maniac

They did catch a couple of Trump supporters trying to vote twice.
Officers: Trump supporter tried to vote twice in Fort Bend


Trump Supporter Who Tried To Vote Twice Also Pretty Racist - Iowa Starting Line


According to election observers in California, ICE agents arrived at one polling location in Los Angeles County around 10:30 AM PST Tuesday morning after election officials caught a group of 7 illegal immigrants attempting to cast votes. The officials were initially going to allow the men to cast provisional ballots, but a court-appointed Republican election observer asked officials to take another look.

After further review it was determined that two of the men were not only illegal immigrants, but they were also wanted on separate federal warrants.

ICE agents arrested the fraudulent voters, but it is unclear exactly where they are being detained.

In Broward County, Florida, at least 18 arrests have been made.

“I was standing in line to vote when a bunch of guys in black ICE jackets walked several men out of the polling place in handcuffs,” one voter told CTN.

CTN is learning that similar arrests have been made in North Carolina, New Mexico, and Colorado.}

BREAKING : Over 40 Illegals Arrested For Trying to Vote in California ⋆ Freedom Daily

The next time one of you Communists tell the truth will be the first time.
I want BOTH sides to listen very carefully to a FACT.. I CHECKED the Cal secstate website for DAYS following the election to see the status of their counting. 2 days AFTER the election, there were 1.5 MILLION provisional ballots to be cleared !!!! Provisional ballots are issued to folks who are UNKNOWN to the registration officials at a particular polling site.

When I checked when the count was about to close -- there were STILL 900,000 provisional ballots left "uncleared". LIKELY the BULK of those will NEVER be investigated or cleared. Now when a state leaves that many PROVISIONALS on the floor or even ACCUMULATES that number of unknown voters, there is something sketchy and hinky going on and needs to be investigated. NOT -------- a partisan issue.

If just 10% are INELIGIBLE voters -- who violated Fed election law by attempting to vote in multiple places or without the proper qualifications -- that's a massive issue.

And rather than just closing your eyes and counting on those 900,000 attempts to vote to GO AWAY...
Wouldn't you LIKE somebody to figure out why ANY STATE has 1.5MILLION unknown voters? The system is broke. In the haste to make it painless and easy to vote -- we've TOTALLY SKIPPED the requirement for folks to properly register. It's at TIME OF REGISTRATION, that all this should be settled. NOT on election day. You should be able to show up AT YOUR poll and waltz in with a bathing suit and sign your name. IF you are properly registered. NO ID required. Because in a competent system that is NOT govt run -- the nice old folks at the table would have a picture come up to identify you and all the REGISTRATION DATA IN FRONT OF THEM.

SCREW Folks who are too lazy to go sign up to vote in a timely manner..

You have no idea what you're talking about. The number one reason people vote provisionally is because they are Vote by Mail voters that did not have their ballot to surrender. Those provisionals are counted if the voter has not already cast their VBM ballot. Number two are voters not registered. Those ballots are not counted. Third are voters that moved within county but didn't update their address. Those are counted and the address updated.

Work at an election office next election.

I highly doubt the majority were turned down because the white haired lady at the polling place told them they already voted by mail. They were ALLOWED to vote. If there's misrepresentation in their act --- they are criminals. If you voted by mail and missed the deadline to refile --- tough shit. Don't show at the polls.

SHOW me the percentage of the provisionals that were handed out by poll workers who had no clue if this person had sent in a VBM ballot.

A voter who was mailed a ballot but lost or did not receive a ballot can get a provisional at the polling place on Election Day. If the voter did not mail in their ballot, their provisional is counted.

The poll worker doesn't have to know. They don't count the provisionals, the elections office does only AFTER all vote by mail and poll votes are accounted for.

You can watch the entire post election process at your registrars office. I HIGHLY recommend you do so.
Leftists lie, it's what they do. Leftists seek power through any means, lacking the integrity that drives normal people, democrats are unconstrained in the methods they will use to obtain power for the foreign billionaire that they blindly serve.

Here are some basic facts about the election fraud perpetrated by the democrats.

Combining the estimated numbers of both legal and illegal aliens, there appear to be at least 26 million non-U.S. citizens in the United States at any given time. The bulk of them are lawful permanent residents and illegal aliens (a total of 22 million). The balance consists of roughly 1.6 million tourists and other brief-stay visitors; and approximately 2.4 million long-term visa-holders, such as students and temporary workers.

Many politicians are taking firm stances on issues affecting migrants, including amnesty, entitlements and sanctuary city policies. This gives noncitizens a significant incentive to register as voters and cast a ballot. For example, in East Chicago, Indiana, a city with 30,000 residents, voting fraud was so systemic in 2003 that the State Supreme Court ordered a new election with heightened verification. When unlawful voters were prohibited from casting a ballot the outcome of the election changed.18

The problem is not unique to Indiana. A 2013 National Hispanic Survey study by Republican pollster John McLaughlin asked a sample of 800 likely Hispanic voters if they were American citizens. 13 percent admitted they were not.19

In 2014, a study released by a team of professors from Old Dominion University and George Mason University estimated that approximately 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted In the 2008 presidential election. They also surmised that 2.2 percent voted in the 2010 midterm election.20 In addition, the study estimated that 80 percent of noncitizens who appeared to have voted cast their ballots in favor of one party. Noncitizens are believed to have voted in these elections in numbers great enough to have affected the outcome.}

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections

Yes Trump won the election no question but to say millions of illegals voted. That's nonsense.

You misspelled "fact" sparky.

Instead of keep going around and around. Do you mind answering some of my questions.

DL was issued for several reasons that people like you will never understand the benefits. So it's even worthless to debate that part of the subject.
What made you think people like me support criminality?
You assumed that we there are no GOPs law makers in California. You assumed that all GOPs are not nothing but worthless & ignorant in California. You assumed that there are no republicans that monitored these polling places.
1. Name me any republicans officials that say...... legals has voted in California.
2. Name me one republicans that monitored these polling places that illegals has voted.
3. Give me one illegals that has registered to vote.

Dude get real.

Son, I live in California. This is a 100% democrat controlled state, The major way the party wrested power away from the people is through the massive influx of illegals.

We didn't go from Dukmajian and Wilson to the current Estado Atzlan by magic. This involved MASSIVE fraud and corruption by the Mecha motherfuckers in Sacramento. This state has been invaded and occupied, with the collusion of the corrupt democrats who will sell their own mother for power.

And I'm done playing fetch, I gave you facts which you ignored and ran from.

I don't give a fuck where you live. Common sense says that no illegal in this country, is going to risk getting caught and deported in order to cast a vote. That would be a Felony and reason for immediate deportation. They know that. It's the here I am, come and get me moment.



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