3 - 5 million illegal votes! Outrageous! Investigate!


Yes Trump won the election no question but to say millions of illegals voted. That's nonsense.

You misspelled "fact" sparky.

Instead of keep going around and around. Do you mind answering some of my questions.

DL was issued for several reasons that people like you will never understand the benefits. So it's even worthless to debate that part of the subject.
What made you think people like me support criminality?
You assumed that we there are no GOPs law makers in California. You assumed that all GOPs are not nothing but worthless & ignorant in California. You assumed that there are no republicans that monitored these polling places.
1. Name me any republicans officials that say...... legals has voted in California.
2. Name me one republicans that monitored these polling places that illegals has voted.
3. Give me one illegals that has registered to vote.

Dude get real.

Son, I live in California. This is a 100% democrat controlled state, The major way the party wrested power away from the people is through the massive influx of illegals.

We didn't go from Dukmajian and Wilson to the current Estado Atzlan by magic. This involved MASSIVE fraud and corruption by the Mecha motherfuckers in Sacramento. This state has been invaded and occupied, with the collusion of the corrupt democrats who will sell their own mother for power.

And I'm done playing fetch, I gave you facts which you ignored and ran from.

I don't give a fuck where you live. Common sense says that no illegal in this country, is going to risk getting caught and deported in order to cast a vote. That would be a Felony and reason for immediate deportation. They know that. It's the here I am, come and get me moment.


Agree. They risk their life to get here one last chance to improve their lives and their families. Now they risk of getting arrested then deported for illegal activity for one lousy stupid vote. Just imagine what will happen to their family if they get caught.
I cannot picture an illegal going to a polls ............. My name Pedro I like to vote.
What you say does make sense. Most of these people come from countries where they have zero trust in government and they didn't vote while they were there so why in the world are they going to risk going to jail and being deported to vote in a political system, they don't even understand.

Their wish list is simple, green cards so they don’t get deported, driver’s licenses so they can get to work, and the right to travel back to their home country to visit relatives. That’s it. No rallies, no jury duty, no voting, no PTA meetings, no cute little stickers announcing to the world: “I voted!”

It would take a real idiot that was an illegal to cast a vote. Their biggest concern is getting caught and deported. So that would be the very last thing they would attempt.

It's just all the BULLSHIT hype that Trump and Reich wing talk shows host have put out for the last many years. They have an audience that has absolutely no critical thinking skills of their own anymore. Everything that is spoonfed to them they never question. Tomorrow they'll turn on "Mr. Talent on loan from GAWWWDDD'D" and he'll confirm that 5 million illegals were voting, and by golly it's great we're spending all these Tax payer dollars to confirm it--LOL


I am certain Sean Hannity is on FOX New right now--talking about all the illegals that voted and that's why Comrade Trump didn't win the popular vote. They'll take the bait, swallow it hook, line and sinker, every single time. And they'll do it again.

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According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

And you know he is right.

I hope he DOES dig in here in the Peoples Republic. Jerry Brown being frog marched on Federal charges of election fraud is something I would dearly love.

The motor illegal voter bill ensures that illegals vote here. Brown belongs in Federal prison, good on Trump if he puts him there.

If anyone believes that Hillary got more votes in 2016 than Obama got in either 2008 or 2012 in California also would believe in rainbow farting unicorns.

She did dumbass. Hillary Clinton did win the Primary in California in 2008. In Fact, Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes, and no one was screaming about voter fraud, or stating that illegals voted and that's why he won. It appears that Democracy in this country is only questioned by Republicans, especially when you have elected one that was supported by a Tyrant, Putin, and had to have the help of FBI Director James Comey to win the election.
Results of the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries - Wikipedia
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According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

And you know he is right.

I hope he DOES dig in here in the Peoples Republic. Jerry Brown being frog marched on Federal charges of election fraud is something I would dearly love.

The motor illegal voter bill ensures that illegals vote here. Brown belongs in Federal prison, good on Trump if he puts him there.

If anyone believes that Hillary got more votes in 2016 than Obama got in either 2008 or 2012 in California also would believe in rainbow farting unicorns.

She did dumbass.
Results of the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries - Wikipedia

Illegal voting will do it every time nutbag.
You'll notice his link says "Critics predict"...

UC took that and made it a certainty.

UC has been proven wrong several times, but he chooses to continue to lie anyway.

In the tard brain, "might have", "could have", "if", and "wouldn't put it past 'em!" add up to irrefutable evidence. :lol:

But they just can't seem to find a single one of those three million slippery bastards.

To think these are the people who whine about "fake news". :lol:

The beauty of the election fraud that you Soros Soldiers engage in is that is is very difficult to track. Ballots are by design anonymous. (Otherwise you democrats would burn down the homes of those who voted against you, or break the legs of family members.) This means that once the ballot is cast, it is difficult to trace back.

You who defraud our election system on behalf of the foreign billionaire you serve, do so in the comfort that catching you will mean you have to be caught AS YOU DO IT. Of course election observers DO catch you crooks in the act, but this does little to stem the real problem. You crooked democrats have established systematic corruption. Corruption is built into the process in the Peoples Republic, which is WHY you fear Trump the way you do. An honest FEC will shut down the METHODS you use to pervert the election process on behalf of the foreign power you serve.
Voter registrations are not anonymous retard. Nor is the record of who voted and who didn't.

All we don't have is WHO each voter voted for, but that hasn't stopped you from making up a story that three to five million illegals voted for Clinton, now has it. Even though you just said yourself we don't have that data.

You just don't have much going on upstairs, do you.

It would be impossible for three to five million illegal darkies to register to vote, and then vote, all completely undetected. That you think it is possible shows everyone just how deep your credulousness and willful stupidity go.

Nor do you have a shred of integrity, which is why you keep repeating what you know to be a lie.

Err. Excuse me. It's why you keep repeating "alternate facts". :lol:

I guess we will find out when we have an investigation. As of now, I have no confidence that a state like California who turns their eye other way to keep violent prisoners from being deported, would have the desire to have any sort of investigation into who is voting properly or not.
I want BOTH sides to listen very carefully to a FACT.. I CHECKED the Cal secstate website for DAYS following the election to see the status of their counting. 2 days AFTER the election, there were 1.5 MILLION provisional ballots to be cleared !!!! Provisional ballots are issued to folks who are UNKNOWN to the registration officials at a particular polling site.

When I checked when the count was about to close -- there were STILL 900,000 provisional ballots left "uncleared". LIKELY the BULK of those will NEVER be investigated or cleared. Now when a state leaves that many PROVISIONALS on the floor or even ACCUMULATES that number of unknown voters, there is something sketchy and hinky going on and needs to be investigated. NOT -------- a partisan issue.

If just 10% are INELIGIBLE voters -- who violated Fed election law by attempting to vote in multiple places or without the proper qualifications -- that's a massive issue.

And rather than just closing your eyes and counting on those 900,000 attempts to vote to GO AWAY...
Wouldn't you LIKE somebody to figure out why ANY STATE has 1.5MILLION unknown voters? The system is broke. In the haste to make it painless and easy to vote -- we've TOTALLY SKIPPED the requirement for folks to properly register. It's at TIME OF REGISTRATION, that all this should be settled. NOT on election day. You should be able to show up AT YOUR poll and waltz in with a bathing suit and sign your name. IF you are properly registered. NO ID required. Because in a competent system that is NOT govt run -- the nice old folks at the table would have a picture come up to identify you and all the REGISTRATION DATA IN FRONT OF THEM.

SCREW Folks who are too lazy to go sign up to vote in a timely manner..

You have no idea what you're talking about. The number one reason people vote provisionally is because they are Vote by Mail voters that did not have their ballot to surrender. Those provisionals are counted if the voter has not already cast their VBM ballot. Number two are voters not registered. Those ballots are not counted. Third are voters that moved within county but didn't update their address. Those are counted and the address updated.

Work at an election office next election.

I highly doubt the majority were turned down because the white haired lady at the polling place told them they already voted by mail. They were ALLOWED to vote. If there's misrepresentation in their act --- they are criminals. If you voted by mail and missed the deadline to refile --- tough shit. Don't show at the polls.

SHOW me the percentage of the provisionals that were handed out by poll workers who had no clue if this person had sent in a VBM ballot.

A voter who was mailed a ballot but lost or did not receive a ballot can get a provisional at the polling place on Election Day. If the voter did not mail in their ballot, their provisional is counted.

The poll worker doesn't have to know. They don't count the provisionals, the elections office does only AFTER all vote by mail and poll votes are accounted for.

You can watch the entire post election process at your registrars office. I HIGHLY recommend you do so.

I found it impossible to believe that 1/3 of the VBMail ballots were lost or were not presented at the polling places. And I further know that from past history 10 to 20% of provisionals in California were rejected as UNKNOWN, and UNREGISTERED voters. So 15% of 1.5 million provisionals is 225,000 Californian voters that ATTEMPTED to vote -- but were rejected because they were NOT ELIGIBLE.. That's fraud.

The process is BUSTED. Fraud and incompetence and CONFUSION need to be investigated. Ask the Bernie voters in the primaries how they were SWITCHED to provisionals when they never REQUESTED to be a VBMail voter...
Hearing these nuts on the right run with this story is one of the better consolation prizes this election has produced.

It makes me realize that the sum total of my scathing indictments of the stupidity of conservatives has been, all in all,

rather understated.
Apologies, I went back to look for the quote and I got you confused with MANONTHESTREET. Who did support Trump but admitted to not believing the 3-5 million number. So to respond to your comments...

I hear all this fake news about California making it legal for undocumented immigrants to vote and this is just false. You might find headlines that say that on Breitbart and other sites but it isn't true. Go read the legislation and find out for yourself. California passed a law in 2013 that allowed undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses, this was designed to help improve the safety on roads. CA passed another law in 2016 that allowed voter registration at the DMV when people get or renew their drivers licenses. These are the two laws cited by the right wing that they think shows enabling. What I don't see reported in the rightwing media is that the process for an undocumented immigrants to get a drivers license is different than that of a US citizen, who needs to show their social security card or birth certificate. Only people who are eligible to vote get registered through the DMV. That excludes 16 year olds and undocumented immigrants.

Now as far as voting in California, individuals need to register to vote to receive a ballad. To register a person needs to show verification of citizenship and residence in California.

Now lets take a worst case scenario. Reportedly 800K undocumented immigrants have received drivers licenses in California. Look at voter turn out in general... less than half of US citizens even cast a vote, add on top of that the fact that casting an illegal vote is a Felony, why would anybody take that risk?? Some might, but it would deter many... So considering all of these factors, how in the world are you all getting to 3-5 million illegal votes?? It doesn't make any sense to me.

I understand that there are flaws in the voting system. People get registered in multiple states, people who pass away have their names still registered. My father passed away last year and when I went to vote his name was still registered, I had request that they take it off. So I see that it is an imperfect system and I'm all for making it better. But for there to be an effort to cheat 3-5 million votes, it would involve a tremendous kind of conspiracy and organization. Even to rally up 1000's of illegal votes would take a concentrated effort.

Every public official that i've seen interviewed who has been an actual part of their states voting program, both dems and reps, have flat out denied the possibility of 3-5 million fake votes. There hasn't been a shred of evidence backing up the claim. I truly feel like Trump just made it up. Don't you think it a little convenient that it just covers the margin that he lost the popular vote by? So we have a situation where our sitting president is saying falsehoods. I get why he lied as a businessman and as a candidate, but as president words matter. He needs to grow up and act like the position demands. Apologies for the rant.

California doesn't say what documentation is necessary to register to vote...but here is Illinois, which is very similar to what Missouri was before Voter ID was passed.

1 Form of ID

One (1) Form of ID with voter’s current address is needed when:
- Election Judges challenge the person’s right to vote.
- Voter submitted mail-in registration form that did not have Illinois identification/driver’s license number or Social Security number.

Examples of acceptable ID are listed below.

2 Forms of ID

Two (2) Forms of ID are needed when:
- The voter is registering in person after Oct. 11, including in the voter's home precinct on Election Day.
- The voter is filing an address change in person after Oct. 11, including in the voter's home precinct on Election Day.

One of these two IDs must list the voter’s current address.
Examples of acceptable ID are listed below.

Acceptable Forms of ID

- Passport or Military ID
- Driver's License or State ID card
- College/University/School/Work ID
- Vehicle registration card
- Lease, mortgage or deed to home
- Credit or debit card
- Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid card
- Insurance card
- Civic, union or professional membership card
- LINK/Public Aid/Department of Human Services card
- Illinois FOID card

Examples of first-class mail addressed to voter that can be used as ID:
- Bill, Transcript or Report Card from School
- Bank Statement, Pay Stub or Pension Statement
- Utility, Medical or Insurance Bill
- Official mail from any government agency

Valid Forms of ID
Not particularly stringent are they...
It is stated right here
Registering to Vote | California Secretary of State

Let me pose a different question. Why do you assume it is millions of undocumented immigrants casting illegal votes? Why wouldn't it be people like you? Or political activists or Trump supporters? They could do the same thing you claim the UIs are doing to cast an extra vote. In both cases it takes planning and is a felony, but in the immigrants case they have much more to lose. You ask why wouldn't UIs cast illegal votes? My answer would be, for the same reason you dont go out and do it.

Some may slip through the cracks, but there has never been any evidence of a systemic problem or significant offenses.
The fact they are here illegally shows they have no respect for our laws and if they live in California or some other blue states, there is little reason for them to fear consequences for voting illegally.
Fleeing poverty to provide a better more opportunistic life for their family is a different type of crime than committing felony voter fraud. Let me ask, if your family was starving and you had no money would you steal a loaf of bread from a sidewalk vendor? You are comparing apples to oranges, in an extremely unempathetic way. It's a sad perspective if you really think an act of desperation for the betterment of ones family makes the entire family law breaking criminals who can break any law without batting an eye. And the fact you think 3-5 million did it last election shows a disconnect from reality.
Actually, you've described why entering the country illegally and voting illegally are exactly the same kind of crime: both can seem to an illegal to be ways to protect his or her family or himself or herself if there is no family if they believed Trump would deport them if elected.
It's a bullshit argument and you know it. I'd support beefing up our voting programs. I'm all for anything that makes gov programs more efficient. I'm down to investigate voting fraud. Go for it an punish any law breakers. But you have to be crazy if you believe 3-5 million people voted illegally. You are a Trump puppet if you really believe that.
I want BOTH sides to listen very carefully to a FACT.. I CHECKED the Cal secstate website for DAYS following the election to see the status of their counting. 2 days AFTER the election, there were 1.5 MILLION provisional ballots to be cleared !!!! Provisional ballots are issued to folks who are UNKNOWN to the registration officials at a particular polling site.

When I checked when the count was about to close -- there were STILL 900,000 provisional ballots left "uncleared". LIKELY the BULK of those will NEVER be investigated or cleared. Now when a state leaves that many PROVISIONALS on the floor or even ACCUMULATES that number of unknown voters, there is something sketchy and hinky going on and needs to be investigated. NOT -------- a partisan issue.

If just 10% are INELIGIBLE voters -- who violated Fed election law by attempting to vote in multiple places or without the proper qualifications -- that's a massive issue.

And rather than just closing your eyes and counting on those 900,000 attempts to vote to GO AWAY...
Wouldn't you LIKE somebody to figure out why ANY STATE has 1.5MILLION unknown voters? The system is broke. In the haste to make it painless and easy to vote -- we've TOTALLY SKIPPED the requirement for folks to properly register. It's at TIME OF REGISTRATION, that all this should be settled. NOT on election day. You should be able to show up AT YOUR poll and waltz in with a bathing suit and sign your name. IF you are properly registered. NO ID required. Because in a competent system that is NOT govt run -- the nice old folks at the table would have a picture come up to identify you and all the REGISTRATION DATA IN FRONT OF THEM.

SCREW Folks who are too lazy to go sign up to vote in a timely manner..

You have no idea what you're talking about. The number one reason people vote provisionally is because they are Vote by Mail voters that did not have their ballot to surrender. Those provisionals are counted if the voter has not already cast their VBM ballot. Number two are voters not registered. Those ballots are not counted. Third are voters that moved within county but didn't update their address. Those are counted and the address updated.

Work at an election office next election.

I highly doubt the majority were turned down because the white haired lady at the polling place told them they already voted by mail. They were ALLOWED to vote. If there's misrepresentation in their act --- they are criminals. If you voted by mail and missed the deadline to refile --- tough shit. Don't show at the polls.

SHOW me the percentage of the provisionals that were handed out by poll workers who had no clue if this person had sent in a VBM ballot.

A voter who was mailed a ballot but lost or did not receive a ballot can get a provisional at the polling place on Election Day. If the voter did not mail in their ballot, their provisional is counted.

The poll worker doesn't have to know. They don't count the provisionals, the elections office does only AFTER all vote by mail and poll votes are accounted for.

You can watch the entire post election process at your registrars office. I HIGHLY recommend you do so.

I found it impossible to believe that 1/3 of the VBMail ballots were lost or were not presented at the polling places. And I further know that from past history 10 to 20% of provisionals in California were rejected as UNKNOWN, and UNREGISTERED voters. So 15% of 1.5 million provisionals is 225,000 Californian voters that ATTEMPTED to vote -- but were rejected because they were NOT ELIGIBLE.. That's fraud.

The process is BUSTED. Fraud and incompetence and CONFUSION need to be investigated. Ask the Bernie voters in the primaries how they were SWITCHED to provisionals when they never REQUESTED to be a VBMail voter...

I really don't care what you believe or don't believe, I'm providing you facts. The overwhelming majority of provisional ballots in my county (and in CA) are from Vote by Mail voters that went to vote at the polls and did not have the ballot they were mailed to surrender. The second highest number of provisional voters are those that are not currently registered in the county. Again, I'm giving you facts you can call YOUR local registrars office to verify.

Oh for god's sake, it's not fraud. We don't count them if they aren't registered. I recall a gentleman during the 2008 election that was visiting CA from MO on business. He had voted in every election since he turned 18 and didn't want to miss one. He asked to vote even though he KNEW it wouldn't be counted. He could still say he voted. He voted Provisonally and his ballot WAS NOT COUNTED.

Your local registrar office posts Press Releases of when they will be processing provisionals. Go watch them do it.
I want BOTH sides to listen very carefully to a FACT.. I CHECKED the Cal secstate website for DAYS following the election to see the status of their counting. 2 days AFTER the election, there were 1.5 MILLION provisional ballots to be cleared !!!! Provisional ballots are issued to folks who are UNKNOWN to the registration officials at a particular polling site.

When I checked when the count was about to close -- there were STILL 900,000 provisional ballots left "uncleared". LIKELY the BULK of those will NEVER be investigated or cleared. Now when a state leaves that many PROVISIONALS on the floor or even ACCUMULATES that number of unknown voters, there is something sketchy and hinky going on and needs to be investigated. NOT -------- a partisan issue.

If just 10% are INELIGIBLE voters -- who violated Fed election law by attempting to vote in multiple places or without the proper qualifications -- that's a massive issue.

And rather than just closing your eyes and counting on those 900,000 attempts to vote to GO AWAY...
Wouldn't you LIKE somebody to figure out why ANY STATE has 1.5MILLION unknown voters? The system is broke. In the haste to make it painless and easy to vote -- we've TOTALLY SKIPPED the requirement for folks to properly register. It's at TIME OF REGISTRATION, that all this should be settled. NOT on election day. You should be able to show up AT YOUR poll and waltz in with a bathing suit and sign your name. IF you are properly registered. NO ID required. Because in a competent system that is NOT govt run -- the nice old folks at the table would have a picture come up to identify you and all the REGISTRATION DATA IN FRONT OF THEM.

SCREW Folks who are too lazy to go sign up to vote in a timely manner..

You have no idea what you're talking about. The number one reason people vote provisionally is because they are Vote by Mail voters that did not have their ballot to surrender. Those provisionals are counted if the voter has not already cast their VBM ballot. Number two are voters not registered. Those ballots are not counted. Third are voters that moved within county but didn't update their address. Those are counted and the address updated.

Work at an election office next election.

I highly doubt the majority were turned down because the white haired lady at the polling place told them they already voted by mail. They were ALLOWED to vote. If there's misrepresentation in their act --- they are criminals. If you voted by mail and missed the deadline to refile --- tough shit. Don't show at the polls.

SHOW me the percentage of the provisionals that were handed out by poll workers who had no clue if this person had sent in a VBM ballot.

A voter who was mailed a ballot but lost or did not receive a ballot can get a provisional at the polling place on Election Day. If the voter did not mail in their ballot, their provisional is counted.

The poll worker doesn't have to know. They don't count the provisionals, the elections office does only AFTER all vote by mail and poll votes are accounted for.

You can watch the entire post election process at your registrars office. I HIGHLY recommend you do so.

I found it impossible to believe that 1/3 of the VBMail ballots were lost or were not presented at the polling places. And I further know that from past history 10 to 20% of provisionals in California were rejected as UNKNOWN, and UNREGISTERED voters. So 15% of 1.5 million provisionals is 225,000 Californian voters that ATTEMPTED to vote -- but were rejected because they were NOT ELIGIBLE.. That's fraud.

The process is BUSTED. Fraud and incompetence and CONFUSION need to be investigated. Ask the Bernie voters in the primaries how they were SWITCHED to provisionals when they never REQUESTED to be a VBMail voter...

I really don't care what you believe or don't believe, I'm providing you facts. The overwhelming majority of provisional ballots in my county (and in CA) are from Vote by Mail voters that went to vote at the polls and did not have the ballot they were mailed to surrender. The second highest number of provisional voters are those that are not currently registered in the county. Again, I'm giving you facts you can call YOUR local registrars office to verify.

Oh for god's sake, it's not fraud. We don't count them if they aren't registered. I recall a gentleman during the 2008 election that was visiting CA from MO on business. He had voted in every election since he turned 18 and didn't want to miss one. He asked to vote even though he KNEW it wouldn't be counted. He could still say he voted. He voted Provisonally and his ballot WAS NOT COUNTED.

Your local registrar office posts Press Releases of when they will be processing provisionals. Go watch them do it.

I don't have to go watch them do it. I was on Panels with their bosses while I was an officer of the Lib Party of San Mateo. Observed ALL of it. But you folks have lost your ever lovin' minds since. What with the Top 2 primary that results in disenfranchising EVERY REPUBLICAN in the state of Cali when just 2 DEMOCRATS are allowed on the General Ballot for Senator. It's your PROCESS that stinks.

You confuse new registrations who declared Independent and show up for primaries and want to vote a party.. THEY end up on provisionals. MY state does not do that. Ask the Bernie folks how they liked being tossed onto provisionals. And Cali never completed the tally of those for the Primary either. THUS -- disenfranchising MORE people. If you can't get VBM to work without 1/3 of them being assigned provisionals --- you're doing something wrong. And NO STATE should EVER end up with that high a percentage of provisionals. It causes skepticism, is never actually documented post election and NOBODY KNOWS if fraud occurred.

ANY process that results in 1.5Million provisionals that cannot be cleared before certification is flawed and ripe for fraud.

And what is it called when you VOTE a ballot and you're NOT ENTITLED to cast that vote?That's what about 15% provisionals DO every general election..
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I found it impossible to believe that 1/3 of the VBMail ballots were lost or were not presented at the polling places. And I further know that from past history 10 to 20% of provisionals in California were rejected as UNKNOWN, and UNREGISTERED voters. So 15% of 1.5 million provisionals is 225,000 Californian voters that ATTEMPTED to vote -- but were rejected because they were NOT ELIGIBLE.. That's fraud.

The process is BUSTED. Fraud and incompetence and CONFUSION need to be investigated. Ask the Bernie voters in the primaries how they were SWITCHED to provisionals when they never REQUESTED to be a VBMail voter...
But what the heck are you actually claiming? Are you really trying to suggest that people could vote by mail and then vote by provisional ballot, too? Wouldn't you agree that is trivially easy for the state to catch?

And, your claims of attempts to vote illegally is poorly supported as voters AND the state could have made mistakes that caused the rejection of provisional ballots - problems in registration database maintenance, problems with thinking one is registered when the registration failed for some reason, improperly or incompletely filled out provisional ballots, etc., etc.

Besides, those were CATCHES. So, kudos to your system!

The real problem with voting is that there are so many actual mechanisms for those in power to jigger the results.

The easiest one is to simply deliver totally inadequate numbers of voting equipment to polling stations or limiting the number of polling sites in a particular district.

For example, the Arizona primary for this presidential election included drastically cutting polling site numbers in Latino districts, leading to wait times of over 10 hours.

Where is the GOP concern for what ABSOLUTELY was mass disenfranchisement of Latino voters???
I found it impossible to believe that 1/3 of the VBMail ballots were lost or were not presented at the polling places. And I further know that from past history 10 to 20% of provisionals in California were rejected as UNKNOWN, and UNREGISTERED voters. So 15% of 1.5 million provisionals is 225,000 Californian voters that ATTEMPTED to vote -- but were rejected because they were NOT ELIGIBLE.. That's fraud.

The process is BUSTED. Fraud and incompetence and CONFUSION need to be investigated. Ask the Bernie voters in the primaries how they were SWITCHED to provisionals when they never REQUESTED to be a VBMail voter...
But what the heck are you actually claiming? Are you really trying to suggest that people could vote by mail and then vote by provisional ballot, too? Wouldn't you agree that is trivially easy for the state to catch?

And, your claims of attempts to vote illegally is poorly supported as voters AND the state could have made mistakes that caused the rejection of provisional ballots - problems in registration database maintenance, problems with thinking one is registered when the registration failed for some reason, improperly or incompletely filled out provisional ballots, etc., etc.

Besides, those were CATCHES. So, kudos to your system!

The real problem with voting is that there are so many actual mechanisms for those in power to jigger the results.

The easiest one is to simply deliver totally inadequate numbers of voting equipment to polling stations or limiting the number of polling sites in a particular district.

For example, the Arizona primary for this presidential election included drastically cutting polling site numbers in Latino districts, leading to wait times of over 10 hours.

Where is the GOP concern for what ABSOLUTELY was mass disenfranchisement of Latino voters???

I'm sure the ones that got and lost the VBMail ballots are the LEAST of concerns. Although many of those probably get disenfranchised before certification also. But when you are NOT registered and ATTEMPT to vote and they will GIVE you a provisional -- what other loopholes are they NOT covering? How many provisionals can one VOTE in a day? And with 1.5Million of them --- and probably 40% of them NEVER CLEARED -- how many people did Cali catch?

Answer this question. If you ASK for a provisional and you are NOT qualified to vote in a Fed election, is that fraud?
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

They need to have a serious investigation. Now that the Dems are not in charge of the DOJ it might happen
Not just the DOJ, but a Congressional Investigation....MAJOR one.

I don't know if your familiar with California, but I've lived here all my life. As I mentioned earlier in the week, my little brother who lives in the central valley area, mentioned to me that before the election there was a voter registration booth set up inside the Modesto flea market. I really have to question the motives behind THAT and laugh when you consider that most of the people in the Modesto Flea market are Mexican or Salvadorian, or what have you from south of the border. I guarantee you a heavy percentage of those people are illegal, so who would decide thats a great place to register people to vote?

So thats what goes on in Central valley California, i can only imagine whats happening in Los Angeles. We've already seen how unhinged the Left has become over Trump so the possibility of them to pull out all stops legal and otherwise is much more than a possibility. I guarantee they've been registering illegals to vote. They really didnt give a damn as long as Hillary won.

QUE? I live here in California 75% of my entire life. There are voter registrations all over California not just flea market and also all over America. Both for republicans and democrat. That doesn't mean its catered for illegals. Dude get real.
What made you think people like me support illegal votings?
Then provide example or proof that ONE illegal that has registered to vote. Im asking just one proof.

Sure, registration centers are all not in flea markets, but why put one there right before the election? have you ever been to the Modesto Flea market? Ive been there several times and a very high percentage of those people there are here illegaly. If people disregard laws of immigration in the first place, they are not going to really respect our other rules. Still, the next time I talk to my brother I am going to ask him some more specific questions about this.
I found it impossible to believe that 1/3 of the VBMail ballots were lost or were not presented at the polling places. And I further know that from past history 10 to 20% of provisionals in California were rejected as UNKNOWN, and UNREGISTERED voters. So 15% of 1.5 million provisionals is 225,000 Californian voters that ATTEMPTED to vote -- but were rejected because they were NOT ELIGIBLE.. That's fraud.

The process is BUSTED. Fraud and incompetence and CONFUSION need to be investigated. Ask the Bernie voters in the primaries how they were SWITCHED to provisionals when they never REQUESTED to be a VBMail voter...
But what the heck are you actually claiming? Are you really trying to suggest that people could vote by mail and then vote by provisional ballot, too? Wouldn't you agree that is trivially easy for the state to catch?

And, your claims of attempts to vote illegally is poorly supported as voters AND the state could have made mistakes that caused the rejection of provisional ballots - problems in registration database maintenance, problems with thinking one is registered when the registration failed for some reason, improperly or incompletely filled out provisional ballots, etc., etc.

Besides, those were CATCHES. So, kudos to your system!

The real problem with voting is that there are so many actual mechanisms for those in power to jigger the results.

The easiest one is to simply deliver totally inadequate numbers of voting equipment to polling stations or limiting the number of polling sites in a particular district.

For example, the Arizona primary for this presidential election included drastically cutting polling site numbers in Latino districts, leading to wait times of over 10 hours.

Where is the GOP concern for what ABSOLUTELY was mass disenfranchisement of Latino voters???

I'm sure the ones that got and lost the VBMail ballots are the LEAST of concerns. Although many of those probably get disenfranchised before certification also. But when you are NOT registered and ATTEMPT to vote and they will GIVE you a provisional -- what other loopholes are they NOT covering? How many provisionals can one VOTE in a day? And with 1.5Million of them --- and probably 40% of them NEVER CLEARED -- how many people did Cali catch?

Answer this question. If you ASK for a provisional and you are NOT qualified to vote in a Fed election, is that fraud?
The point with provisional ballots is that they are examined to determine whether they are valid before they are counted.

And, I pointed out that there are a number of reasons such ballots get rejected. You can NOT suggest that a rejected provisional ballot indicates that someone broke the law. So, you haven't show that fraud occurred in these cases

More to the point of this issue, you haven't show that ANY ballots got counted that should not have been counted.

I'm all for prosecuting those who commit voter fraud. You just haven't shown that it is a problem.

On the other hand, I showed you a case where there were large numbers of disenfranchised voters - a real and significant problem with THIS election and ALL past elections. At every election we hear of places where people couldn't get to polls, because the lines were far longer than those lines in areas the local government likes - state sponsored discrimination.

Are you in favor of solving what is clearly a problem rather than continuing to beat your dead horse?
The point with provisional ballots is that they are examined to determine whether they are valid before they are counted.

And, I pointed out that there are a number of reasons such ballots get rejected. You can NOT suggest that a rejected provisional ballot indicates that someone broke the law. So, you haven't show that fraud occurred in these cases

More to the point of this issue, you haven't show that ANY ballots got counted that should not have been counted.

Again. I'll say it slowly so that it sinks in. The fact that they are rejected and not counted doesn't mean that no fraud occurred. It's the WILL to investigate and PROSECUTE that is lacking here. Just like the habit of harboring criminal aliens and filling the Cali jails with them --- there's no UPSIDE to investigating and hauling people in for questioning when the state is run that way. And the state has ZERO motivation to UNCOVER and PROSECUTE any fraud.

And you ducked my question to you. People who ASK for provisionals are expected to eligible to CAST a ballot. If you're NOT registered, or not in the County you're SUPPOSED to be in or not ELIGIBLE -- that's a crime. Knowing this -- you could hose an election by FLOODING the polls with ineligible voters, create a post election hose fest nighmare and prevent VALID provisionals from being processed.

And 1.5 MILLION provisionals means that system sucks. So INVESTIGATING would be a good thing. I know that several groups have TRIED to audit the provisionals in the past. The Libertarian party that I was with in Cali did so. They charged us $10,000 to look at about 1000 provisional ballots. So you get the impression -- it's not exactly an "open process"..
Even the Speaker- Lyin' Ryan (R) said "theres no there there" lol
That's important.

Trump has been casting doubt on what is truth over and over again.

We can NOT afford to have people lose confidence in how we make decisions, choose leaders, etc. That's one path to our society falling apart.
California doesn't say what documentation is necessary to register to vote...but here is Illinois, which is very similar to what Missouri was before Voter ID was passed.

1 Form of ID

One (1) Form of ID with voter’s current address is needed when:
- Election Judges challenge the person’s right to vote.
- Voter submitted mail-in registration form that did not have Illinois identification/driver’s license number or Social Security number.

Examples of acceptable ID are listed below.

2 Forms of ID

Two (2) Forms of ID are needed when:
- The voter is registering in person after Oct. 11, including in the voter's home precinct on Election Day.
- The voter is filing an address change in person after Oct. 11, including in the voter's home precinct on Election Day.

One of these two IDs must list the voter’s current address.
Examples of acceptable ID are listed below.

Acceptable Forms of ID

- Passport or Military ID
- Driver's License or State ID card
- College/University/School/Work ID
- Vehicle registration card
- Lease, mortgage or deed to home
- Credit or debit card
- Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid card
- Insurance card
- Civic, union or professional membership card
- LINK/Public Aid/Department of Human Services card
- Illinois FOID card

Examples of first-class mail addressed to voter that can be used as ID:
- Bill, Transcript or Report Card from School
- Bank Statement, Pay Stub or Pension Statement
- Utility, Medical or Insurance Bill
- Official mail from any government agency

Valid Forms of ID
Not particularly stringent are they...
It is stated right here
Registering to Vote | California Secretary of State

Let me pose a different question. Why do you assume it is millions of undocumented immigrants casting illegal votes? Why wouldn't it be people like you? Or political activists or Trump supporters? They could do the same thing you claim the UIs are doing to cast an extra vote. In both cases it takes planning and is a felony, but in the immigrants case they have much more to lose. You ask why wouldn't UIs cast illegal votes? My answer would be, for the same reason you dont go out and do it.

Some may slip through the cracks, but there has never been any evidence of a systemic problem or significant offenses.
The fact they are here illegally shows they have no respect for our laws and if they live in California or some other blue states, there is little reason for them to fear consequences for voting illegally.
Fleeing poverty to provide a better more opportunistic life for their family is a different type of crime than committing felony voter fraud. Let me ask, if your family was starving and you had no money would you steal a loaf of bread from a sidewalk vendor? You are comparing apples to oranges, in an extremely unempathetic way. It's a sad perspective if you really think an act of desperation for the betterment of ones family makes the entire family law breaking criminals who can break any law without batting an eye. And the fact you think 3-5 million did it last election shows a disconnect from reality.
Actually, you've described why entering the country illegally and voting illegally are exactly the same kind of crime: both can seem to an illegal to be ways to protect his or her family or himself or herself if there is no family if they believed Trump would deport them if elected.
It's a bullshit argument and you know it. I'd support beefing up our voting programs. I'm all for anything that makes gov programs more efficient. I'm down to investigate voting fraud. Go for it an punish any law breakers. But you have to be crazy if you believe 3-5 million people voted illegally. You are a Trump puppet if you really believe that.
I have no idea how many illegals illegally voted in the election, but it is bullshit to say these people who broke our laws to come here would hesitate to break our laws to vote against Trump who threatened to deport them.
It is stated right here
Registering to Vote | California Secretary of State

Let me pose a different question. Why do you assume it is millions of undocumented immigrants casting illegal votes? Why wouldn't it be people like you? Or political activists or Trump supporters? They could do the same thing you claim the UIs are doing to cast an extra vote. In both cases it takes planning and is a felony, but in the immigrants case they have much more to lose. You ask why wouldn't UIs cast illegal votes? My answer would be, for the same reason you dont go out and do it.

Some may slip through the cracks, but there has never been any evidence of a systemic problem or significant offenses.
The fact they are here illegally shows they have no respect for our laws and if they live in California or some other blue states, there is little reason for them to fear consequences for voting illegally.
Fleeing poverty to provide a better more opportunistic life for their family is a different type of crime than committing felony voter fraud. Let me ask, if your family was starving and you had no money would you steal a loaf of bread from a sidewalk vendor? You are comparing apples to oranges, in an extremely unempathetic way. It's a sad perspective if you really think an act of desperation for the betterment of ones family makes the entire family law breaking criminals who can break any law without batting an eye. And the fact you think 3-5 million did it last election shows a disconnect from reality.
Actually, you've described why entering the country illegally and voting illegally are exactly the same kind of crime: both can seem to an illegal to be ways to protect his or her family or himself or herself if there is no family if they believed Trump would deport them if elected.
It's a bullshit argument and you know it. I'd support beefing up our voting programs. I'm all for anything that makes gov programs more efficient. I'm down to investigate voting fraud. Go for it an punish any law breakers. But you have to be crazy if you believe 3-5 million people voted illegally. You are a Trump puppet if you really believe that.
I have no idea how many illegals illegally voted in the election, but it is bullshit to say these people who broke our laws to come here would hesitate to break our laws to vote against Trump who threatened to deport them.
I'll have to tell you, that sounds stupid to me.

Committing fraud like that could result in them being deported, thus losing for them the fundamental reasons that motivated them to come and the expenses and risks that involved. Plus, it could prevent them from ever coming here legally - and remember that nearly half those living here without papers came here legally.
The point with provisional ballots is that they are examined to determine whether they are valid before they are counted.

And, I pointed out that there are a number of reasons such ballots get rejected. You can NOT suggest that a rejected provisional ballot indicates that someone broke the law. So, you haven't show that fraud occurred in these cases

More to the point of this issue, you haven't show that ANY ballots got counted that should not have been counted.

Again. I'll say it slowly so that it sinks in. The fact that they are rejected and not counted doesn't mean that no fraud occurred. It's the WILL to investigate and PROSECUTE that is lacking here. Just like the habit of harboring criminal aliens and filling the Cali jails with them --- there's no UPSIDE to investigating and hauling people in for questioning when the state is run that way. And the state has ZERO motivation to UNCOVER and PROSECUTE any fraud.

And you ducked my question to you. People who ASK for provisionals are expected to eligible to CAST a ballot. If you're NOT registered, or not in the County you're SUPPOSED to be in or not ELIGIBLE -- that's a crime. Knowing this -- you could hose an election by FLOODING the polls with ineligible voters, create a post election hose fest nighmare and prevent VALID provisionals from being processed.

And 1.5 MILLION provisionals means that system sucks. So INVESTIGATING would be a good thing. I know that several groups have TRIED to audit the provisionals in the past. The Libertarian party that I was with in Cali did so. They charged us $10,000 to look at about 1000 provisional ballots. So you get the impression -- it's not exactly an "open process"..
It may or may not be fraud, depends on the circumstances. Meanwhile, many of those folks didn't get to have vote counted because they couldn't prove eligibility. That would be the system working.

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