3 - 5 million illegal votes! Outrageous! Investigate!

According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!
I think Trump said he will ask for an investigation. You know how this will turn out. The investigation will determine that there are dead people and people illegible to vote on the rolls for various reason. It will find little evidence of actually voter fraud at the polls or in the counting. Trump will tank the investigators for doing a tremendous job of bringing to light widespread voter fraud.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!
Can you imagine Donald Trump's world without Viagra? (-:

trump is an embarrassment.

Nah. Douchebag was the embarrassment.
I want BOTH sides to listen very carefully to a FACT.. I CHECKED the Cal secstate website for DAYS following the election to see the status of their counting. 2 days AFTER the election, there were 1.5 MILLION provisional ballots to be cleared !!!! Provisional ballots are issued to folks who are UNKNOWN to the registration officials at a particular polling site.

When I checked when the count was about to close -- there were STILL 900,000 provisional ballots left "uncleared". LIKELY the BULK of those will NEVER be investigated or cleared. Now when a state leaves that many PROVISIONALS on the floor or even ACCUMULATES that number of unknown voters, there is something sketchy and hinky going on and needs to be investigated. NOT -------- a partisan issue.

If just 10% are INELIGIBLE voters -- who violated Fed election law by attempting to vote in multiple places or without the proper qualifications -- that's a massive issue.

And rather than just closing your eyes and counting on those 900,000 attempts to vote to GO AWAY...
Wouldn't you LIKE somebody to figure out why ANY STATE has 1.5MILLION unknown voters? The system is broke. In the haste to make it painless and easy to vote -- we've TOTALLY SKIPPED the requirement for folks to properly register. It's at TIME OF REGISTRATION, that all this should be settled. NOT on election day. You should be able to show up AT YOUR poll and waltz in with a bathing suit and sign your name. IF you are properly registered. NO ID required. Because in a competent system that is NOT govt run -- the nice old folks at the table would have a picture come up to identify you and all the REGISTRATION DATA IN FRONT OF THEM.

SCREW Folks who are too lazy to go sign up to vote in a timely manner..

And screw the election bureaucrats that can't figure out how to have pictures of registered people come up on a god--damn monitor. Govt needs to FOCUS ON THE BASICS.. And quit using their incompetence to fire up the partisans and keep them at each other's throats. There is no more IMPORTANT duty of any state or Federal govt than to assure FAIR and ACCURATE elections... They are too busy fighting tribal skirmishes between your 2 corrupt and failing parties.

According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

And you know he is right.

I hope he DOES dig in here in the Peoples Republic. Jerry Brown being frog marched on Federal charges of election fraud is something I would dearly love.

The motor illegal voter bill ensures that illegals vote here. Brown belongs in Federal prison, good on Trump if he puts him there.
You honestly believe those rediculous numbers?! :cuckoo: It defys common sense and has NO evidence to back it up. He won't investigate this because the investigation would prove it a lie. The claim is so large that if true it would absolutely warrent investigations and action, but we will see no action taken. It's empty rhetoric used to rile up the anti immigrant base.

He shot himself in the foot bringing it into he spotlight. I have no clue why he would bring something like this up right now. Serves no benefit to him, only inflicts harm.
3-5 maybe not but I do believe it is a significant problem that is growing with O's invitation for them to vote so I welcome libs openness to an investigation
Don't you think it wreckless and dangerous for our president to use numbers like 3-5 million when there is no facts behind it? Doesn't that just show that he will lie and manipulate to make a point or get what he wants? I don't know how he can earn trust from the masses when he makes wild claims like this from the White House. I know this is advancing your cause in this instance but the next one may not... Are you really not concerned?
When has Trump every bothered with the facts? Trump exaggerates everything, thousands become millions, large crowds become huge, good progress becomes tremendous progress. He doesn't like, he loves. He doesn't dislike, he hates.

All politicians exaggerate to some extent but Trump exaggerates everything. The problem with this is no one know when to take him literally.
You'll notice his link says "Critics predict"...

UC took that and made it a certainty.

UC has been proven wrong several times, but he chooses to continue to lie anyway.

In the tard brain, "might have", "could have", "if", and "wouldn't put it past 'em!" add up to irrefutable evidence. :lol:

But they just can't seem to find a single one of those three million slippery bastards.

To think these are the people who whine about "fake news". :lol:

The beauty of the election fraud that you Soros Soldiers engage in is that is is very difficult to track. Ballots are by design anonymous. (Otherwise you democrats would burn down the homes of those who voted against you, or break the legs of family members.) This means that once the ballot is cast, it is difficult to trace back.

You who defraud our election system on behalf of the foreign billionaire you serve, do so in the comfort that catching you will mean you have to be caught AS YOU DO IT. Of course election observers DO catch you crooks in the act, but this does little to stem the real problem. You crooked democrats have established systematic corruption. Corruption is built into the process in the Peoples Republic, which is WHY you fear Trump the way you do. An honest FEC will shut down the METHODS you use to pervert the election process on behalf of the foreign power you serve.
So...we need a MAJOR investigation.......perhaps even investigate why the RW is still blowing the anti-semite dog-whistle by bringing ups Soros.
You'll notice his link says "Critics predict"...

UC took that and made it a certainty.

UC has been proven wrong several times, but he chooses to continue to lie anyway.

In the tard brain, "might have", "could have", "if", and "wouldn't put it past 'em!" add up to irrefutable evidence. :lol:

But they just can't seem to find a single one of those three million slippery bastards.

To think these are the people who whine about "fake news". :lol:

The beauty of the election fraud that you Soros Soldiers engage in is that is is very difficult to track. Ballots are by design anonymous. (Otherwise you democrats would burn down the homes of those who voted against you, or break the legs of family members.) This means that once the ballot is cast, it is difficult to trace back.

You who defraud our election system on behalf of the foreign billionaire you serve, do so in the comfort that catching you will mean you have to be caught AS YOU DO IT. Of course election observers DO catch you crooks in the act, but this does little to stem the real problem. You crooked democrats have established systematic corruption. Corruption is built into the process in the Peoples Republic, which is WHY you fear Trump the way you do. An honest FEC will shut down the METHODS you use to pervert the election process on behalf of the foreign power you serve.
So...we need a MAJOR investigation.......perhaps even investigate why the RW is still blowing the anti-semite dog-whistle by bringing ups Soros.

This jew-Soros connection you're pushing here is ridiculous and not relevant. A billionaire activist that tried to tank the British Pound because he threw a hissy fit doesn't need to be despised for his religion.. It's also annoying to suggest that Soros is hated BECAUSE he a jew. If you're attempt is protect "jew honor" -- you're doing the opposite.
I want BOTH sides to listen very carefully to a FACT.. I CHECKED the Cal secstate website for DAYS following the election to see the status of their counting. 2 days AFTER the election, there were 1.5 MILLION provisional ballots to be cleared !!!! Provisional ballots are issued to folks who are UNKNOWN to the registration officials at a particular polling site.

When I checked when the count was about to close -- there were STILL 900,000 provisional ballots left "uncleared". LIKELY the BULK of those will NEVER be investigated or cleared. Now when a state leaves that many PROVISIONALS on the floor or even ACCUMULATES that number of unknown voters, there is something sketchy and hinky going on and needs to be investigated. NOT -------- a partisan issue.

If just 10% are INELIGIBLE voters -- who violated Fed election law by attempting to vote in multiple places or without the proper qualifications -- that's a massive issue.

And rather than just closing your eyes and counting on those 900,000 attempts to vote to GO AWAY...
Wouldn't you LIKE somebody to figure out why ANY STATE has 1.5MILLION unknown voters? The system is broke. In the haste to make it painless and easy to vote -- we've TOTALLY SKIPPED the requirement for folks to properly register. It's at TIME OF REGISTRATION, that all this should be settled. NOT on election day. You should be able to show up AT YOUR poll and waltz in with a bathing suit and sign your name. IF you are properly registered. NO ID required. Because in a competent system that is NOT govt run -- the nice old folks at the table would have a picture come up to identify you and all the REGISTRATION DATA IN FRONT OF THEM.

SCREW Folks who are too lazy to go sign up to vote in a timely manner..
In an election in which the number of uncleared ballots can not possibly alter the outcome, it seems unreasonable for the state to spend a great deal of time and money on this issue.

The most common reason for issuing provisional ballots is purged voter rolls. In the 2012 election, 44% of provisional ballots were determined to be the result of purging.

Since there is current no sure way to tell if a voter has died, left the country, or taken up resident in another state, county, or city, rolls are periodically purged of voters who have not voted in a number of year. Then grandpa who hasn't voted in 20 years show up at the polls to vote and he's not on the rolls. So he casts a provisional ballot which is not counted till it is cleared. The process can be time consuming and the voter has the right to appeal.
So...we need a MAJOR investigation.......perhaps even investigate why the RW is still blowing the anti-semite dog-whistle by bringing ups Soros.

The chutzpah of a Soros drone, the Hamas supporting democrats who use the UN to assault Israel, calling others "anti-Semite " is hilarious - fucking stupid, but still funny. Your master was a Nazi Collaborator and is a Hamas sponsor, as is the party he owns.

Dumbass, he is making fun of you.

But the racist troll is too fucking stupid to pull it off.

"Darkies" in reference to Mexicans? :eek:


What a fucking retard.

Obviously you are tough talking/thinking white dude American. Oh............... I'm going to walk in there and vote. Sorry amigo most Illegals don't think that way. They need more than a sombrero to pull this kind of stupidity.

With the massive massive huge crowds that supports Trump during his rallies ONLY 65+ voted for this guy. All polls I man ALL polls indicate Trump will not win..................... Die hard supporters like you by the millions are very scared that Trump will lose............. Am I right or wrong?
So by analyzing your post and how tough you are......... Is that mean.... ...... did you vote twice or more illegally?
Its not just illegals, but also legal aliens who are not allowed to vote in our elections.

There was an independent expert on shortly after the election. He said based on the data at least 1 million illegal and legal aliens voted, and likely over 2 million but because some states (can you guess which) go out of their way to make it difficult to identify illegal votes 1 million is what they can say with certainty.

Coming from Trump must be true. Any proof you can provide there buddy?

Okay the third lib in a row to ask, do you people live under a rock? Its not my job to educate ignorant liberals good grief you people are uninformed.

I'm not asking to educate me. I was just asking to back up your false claim. Why is that so hard?

What is your basis for saying my claim is false? So if you are not informed about something its false or doesn't exist lol the liberal brain is weird.

Well any proof you can provide will be nice señor.

Obviously you are tough talking/thinking American. Oh............... I'm going to walk in there and vote. Sorry amigo most Illegals don't think that way. They need more than a sombrero to pull this kind of stupidity.

With the massive massive huge crowds that supports Trump during his rallies ONLY 65+ voted for this guy. All polls I man ALL polls indicate Trump will not win..................... Die hard supporters like you by the millions are very scared that Trump will lose............. Am I right or wrong?
So by analyzing your post and how tough you are......... Is that mean.... ...... did you vote twice or more illegally?

You're babbling. Not that there is much sense to any of your posts, but your idiocy about "tough" has no relation to any conversation and is a figment of your mental illness.

Trump won, you're butthurt, end of story.

You Soros Soldiers keep spewing this idiocy of "3 million votes" as if it has meaning. The sane and rational among us note that we elect through an electoral college. One of the many reasons we do so it to keep a single state like California from engaging in massive voter fraud and corrupting the election process.

Mexican support for democrats is a direct quid pro quo. Mexican nationals vote for democrats, and democrats open the border. Mexican nationals vote for democrats, and democrats give illegal drivers licenses. Mexican nationals vote for democrats, and democrats expand medical to illegals.
Its not just illegals, but also legal aliens who are not allowed to vote in our elections.

There was an independent expert on shortly after the election. He said based on the data at least 1 million illegal and legal aliens voted, and likely over 2 million but because some states (can you guess which) go out of their way to make it difficult to identify illegal votes 1 million is what they can say with certainty.

Coming from Trump must be true. Any proof you can provide there buddy?

Okay the third lib in a row to ask, do you people live under a rock? Its not my job to educate ignorant liberals good grief you people are uninformed.

I'm not asking to educate me. I was just asking to back up your false claim. Why is that so hard?

What is your basis for saying my claim is false? So if you are not informed about something its false or doesn't exist lol the liberal brain is weird.

Well any proof you can provide will be nice señor.

Proof that you can ignore again?

According to election observers in California, ICE agents arrived at one polling location in Los Angeles County around 10:30 AM PST Tuesday morning after election officials caught a group of 7 illegal immigrants attempting to cast votes. The officials were initially going to allow the men to cast provisional ballots, but a court-appointed Republican election observer asked officials to take another look.

After further review it was determined that two of the men were not only illegal immigrants, but they were also wanted on separate federal warrants.

ICE agents arrested the fraudulent voters, but it is unclear exactly where they are being detained.

In Broward County, Florida, at least 18 arrests have been made.

“I was standing in line to vote when a bunch of guys in black ICE jackets walked several men out of the polling place in handcuffs,” one voter told CTN.

CTN is learning that similar arrests have been made in North Carolina, New Mexico, and Colorado.}

BREAKING : Over 40 Illegals Arrested For Trying to Vote in California ⋆ Freedom Daily

That's proof, sploogy.
I want BOTH sides to listen very carefully to a FACT.. I CHECKED the Cal secstate website for DAYS following the election to see the status of their counting. 2 days AFTER the election, there were 1.5 MILLION provisional ballots to be cleared !!!! Provisional ballots are issued to folks who are UNKNOWN to the registration officials at a particular polling site.

When I checked when the count was about to close -- there were STILL 900,000 provisional ballots left "uncleared". LIKELY the BULK of those will NEVER be investigated or cleared. Now when a state leaves that many PROVISIONALS on the floor or even ACCUMULATES that number of unknown voters, there is something sketchy and hinky going on and needs to be investigated. NOT -------- a partisan issue.

If just 10% are INELIGIBLE voters -- who violated Fed election law by attempting to vote in multiple places or without the proper qualifications -- that's a massive issue.

And rather than just closing your eyes and counting on those 900,000 attempts to vote to GO AWAY...
Wouldn't you LIKE somebody to figure out why ANY STATE has 1.5MILLION unknown voters? The system is broke. In the haste to make it painless and easy to vote -- we've TOTALLY SKIPPED the requirement for folks to properly register. It's at TIME OF REGISTRATION, that all this should be settled. NOT on election day. You should be able to show up AT YOUR poll and waltz in with a bathing suit and sign your name. IF you are properly registered. NO ID required. Because in a competent system that is NOT govt run -- the nice old folks at the table would have a picture come up to identify you and all the REGISTRATION DATA IN FRONT OF THEM.

SCREW Folks who are too lazy to go sign up to vote in a timely manner..

You have no idea what you're talking about. The number one reason people vote provisionally is because they are Vote by Mail voters that did not have their ballot to surrender. Those provisionals are counted if the voter has not already cast their VBM ballot. Number two are voters not registered. Those ballots are not counted. Third are voters that moved within county but didn't update their address. Those are counted and the address updated.

Work at an election office next election.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

They need to have a serious investigation. Now that the Dems are not in charge of the DOJ it might happen
Not just the DOJ, but a Congressional Investigation....MAJOR one.

I don't know if your familiar with California, but I've lived here all my life. As I mentioned earlier in the week, my little brother who lives in the central valley area, mentioned to me that before the election there was a voter registration booth set up inside the Modesto flea market. I really have to question the motives behind THAT and laugh when you consider that most of the people in the Modesto Flea market are Mexican or Salvadorian, or what have you from south of the border. I guarantee you a heavy percentage of those people are illegal, so who would decide thats a great place to register people to vote?

So thats what goes on in Central valley California, i can only imagine whats happening in Los Angeles. We've already seen how unhinged the Left has become over Trump so the possibility of them to pull out all stops legal and otherwise is much more than a possibility. I guarantee they've been registering illegals to vote. They really didnt give a damn as long as Hillary won.

QUE? I live here in California 75% of my entire life. There are voter registrations all over California not just flea market and also all over America. Both for republicans and democrat. That doesn't mean its catered for illegals. Dude get real.
What made you think people like me support illegal votings?
Then provide example or proof that ONE illegal that has registered to vote. Im asking just one proof.

I live in here in California and I can tell you that you are lying.


If you live in California, you know full well that Mexican nationals vote in our elections. You might be willing to lie, but you know it anyway.

I specialize in voter registration at a CA registrars office and have for over 10 years. I know no such thing. In fact, I know of only ONE non citizen that voted in an election. He was an 18 year old dreamer that was given bad information.
You'll notice his link says "Critics predict"...

UC took that and made it a certainty.

UC has been proven wrong several times, but he chooses to continue to lie anyway.

In the tard brain, "might have", "could have", "if", and "wouldn't put it past 'em!" add up to irrefutable evidence. :lol:

But they just can't seem to find a single one of those three million slippery bastards.

To think these are the people who whine about "fake news". :lol:

The beauty of the election fraud that you Soros Soldiers engage in is that is is very difficult to track. Ballots are by design anonymous. (Otherwise you democrats would burn down the homes of those who voted against you, or break the legs of family members.) This means that once the ballot is cast, it is difficult to trace back.

You who defraud our election system on behalf of the foreign billionaire you serve, do so in the comfort that catching you will mean you have to be caught AS YOU DO IT. Of course election observers DO catch you crooks in the act, but this does little to stem the real problem. You crooked democrats have established systematic corruption. Corruption is built into the process in the Peoples Republic, which is WHY you fear Trump the way you do. An honest FEC will shut down the METHODS you use to pervert the election process on behalf of the foreign power you serve.
Voter registrations are not anonymous retard. Nor is the record of who voted and who didn't.

All we don't have is WHO each voter voted for, but that hasn't stopped you from making up a story that three to five million illegals voted for Clinton, now has it. Even though you just said yourself we don't have that data.

You just don't have much going on upstairs, do you.

It would be impossible for three to five million illegal darkies to register to vote, and then vote, all completely undetected. That you think it is possible shows everyone just how deep your credulousness and willful stupidity go.

Nor do you have a shred of integrity, which is why you keep repeating what you know to be a lie.

Err. Excuse me. It's why you keep repeating "alternate facts". :lol:
Last edited:
I want BOTH sides to listen very carefully to a FACT.. I CHECKED the Cal secstate website for DAYS following the election to see the status of their counting. 2 days AFTER the election, there were 1.5 MILLION provisional ballots to be cleared !!!! Provisional ballots are issued to folks who are UNKNOWN to the registration officials at a particular polling site.

When I checked when the count was about to close -- there were STILL 900,000 provisional ballots left "uncleared". LIKELY the BULK of those will NEVER be investigated or cleared. Now when a state leaves that many PROVISIONALS on the floor or even ACCUMULATES that number of unknown voters, there is something sketchy and hinky going on and needs to be investigated. NOT -------- a partisan issue.

If just 10% are INELIGIBLE voters -- who violated Fed election law by attempting to vote in multiple places or without the proper qualifications -- that's a massive issue.

And rather than just closing your eyes and counting on those 900,000 attempts to vote to GO AWAY...
Wouldn't you LIKE somebody to figure out why ANY STATE has 1.5MILLION unknown voters? The system is broke. In the haste to make it painless and easy to vote -- we've TOTALLY SKIPPED the requirement for folks to properly register. It's at TIME OF REGISTRATION, that all this should be settled. NOT on election day. You should be able to show up AT YOUR poll and waltz in with a bathing suit and sign your name. IF you are properly registered. NO ID required. Because in a competent system that is NOT govt run -- the nice old folks at the table would have a picture come up to identify you and all the REGISTRATION DATA IN FRONT OF THEM.

SCREW Folks who are too lazy to go sign up to vote in a timely manner..
In an election in which the number of uncleared ballots can not possibly alter the outcome, it seems unreasonable for the state to spend a great deal of time and money on this issue.

The most common reason for issuing provisional ballots is purged voter rolls. In the 2012 election, 44% of provisional ballots were determined to be the result of purging.

Since there is current no sure way to tell if a voter has died, left the country, or taken up resident in another state, county, or city, rolls are periodically purged of voters who have not voted in a number of year. Then grandpa who hasn't voted in 20 years show up at the polls to vote and he's not on the rolls. So he casts a provisional ballot which is not counted till it is cleared. The process can be time consuming and the voter has the right to appeal.

Of course a State that is handling the sanctity of the voting process with such ineptness wouldn't spend and time and money on finding out what the CRAP they're doing wrong. But WE as a nation should. Because it's HIGHLY likely they are fucking up big time.

This is NOT due to purging. I doubt 1.5Million got confused with dead people. That's why we NEED TO FIND THIS OUT...

1.5Million AIN'T a "purging problem".. I know that much....

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