3 - 5 million illegal votes! Outrageous! Investigate!

You said illegals are automatically registered to vote. You lied. Again.

You have been shown this in big red letters before: California AB-60 Driver's License | DMV.org

"Illegal aliens receive what is known as an AB-60 license, and anyone receiving an AB-60 drivers license is not automatically registered to vote, and can not use the specially marked license for ID, so can not use it to register to vote."

You're such a fucking liar, Guno.

Fucking leftist scum.

For instance, Senate amendments delete the provisions of the bill that would have forced the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide the secretary of state with information about the document the person provided “to prove that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law and that the applicant is a citizen of the United States.” The secretary of state will determine eligibility, but the bill makes it difficult to do so.

Furthermore, the bill provides “that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered… (and) attempts to vote in an election… the person is presumed to have acted with official authorization and shall not be guilty of fraudulently voting… unless the person willfully votes or attempts to vote knowing that he or she is not entitled to vote.” Gonzalez’s office insists the bill imposes new safeguards that are tougher than the ones in law today, but critics aren’t buying that explanation.

Does bill grant license to vote illegally?
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

Careful what you wish for.....
Why? This is a very important issue. The sanctity of our Election process is at stake. The *President made a staggering claim and it needs to have a MAJOR investigation.

I agree. But you wont like whats found.
TRUMP: Monsters from outer space are coming to destroy our planet! And they are going to kill me first!

SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY: What the fuck is he talking about?

RUBE: This is a serious charge that goes to the heart of our survival. We must launch an immediate space force to counter this threat!
Absolutely. I'm in favor of that and learning how many voters were denied of their right to vote due to Republican State Legislation and Republican Governors acting with fiat.

I would also like to see both of these controversies put to rest...but here is the $64,000 question. Who would you and I both trust to give us honest answers?

Not The Congress.

Honestly, I don't trust anyone with the capacity to look at this issue to do so without bias. What we can discern, is how many voting booths were open and how many were available to the voters of each polling district nationwide, the number of those on each roster and how many voted.

That would be an enormous task, and one that would need to be distilled to determine if an illegal vote was cast, and who might be trusted to do so is problematic.

I think we need to have a way to determine who the voter is, while protecting the privacy of the vote. That's a tough nut to crack.

Having the Congress determine who is eligible to vote, and funding 300 + million voter ID cards is very problematic; but having such a card would obviate an individual voting twice, or an individual being turned away.
Claiming there are Pink Elephants (what? not orange?) in the Oval Office doesn't strike to the heart of our Election process like making claims of 3+ million illegal voters does. The assertion has been made by the *President and needs to have a MAJOR investigation.

The reason your owner is in such a panic is that he fears Trump will stop the corruption that makes him so much money.

I predict that Trump will investigate. Now you're dumb as a pile of dogshit, so thinking is not something anyone would expect from you.

Still, grocery bag bans.

Ever met anyone who actually supports outlawing grocery bags? So how did it win? In fact, if Jerry Brown and the corrupt scum in Sacramento designated how they wanted the election to go, with no voters involved, it would be exactly the rather curious results we saw.

Ponder that as you guzzle your Ripple. Then contemplate an FEC investigation into California voting practices.....
Its not just illegals, but also legal aliens who are not allowed to vote in our elections.

There was an independent expert on shortly after the election. He said based on the data at least 1 million illegal and legal aliens voted, and likely over 2 million but because some states (can you guess which) go out of their way to make it difficult to identify illegal votes 1 million is what they can say with certainty.

Coming from Trump must be true. Any proof you can provide there buddy?

Okay the third lib in a row to ask, do you people live under a rock? Its not my job to educate ignorant liberals good grief you people are uninformed.

I'm not asking to educate me. I was just asking to back up your false claim. Why is that so hard?
Its not just illegals, but also legal aliens who are not allowed to vote in our elections.

There was an independent expert on shortly after the election. He said based on the data at least 1 million illegal and legal aliens voted, and likely over 2 million but because some states (can you guess which) go out of their way to make it difficult to identify illegal votes 1 million is what they can say with certainty.

Coming from Trump must be true. Any proof you can provide there buddy?

Okay the third lib in a row to ask, do you people live under a rock? Its not my job to educate ignorant liberals good grief you people are uninformed.

Fuck you, to listen to your idiocy the study you cite is taught in high schools all over America.

You made the claim, go ahead and source it. It is NOT an unreasonable ask.

I didn't make a claim, I reported what an expert said on tv. Its not my fault I'm better informed than you are, smarter, and wealthier. Actually all three are my fault :badgrin:

Better informed when you cannot even back up what you are saying. So what tv stations? Let me guess from Faux News.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

Careful what you wish for.....
Why? This is a very important issue. The sanctity of our Election process is at stake. The *President made a staggering claim and it needs to have a MAJOR investigation.

I agree. But you wont like whats found.
Why? I'm hoping the truth is found. Aren't you?
Its not just illegals, but also legal aliens who are not allowed to vote in our elections.

There was an independent expert on shortly after the election. He said based on the data at least 1 million illegal and legal aliens voted, and likely over 2 million but because some states (can you guess which) go out of their way to make it difficult to identify illegal votes 1 million is what they can say with certainty.

Coming from Trump must be true. Any proof you can provide there buddy?

Okay the third lib in a row to ask, do you people live under a rock? Its not my job to educate ignorant liberals good grief you people are uninformed.

I'm not asking to educate me. I was just asking to back up your false claim. Why is that so hard?

What is your basis for saying my claim is false? So if you are not informed about something its false or doesn't exist lol the liberal brain is weird.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

Careful what you wish for.....
Why? This is a very important issue. The sanctity of our Election process is at stake. The *President made a staggering claim and it needs to have a MAJOR investigation.

I agree. But you wont like whats found.
Why? I'm hoping the truth is found. Aren't you?

Its not just illegals, but also legal aliens who are not allowed to vote in our elections.

There was an independent expert on shortly after the election. He said based on the data at least 1 million illegal and legal aliens voted, and likely over 2 million but because some states (can you guess which) go out of their way to make it difficult to identify illegal votes 1 million is what they can say with certainty.

Coming from Trump must be true. Any proof you can provide there buddy?

Okay the third lib in a row to ask, do you people live under a rock? Its not my job to educate ignorant liberals good grief you people are uninformed.

Fuck you, to listen to your idiocy the study you cite is taught in high schools all over America.

You made the claim, go ahead and source it. It is NOT an unreasonable ask.

I didn't make a claim, I reported what an expert said on tv. Its not my fault I'm better informed than you are, smarter, and wealthier. Actually all three are my fault :badgrin:

Better informed when you cannot even back up what you are saying. So what tv stations? Let me guess from Faux News.

Its not my fault you are ill informed, few on the left are.
Claiming there are Pink Elephants (what? not orange?) in the Oval Office doesn't strike to the heart of our Election process like making claims of 3+ million illegal voters does. The assertion has been made by the *President and needs to have a MAJOR investigation.

The reason your owner is in such a panic is that he fears Trump will stop the corruption that makes him so much money.

I predict that Trump will investigate. Now you're dumb as a pile of dogshit, so thinking is not something anyone would expect from you.

Still, grocery bag bans.

Ever met anyone who actually supports outlawing grocery bags? So how did it win? In fact, if Jerry Brown and the corrupt scum in Sacramento designated how they wanted the election to go, with no voters involved, it would be exactly the rather curious results we saw.

Ponder that as you guzzle your Ripple. Then contemplate an FEC investigation into California voting practices.....
"my owner"? I do not know what you are referring to but let's remember we are not in the Flame Zone........on this topic we are in agreement, are we not?

"my owner"? I do not know what you are referring to but let's remember we are not in the Flame Zone........on this topic we are in agreement, are we not?

Yes, your owner.

You of the left troll the internet posting fake news on behalf of foreign billionaire George Soros, to subvert out democracy.

I support a full FEC investigation into the overwhelming anomalies in the Californian election process.

Why? I'm hoping the truth is found. Aren't you?

The "truth" is very bad for your corrupt party.

If you actually live in California, you know as I do that Mexican nationals vote with impunity.
That is simply not true. But I am in full support of a nation-wide MAJOR investigation of this accusation.

"my owner"? I do not know what you are referring to but let's remember we are not in the Flame Zone........on this topic we are in agreement, are we not?

Yes, your owner.

You of the left troll the internet posting fake news on behalf of foreign billionaire George Soros, to subvert out democracy.

I support a full FEC investigation into the overwhelming anomalies in the Californian election process.
Soros is Jewish....this is why the RW makes such a bugaboo out of him.

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