3 - 5 million illegal votes! Outrageous! Investigate!

Nope. I've proven you wrong before on this, retard. So why are you repeating what you know to be a lie?

Uh no, retard.

You are a shameless liar, as is so common for Soros hack like you. LET ME REMIND YOU Guno, a vow by the SOS to PURGE ineligible voters AFTER the fact, as AB1461 does, still registers illegals, and plays to game of "purge" which we know never occurs.

So, you are repeating a lie that you have been nailed on before.

Hey, you're a leftist, you have no integrity.
With no proof to back up his bullshit. The der GroppenFuhrer has no legitimate claim to the White House. Hillary Clinton won over 3,000,000 more Popular Vote than Pussy Grabber.

Fuck that fucking Cheeto Faced Lying Fascist.

Have some more Thunderbird, sploogy. Are you and Shortbus jointly pan handling to get your daily bottle?
Nope. I've proven you wrong before on this, retard. So why are you repeating what you know to be a lie?

Uh no, retard.

You are a shameless liar, as is so common for Soros hack like you. LET ME REMIND YOU Guno, a vow by the SOS to PURGE ineligible voters AFTER the fact, as AB1461 does, still registers illegals, and plays to game of "purge" which we know never occurs.

So, you are repeating a lie that you have been nailed on before.

Hey, you're a leftist, you have no integrity.
You said illegals are automatically registered to vote. You lied. Again.

You have been shown this in big red letters before: California AB-60 Driver's License | DMV.org

"Illegal aliens receive what is known as an AB-60 license, and anyone receiving an AB-60 drivers license is not automatically registered to vote, and can not use the specially marked license for ID, so can not use it to register to vote."
And today the Rats are going to get what they got coming.....the DOJ going after illegal voting. :badgrin:

Of course this should be investigated!

If the President of the United States is that sure that there were millions of instances of illegal voting, without a doubt it should be investigated!

However, if it is found to be a false claim, he should be removed from office on the ground of mental incompetence!
Trump and Putin won the election, retards. Be happy!

Putin? Is that what your master, foreign billionaire George Soros trained you to spew, Guno?

Fucking retard, you have served a foreign power for two decades, nearly destroying this nation on behalf of foreign powers. Soros is just the face in front, the international criminals he represents are who you serve, who YOU sold your country out to.
California driver's licenses for illegals say in all caps "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" in the upper right hand corner.

You can't miss it.

On the back, it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”
Its not just illegals, but also legal aliens who are not allowed to vote in our elections.

There was an independent expert on shortly after the election. He said based on the data at least 1 million illegal and legal aliens voted, and likely over 2 million but because some states (can you guess which) go out of their way to make it difficult to identify illegal votes 1 million is what they can say with certainty.

1. That doesn't support contradicts Trump's 3-5 million illegals voting claim.
2. Source.
3. Some of those votes could have been for Trump.

No it does't

Yes it does - 1 million is not nearly the same thing as 3 million Hillary won popular vote by, even if everything you just say is 100% correct (which there is no way to review since you have no source), Hillary still won the popular vote and Donald is wrong.

I erased the rest of your retarded trash talking.

No she didn't win the popular vote, there's no such thing as the popular vote. No popular vote election, no popular vote campaign, no popular vote campaign strategy or campaign stops. You can't declare a winner of a contest that does not exist.

Now go deal with your sour grapes lib.
Show me the three million illegals who are registered to vote, retards.

Your propaganda ministers made up a lie, and you blindly repeat it.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

Careful what you wish for.....
Why? This is a very important issue. The sanctity of our Election process is at stake. The *President made a staggering claim and it needs to have a MAJOR investigation.
After slam dunking the tards before about this "automatically registered" lie, I predicted they would still repeat the lie.

According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

Careful what you wish for.....
Why? This is a very important issue. The sanctity of our Election process is at stake. The *President made a staggering claim and it needs to have a MAJOR investigation.
If Trump claimed there were pink elephants that only he can see romping in the Oval Office, do you think we should investigate that, or do you think we should investigate his mental stability?

I think we should be investigating his mental stability. The man is unfit for the burdens of the office.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

Careful what you wish for.....
Why? This is a very important issue. The sanctity of our Election process is at stake. The *President made a staggering claim and it needs to have a MAJOR investigation.
If Trump claimed there were pink elephants that only he can see romping in the Oval Office, do you think we should investigate that, or do you think we should investigate his mental stability?

I think we should be investigating his mental stability. The man is unfit for the burdens of the office.

Pretty sure Bodecea has no disagreement with you ;)
I understand you believe illegals voted but you said that you didn't believe the 3-5 million number.

I'm not calling you out or anything Slade, I respect the civil tone of your posts and believe you are honestly seeking truth...but I don't remember saying that.

I think it is entirely possible that millions of illegals voted to stop Trump. I mean, what did they have to lose?

They have already committed a crime entering our country illegally, and took a big risk doing it. And they already must use false paperwork to get most jobs. On top of that, they had a LOT to lose if he was elected.

Is it that much of a stretch to believe that out of up to 20 million illegals (we have no idea how many their actual are) that 15 to 20% would swear or affirm that they are US citizens in order to vote?
Apologies, I went back to look for the quote and I got you confused with MANONTHESTREET. Who did support Trump but admitted to not believing the 3-5 million number. So to respond to your comments...

I hear all this fake news about California making it legal for undocumented immigrants to vote and this is just false. You might find headlines that say that on Breitbart and other sites but it isn't true. Go read the legislation and find out for yourself. California passed a law in 2013 that allowed undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses, this was designed to help improve the safety on roads. CA passed another law in 2016 that allowed voter registration at the DMV when people get or renew their drivers licenses. These are the two laws cited by the right wing that they think shows enabling. What I don't see reported in the rightwing media is that the process for an undocumented immigrants to get a drivers license is different than that of a US citizen, who needs to show their social security card or birth certificate. Only people who are eligible to vote get registered through the DMV. That excludes 16 year olds and undocumented immigrants.

Now as far as voting in California, individuals need to register to vote to receive a ballad. To register a person needs to show verification of citizenship and residence in California.

Now lets take a worst case scenario. Reportedly 800K undocumented immigrants have received drivers licenses in California. Look at voter turn out in general... less than half of US citizens even cast a vote, add on top of that the fact that casting an illegal vote is a Felony, why would anybody take that risk?? Some might, but it would deter many... So considering all of these factors, how in the world are you all getting to 3-5 million illegal votes?? It doesn't make any sense to me.

I understand that there are flaws in the voting system. People get registered in multiple states, people who pass away have their names still registered. My father passed away last year and when I went to vote his name was still registered, I had request that they take it off. So I see that it is an imperfect system and I'm all for making it better. But for there to be an effort to cheat 3-5 million votes, it would involve a tremendous kind of conspiracy and organization. Even to rally up 1000's of illegal votes would take a concentrated effort.

Every public official that i've seen interviewed who has been an actual part of their states voting program, both dems and reps, have flat out denied the possibility of 3-5 million fake votes. There hasn't been a shred of evidence backing up the claim. I truly feel like Trump just made it up. Don't you think it a little convenient that it just covers the margin that he lost the popular vote by? So we have a situation where our sitting president is saying falsehoods. I get why he lied as a businessman and as a candidate, but as president words matter. He needs to grow up and act like the position demands. Apologies for the rant.

California doesn't say what documentation is necessary to register to vote...but here is Illinois, which is very similar to what Missouri was before Voter ID was passed.

1 Form of ID

One (1) Form of ID with voter’s current address is needed when:
- Election Judges challenge the person’s right to vote.
- Voter submitted mail-in registration form that did not have Illinois identification/driver’s license number or Social Security number.

Examples of acceptable ID are listed below.

2 Forms of ID

Two (2) Forms of ID are needed when:
- The voter is registering in person after Oct. 11, including in the voter's home precinct on Election Day.
- The voter is filing an address change in person after Oct. 11, including in the voter's home precinct on Election Day.

One of these two IDs must list the voter’s current address.
Examples of acceptable ID are listed below.

Acceptable Forms of ID

- Passport or Military ID
- Driver's License or State ID card
- College/University/School/Work ID
- Vehicle registration card
- Lease, mortgage or deed to home
- Credit or debit card
- Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid card
- Insurance card
- Civic, union or professional membership card
- LINK/Public Aid/Department of Human Services card
- Illinois FOID card

Examples of first-class mail addressed to voter that can be used as ID:
- Bill, Transcript or Report Card from School
- Bank Statement, Pay Stub or Pension Statement
- Utility, Medical or Insurance Bill
- Official mail from any government agency

Valid Forms of ID
Not particularly stringent are they...
It is stated right here
Registering to Vote | California Secretary of State

Let me pose a different question. Why do you assume it is millions of undocumented immigrants casting illegal votes? Why wouldn't it be people like you? Or political activists or Trump supporters? They could do the same thing you claim the UIs are doing to cast an extra vote. In both cases it takes planning and is a felony, but in the immigrants case they have much more to lose. You ask why wouldn't UIs cast illegal votes? My answer would be, for the same reason you dont go out and do it.

Some may slip through the cracks, but there has never been any evidence of a systemic problem or significant offenses.
The fact they are here illegally shows they have no respect for our laws and if they live in California or some other blue states, there is little reason for them to fear consequences for voting illegally.
Fleeing poverty to provide a better more opportunistic life for their family is a different type of crime than committing felony voter fraud. Let me ask, if your family was starving and you had no money would you steal a loaf of bread from a sidewalk vendor? You are comparing apples to oranges, in an extremely unempathetic way. It's a sad perspective if you really think an act of desperation for the betterment of ones family makes the entire family law breaking criminals who can break any law without batting an eye. And the fact you think 3-5 million did it last election shows a disconnect from reality.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

Careful what you wish for.....
Why? This is a very important issue. The sanctity of our Election process is at stake. The *President made a staggering claim and it needs to have a MAJOR investigation.
If Trump claimed there were pink elephants that only he can see romping in the Oval Office, do you think we should investigate that, or do you think we should investigate his mental stability?

I think we should be investigating his mental stability. The man is unfit for the burdens of the office.
Claiming there are Pink Elephants (what? not orange?) in the Oval Office doesn't strike to the heart of our Election process like making claims of 3+ million illegal voters does. The assertion has been made by the *President and needs to have a MAJOR investigation.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

Careful what you wish for.....
Why? This is a very important issue. The sanctity of our Election process is at stake. The *President made a staggering claim and it needs to have a MAJOR investigation.
If Trump claimed there were pink elephants that only he can see romping in the Oval Office, do you think we should investigate that, or do you think we should investigate his mental stability?

I think we should be investigating his mental stability. The man is unfit for the burdens of the office.
Claiming there are Pink Elephants (what? not orange?) in the Oval Office doesn't strike to the heart of our Election process like making claims of 3+ million illegal voters does. The assertion has been made by the *President and needs to have a MAJOR investigation.
Both claims are equally invalid. Trump is hallucinating. Someone should give him a piss test.

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