3 Congressional Investigations


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
3 different Congressional Investigations have been held since 2003 and the start of the Iraq war. 2 while the republicans controlled both houses and one while the Democrats controlled both houses.

The result? In all 3 cases NO FINDING that Bush or Cheney LIED to get Congress to authorize the use of Force ( aka war) in Iraq.

There have been no civil or criminal complaints filed by the Government or as far as I can tell individual citizens, in a court of law, claiming Bush lied. So no Court documents or findings to support a claim Bush lied us into war.

Yet 8 years later the left keeps claiming it is true that Bush and Cheney lied us into war.

With zero evidence and no findings at ALL to back the claim, is it not a simple LIE if someone makes this unfounded, unproven claim?
Democrats examined the war in Iraq inside and out and from every angle possible. They knew going in that they authorized the Military mission and they had the same access to intelligence as president Bush or president Clinton who said there were WMD's in Iraq. What's the first issue the democrat controlled congress took up with a hearing when they won the majority half way into Bush's 2nd term? The economy? Nope. The War? Nope. They held hearings on steroid use in Baseball. We had a couple of anemic hearings on Fannie but somebody needs to ask Barney Frank why he looked Americans in the eye and told them that Fannie Mae was doing fine while it was in terrible trouble and on the brink of collapse under his watch as chairman of the banking committee which had oversight responsibility. After a series of investigations on the debacle of "fast and furious" which revealed that Holder is an incompetent fool somebody needs to do the right thing and force him to resign.
Not a SINGLE Democrat or Liberal will answer this simple inquiry? Pretty telling since I Know about half have made the claim repeatedly on this board that Bush lied us into war.

They are all liars on this issue I guess.
Liberals don't care about facts. All they do is keep repeating their bumper sticker slogans to themselves over and over until they believe it.
3 different Congressional Investigations have been held since 2003 and the start of the Iraq war. 2 while the republicans controlled both houses and one while the Democrats controlled both houses.

The result? In all 3 cases NO FINDING that Bush or Cheney LIED to get Congress to authorize the use of Force ( aka war) in Iraq.

There have been no civil or criminal complaints filed by the Government or as far as I can tell individual citizens, in a court of law, claiming Bush lied. So no Court documents or findings to support a claim Bush lied us into war.

Yet 8 years later the left keeps claiming it is true that Bush and Cheney lied us into war.

With zero evidence and no findings at ALL to back the claim, is it not a simple LIE if someone makes this unfounded, unproven claim?

Shut the fuck up you life son-of-a-bitch.

bushie baby lied about W.M.D.

draft-dodger dick(less) lied.

YOU supported a deserter.

YOU supported a draft dodger.

Saddam Had Weapons of Mass Destruction (W.M.D.) - LIE!!!

Saddam Had Mobile Weapons Laboritories - LIE!!!

Saddam conspired with al_Qeada and was involved in the attacks of September 11, 2001 - LIE!!!

Saddam attempted to purchase "Yellow Cake Uranium" - LIE!!!

Saddam had Un-Manned Aerial Vechiles (U.A.V.) - LIE!!!

You Suported the LIES of a Deserter and a DRAFT Dodger.

You Believed the LIES of a Deserter and a DRAFT Dodger.

L.azy I.nefficent F.uck O.ff E.xpecting R.etirement (L.I.F.E.R.)

daveme - did your parents ever have any children that lived.

Didn't think so.

Your words are empty, and fly on the wings of carrion birds to the great dead places.

In other words, the next time I want your opinion I will be sure to flush the toilet.
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3 different Congressional Investigations have been held since 2003 and the start of the Iraq war. 2 while the republicans controlled both houses and one while the Democrats controlled both houses.

The result? In all 3 cases NO FINDING that Bush or Cheney LIED to get Congress to authorize the use of Force ( aka war) in Iraq.

There have been no civil or criminal complaints filed by the Government or as far as I can tell individual citizens, in a court of law, claiming Bush lied. So no Court documents or findings to support a claim Bush lied us into war.

Yet 8 years later the left keeps claiming it is true that Bush and Cheney lied us into war.

With zero evidence and no findings at ALL to back the claim, is it not a simple LIE if someone makes this unfounded, unproven claim?

Shut the fuck up you life son-of-a-bitch.

bushie baby lied about W.M.D..iar

draft-dodger dick(less) lied.

YOU supported a deserter.

YOU supported a draft dodger.

Get a fucking life you lying LIFER FUCK HEAD

Thanks for proving my point.

3 different Congressional Investigations have been held since 2003 and the start of the Iraq war. 2 while the republicans controlled both houses and one while the Democrats controlled both houses.

The result? In all 3 cases NO FINDING that Bush or Cheney LIED to get Congress to authorize the use of Force ( aka war) in Iraq.

There have been no civil or criminal complaints filed by the Government or as far as I can tell individual citizens, in a court of law, claiming Bush lied. So no Court documents or findings to support a claim Bush lied us into war.

Yet 8 years later the left keeps claiming it is true that Bush and Cheney lied us into war.

With zero evidence and no findings at ALL to back the claim, is it not a simple LIE if someone makes this unfounded, unproven claim?

Shut the fuck up you life son-of-a-bitch.

bushie baby lied about W.M.D.

draft-dodger dick(less) lied.

YOU supported a deserter.

YOU supported a draft dodger.

Saddam Had Weapons of Mass Destruction (W.M.D.) - LIE!!!

Saddam Had Mobile Weapons Laboritories - LIE!!!

Saddam conspired with al_Qeada and was involved in the attacks of September 11, 2001 - LIE!!!

Saddam attempted to purchase "Yellow Cake Uranium" - LIE!!!

Saddam had Un-Manned Aerial Vechiles (U.A.V.) - LIE!!!

You Suported the LIES of a Deserter and a DRAFT Dodger.

You Believed the LIES of a Deserter and a DRAFT Dodger.

L.azy I.nefficent F.uck O.ff E.xpecting R.etirement (L.I.F.E.R.)

daveme - did your parents ever have any children that lived.

Didn't think so.

Your words are empty, and fly on the wings of carrion birds to the great dead places.

In other words, the next time I want your opinion I will be sure to flush the toilet.

So using your list the ENTIRE Clinton Administration LIED also. As well as the CIA, and numerous Foreign Governments.

By the way? Care to provide evidence of a finding by Congress ( 3 Investigations) a Court ruling or some other definitive evidence that anyone lied?
3 different Congressional Investigations have been held since 2003 and the start of the Iraq war. 2 while the republicans controlled both houses and one while the Democrats controlled both houses.

The result? In all 3 cases NO FINDING that Bush or Cheney LIED to get Congress to authorize the use of Force ( aka war) in Iraq.

There have been no civil or criminal complaints filed by the Government or as far as I can tell individual citizens, in a court of law, claiming Bush lied. So no Court documents or findings to support a claim Bush lied us into war.

Yet 8 years later the left keeps claiming it is true that Bush and Cheney lied us into war.

With zero evidence and no findings at ALL to back the claim, is it not a simple LIE if someone makes this unfounded, unproven claim?

So you are saying it was good for us to invade Iraq?
3 different Congressional Investigations have been held since 2003 and the start of the Iraq war. 2 while the republicans controlled both houses and one while the Democrats controlled both houses.

The result? In all 3 cases NO FINDING that Bush or Cheney LIED to get Congress to authorize the use of Force ( aka war) in Iraq.

There have been no civil or criminal complaints filed by the Government or as far as I can tell individual citizens, in a court of law, claiming Bush lied. So no Court documents or findings to support a claim Bush lied us into war.

Yet 8 years later the left keeps claiming it is true that Bush and Cheney lied us into war.

With zero evidence and no findings at ALL to back the claim, is it not a simple LIE if someone makes this unfounded, unproven claim?

So you are saying it was good for us to invade Iraq?

I am saying claiming Bush lied to get us into the war is in itself a LIE. Whether we should have or not is not even in discussion.
Shut the fuck up you life son-of-a-bitch.

bushie baby lied about W.M.D.

draft-dodger dick(less) lied.

YOU supported a deserter.

YOU supported a draft dodger.

Saddam Had Weapons of Mass Destruction (W.M.D.) - LIE!!!

Saddam Had Mobile Weapons Laboritories - LIE!!!

Saddam conspired with al_Qeada and was involved in the attacks of September 11, 2001 - LIE!!!

Saddam attempted to purchase "Yellow Cake Uranium" - LIE!!!

Saddam had Un-Manned Aerial Vechiles (U.A.V.) - LIE!!!

You Suported the LIES of a Deserter and a DRAFT Dodger.

You Believed the LIES of a Deserter and a DRAFT Dodger.

L.azy I.nefficent F.uck O.ff E.xpecting R.etirement (L.I.F.E.R.)

daveme - did your parents ever have any children that lived.

Didn't think so.

Your words are empty, and fly on the wings of carrion birds to the great dead places.

In other words, the next time I want your opinion I will be sure to flush the toilet.

This is a CLASSIC example of the sort of idiotic, hypocritical, childish responses that the left wingnuts come up with. This garbage is in their DNA.

Tell LIES long enough, and hope that enough ignorant waterheads believe them. It's the ONLY game the left wingnuts have.
Liberals don't care about facts. All they do is keep repeating their bumper sticker slogans to themselves over and over until they believe it.

liberal bumper stickers like Obama is Kenyan, or a marxists, communist, muslim etc.frivolous lawsuits be repubs to oust Obama are liberal in base also. Ha
3 different Congressional Investigations have been held since 2003 and the start of the Iraq war. 2 while the republicans controlled both houses and one while the Democrats controlled both houses.

The result? In all 3 cases NO FINDING that Bush or Cheney LIED to get Congress to authorize the use of Force ( aka war) in Iraq.

There have been no civil or criminal complaints filed by the Government or as far as I can tell individual citizens, in a court of law, claiming Bush lied. So no Court documents or findings to support a claim Bush lied us into war.

Yet 8 years later the left keeps claiming it is true that Bush and Cheney lied us into war.

With zero evidence and no findings at ALL to back the claim, is it not a simple LIE if someone makes this unfounded, unproven claim?
Consider finding and listening to General Powell after his retirement on the matter. He was the one who took the heat for his commander and chief as any military officer would I guess. My brothers served I did not so I do not know how it works in your business.
Not a SINGLE Democrat or Liberal will answer this simple inquiry? Pretty telling since I Know about half have made the claim repeatedly on this board that Bush lied us into war.

They are all liars on this issue I guess.


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