3 most important issues to you


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2018
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
1) Economy

2) Strong Military

3) Strong Border Security

I think Economy is the engine to drive education, healthcare and such. Military for defense, jobs and innovation and strong border to keep the security of the country as well as to protect from drugs
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Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Illegal immigration
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
1. Political corruption. All our politicians are bought. We need to get rid of lobbying.
2. Healthcare costs. Pretty soon only the rich will be able to afford it.
3. Debt. Our deficits are huge during a strong economy. Completely irresponsible.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Illegal immigration
Funny that one really doesn't effect me at all, nor have I seen any real problems from it. More a distraction from real problems like the debt to me.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Illegal immigration
Funny that one really doesn't effect me at all, nor have I seen any real problems from it. More a distraction from real problems like the debt to me.

You don’t think illegals cause the debt to go up somwhat? Hmmmm
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Illegal immigration
Funny that one really doesn't effect me at all, nor have I seen any real problems from it. More a distraction from real problems like the debt to me.

You don’t think illegals cause the debt to go up somwhat? Hmmmm
Not really, no. Corrupt politicians cause the debt to go up.
- Balanced budget (during peacetime). I have never and will never vote for a government that cannot balance it's budget during peacetime. If you cannot spend no more then what you take in - you are a FAILURE as a politician to me.
- End the Fed (or - at least - remove it's 'full employment' mandate).
- Every citizen provided with adequate shelter, food and basic (full for children) medical benefits. But shelter/food should be provided through government/charity shelters in regional centers - NOT through financial payments/food stamps to individual citizens. Medical benefits would be government reimbursement of hospitals/clinics for providing basic healthcare (full for children).
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Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.

Great idea for a thread, IMO.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Illegal immigration
Funny that one really doesn't effect me at all, nor have I seen any real problems from it. More a distraction from real problems like the debt to me.

You either live in North Dakota or you have wetback ties and refuse to acknowledge the negative impact of wetbacks.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Illegal immigration
Funny that one really doesn't effect me at all, nor have I seen any real problems from it. More a distraction from real problems like the debt to me.

You don’t think illegals cause the debt to go up somwhat? Hmmmm
Not really, no. Corrupt politicians cause the debt to go up.

Incompetent more than corrupt but true.
All I want for Christmas is a president that can speak three coherent sentences without devolving into a garbled mess of lies, half-truths and alzheimer's induced rambles. But if I have to pick actual issues:

1. Healthcare

2. Income Inequality

3. Global warming/the environment
1.cultural marxism
2.foreign policy

Cultural marxism is rotting the nation from the inside out, our adversaries around the world won't even have to fire a shot. They're laughing at us as we destroy ourselves.

US military is overextended fighting other people's wars. Trillons wasted every year while the homeland crumbles. Wars that never end...it's no wonder everyone hates us.

What is a nation without borders? South America is filled with some of the most violent and brutal people on earth. Great idea, lets bring them all here.
I identify with no political party.

1) The political destruction of the Democratic Party as a political force in the United States.
2) The ending of the illegal invasion of the United States by what ever means necessary.
3) The definitive weaponization of space before we get impossibly behind.

Also we need to reconsider who our allies actually are, and which are attached ramora-like solely by historical tradition.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.

I'm with bripat9643
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
1. Political corruption. All our politicians are bought. We need to get rid of lobbying.
2. Healthcare costs. Pretty soon only the rich will be able to afford it.
3. Debt. Our deficits are huge during a strong economy. Completely irresponsible.
100% agree with 1 and 3, curious about your proposals to number 2. And with number 1 too, curious about your solutions there.
I identify with no political party.

1) The political destruction of the Democratic Party as a political force in the United States.
2) The ending of the illegal invasion of the United States by what ever means necessary.
3) The definitive weaponization of space before we get impossibly behind.

Also we need to reconsider who our allies actually are, and which are attached ramora-like solely by historical tradition.
You sound like a coherent trump
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
Take all of the common denominators from the thread...do we all agree that a convention of the states is the best/most likely path forward to actually put into practice? Or no?

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