3 of trump's co defendants claim they became fake electors at his direction.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
I'm thinking that mandatory 5 years RICO sentence is pretty concerning for some.

Three Georgia Republicans who falsely claimed to be electors for Donald Trump — and are now charged alongside him in a sprawling racketeering indictment brought by local prosecutors — say they took the steps they did because Trump, then the sitting president, told them to.

In a series of court filings this week, those false electors, who became part of Trump’s last-ditch bid to subvert the 2020 election, said it was Trump and his campaign lawyers who urged them to sign the false documents, claiming they were necessary to preserve Trump’s flailing court efforts to reverse his defeat to Joe Biden. That exhortation from Trump’s campaign lawyers, they said, amounted to federal government permission to take the actions they did.

What the hell is an "elector"? Democrats and their minions in the media laughed at Al Gore's antics that included illegally soliciting campaign donations and throwing bags of ballots in the garbage and now they pretend to be hysterical about technical violations that nobody understands.
What the hell is an "elector"? Democrats and their minions in the media laughed at Al Gore's antics that included illegally soliciting campaign donations and throwing bags of ballots in the garbage and now they pretend to be hysterical about technical violations that nobody understands.
How to show us you know nothing about the US's presidential election system, Comrade.
What the hell is an "elector"? Democrats and their minions in the media laughed at Al Gore's antics that included illegally soliciting campaign donations and throwing bags of ballots in the garbage and now they pretend to be hysterical about technical violations that nobody understands.
An elector is a constitutionally defined position. Al Gore did not submit fake electors in contest.
Another reason why an attempted coup must either succeed or fail. That question can't be avoided and be left to fester for 4 years!

If it was an attempted coup against government and the Constitution then patriots must accept it as being legitimate and necessary, or they must stand up for their government.

Which electors were the fakes?
I'm thinking that mandatory 5 years RICO sentence is pretty concerning for some.

Hopefully Trump's defense teams uses this tape. Kemp and others stating their intentions.
How to show us you know nothing about the US's presidential election system, Comrade.
Maybe you call everyone "comrade" but I am not your amigo. Maybe you can explain what "electors" are and how they allegedly impacted the Georgia elections instead of engaging in juvenile name calling. Try explaining away Al Gore's black bag tricks while you are at it.
Maybe you call everyone "comrade" but I am not your amigo. Maybe you can explain what "electors" are and how they allegedly impacted the Georgia elections instead of engaging in juvenile name calling. Try explaining away Al Gore's black bag tricks while you are at it.
Are you ‘tarded? I already did. You are either a misfiring bot, a foreign misinformation farmer, or stupid. Which is it?
I'm thinking that mandatory 5 years RICO sentence is pretty concerning for some.
What you lot should really be concerned about is the fact that CONTESTING an election and sending an alternate slate of electors is perfectly LEGAL and you're going to look like fools on the other side of this nonsense.
What you lot should really be concerned about is the fact that CONTESTING an election and sending an alternate slate of electors is perfectly LEGAL and you're going to look like fools on the other side of this nonsense.
Reality says you're wrong.
I'm thinking that mandatory 5 years RICO sentence is pretty concerning for some.

They were set up to be alternate electors in the event that they won their court case on the election. That isnt illegal and its been done before. Democrats set the legal precedent for it in Hawaii in 1960.

Of course i know you dont care about equal treatment under the law. You are cool with it if democrats do it, but if a republican does it you want to weaponize the DOJ to have republicans thrown in prison.
They were set up to be alternate electors in the event that they won their court case on the election. That isnt illegal and its been done before. Democrats set the legal precedent for it in Hawaii in 1960.

Of course i know you dont care about equal treatment under the law. You are cool with it if democrats do it, but if a republican does it you want to weaponize the DOJ to have republicans thrown in prison.

Then why were they sent to Congress to be counted on J6 since on that day, Trump had lost every single case about fraud and had not won a single one of those 7 states?
Yes, that is exactly what they did. Your weak denial doesnt make facts suddenly become untrue.

No, it's not. JFK won Hawaii so Hawaii's governor appointed a slate of Democratic electors to be counted.

Which of those 7 states in 2020 did Trump win? Which governors from those 7 states appointed a Republican slate of electors to be counted by Congress?

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