313,000 Jobs

Oh, the ol’ “they did it first” mentality. So you are just trolling, thanks for letting me know you aren’t serious.
Well what is the "real" unemployment number? You do know there are people out there looking for work but can't find any. What is TRUMP doing about them? LOL. What's the REAL unemployment number?

What is Trump doing about this?
Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

BTW, I am one of those 15%.
I haven't heard the right talk about the "real unemployment number" since Trump became president.

So NOW after 8 years the lefties want to talk about the "real unemployment number".
No, ya dumbfuck. I want to know why the right doesn’t talk about it anymore.

Make up your mind, one minute it's yes, then it's no...dumbass.
Dumbfuck, when did I say it was “yes?”
Come on sealy plenty of lefty’s crying in this thread. When Obama was in office, the extreme right cried when good happened and now the extreme left is crying when good happens. Party over America is a sad reality.
Who’s crying? All I see are folks on the left making fun of folks on the right for trashing Obama’s good numbers as phony; where now suddenly, for some reason, those same numbers are real.

Oh, the ol’ “they did it first” mentality. So you are just trolling, thanks for letting me know you aren’t serious.
Well what is the "real" unemployment number? You do know there are people out there looking for work but can't find any. What is TRUMP doing about them? LOL. What's the REAL unemployment number?

What is Trump doing about this?
Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

BTW, I am one of those 15%.
I haven't heard the right talk about the "real unemployment number" since Trump became president.

So NOW after 8 years the lefties want to talk about the "real unemployment number".
Yes and the debt.

Do you notice we aren't attacking you guys about the debt? We should because you attacked us over that debt for 8 straight years. Anytime we showed you any good economic news you said, "have you seen the debt?" Well? Have you seen the debt? 2 years ago you said it was the biggest problem facing this nation and the sky was going to fall. Just admit you were playing politics and lying and we will move on.

Single most serious problem facing U.S. today?

In 2010 you guys were saying:
  • By 2019, it's estimated the national debt will rise to about $23 trillion dollars - that's more than one-third of the gross domestic product of the entire world
  • At five percent interest, it will cost the taxpayers more than $1 trillion a year - without paying a single dime on the debt itself. Just interest.
Is this no longer true?
Who’s crying? All I see are folks on the left making fun of folks on the right for trashing Obama’s good numbers as phony; where now suddenly, for some reason, those same numbers are real.

Oh, the ol’ “they did it first” mentality. So you are just trolling, thanks for letting me know you aren’t serious.
Well what is the "real" unemployment number? You do know there are people out there looking for work but can't find any. What is TRUMP doing about them? LOL. What's the REAL unemployment number?

What is Trump doing about this?
Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

BTW, I am one of those 15%.
I haven't heard the right talk about the "real unemployment number" since Trump became president.

So NOW after 8 years the lefties want to talk about the "real unemployment number".
No, ya dumbfuck. I want to know why the right doesn’t talk about it anymore.

This is what they fail to understand. We don't play the same games they do. We simply throw their own game back in their face.

For example it wasn't us who caught Trump cheating and then made such a big deal about it and then years later vote for a cheater like Bill Clinton . No, that was what the Republicans did though. You pretended to be outraged at Clinton cheating (sanctity of marriage) but then totally overlook how Trump cheated on Melania when they were only married less than a year and Barron was less than 4 months old. Oh the sanctity of marriage.

Do you not see what hypocrites you guys are?
Oh, the ol’ “they did it first” mentality. So you are just trolling, thanks for letting me know you aren’t serious.
Well what is the "real" unemployment number? You do know there are people out there looking for work but can't find any. What is TRUMP doing about them? LOL. What's the REAL unemployment number?

What is Trump doing about this?
Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

BTW, I am one of those 15%.
I haven't heard the right talk about the "real unemployment number" since Trump became president.

So NOW after 8 years the lefties want to talk about the "real unemployment number".
No, ya dumbfuck. I want to know why the right doesn’t talk about it anymore.

Make up your mind, one minute it's yes, then it's no...dumbass.
The National Debt Is The Greatest Threat Facing America - Being Libertarian

The highest surplus in modern history, according to InsideGov.com was $290 billion attained by President Bill Clinton in 2000. If politicians could compromise enough to attain that surplus again, it would take almost 65 years for the debt to be paid off.
The debt is not an issue for the Left or the Right. We all need to come together and decide what we are willing to sacrifice to keep this nation fiscally healthy. Programs cost money and we don’t have enough to go around. Quantitative easing (printing money to pay debt) will only work as long as the American dollar is the standard world currency. There are already calls from Russia and China to move away from the dollar because quite honestly it is not fair to other nations when the American government can simply print money to pay for whatever it wants.

We are spending well above our means and this, not any foreign power, is the greatest threat to the United States. Progressive America will have to face what will happen to all of the people who have come to rely on government programs, while conservative America will have to face what happens when there is no fiscally conservative party to be a watchdog in government spending. What will it take to turn Americans towards a compromise that can correct this before it is too late?

The growth of the Libertarian Party is the only hope for America now.
Well what is the "real" unemployment number? You do know there are people out there looking for work but can't find any. What is TRUMP doing about them? LOL. What's the REAL unemployment number?

What is Trump doing about this?
Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

BTW, I am one of those 15%.
I haven't heard the right talk about the "real unemployment number" since Trump became president.

So NOW after 8 years the lefties want to talk about the "real unemployment number".
No, ya dumbfuck. I want to know why the right doesn’t talk about it anymore.

Make up your mind, one minute it's yes, then it's no...dumbass.
Dumbfuck, when did I say it was “yes?”

Remember 2009?

Group Launches Campaign to Raise Awareness About Soaring National Debt

The multimedia campaign is trying to hammer its message on all fronts. It includes a Web site -- Defeatthedebt.com, which features a rolling odometer showing the red ink at over $11 trillion -- and a startling new TV ad. The ad shows school children pledging allegiance to the national debt.

"And to the Chinese government that lends us money, and to the interest, for which we pay, compoundable, with higher taxes and lower pay until the day we die," the school children in the ad say.

"We're also trying to get people to understand who we owe all this debt to, and the leverage that foreign governments and foreign banks have over this country when they start to accumulate that much debt," said Rick Berman, executive director of the Employment Policies Institute, the conservative group behind the campaign.

Obama and his advisers repeatedly have pointed to the red ink already on the books when they took over the White House from President Bush and his advisers.

"Having inherited a trillion-dollar deficit that will take a long time for us to close, we need to focus on what we need to move the economy forward, not on what's nice to have," Obama said in February 2009

"They're correct in saying they inherited a big debt from President Bush. But they -- because of the economy, because of their spending programs -- they're on their way to expanding on that debt," Weisman said.

FOX News' James Rosen contributed to this report.
I am happy when good things happen to our country, I don’t care who the President is or their politics. You on the other hand have to be negative and want bad to happen to your fellow Americans to be happy, what a messed up way to live.

You know why you morons are HYPOCRITES????

You should be expressing your "indignation" with the O/Poster.....don;t you think?
Or do you EVER think?

Was he bashing the jobs report? You were the one bashing the jobs report. Anytime you add jobs it's good.
Trump hitting it out of the park.

I'm starting to feel sorry for libtardos. Everything they rail about comes back to kick them in the head. Tax cuts won't work, wrong.

Now watch them rail Trump is taking credit for Obamakov's success.

The Blue Wall just moved all the way North to the Canadian border.

I think I just heard Schumer scream all the way out here in the Rocky Mountains.

No. Unlike you we are able to admit when things are good. We could nit pick like you guys did to Obama and say until all those things are fixed nothing will be good enough but we don't act like you

Come on sealy plenty of lefty’s crying in this thread. When Obama was in office, the extreme right cried when good happened and now the extreme left is crying when good happens. Party over America is a sad reality.

But I'm showing you that isn't true. Is there anyone more lefty than me? And I'm telling you Trump's doing a good job. The only people who won't vote for him as of right now are people who wouldn't have anyways, are sorry they didn't vote for Hillary and who are offended by his antics.

Are there enough people who didn't show up? People who almost lost their free obamacare? People who are upset at his Russia collusion? Or who will get hurt by his tariffs? Or who fear the GOP will cut/end social security and medicare? Transvestites? Dreamers? Poor people who are still struggling? Young kids paying for college?

I don't think enough of these people will show up. Not if things are this good. And if he solves our North Korea problem?

Reasonable is pissed, lone laugher, those are the extreme left and no there are lots of people left of you. You are pretty moderate.
I am happy when good things happen to our country, I don’t care who the President is or their politics. You on the other hand have to be negative and want bad to happen to your fellow Americans to be happy, what a messed up way to live.

You know why you morons are HYPOCRITES????

You should be expressing your "indignation" with the O/Poster.....don;t you think?
Or do you EVER think?

Was he bashing the jobs report? You were the one bashing the jobs report. Anytime you add jobs it's good.

Well then Obama must have done a good job because he added jobs every month for 8 years.
I haven't heard the right talk about the "real unemployment number" since Trump became president.

So NOW after 8 years the lefties want to talk about the "real unemployment number".
No, ya dumbfuck. I want to know why the right doesn’t talk about it anymore.

Make up your mind, one minute it's yes, then it's no...dumbass.
Dumbfuck, when did I say it was “yes?”

Remember 2009?

Group Launches Campaign to Raise Awareness About Soaring National Debt

The multimedia campaign is trying to hammer its message on all fronts. It includes a Web site -- Defeatthedebt.com, which features a rolling odometer showing the red ink at over $11 trillion -- and a startling new TV ad. The ad shows school children pledging allegiance to the national debt.

"And to the Chinese government that lends us money, and to the interest, for which we pay, compoundable, with higher taxes and lower pay until the day we die," the school children in the ad say.

"We're also trying to get people to understand who we owe all this debt to, and the leverage that foreign governments and foreign banks have over this country when they start to accumulate that much debt," said Rick Berman, executive director of the Employment Policies Institute, the conservative group behind the campaign.

Obama and his advisers repeatedly have pointed to the red ink already on the books when they took over the White House from President Bush and his advisers.

"Having inherited a trillion-dollar deficit that will take a long time for us to close, we need to focus on what we need to move the economy forward, not on what's nice to have," Obama said in February 2009

"They're correct in saying they inherited a big debt from President Bush. But they -- because of the economy, because of their spending programs -- they're on their way to expanding on that debt," Weisman said.

FOX News' James Rosen contributed to this report.
Oh yeah, what ever happened to that group?
Trump hitting it out of the park.

I'm starting to feel sorry for libtardos. Everything they rail about comes back to kick them in the head. Tax cuts won't work, wrong.

Now watch them rail Trump is taking credit for Obamakov's success.

The Blue Wall just moved all the way North to the Canadian border.

I think I just heard Schumer scream all the way out here in the Rocky Mountains.

No. Unlike you we are able to admit when things are good. We could nit pick like you guys did to Obama and say until all those things are fixed nothing will be good enough but we don't act like you

Come on sealy plenty of lefty’s crying in this thread. When Obama was in office, the extreme right cried when good happened and now the extreme left is crying when good happens. Party over America is a sad reality.
Who’s crying? All I see are folks on the left making fun of folks on the right for trashing Obama’s good numbers as phony; where now suddenly, for some reason, those same numbers are real.

Oh, the ol’ “they did it first” mentality. So you are just trolling, thanks for letting me know you aren’t serious.
Well what is the "real" unemployment number? You do know there are people out there looking for work but can't find any. What is TRUMP doing about them? LOL. What's the REAL unemployment number?

What is Trump doing about this?
Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

BTW, I am one of those 15%.

We are hiring and can't find qualified people, I don't know anyone that is out job hunting right now, but that could be just in our area, I am not sure.

As far as personal finances, that is every individuals responsibility, not the government. People tend to spend more than what they make.
No. Unlike you we are able to admit when things are good. We could nit pick like you guys did to Obama and say until all those things are fixed nothing will be good enough but we don't act like you

Come on sealy plenty of lefty’s crying in this thread. When Obama was in office, the extreme right cried when good happened and now the extreme left is crying when good happens. Party over America is a sad reality.
Who’s crying? All I see are folks on the left making fun of folks on the right for trashing Obama’s good numbers as phony; where now suddenly, for some reason, those same numbers are real.

Oh, the ol’ “they did it first” mentality. So you are just trolling, thanks for letting me know you aren’t serious.
Since when is highlighting rightie hypocrisy, “trolling?”

And who’s on the left here who’s not highlighting it? You never did answer that question....
Hey Papa, notice this isn't a thread started by a lefty? When you find us in a thread started by a lefty claiming things aren't going well right now, let us know. Because that's what righties did all 8 years of Obama even though he had like 80 straight months of job growth.

Sorry Obama didn't give tax breaks corporations didn't need to corporations like Trump did. What do we have to give them next? And who will pay the taxes they no longer pay? Oh yea YOU!

I'm sorry where in the hell did I say the tax breaks were a good thing? We need less spending and higher taxes to get out of debt. I have said this for years and my taxes went down.
Who’s crying? All I see are folks on the left making fun of folks on the right for trashing Obama’s good numbers as phony; where now suddenly, for some reason, those same numbers are real.

Oh, the ol’ “they did it first” mentality. So you are just trolling, thanks for letting me know you aren’t serious.
Well what is the "real" unemployment number? You do know there are people out there looking for work but can't find any. What is TRUMP doing about them? LOL. What's the REAL unemployment number?

What is Trump doing about this?
Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

BTW, I am one of those 15%.
I haven't heard the right talk about the "real unemployment number" since Trump became president.

So NOW after 8 years the lefties want to talk about the "real unemployment number".
No, ya dumbfuck. I want to know why the right doesn’t talk about it anymore.
The same reason the left wants to talk about it now, it is called hypocrisy, the extremes on both sides fit the bill.
It's so nice to see a 6 figure jobs gain with a 3 handle. We should have had a few years at this rate, but Obabble felt that some people had earned enough money by now.
Oh, the ol’ “they did it first” mentality. So you are just trolling, thanks for letting me know you aren’t serious.
Well what is the "real" unemployment number? You do know there are people out there looking for work but can't find any. What is TRUMP doing about them? LOL. What's the REAL unemployment number?

What is Trump doing about this?
Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

BTW, I am one of those 15%.
I haven't heard the right talk about the "real unemployment number" since Trump became president.

So NOW after 8 years the lefties want to talk about the "real unemployment number".
No, ya dumbfuck. I want to know why the right doesn’t talk about it anymore.
The same reason the left wants to talk about it now, it is called hypocrisy, the extremes on both sides fit the bill.
Liar. The left is not talking about it.
It's so nice to see a 6 figure jobs gain with a 3 handle. We should have had a few years at this rate, but Obabble felt that some people had earned enough money by now.
That happened six times under Obama. Can you link to your posts back then when you cheered?

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