32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

10th Amendment.

Windsor was affirmed on the State having the purview of marriage, where the State honored it, the Federal government could not discriminate in the form of DOMA.
Given the SCOTUS is upholding lower court rulings that gay marriage is legal in 5 more states has anyone started a suicide watch for Silhouette?

Yeah, that's definitely an explicit contradiction of Silo's interpretation of the SCOTUS granting of stays for delaying the implementation of gay marriage several months ago. Silo insisted this was the court ruling that gay marriage bans were constitutional.

So this has really got to sting.
Doesn't America have any guts? No to homosexual marriage. Hell NO. If you can't imaginably biology have babies, you don't need marriage. Why is this even an issue? Everyone has the same rights, period. marriage is about the children, not manipulation. But that is what gays are all about.
Ah, but that was then and this is now. Times have changed. And so apparently has the demeanor of SCOTUS towards the individual voters of Utah. It acted to protect their rights to self-rule in the interim.

Or perhaps you misinterpreted the courts rulings by projecting your own beliefs onto them. As almost every argument you've made regarding gay marriage, the court never has.

Their right to self-rule is unquestioned and can never be questioned unless Loving applies.

Says who? Certainly not the SCOTUS. No such 'this or that' exists for the protection of marriage rights. You're quite literally making up legal standards again, pulled sideways out of your ass. And as your spectacular failures regarding what the stays granted by the courts on gay marriage implementation 'really meant', you citing yourself is essentially meaningless.

Which it hasn't yet to "gay marriage". Or if it has, granting Utah the stay is SCOTUS de facto overruling of that finding by a lower court in favor of self-rule.

Actually, gay marriage is now legal in Utah.

Same-sex couples are marrying in at least six more states today, after the Supreme Court left in place lower courts' rulings against bans on gay marriage. But couples have been turned away in Kansas, one of several states that share federal jurisdiction with states where bans were lifted.

October 07, 2014 1:28 PM ET

State By State In Gay Marriage s New Landscape Glee Confusion And Resistance The Two-Way NPR

And even the Utah AG has dropped his appeal:

Utah AG drops same-sex marriage recognition appeal

SALT LAKE CITY — The Utah Attorney General’s Office is asking the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to dismiss it’s appeal of a lawsuit over recognition of same-sex marriages.

FOX 13 first reported on Tuesday morning that Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes was seeking to dismiss Evans v. Herbert, a lawsuit filed by the ACLU of Utah over state recognition of same-sex marriages performed in the state. By mid-day, they had filed with the federal appeals court in Denver.

“With this Court’s mandate in effect, Utah is constitutionally required to recognize the marriages of the same-sex couples who were plaintiffs in this action. Therefore, the State of Utah’s appeal of the district court’s order of preliminary injunction requiring such recognition, as the law stands today, is moot,” Utah Attorney General’s Federal Solicitor Parker Douglas wrote.

Utah AG drops same-sex marriage recognition appeal fox13now.com

As usual, you 'defacto' don't know what you're talking about.

Back to California now. Since that stay was granted in Utah, all 50 states voters have the right to appeal for clarity on whether or not their vote on defining marriage in their state counts as well. And that's a rhetorical question because you and I both know about the equal application of civil rights across the 50 states. No favoritism.

The obvious problems with your reasoning being rather layered. First, the stays only apply to the States that petition for them. And California never has. Instantly killing your entire argument. Second....California has no appeal to the ruling of the lower courts overruling prop 8. The USSC allowed the lower court ruling to stand. Ending your argument again.

Third.....the USSC just allowed the lower court rulings overruling Utah's ban on gay marriage. With even Utah recognizing that Utah is constitutionally required to recognize the marriages of same sex couples.

Your entire argument, your entire basis of legal interpretation....was dead wrong.

So in short, SCOTUS' granting the stay to Utah is the same as them granting the stay in all 50 states because of the civil rights of voters. Those can NEVER be disenfranchised or given special bias state to state ...even for 5 minutes, 5 weeks, 5 months or 5 years...

Obviously it isn't. The stays only apply to the States that petition them. You simply hyave no idea what you're talking about regarding the universal applicability of stays, literally inventing that idea up from nothing.

The only time a stay applies to more than the petitioners....is when the courts explicitly state that it does. And they never have regarding the gay marriage stays. Ever. You're simple and laughably wrong again.
Doesn't America have any guts? No to homosexual marriage. Hell NO. If you can't imaginably biology have babies, you don't need marriage. Why is this even an issue? Everyone has the same rights, period. marriage is about the children, not manipulation. But that is what gays are all about.

Why? There's no requirement that anyone getting married in any state either have babies or be able to make them. Why then would we invent a legal standard that doesn't exist....and then apply it only to gay people?

It makes no sense. Which is what pretty much every judge to hear such arguments has found.
The court decided, and you are unhappy.

We all realize that.

Your political philosophy is yours and not mandatory on anyone.
According to the CA constitution, complete with link, every voter in California, like Utah, on the question of gay marriage currently has the right to have that vote count and be enforceable law. This isn't a philosophy. It's in the CA constitution. Right there in black and white.

The federal courts ruled that Prop 8 is unconstitutional. And the USSC allowed that ruling to stand. There is no appeal. California has no petition to stay the implementation of gay marriage in the State.

Gay marriage is legal in the State of California. As demonstrated quite elegantly by all the gay marriages being performed and recognized in the State.
Marriage equality has come to Utah and California.

The battle is over. Both state electorates could vote to throw it out and it would have no effect.
I specifically responded to what you said (that was incorrect BTW) about the California Constitution and the idea that when something is ruled unconstitutional it is still operative until it is removed through a future amenemdent.

You were wrong.

Of course he was wrong. Silo makes up all sorts of pseudo-legal gibberish. And almost none of it has the slightest relevance to the world the rest of us live in. Prop 8 is unconstitutional. Thus, its unenforceable.
Doesn't America have any guts? No to homosexual marriage. Hell NO. If you can't imaginably biology have babies, you don't need marriage. Why is this even an issue? Everyone has the same rights, period. marriage is about the children, not manipulation. But that is what gays are all about.

Doesn't America have any guts? No to homosexual marriage. Hell NO. If you can't imaginably biology have babies, you don't need marriage. Why is this even an issue? Everyone has the same rights, period. marriage is about the children, not manipulation. But that is what gays are all about.

Should we revoke your marriage license once you hit menopause? Should a veteran who has his genitals messed up from a war wound and can't reproduce be denied the right to marry?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? How did you get into my country?
Hey what happened to anti-gay bigots' argument that same sex marriage was only legal in a few states?


Going to be 39 states by the time Obama leaves office, possibly even more.

I'm sticking to my prediction that eventually Republicans will be claiming it was their idea to legalize same sex marriage.

Their spin, I will further predict, will be that they were for legalizing it but they didn't think the courts were the way to do it...

...they will claim they had a better plan.
Hey what happened to anti-gay bigots' argument that same sex marriage was only legal in a few states?


Going to be 39 states by the time Obama leaves office, possibly even more.

I'm sticking to my prediction that eventually Republicans will be claiming it was their idea to legalize same sex marriage.

Their spin, I will further predict, will be that they were for legalizing it but they didn't think the courts were the way to do it...

...they will claim they had a better plan.
I was for same sex marriage while I was republican... this before I switched to libertarian. So eat shit libtard.
Hey what happened to anti-gay bigots' argument that same sex marriage was only legal in a few states?


Going to be 39 states by the time Obama leaves office, possibly even more.
And Obama did nothing to help gays... other than saying he was for it.... and the SCOTUS who just voted not to hear these cases.. yeah it's run by a conservative justice and has more conservatives on it than libs. So eat that.
Nope, the far right conservatives opposed marriage equality all the way.
Hey what happened to anti-gay bigots' argument that same sex marriage was only legal in a few states?


Going to be 39 states by the time Obama leaves office, possibly even more.

I'm sticking to my prediction that eventually Republicans will be claiming it was their idea to legalize same sex marriage.

Their spin, I will further predict, will be that they were for legalizing it but they didn't think the courts were the way to do it...

...they will claim they had a better plan.

Sadly, you are probably going to be proved 100% right.

I believe that there already is a Republican running for office in San Diego that is for gay marriage, Obamacare, etc. Granted he is of the next generation and not an AWG. There is hope for the future. :D
Hey what happened to anti-gay bigots' argument that same sex marriage was only legal in a few states?


Going to be 39 states by the time Obama leaves office, possibly even more.
And Obama did nothing to help gays... other than saying he was for it.... and the SCOTUS who just voted not to hear these cases.. yeah it's run by a conservative justice and has more conservatives on it than libs. So eat that.

That you cannot engage in civil discourse exposes that you are still an AWG even if your have relabeled yourself as an unrealistic one who wants this nation to descend into anarchy.
Nope, the far right conservatives opposed marriage equality all the way.

Many still do, unfortunately. But they are a shrinking minority.

The GOP has effectively lost one of their 3 G's for driving their faithful to the polls. They are going to have get by with just God and Guns now.
10th Amendment.

Windsor was affirmed on the State having the purview of marriage, where the State honored it, the Federal government could not discriminate in the form of DOMA.
Hey what happened to anti-gay bigots' argument that same sex marriage was only legal in a few states?


Going to be 39 states by the time Obama leaves office, possibly even more.
And Obama did nothing to help gays... other than saying he was for it.... and the SCOTUS who just voted not to hear these cases.. yeah it's run by a conservative justice and has more conservatives on it than libs. So eat that.

I disagree. He advocated equality for gays and lesbians in regards to marriage and ordered the DOJ to no longer defend DOMA. That's pretty significant.

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