4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Crossed US Border in 18 Months Since Biden Took Office: Report

You are not able to comprehend what that means. 37% equal what????lmfoao
You are not able to grasp the concept of per capita, I see. Blacks are significantly more likely to be on the government dole than whites.
So you’re saying that blacks are much more likely to be on welfare. They’re only 13% of the population yet account for 26% of the welfare! And conversely, whites are the majority, and a count for only 37 percent of the welfare.
So more whites are on welfare then blacks…..RIGHT !
So more whites are on welfare then blacks…..RIGHT !
And whites contribute more to the taxes that pay welfare. Most of the money donated to charity comes from whites.

Learn about per-capita. Blacks are more likely to be on welfare.
And whites contribute more to the taxes that pay welfare. Most of the money donated to charity comes from whites.

Learn about per-capita. Blacks are more likely to be on welfare.
So the largest number of recipient of welfare are whites. Per capita doesn’t matter. More money is spent on whites for poverty . Poverty is a BIGGER problem among WHITES.
So the largest number of recipient of welfare are whites. Per capita doesn’t matter. More money is spent on whites for poverty . Poverty is a BIGGER problem among WHITES.
And more money is GIVEN to the government by whites.
I never said anything about race. I did point out that the illegals streaming in are uneducated and unskilled. That’s a fact and has nothing to do with skin color.
You are wrong and the statement is racist. Prove your statement with facts. Or shut the fuck up.
You are not able to grasp the concept of per capita, I see. Blacks are significantly more likely to be on the government dole than whites.
The percentage proves more whites are on welfare than blacks. Comprehend???
Facts you racist Americans cannot accept.

It’s essential that the United States ensure that people who come here do so legally. The reality, however, is that there are currently an estimated 11 million individuals living in the United States without legal status, the vast majority of whom are working, paying taxes, and contributing in both economic and non-economic ways to their community, often starting their own businesses, and playing integral roles in agriculture, construction, hospitality, and other industries that are essential to the U.S. economy.
DACA-eligible people contribute billions of dollars to the U.S. economy. Clawing back the protections afforded to DACA recipients will likely upset local economies, communities, and schools, hurting employers and businesses dependent these young immigrants as workers and customers.

Contrary to popular rhetoric, undocumented immigration is not linked to a spike in U.S. crime rates. Between 1990 and 2013, a period when the number of undocumented immigrants more than tripled, the rate of violent crime in the U.S. fell by 48 percent.3 Instead of committing crimes, the vast majority of undocumented immigrants in the country are working4 and paying into our tax system.5 And because they are ineligible for most federal benefits, experts have long argued they are net contributors to the Medicare and Social Security programs.6 They have a similar impact at the state and local level. Even in Florida and Arizona, states with large undocumented populations, immigrants pay more in state and local taxes than they draw down in public resources like education each year.7
You are wrong and the statement is racist. Prove your statement with facts. Or shut the fuck up.
There’s nothing racist about what *I* said, you fucking antisemite! You go around saying that Jews are evil and that they stink, and then you have the audacity to call opposition to illegal aliens racist! SMH.
The percentage proves more whites are on welfare than blacks. Comprehend???
Well duh - we have four times as many whites here. That would be like saying more Asians are on welfare than non-Asians - in Asia.

On a per-capita basis, blacks are more likely to be on welfare. Stop having most of the kids out-of-wedlock when you can’t afford them, and get a f’in job.
Well duh - we have four times as many whites here. That would be like saying more Asians are on welfare than non-Asians - in Asia.

On a per-capita basis, blacks are more likely to be on welfare. Stop having most of the kids out-of-wedlock when you can’t afford them, and get a f’in job.
Not only are you racist, but you are sick mentally. Your racist mentality is not facts. I have three kids. one adopted and never been married and never been on welfare. "Out of Wedlock" is so lame. You must live in the backwoods.
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Not only are you racist, but you are sick mentally.
Says the person ^^^ who claimed that Jews are all evil and that they”have a natural stink.”

Can a normal poster explain to me how blatantly antisemitic Democrats don’t recognize their hypocrisy in calling other people racist?
Says the person ^^^ who claimed that Jews are all evil and that they”have a natural stink.”

Can a normal poster explain to me how blatantly antisemitic Democrats don’t recognize their hypocrisy in calling other people racist?
Sure. Because some people are actually racist. Does it make ME antisemitic because I call Hitler and the Nazi party antisemetic ? btw, to be clear. Jews are a religion and culture, not a race.
Sure. Because some people are actually racist. Does it make ME antisemitic because I call Hitler and the Nazi party antisemetic ? btw, to be clear. Jews are a religion and culture, not a race.
Of course not. Hitler and the Nazis WERE antisemitic.

As far as Jews, I agree we are certainly not a race - there are black Jews, white Jews, and Asian Jews - but more than a religion or culture. I consider us a “people.”
Of course not. Hitler and the Nazis WERE antisemitic.

As far as Jews, I agree we are certainly not a race - there are black Jews, white Jews, and Asian Jews - but more than a religion or culture. I consider us a “people.”
Jews are also an Ethnicity

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