4 myths many on the right believe about liberalism -- updated

The hater dupes fighting for the freedom to continue being SCREWED by their greedy mega rich heroes and bought off charlatans...perfect, ignorant chumps lol AARRGGHHHH...

I think they actually think the mortgage crisis that took us down was a mistake by a bunch of nice, well meaning people on Wall Street. I really do.
While under Voodoo and high payroll taxes and state and local taxes and fees, the nonrich have never paid MORE in ALL taxes and fees, the rich LESS, WHILE THE COUNTRY FALLS APART, AND THE NONRICH ARE NOW SAVING in negative terms- in 2007- now it's even worse...Pub dupes lol...

So you're admitting the country is falling apart under your dear leader gutter trash. The new budget raises those fees even more and maobama said he wants more. I'm sure you will find a way to blame someone else won't you?

You do realize that one of Obama's primary goals was to raise taxes on the wealthy right?

I posted earlier that Warren Buffett makes $37,000,000.00 A DAY from his investments in a stock market that is rigged.
Warren Buffett's wealth soared $37 million a day in 2013
Warren Buffett's wealth soared $37 million a day in 2013 - NBC News.com

And yet he admits his secretary pays more in taxes relative to her salary:
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary - Mar. 4, 2013

So you lay this out for these neanderthals and they still can't add 2 + 2.
So you're admitting the country is falling apart under your dear leader gutter trash. The new budget raises those fees even more and maobama said he wants more. I'm sure you will find a way to blame someone else won't you?

You do realize that one of Obama's primary goals was to raise taxes on the wealthy right?

I posted earlier that Warren Buffett makes $37,000,000.00 A DAY from his investments in a stock market that is rigged.
Warren Buffett's wealth soared $37 million a day in 2013
Warren Buffett's wealth soared $37 million a day in 2013 - NBC News.com

And yet he admits his secretary pays more in taxes relative to her salary:
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary - Mar. 4, 2013

So you lay this out for these neanderthals and they still can't add 2 + 2.

I have no faith in the right.
While under Voodoo and high payroll taxes and state and local taxes and fees, the nonrich have never paid MORE in ALL taxes and fees, the rich LESS, WHILE THE COUNTRY FALLS APART, AND THE NONRICH ARE NOW SAVING in negative terms- in 2007- now it's even worse...Pub dupes lol...

So you're admitting the country is falling apart under your dear leader gutter trash. The new budget raises those fees even more and maobama said he wants more. I'm sure you will find a way to blame someone else won't you?

Yeah, this whole mess started in 2009. January 21, 2009. You DO know that the Great Recession ended in 2009 also, right?

Recession ended in June 2009: NBER
Recession ended in June 2009: NBER | Reuters

I am NOT happy with Obama, but I don't think either McCain or Romney would have done anything except continue to keep the Forbes 400 happy and Wall Street happier.
While under Voodoo and high payroll taxes and state and local taxes and fees, the nonrich have never paid MORE in ALL taxes and fees, the rich LESS, WHILE THE COUNTRY FALLS APART, AND THE NONRICH ARE NOW SAVING in negative terms- in 2007- now it's even worse...Pub dupes lol...

So you're admitting the country is falling apart under your dear leader gutter trash. The new budget raises those fees even more and maobama said he wants more. I'm sure you will find a way to blame someone else won't you?

You do realize that one of Obama's primary goals was to raise taxes on the wealthy right?

You really believe that, how many lies does he have to be caught in for you not to trust that piece of chicago gutter trash. Most all of the taxes in maobamacare are going to be paid by everyone, the new TSA fees will be paid by everyone who buys a ticket. Everyone will pay the regulatory cost of the crap he is piling on business through every government agency out there. So just keep holding your nose while enjoying that shit sandwich while your purchasing power continues to decline because of your dear leader gutter trash.
While under Voodoo and high payroll taxes and state and local taxes and fees, the nonrich have never paid MORE in ALL taxes and fees, the rich LESS, WHILE THE COUNTRY FALLS APART, AND THE NONRICH ARE NOW SAVING in negative terms- in 2007- now it's even worse...Pub dupes lol...

So you're admitting the country is falling apart under your dear leader gutter trash. The new budget raises those fees even more and maobama said he wants more. I'm sure you will find a way to blame someone else won't you?

Yeah, this whole mess started in 2009. January 21, 2009. You DO know that the Great Recession ended in 2009 also, right?

Recession ended in June 2009: NBER
Recession ended in June 2009: NBER | Reuters

I am NOT happy with Obama, but I don't think either McCain or Romney would have done anything except continue to keep the Forbes 400 happy and Wall Street happier.

We'll never know will we, how about answering my questions in post 33, or are they too hard?
While under Voodoo and high payroll taxes and state and local taxes and fees, the nonrich have never paid MORE in ALL taxes and fees, the rich LESS, WHILE THE COUNTRY FALLS APART, AND THE NONRICH ARE NOW SAVING in negative terms- in 2007- now it's even worse...Pub dupes lol...

So you're admitting the country is falling apart under your dear leader gutter trash. The new budget raises those fees even more and maobama said he wants more. I'm sure you will find a way to blame someone else won't you?

Yeah, this whole mess started in 2009. January 21, 2009. You DO know that the Great Recession ended in 2009 also, right?

Recession ended in June 2009: NBER
Recession ended in June 2009: NBER | Reuters

I am NOT happy with Obama, but I don't think either McCain or Romney would have done anything except continue to keep the Forbes 400 happy and Wall Street happier.

But 2.5x more jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Given the steaming mess he inherited, he's done damn good economically. It's just a shame the stimulus wasn't bigger. The economy is still bad because of the millions that we lost, most of which were in Bush's final months.
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So you're admitting the country is falling apart under your dear leader gutter trash. The new budget raises those fees even more and maobama said he wants more. I'm sure you will find a way to blame someone else won't you?

Yeah, this whole mess started in 2009. January 21, 2009. You DO know that the Great Recession ended in 2009 also, right?

Recession ended in June 2009: NBER
Recession ended in June 2009: NBER | Reuters

I am NOT happy with Obama, but I don't think either McCain or Romney would have done anything except continue to keep the Forbes 400 happy and Wall Street happier.

But 2.5x more jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Given the steaming mess he inherited, he's done damn good economically. It's just a shame the stimulus wasn't bigger. The economy is still bad because of the millions that we lost, most of which were in Bush's final months.

Then please explain how we have a lower labor participation rate and fewer folks actually with jobs than the day dear leader gutter trash took office? I think it's magical math.
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly are some exceptions, liberals do not hate the rich in general. There are certain types of rich people we hate, but we are not against the idea of a wealthy class in general. We fully realize their importance to our economic system. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does and still is.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here. Know the difference. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear the cons on this board demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. It's not like we have a goddamn meeting every month to decide what we all believe. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives. Seriously, think about this.

3. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all. Contrary to what many on the right like to believe, Obama is very much a centrist. Creating private sector job growth? Pushing tax cuts? Consolidating the federal government by slashing public jobs to save billions? Appointing conservative members to his cabinet?...yeah Obama has done all of that.

4. Liberals believe in mooching off the government. They do not believe people should have jobs.

Don't be dense. Any idiot understands the importance of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are, but they are RARE. There is no statistical evidence that fraud is rampant. Most people who receive government assistance like SNAP need it.

This really is basic common sense. When millions of people lost their jobs due to the economic spiral of 2008, those people NEEDED relief. Being able bodied means nothing when you lose your job and have kids to support.

The only myth you didn't dispel is the one about libs being morons.
When a liberal throws a pin at you.....


It means the silly slimeball has a GRENADE in his/her/its mouth!
Thant's not true at all, conservatives believe liberals have no ablility to think for themselves so they engage in group-think, not good when so many are too stupid to breath. So just run along and see how the group wants you to reply to this and let the grown ups talk.

You realize of course that by generalizing liberals in this way makes you just as stupid as the "group think" liberals you claim are so common.


Nah the idiot is the one who does not see sarcaism.
All the new bs GOP has is stupid talking points and insults, and mindless obstruction. America has NEVER SEEN SUCH A HUGE BS PROPAGANDA MACHINE AS fOX, rUSH, bECK, hERITAGE, iSSA, ETC ETC ETC. all FINANACED BY GREEDY BILLIONNAIRES AND HATER DUPE ZOMBIES WHO INHABIT ANOTHER PLANET...gd shift key lol...

All the new bs GOP has is stupid talking points and insults,

I don't think I have ever seen one of your posts that didn't include ....

"Hater pub dupes"

So don't lecture us about insults....
So you're admitting the country is falling apart under your dear leader gutter trash. The new budget raises those fees even more and maobama said he wants more. I'm sure you will find a way to blame someone else won't you?

Yeah, this whole mess started in 2009. January 21, 2009. You DO know that the Great Recession ended in 2009 also, right?

Recession ended in June 2009: NBER
Recession ended in June 2009: NBER | Reuters

I am NOT happy with Obama, but I don't think either McCain or Romney would have done anything except continue to keep the Forbes 400 happy and Wall Street happier.

But 2.5x more jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Given the steaming mess he inherited, he's done damn good economically. It's just a shame the stimulus wasn't bigger. The economy is still bad because of the millions that we lost, most of which were in Bush's final months.
So why does unemployment claims continue to rise?
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Yeah, this whole mess started in 2009. January 21, 2009. You DO know that the Great Recession ended in 2009 also, right?

Recession ended in June 2009: NBER
Recession ended in June 2009: NBER | Reuters

I am NOT happy with Obama, but I don't think either McCain or Romney would have done anything except continue to keep the Forbes 400 happy and Wall Street happier.

But 2.5x more jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Given the steaming mess he inherited, he's done damn good economically. It's just a shame the stimulus wasn't bigger. The economy is still bad because of the millions that we lost, most of which were in Bush's final months.
So why does unemployment claims continue to rise?
US jobless claims rise to near nine-month high | TODAYonline

You don't read very well do you? I never said the economy was still bad. Obviously many people are unemployed still.
Every one that reads the news knows Obamacare really shot the shit out of the recovery in the past 3 years. Due to no bussiness owner knows what the rules were and even to this day Obama keeps changing Obama care... how can you build and grow when Obama kees changing the rules ?
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But 2.5x more jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Given the steaming mess he inherited, he's done damn good economically. It's just a shame the stimulus wasn't bigger. The economy is still bad because of the millions that we lost, most of which were in Bush's final months.
So why does unemployment claims continue to rise?
US jobless claims rise to near nine-month high | TODAYonline

You don't read very well do you? I never said the economy was still bad. Obviously many people are unemployed still.

Yea people are still unemployed why bother to work when you can get unemployment for 99 weeks? You. posted Obama created 2X5 plus jobs then Bush jr. Yet Harry reid wants to extend the Uemployment benifits again?

And I just posted a link NEW unmployment filers are at a nine month high.
Liberals hate the rich and depend on the rich. In short liberals are hypocrites with no core values. They will be anything to anyone until their back is turned. It ain't hard to figure out.
Liberals hate the rich and depend on the rich. In short liberals are hypocrites with no core values. They will be anything to anyone until their back is turned. It ain't hard to figure out.

Why wouldnt you just believe what I am saying?

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