4 year old exercises his second amendment rights

The Wall Street Journal reported, in an August 28, 1996 article titled, “More Guns, Less Violent Crime,” that a University of Chicago study revealed that states which passed concealed carry laws reduced their murder rate by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7% and robbery by 3%. The most impressive single statement in the University of Chicago Study, which is an ongoing study, is the very first sentence of the Abstract on the first page.

A study by the disgraced economics professor. He is a complete joke.
Shooting Down the Gun Lobby’s Favorite “Academic”: A Lott of Lies

Even kleck says lott is wrong.

Yeah.....you can't beat the facts, the truth or reality so as a typical lefty you lie about the researcher....

Here is Lott defending himself...

Response to Malkin's Op-ed

people who say he gave them his info. easily

John Lott's website

David Friedman defends lott against various critics...


zhou, donahue used the wrong numbers when they attempted to criticize lott...and then refused to admit their error....

Did John Lott Provide Bad Data to the NRC? A Note on Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang · Econ Journal Watch : Guns, crime, shall-issue, right-to-carry, NRC

Mother jones attack against Lottt…

John Lott's Website: Mother Jones joins the list of left wingers trying to discredit me and the Crime Prevention Research Center


Do Right-to-carry laws reduce violent crime? - Crime Prevention Research Center

For the data errors in the one published paper by Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang that claims to find a bad effect from right-to-carry laws on aggravated assaults see this paper.

In addition, Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang have retracted their original claim that the my research could not be replicated. Their argument was that Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang could not replicate the replication work done by the National Research Council that had replicated my research.

In an Erratum note published in October 2012 they concede: “Subsequent to the publication of this article, members of the NRC panel demonstrated to the authors that the results in question were replicable if the authors used the data and statistical models described in Chapter 6 of the NRC (2004) report.”

Only lott defends lott, shocking.

Read the links moron.......
No you have poorly done surveys and studies by disgraced economics professors. Look at OP, that is real.

Nope. The facts are against you. Sorry. :) Now, try rebutting some of the points I've made. Then maybe you would be taken more seriously around here. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate

Oh, so it's just a coincidence??? Why do you want to prevent people from defending themselves? You can argue all day, but the facts remain that at least 10s of thousands of people do in fact defend themselves with guns. Isn't that right?

Are you trying to convince us that a gun does not deter a potential attacker?
Yes, crime went down everywhere. Violent crime in wi went down until they got carry. Then it went up.

I haven't suggested anything that would deny a law abiding person a gun.

The number is probably between 60k and 100k. But as studies show many aren't lawful.

The fact is that many people do in fact avoid becoming victims because of the fact that they are armed. That's just a fact.

And many die in accidental shooting, that is a fact.
Police have also been known to show up at the wrong address and shoot innocent people. Lol.
I have the truth, facts and reality........you hate guns.....you don't want people to have guns...so in order to push your agenda, you have to lie by omission, lie with emotions....and hide the truth, facts and reality.

Then you act like a child.....

Actually it was you lying and then acting like a child, hence your childish responses. You lose again.

Sorry, we have facts on our side. You have fear and misinformation.

No you have poorly done surveys and studies by disgraced economics professors. Look at OP, that is real.

Nope. The facts are against you. Sorry. :) Now, try rebutting some of the points I've made. Then maybe you would be taken more seriously around here. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate

except there are 18 studies who say the opposite.....and 10 that say there is no effect...twit.....
Nope. The facts are against you. Sorry. :) Now, try rebutting some of the points I've made. Then maybe you would be taken more seriously around here. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate

Oh, so it's just a coincidence??? Why do you want to prevent people from defending themselves? You can argue all day, but the facts remain that at least 10s of thousands of people do in fact defend themselves with guns. Isn't that right?

Are you trying to convince us that a gun does not deter a potential attacker?
Yes, crime went down everywhere. Violent crime in wi went down until they got carry. Then it went up.

I haven't suggested anything that would deny a law abiding person a gun.

The number is probably between 60k and 100k. But as studies show many aren't lawful.

The fact is that many people do in fact avoid becoming victims because of the fact that they are armed. That's just a fact.

And many die in accidental shooting, that is a fact.

Less than 1000 per year. Don't forget, your statistics are padded with misinformation.
The Wall Street Journal reported, in an August 28, 1996 article titled, “More Guns, Less Violent Crime,” that a University of Chicago study revealed that states which passed concealed carry laws reduced their murder rate by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7% and robbery by 3%. The most impressive single statement in the University of Chicago Study, which is an ongoing study, is the very first sentence of the Abstract on the first page.

A study by the disgraced economics professor. He is a complete joke.
Shooting Down the Gun Lobby’s Favorite “Academic”: A Lott of Lies

Even kleck says lott is wrong.

Yeah.....you can't beat the facts, the truth or reality so as a typical lefty you lie about the researcher....

Here is Lott defending himself...

Response to Malkin's Op-ed

people who say he gave them his info. easily

John Lott's website

David Friedman defends lott against various critics...


zhou, donahue used the wrong numbers when they attempted to criticize lott...and then refused to admit their error....

Did John Lott Provide Bad Data to the NRC? A Note on Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang · Econ Journal Watch : Guns, crime, shall-issue, right-to-carry, NRC

Mother jones attack against Lottt…

John Lott's Website: Mother Jones joins the list of left wingers trying to discredit me and the Crime Prevention Research Center


Do Right-to-carry laws reduce violent crime? - Crime Prevention Research Center

For the data errors in the one published paper by Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang that claims to find a bad effect from right-to-carry laws on aggravated assaults see this paper.

In addition, Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang have retracted their original claim that the my research could not be replicated. Their argument was that Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang could not replicate the replication work done by the National Research Council that had replicated my research.

In an Erratum note published in October 2012 they concede: “Subsequent to the publication of this article, members of the NRC panel demonstrated to the authors that the results in question were replicable if the authors used the data and statistical models described in Chapter 6 of the NRC (2004) report.”

Only lott defends lott, shocking.

Do you know that most of the time, during the commission of a violent assault, the police don't get there until after the assault has occurred?

And most of these crimes are criminal on criminal. 2aguy says that all the time.
Nope. The facts are against you. Sorry. :) Now, try rebutting some of the points I've made. Then maybe you would be taken more seriously around here. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate

Oh, so it's just a coincidence??? Why do you want to prevent people from defending themselves? You can argue all day, but the facts remain that at least 10s of thousands of people do in fact defend themselves with guns. Isn't that right?

Are you trying to convince us that a gun does not deter a potential attacker?
Yes, crime went down everywhere. Violent crime in wi went down until they got carry. Then it went up.

I haven't suggested anything that would deny a law abiding person a gun.

The number is probably between 60k and 100k. But as studies show many aren't lawful.

The fact is that many people do in fact avoid becoming victims because of the fact that they are armed. That's just a fact.

And many die in accidental shooting, that is a fact.

320,000,000 million people in the United States

357,000,000 guns in private hands.....

Accidental deaths in 2013... 505

accidental car deaths... 35,000
Actually it was you lying and then acting like a child, hence your childish responses. You lose again.

Sorry, we have facts on our side. You have fear and misinformation.

No you have poorly done surveys and studies by disgraced economics professors. Look at OP, that is real.

Nope. The facts are against you. Sorry. :) Now, try rebutting some of the points I've made. Then maybe you would be taken more seriously around here. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate

except there are 18 studies who say the opposite.....and 10 that say there is no effect...twit.....

You base that off lotts site of course.
Nope. The facts are against you. Sorry. :) Now, try rebutting some of the points I've made. Then maybe you would be taken more seriously around here. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate

Oh, so it's just a coincidence??? Why do you want to prevent people from defending themselves? You can argue all day, but the facts remain that at least 10s of thousands of people do in fact defend themselves with guns. Isn't that right?

Are you trying to convince us that a gun does not deter a potential attacker?
Yes, crime went down everywhere. Violent crime in wi went down until they got carry. Then it went up.

I haven't suggested anything that would deny a law abiding person a gun.

The number is probably between 60k and 100k. But as studies show many aren't lawful.

The fact is that many people do in fact avoid becoming victims because of the fact that they are armed. That's just a fact.

And many die in accidental shooting, that is a fact.

So, obviously it isn't the people's lives that you are concerned with. What is your agenda? You spend all day long in these threads trying to convince people that "guns are bad." Well, guns are only bad when they are in the hands of a bad person, and most of the time . . . those people obtained their weapons illegally anyways, so all the laws in the world wouldn't stop them.
Sorry, we have facts on our side. You have fear and misinformation.

No you have poorly done surveys and studies by disgraced economics professors. Look at OP, that is real.

Nope. The facts are against you. Sorry. :) Now, try rebutting some of the points I've made. Then maybe you would be taken more seriously around here. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate

except there are 18 studies who say the opposite.....and 10 that say there is no effect...twit.....

You base that off lotts site of course.

The fact remains that at least hundreds of thousands of people defend themselves against criminals with their weapons.

Oh, so it's just a coincidence??? Why do you want to prevent people from defending themselves? You can argue all day, but the facts remain that at least 10s of thousands of people do in fact defend themselves with guns. Isn't that right?

Are you trying to convince us that a gun does not deter a potential attacker?
Yes, crime went down everywhere. Violent crime in wi went down until they got carry. Then it went up.

I haven't suggested anything that would deny a law abiding person a gun.

The number is probably between 60k and 100k. But as studies show many aren't lawful.

The fact is that many people do in fact avoid becoming victims because of the fact that they are armed. That's just a fact.

And many die in accidental shooting, that is a fact.

So, obviously it isn't the people's lives that you are concerned with. What is your agenda? You spend all day long in these threads trying to convince people that "guns are bad." Well, guns are only bad when they are in the hands of a bad person, and most of the time . . . those people obtained their weapons illegally anyways, so all the laws in the world wouldn't stop them.

You didn't read the OP?
No you have poorly done surveys and studies by disgraced economics professors. Look at OP, that is real.

Nope. The facts are against you. Sorry. :) Now, try rebutting some of the points I've made. Then maybe you would be taken more seriously around here. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate

except there are 18 studies who say the opposite.....and 10 that say there is no effect...twit.....

You base that off lotts site of course.

The fact remains that at least hundreds of thousands of people defend themselves against criminals with their weapons.

Unlikely. Not supported by anything in the real world.
So the woman in the OP listened to you two. See how well that worked out for her?
Oh, so it's just a coincidence??? Why do you want to prevent people from defending themselves? You can argue all day, but the facts remain that at least 10s of thousands of people do in fact defend themselves with guns. Isn't that right?

Are you trying to convince us that a gun does not deter a potential attacker?
Yes, crime went down everywhere. Violent crime in wi went down until they got carry. Then it went up.

I haven't suggested anything that would deny a law abiding person a gun.

The number is probably between 60k and 100k. But as studies show many aren't lawful.

The fact is that many people do in fact avoid becoming victims because of the fact that they are armed. That's just a fact.

And many die in accidental shooting, that is a fact.

So, obviously it isn't the people's lives that you are concerned with. What is your agenda? You spend all day long in these threads trying to convince people that "guns are bad." Well, guns are only bad when they are in the hands of a bad person, and most of the time . . . those people obtained their weapons illegally anyways, so all the laws in the world wouldn't stop them.

You didn't read the OP?

Yes. What's your point?
So the woman in the OP listened to you two. See how well that worked out for her?

The fact still remains that more people defend themselves against criminals with guns than die in accidental shootings. Lol. :D I notice that you avoid answering my question. WHAT IS YOUR AGENDA?
So the woman in the OP listened to you two. See how well that worked out for her?

Lots of people drive drunk to and don't listen to others that tell them not too. Does that mean we should ban ANYTHING just because someone misuses it?

BTW that would be banning almost anything that has a warning label on it because the reason for that warning label is that someone didn't listen.
Nope. The facts are against you. Sorry. :) Now, try rebutting some of the points I've made. Then maybe you would be taken more seriously around here. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate

except there are 18 studies who say the opposite.....and 10 that say there is no effect...twit.....

You base that off lotts site of course.

The fact remains that at least hundreds of thousands of people defend themselves against criminals with their weapons.

Unlikely. Not supported by anything in the real world.

You are only posting information about those killed in justifiable homicide. Are you trying to convince people that when you show a potential attacker that you are armed, they never run away and you have to shoot them every time?

I'm sure that is not the case. How stupid do you think we are? Seriously? Lol. :D
So the woman in the OP listened to you two. See how well that worked out for her?

The fact still remains that more people defend themselves against criminals with guns than die in accidental shootings. Lol. :D I notice that you avoid answering my question. WHAT IS YOUR AGENDA?

You asked that same question many posts back and it was answered then. Your brain doesn't seem to work very well.

And fact is the woman who was shot by her child took your advice. Good job.

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