4 Years Ago Today

I will be posting these from BlueSky. It's important to remind people of the chaos and incompetence of the Trump years. Four years ago was the very beginning of the Covid pandemic. Trump botched it in epic manner.

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Why did more people die from Covid under Screaming *Joe with the vaccine than under Trump without it?
Why would you take Trump’s vaccine? You must be terribly confused.
Kamala told Americans she would never take Trumps vaccine. How many deaths is she directly responsible for. Has to be in the hundreds of thousands.
So, now your defense of Trump is "well, he did not rape her, he just sexually abused her"

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Poor Carroll. She let Trump bend her over in a dressing room over thirty years ago thinking she bagged New Yorks most famous millionaire.
He doesn’t even remember her. Haahhahaahahaahaaa.
What a dumb bitch.
I will be posting these from BlueSky. It's important to remind people of the chaos and incompetence of the Trump years. Four years ago was the very beginning of the Covid pandemic. Trump botched it in epic manner.

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My favorite parts are the shots u guys worship were built on trumps watch.

U morons pretend the economic hit was trumps fault yet u assholes cant calulate the gap recovered 35% percent trumps last 2 qtr. Before he was replaced. And somehow were supposed to belive world recession was the orange man's fault.

And you assholes don't even know your own govt., where govoners and state congress run states. Yet,Yet the spread was the orange man's fault as if state gov. Hopless.

And yet..YET, the democrats reopened shit after the selection of xiden, with twice the covid cases as a year earlier under trump, as if we weren't supposed to notice covid is seasonal.

Fun u guys r dumb
In February 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump enforced a complete ban on travel from mainland China, a signature policy move that helped save many lives from the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S.

What's True
A restriction on foreigners traveling from mainland China took effect on Feb. 2, 2020, but thousands of Chinese and foreign nationals from Hong Kong and Macau entered the U.S. in the three months following. Thousands of Americans and foreigners still arrived in the U.S. on direct flights from China after the restrictions were imposed.

What's False

There was no ban on travel from China’s administrative zones, as thousands of travelers managed to enter the U.S. from Hong Kong and Macau, regions also struck by COVID-19. Many travelers did not receive the same enhanced screenings for the virus as those required by Americans returning from mainland China.
The mob called him "Lockdown Don."
A Holland America cruise ship carrying 300 Americans among its 1,200 passengers - with four dead and about 200 sick aboard - pleads with Florida to let it dock. Gov DeSantis: "We cannot afford to have people who are not even Floridians dumped into South Florida using up those valuable resources."
The crazy left criticizes Trump for not removing healthy crew members from a cruise ship and letting it drift into a freaking reef. The same crazy TDS left conveniently forgets that the democrat governor of NY forced nursing homes to accept COVID positive patients. Maybe Trump misinterpreted the severity of COVID or maybe not but it is certain that former NY governor Cuomo is guilty in the deaths of thousands of senior citizens in NY by knowingly contaminating nursing homes.

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