4 Young NH Men Kill mother and beat her 11 year old daughter


N.H. prosecutor: Teens picked slaying victim at random - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

This should be illegal.

What are you referring to? I'm assuming posting the pictures of the people involved?

If posting their pictures is overly offensive to the viewers of this thread let me know, i'll edit them out.

What are you referring to? I'm assuming posting the pictures of the people involved?

If posting their pictures is overly offensive to the viewers of this thread let me know, i'll edit them out.

No. I'm talking about what they did.

I personally feel it should be illegal.
If they were in Texas and found guilty, they would more than likely get the death penalty. In that respect they should consider themselves lucky. Personally, I wouldn't waste the sodium pentothal, I'd simply use a rope and hang their sorry asses.
At least you would grant a trial first.

I say that if found guilty, instead of or maybe before executing them, we should try to find out what makes people like this tick. Why they did it and how to recognize the signs that something like this is going to happen in order to prevent crimes like this in the future.

Gribble put his stuff out on Facebook UnionLeader.com - New Hampshire news, business and sports - Chilling insights found on Facebook - Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2009
I was in near tears earlier talking with a friend who had been a prior resident of the small town. She is very shook up. Our hearts go out to the Father and daughter.

Such a sad, tragic, despicably evil event.
If they were in Texas and found guilty, they would more than likely get the death penalty. In that respect they should consider themselves lucky. Personally, I wouldn't waste the sodium pentothal, I'd simply use a rope and hang their sorry asses.
At least you would grant a trial first.

I say that if found guilty, instead of or maybe before executing them, we should try to find out what makes people like this tick. Why they did it and how to recognize the signs that something like this is going to happen in order to prevent crimes like this in the future.

People have been murdering people since the dawn of time if we ain't figured out why people murder by now then we ain't ever gonna figure it out. We know how they did it and we pretty much know why so there's nothing left to do but render justice.
I was in near tears earlier talking with a friend who had been a prior resident of the small town. She is very shook up. Our hearts go out to the Father and daughter.

Such a sad, tragic, despicably evil event.

I know a woman whose son was involved, at about the same age, in a murder. There is still no "reasoning" behind it, or how/why. The boy always seemed to be fine, bright, pleasant, and just a decent nice kid.Some "stuff" happened, and I guess he changed. Horrid for the victim, horrid for the victim's family, and horrid for this woman, too. And I know she did her very best, and kept her home decent as she possibly could for her children.

Another situation I know of was that a much loved child grew up, had adolescent onset schizophrenia, mother in denial, she tried to take care of him, protect, help, then something happened, and he ended up with a death penalty, then commuted to life for killing two. As a small boy, he was a beautiful and sweet child. Humans are so far from perfect, it can happen in any family, things go wrong, who knows why any of it happens, the aftermath for all is horrendous. The rest of us can only set standards, confine those who are a threat to the rest of us, and hopefully NOT be hypocrites about all of it. Amazing how many families have family members, relations near and more distant who have some very serious and dangerous "glitches" and defects.

Very active parenting, availing a family of all services one can find, fighting a system that wants to cut services, paying very close attention, and then it still may not go right. As I said, humans are a very imperfect species. Humans have an infinite capacity for both good and evil, and a seemingly endless capacity to horrify the rest of us with their evil, at times.

I think it "isn't getting worse," just that news access is so totally extensive we hear about it quickly and focus on it. Our history, according to some, begins with 25% of the human population murdering another 25%, and there it was "sibling rivalry, but these two were the product of "immoral" parents who didn't take responsibility for their own wrongdoing, couldn't follow rules, and so on.

The current horror is terrible, WE KNOW THAT, and on the other hand, we say, "SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW!"
My cousin lives the next town over. Her son was at a sleepover a few streets away :eek:

Things have been crazy near my home.

This thing
The beatings at KFC in norwell
The shooting over leaves in randolph

Whats next
They look like skin heads. Put them on a desert island somewhere with nothing but a knife each.

Yet by committing a home invasion that led to the death of a white woman, they weren't acting like skinheads... they were acting like blacks.

I am so glad you said that! It's about time someone stuck up for the white, murdering skin heads! They get such a bum rap by the media, when really they are just lost souls who are misunderstood.

A kid at school stabbed another kid in the face with a PEN yesterday. Blood everywhere. The level of violence and violent talk is alarming. My students don't say "shut up" anymore They say "ya wanna get cut?"
Executing them does nothing but end their punishment.

Let them spend the rest of their lives in some maximum security hell-hole prison starting as young white dudes who killed and beat women.

They'll be begging for the death penalty in no time.

That's the best idea on here.
My wife's nephew was killed about a year and a half ago by a young white man who went on a three day murder spree killing seven people , including a toddler . The killer was a young white man from an all-American Midwestern town . To this day nobody knows what set this guy off , and he's not telling . I absolutely do not believe in the end of days , the rapture ,or anything like that , but acts of evil or becoming all to common place . Why? Is it a prevalance of moral relativism in our society ? Television ? What ? I personally believe that too many of our people just don't think about God anymore , let alone pray . Like I said , I don't believe in the end of days , but if you turn your back to God , maybe he'll turn his back to you .
Boys are dangerous animals. I am an advocate for victims, it's true...but still I can't help looking at kids who commit heinous crimes and thinking "what if?" I'm also an advocate for criminals, I've worked with them and for them, as well.

My brother is a psychopath. For years I thought he was a sociopath, until the definition of sociopath came to mean someone who isn't very intelligent, but is terribly criminal all the same.

My brother was diagnosed as a sociopath in the 70s, when really not much was known about psychopaths and sociopaths. He was only 14...so if you applied the adult definition, he would have been a sociopath, because he was 14 and therefore an idiot. But as an adult, he's brilliant, much, much more intelligent than I am. A math and engineering whiz. But he is sadistic and masochistic, and undoubtedly a murderer, though never caught for that particular crime, because he's too smart to get caught. I don't say that with any pride, it's a tragedy. But I know him, better than anyone. And I love him, he's my brother. Would I lie for him? Never.

But when I see young boys who get caught up in a terrible crime, a brutal crime, my heart bleeds for the victims..but also for the families of the killers, and for the killers themselves. They know they aren't normal, they know people hate them and want them dead. And you have to wonder...what if? It's so terrible to see these kids...who have families, who have senses of humor, who have the ability to see they aren't normal...and who are unable to control their urges.

And this is one of the reasons I'm so dead set on setting outside constraints on kids. Don't teach them that any impulse is natural and acceptable. You HAVE to teach these kids that it is WRONG to act on impulse. It doesn't matter if you think you're "hardwired" to be deviant. We're all "hardwired" to deviance. You have to teach them, from a young age, to control that wiring and act contrary to it. We all want to kill people at some point. We all go through stages where we want to belong to the "bad" set. We all want to experience with deviant sexuality. But we have to teach children that they are the master of themselves...they MUST overcome those urges...because the urges are many and they are overwhelming. It takes 24 hour a day vigilance.

I raised my boys, and I was a child of the 70s and 80s. My mother was an atheist. Free love was the order of the day. Drugs and alcohol were smiled upon. When I had my kids at 21 & 22, the order of the day was, if the natural dad isn't around, find another! It's much better than being alone, suit yourself! Kids can't be happy if you aren't happy, and you can't be happy if you aren't in LOVE!

Wrong. Focus on the kids, and when they act out, you devote your time and energy on spending every waking moment superivising them. My boys wanted to skip school. They didn't....because when it became an issue, I went to school with them and sat in class with them. It took one class with mama sitting behind them, and they got over that stage. And that's what it takes. There's no time or energy for bringing men into the picture. When you do, disaster ensues.

But I digress. I feel for these kids. They did a terrible, terrible thing. But kids are more dangerous than tigers. If they aren't supervised every minute of every day, age 10-20, terrible things happen.

That's my rant. Now I have to abscond and let my daughter have the controls for 30 minutes before bed.

Night night.
My cousin lives the next town over. Her son was at a sleepover a few streets away :eek:

Things have been crazy near my home.

This thing
The beatings at KFC in norwell
The shooting over leaves in randolph

Whats next

Probably someone will have gay sex in Provincetown.
that sort of makes me yearn for kfc.

Unfortunately, as of tonight, I've decided to become vegetarian. I hate beans. I like rice. I'll be eating a lot of both to get complete proteins, dammit.

But I'm thinking that at the age of 45, I'm not going to have any more children (not that I've gone through menopause yet..I could probably continue having kids into my 60s,,,) and I need to just give up the red meat and gravy.

Gonna start riding my horse more, opt out of meat and milk (I'm a sucker for milk), white bread and butter.

It's not like I need it to grow or anything.

Made my kids pork shoulder chops and carrots for dinner. Time to look for carrots.

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