40% of Americans now favor Trump's Impeachment

Funny. All you would have had to do is watch what Trump says and acts to see why this country has had it with this petulant insecure child.
Clearly you need to work on comprehension following speeches. Unless you're an russian spy?
Russian spies are only permitted in the Oval Office. Did you see when your doofus prez gave away state secrets to them?
Or didn't Breitbart, Fox andDrudge inform you of that?
View attachment 144324
Said Robert DeNiro....

DeNiro or Michael Moore hates should be political litmus tests for the true American patriot. Vote for anyone that those two hate.
In reality DeNiro hasn't made a good movie in over 20 years. He's become desperate for limelight. And now he's glorified by the unhinged Trump haters LOL
There it goes like clockwork. Someone tells the truth about Trump and you feel it's your job to attack him.
DiNiro continues to be one of the most respected actors in the world. Trump's a laughing stock in the world..

Those gals are wearing orange to support Trump.
Keep pretending that's not an abysmal number. Even 5 % would be horrendous for a prez. You idiots are a hoot
He won the white house with fake abysmal numbers and he will do it again. Do you think the people will forgive so easily their history being wiped out by snowflakes? Good Luck!
View attachment 144324
Said Robert DeNiro....

DeNiro or Michael Moore hates should be political litmus tests for the true American patriot. Vote for anyone that those two hate.
In reality DeNiro hasn't made a good movie in over 20 years. He's become desperate for limelight. And now he's glorified by the unhinged Trump haters LOL
There it goes like clockwork. Someone tells the truth about Trump and you feel it's your job to attack him.
DiNiro continues to be one of the most respected actors in the world. Trump's a laughing stock in the world..

Those gals are wearing orange to support Trump.
Yeah... that's why they're laughing at him. It's now an international joke this insecure prez can't stop talking about his election victory. He even has to lie about the size of his inaugural crowd.
Yes indeed. He is an international laughing stock.

Get the fuck out of here you head case!
Conservatard is trying to pretend polling was only done in Cali orall bluestates.
Suck it up... your boy has screwed the pooched and are paying attention.
Ummmm if you are going to post fakes poll numbers maybe you should find one that shows a majority.....40% LMFAO
Like 40% of California sure...But that's nothing new.
Conservatard is trying to pretend polling was only done in Cali orall bluestates.
Suck it up... your boy has screwed the pooched and are paying attention.
Another comprehension fail on your part. I take it you're the one who bitched about the popular vote being roughly 2 million difference. Polls based on California voters don't determine the presidency. Nor impeachment.
Keep pretending that's not an abysmal number. Even 5 % would be horrendous for a prez. You idiots are a hoot
He won the white house with fake abysmal numbers and he will do it again. Do you think the people will forgive so easily their history being wiped out by snowflakes? Good Luck!
Quick list his legislative victories.
Don't run away.
Yeah... that's why they're laughing at him. It's now an international joke this insecure prez can't stop talking about his election victory. He even has to lie about the size of his inaugural crowd.
Yes indeed. He is an international joke!
Now you did it...even my kids and my wife are laughing at you...

How America sees this administration.

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