40% of Americans now favor Trump's Impeachment

Keep pretending that's not an abysmal number. Even 5 % would be horrendous for a prez. You idiots are a hoot
He won the white house with fake abysmal numbers and he will do it again. Do you think the people will forgive so easily their history being wiped out by snowflakes? Good Luck!
Quick list his legislative victories.
Don't run away.

Guess what dumbass, he has a pen and a phone!!! He does not produce legislation dumbass,, List oshitscums legislative victories, Don't run away<< there ARE none. because he hasn't written any legislation and he didn't pen, or even cosponsor any when he was in the senate. Stupid liberal bullshit pumps are the dumbest son of a bitches on earth.
Keep pretending that's not an abysmal number. Even 5 % would be horrendous for a prez. You idiots are a hoot
He won the white house with fake abysmal numbers and he will do it again. Do you think the people will forgive so easily their history being wiped out by snowflakes? Good Luck!
Quick list his legislative victories.
Don't run away.

Guess what dumbass, he has a pen and a phone!!! He does not produce legislation dumbass,, List oshitscums legislative victories, Don't run away<< there ARE none. because he hasn't written any legislation and he didn't pen, or even cosponsor any when he was in the senate. Stupid liberal bullshit pumps are the dumbest son of a bitches on earth.
No that would be you. You have the WH and both houses of congress and you're batting .000. Failure like that is hard to match.
No that would be you. You have the WH and both houses of congress and you're batting .000. Failure like that is hard to match
No one said it would be easy to drain the swamp especially with but lickers like you covering for them...BUUUUUAAAAAHAHAHAHA!
The only shit who favor trumps impeachment are the lying liberal scum that are going to jail because his administration is going to investigate all of their criminal unconstitutional and treasonous activity. There is NO poll of the American people. It is a complete lie and a complete fabrication to say there is. Another BS stream from the vomit spewer. It is very telling that you have to keep fabricating lies and the shit in WDC have to keep searching every nook and every little cubbyhole, push every little narrative against Trump just to try to bring the American people down. It shows the resilience of the deplorables that make up 75% of this country, You know the people who work go home to their families, most don't have the time to vote some aren't even registered but they know what pure shit ANY liberal is and they are getting tired of being harassed, labeled, and intimidated by the most vile and disgusting shit in the country. They are also very capable of putting a complete stop to liberalisim in short order and with a force that makes a nuclear warhead seem like a spitball. You liberal shit got some the other day. even the Fox news corps are misreading and discounting the FACTS in the Charlottesville assault. But there is video evidence that shows the FACT that the "white supremacist" were having a peaceful gathering, and the NEWS media was filming it when a large group of masked antifas brandishing clubs, rocks bottles and many other possibly deadly weapons attacked them visciously. TIME to find out why the news media withheld the video evidence from the PEOPLE of this country. TIME TO MUSTER, If the Government is supporting the THOUGHT POLICE the government must be changed.
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Keep pretending that's not an abysmal number. Even 5 % would be horrendous for a prez. You idiots are a hoot
He won the white house with fake abysmal numbers and he will do it again. Do you think the people will forgive so easily their history being wiped out by snowflakes? Good Luck!
Quick list his legislative victories.
Don't run away.

Guess what dumbass, he has a pen and a phone!!! He does not produce legislation dumbass,, List oshitscums legislative victories, Don't run away<< there ARE none. because he hasn't written any legislation and he didn't pen, or even cosponsor any when he was in the senate. Stupid liberal bullshit pumps are the dumbest son of a bitches on earth.
Moron thinks presidents write legislation.
Yup trump was right about his uneducated base.
The only shit who favor trumps impeachment are the lying liberal scum that are going to jail because his administration is going to investigate all of their criminal unconstitutional and treasonous activity. There is NO poll of the American people. It is a complete lie and a complete fabrication to say there is. Another BS stream from the vomit spewer.
The only shit who favor trumps impeachment are the lying liberal scum that are going to jail because his administration is going to investigate all of their criminal unconstitutional and treasonous activity. There is NO poll of the American people. It is a complete lie and a complete fabrication to say there is. Another BS stream from the vomit spewer.
Keep telling yourself that. That PPP only polled liberals. What are the odds only liberals answered the phone?
Face it. You're fucked. With him cuddling Nazis while every honorable person came out directly taking them on... that opened America's eyes even more to the dunce.
Is this yet another example of " WINNING?"

Plus 10 more republicans have come out against the Comrade.

Forty percent of registered voters support impeaching President Trump, according to a poll released Thursday from the left-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP).

Nearly half of voters, 48 percent, are opposed to impeaching Trump, and 12 percent remain unsure, according to the poll.

Pollsters also found that a majority of voters, 52 percent, would prefer former President Obama in his old role rather than Trump; 43 percent prefer Trump, and 5 percent are uncertain.

“Usually a newly elected president is at the peak of their popularity and enjoying their honeymoon after taking office,” PPP President Dean Debnam said in a statement.

Poll: 4 in 10 support impeaching Trump

Hahahahahah......How's that "winning" stuff working out for you, Trumptards? LOL
Oh where they the one's polled?
You're really going down that Trump embarrassment highway with him.
List all those embarrassments...
Still not following the news I see. You always punk yourself.
Because you're too much of a moron to use Google?
You think you're anything more for me than a punching bag?
Trump has become the country's punching bag.
Yes, I see everyone here has abandoned Trump...not.
We call your group the deplorables
Well Trump did permit the coal industry to pollute our rivers and streams with immunity.
Is that an accomplishment?
He created dozens of coal jobs while China is creating tens of thousands in wind and solar.
Is that an accomplishment?
He did repeal and replace Obamacare on day one like he promised.
Oh wait.
Is this yet another example of " WINNING?"

Plus 10 more republicans have come out against the Comrade.

Forty percent of registered voters support impeaching President Trump, according to a poll released Thursday from the left-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP).

Nearly half of voters, 48 percent, are opposed to impeaching Trump, and 12 percent remain unsure, according to the poll.

Pollsters also found that a majority of voters, 52 percent, would prefer former President Obama in his old role rather than Trump; 43 percent prefer Trump, and 5 percent are uncertain.

“Usually a newly elected president is at the peak of their popularity and enjoying their honeymoon after taking office,” PPP President Dean Debnam said in a statement.

Poll: 4 in 10 support impeaching Trump

Hahahahahah......How's that "winning" stuff working out for you, Trumptards? LOL
They think he's doing great. They love ONLY 40% of Americans want him impeached.
OP, do you know you cited a February article to begin this thread? That article cited PPP poll which surveyed 39% Democrats, 31% Republicans, and 29% Independents. You probably got it confused with a new poll from PRRI, which does not state the percentages of those surveyed by party. Both polls, February and August state 40% respondents favoring impeachment.
The fact that almost half the country wants your lunatic gone isn't interesting enough for you? Lol
Just Los Angeles. But yeah, you keep thinking the fake news is real. It helps Trump.
Where does it say only Los Angeles?
Please respond.
So we should base general elections on one state rather than the whole country?
3 cities: LA, Detroit and NYC.
Funny the Trump whore fake Groucho won't address any of my questions. Too painful for him.
What questions?
Everything everybody here has posted a number of times and you're going to ask for again tomorrow?
Look it up, lazy ass.
I know it's not on TheDailyKOS.
52% of Americans want Obama back over Trump.
This is a deplorable's nightmare.
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people either.

Please run Michelle....

We'd see how bad they want them back.
Michelle says she has no interest in running. You do know she has double the approval rating as your Comrade don't you?

Until she runs.

You really think if there was a good chance she'd win....she would not run ?

You can bet hubby would love to safe his miserable legacy.
Such a miserable legacy that over half the country wants him back.
Boo ya!
The welfare recipients?

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