44 States Refuse To Turn Over Voter Rolls To Support Trump's Big Lie

Trump made a bald faced lying assertion.

His rubes parrot that assertion without a shred of proof.

This fake voter roll bullshit is just Trump's way of keeping the hoax going for his idiot rubes.
Bullshite! Democrat Fake News. You all made the claim Trump was incorrect in claiming mass Voter Fraud. So now he's calling your bluff. And y'all are wussing out and refusing to cooperate. If you have nothing to hide, why not cooperate?

Trump claimed at least 3 million illegals voted in 2016. He's at least off by four orders of magnitude.

Prove it. Now's your chance.
Bullshite! Democrat Fake News. You all made the claim Trump was incorrect in claiming mass Voter Fraud. So now he's calling your bluff. And y'all are wussing out and refusing to cooperate. If you have nothing to hide, why not cooperate?

Trump claimed at least 3 million illegals voted in 2016. He's at least off by four orders of magnitude.

Prove it. Now's your chance.
The burden of proof is on you tards and Trump.
44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics.com

The information the commission is seeking includes registrants' full names, addresses, dates of birth, political parties, the last four digits of their social security numbers, a list of the elections they voted in since 2006, information on any felony convictions, information on whether they were registered to vote in other states, their military status, and whether they lived overseas.


"The President's Commission has quickly politicized its work by asking states for an incredible amount of voter data that I have, time and time again, refused to release," said Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler, a Republican, on Monday afternoon. "My response to the Commission is, you're not going to play politics with Louisiana's voter data, and if you are, then you can purchase the limited public information available by law, to any candidate running for office. That's it."

Mississippi's Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, also a Republican, took the criticism a step further.
"My reply would be: They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi is a great state to launch from," Hosemann said in a statement Friday. "Mississippi residents should celebrate Independence Day and our state's right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes."

Translation: 44 states have something to hide.
My God, so you think that at least 44 of the states are hiding their voting data in order to protect illegal voters? Talk about wild eyed conspiracy theories.
According to Democrat Fake News anyway. Y'all are so full of shite. If there's no Voter Fraud, y'all should be anxious to prove it. What do you have to hide?
The list is the list. It makes no difference what news is showing it. It does not take a genius or even a moderately smart person to read the list and see that the majority of states telling trump to go fuck himself are Republican controlled states. It takes a person unwilling to follow the brainwashed cult of trump bullshyt. Plain and simple.

Bullshite! Democrat Fake News. You all made the claim Trump was incorrect in claiming mass Voter Fraud. So now he's calling your bluff. And y'all are wussing out and refusing to cooperate. If you have nothing to hide, why not cooperate?
You dumb fuck, even the states that the fat senile old orange clown won are refusing his illegal request. Time for the 25th Amendment or Impeachment.

Again, Democrat Fake News. If y'all truly feel Trump is incorrect in claiming mass Voter Fraud, you should have no problem proving it. Could it be Trump is 100% Spot On?
Argument from ignorance

Will you tards PLEASE take a course in logic and critical thinking!?!?

He's calling your bluff, and you're too much of a coward to respond. If there's no Voter Fraud as you've claimed, you should have no problem proving that. Period, end of story.
It takes a special tard to bleev this particular hoax.

A really special idiot.

I mean, if you believe an army SEVEN TIMES the size of Napoleon's army which invaded Russia was able to register to vote, WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT, then you have about seven pounds of brain damage.

If you believe that same army which was SEVEN TIMES the size of Napoleon's army which invaded Russia was then able to vote WITHOUT BEING SEEN OR CAUGHT, then you are just stupid enough to vote for a guy like Trump.
Trump made a bald faced lying assertion.

His rubes parrot that assertion without a shred of proof.

This fake voter roll bullshit is just Trump's way of keeping the hoax going for his idiot rubes.

Bullshite! You're refusing to cooperate. It's you who's obviously hiding something.
Bullshite! Democrat Fake News. You all made the claim Trump was incorrect in claiming mass Voter Fraud. So now he's calling your bluff. And y'all are wussing out and refusing to cooperate. If you have nothing to hide, why not cooperate?

Trump claimed at least 3 million illegals voted in 2016. He's at least off by four orders of magnitude.

Prove it. Now's your chance.
The burden of proof is on you tards and Trump.

Cool. Cooperate, and we'll see. What are you hiding?
Bullshite! Democrat Fake News. You all made the claim Trump was incorrect in claiming mass Voter Fraud. So now he's calling your bluff. And y'all are wussing out and refusing to cooperate. If you have nothing to hide, why not cooperate?

Trump claimed at least 3 million illegals voted in 2016. He's at least off by four orders of magnitude.

Prove it. Now's your chance.

Take Kobachs list, or even the Heritage foundation list. Kobach found 70 instances across 50 states for half a decade, or about one per state per year. While heritage found two per state per year.

That's actually 6 orders of magnitude Trump was off by.
Trump made a bald faced lying assertion.

His rubes parrot that assertion without a shred of proof.

This fake voter roll bullshit is just Trump's way of keeping the hoax going for his idiot rubes.

Bullshite! You're refusing to cooperate. It's you who's obviously hiding something.
I find it hilarious when any Trump Chump starts talking about a person who hides things. :lol:
Bullshite! Democrat Fake News. You all made the claim Trump was incorrect in claiming mass Voter Fraud. So now he's calling your bluff. And y'all are wussing out and refusing to cooperate. If you have nothing to hide, why not cooperate?

Trump claimed at least 3 million illegals voted in 2016. He's at least off by four orders of magnitude.

Prove it. Now's your chance.
The burden of proof is on you tards and Trump.

Cool. Cooperate, and we'll see. What are you hiding?

This is exactly how sheep line up behind totalitarians. This right here.
So what do they have to hide that causes them to so fear the light of day?

Hmmm.....could it be that multiple millions of illegal aliens voted their interests, and Americans voted theirs?

And the Americans won.

Are you saying you think the governments of 44 states know that illegals voted in their states and are now trying to hide that information?


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

From the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


I wasn't asking you to rehash the DMV automatically registering illegals argument. I was asking if, based on your post, you think the 44 states which are refusing (in whole or in part) to turn over voter data are doing so because they know that a significant number of illegals voted in those states, and they are trying to hide that fact.

Even assuming the 12 states do register illegals to vote, that says nothing of the other 32 states refusing to hand over some or all of the voter information to the commission.

Everyone else understands why my post applies.

Why would you pretend you don't?

Your post doesn't apply. The renewal form also verifies citizenship. You know that but are choosing to deny this happens.
So many feeling those states have nothing to hide.

Isn't faith a marvelous thing?

Faith in their party and in their Hungarian Nazi Messiah?

Or just blind, dumb faith?
Really fucking dumb, Henry. So 44 states are hiding illegal voter data. If that is so, why did not Hillary win all 44 of them? You silly asses are so transparent.
Bullshite! Democrat Fake News. You all made the claim Trump was incorrect in claiming mass Voter Fraud. So now he's calling your bluff. And y'all are wussing out and refusing to cooperate. If you have nothing to hide, why not cooperate?

Trump claimed at least 3 million illegals voted in 2016. He's at least off by four orders of magnitude.

Prove it. Now's your chance.

Take Kobachs list, or even the Heritage foundation list. Kobach found 70 instances across 50 states for half a decade, or about one per state per year. While heritage found two per state per year.

That's actually 6 orders of magnitude Trump was off by.

Yet you won't cooperate to see if your assertions are fact. You know what that makes you?... A cowardly Bullshit Artist.
Trump made a bald faced lying assertion.

His rubes parrot that assertion without a shred of proof.

This fake voter roll bullshit is just Trump's way of keeping the hoax going for his idiot rubes.

Bullshite! You're refusing to cooperate. It's you who's obviously hiding something.
I find it hilarious when any Trump Chump starts talking about a person who hides things. :lol:

So why not cooperate? You're obviously very confident in your claim of no Voter Fraud. Cooperate and let's see.
Trump made a bald faced lying assertion.

His rubes parrot that assertion without a shred of proof.

This fake voter roll bullshit is just Trump's way of keeping the hoax going for his idiot rubes.

Bullshite! You're refusing to cooperate. It's you who's obviously hiding something.
I find it hilarious when any Trump Chump starts talking about a person who hides things. :lol:

So why not cooperate? You're obviously very confident in your claim of no Voter Fraud. Cooperate and let's see.
Americans don't cooperate with totalitarians, idiot.

Especially ones who tell Big Lies.

Jesus, you are such an incredibly stupid Chump. A very special one.
I notice none of the Chumps are able to answer why we have a Fourth Amendment.

And now we can see why.
44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics.com

The information the commission is seeking includes registrants' full names, addresses, dates of birth, political parties, the last four digits of their social security numbers, a list of the elections they voted in since 2006, information on any felony convictions, information on whether they were registered to vote in other states, their military status, and whether they lived overseas.


"The President's Commission has quickly politicized its work by asking states for an incredible amount of voter data that I have, time and time again, refused to release," said Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler, a Republican, on Monday afternoon. "My response to the Commission is, you're not going to play politics with Louisiana's voter data, and if you are, then you can purchase the limited public information available by law, to any candidate running for office. That's it."

Mississippi's Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, also a Republican, took the criticism a step further.
"My reply would be: They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi is a great state to launch from," Hosemann said in a statement Friday. "Mississippi residents should celebrate Independence Day and our state's right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes."

Translation: 44 states have something to hide.
My God, so you think that at least 44 of the states are hiding their voting data in order to protect illegal voters? Talk about wild eyed conspiracy theories.

No, I said something to hide. It's quite interesting that you immediately think illegal voters.
Bullshite! Democrat Fake News. You all made the claim Trump was incorrect in claiming mass Voter Fraud. So now he's calling your bluff. And y'all are wussing out and refusing to cooperate. If you have nothing to hide, why not cooperate?

Trump claimed at least 3 million illegals voted in 2016. He's at least off by four orders of magnitude.

Prove it. Now's your chance.
The burden of proof is on you tards and Trump.

Cool. Cooperate, and we'll see. What are you hiding?

This is exactly how sheep line up behind totalitarians. This right here.

Nice dodge attempt. Y'all Trump-Hater Wingnuts have made the claim Trump is incorrect in his claims of mass Voter Fraud. Yet now after he's called your bluff, you're refusing to cooperate. You're disingenuous cowards. It is what it is.
Trump called Democrats' bluff. I think it's great. If there's no Voter Fraud, what do these Democrat strongholds have to hide?

You people have lost your minds. What does TRUMP have to hide? His tax returns and the pee tape for starters.
So Freudian it's amazing.

If there's no Voter Fraud, why are Democrats refusing to cooperate?
God, are you truly that stupid? The majority of the 44 states have Republican majority in the legislatures. I just cannot get over how fucking stupid you 'Conservatives' keep proving you are.

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