.45 Cal ACP Box of 50 is $36.00 ????

He his following Chris Rock's advice to make bullets cost 5 thousand dollars apiece. The company raised the price knowing you gun nuts would blame Obana. Smart move on their part.

I personally don't give a fuck what they cost, nutsack

If I am out, I'll buy more.

Just like gas. It's $4.95 a gallon so queers like you will by Prius'

No thanks.

I'll keep my F-350 and fill it up as needed.

See how that works, cumgurgler?

F-350? For what? :eusa_eh: Towing the S.S. Polesmoker?

As to the OP, its clingers like you & Nugent :tinfoil: buying more than you need out of fear. Nothing motivates Rightists like fear. Turd Blossom, Dick & Condi knew that all too well :thup: rofl
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He his following Chris Rock's advice to make bullets cost 5 thousand dollars apiece. The company raised the price knowing you gun nuts would blame Obana. Smart move on their part.

I personally don't give a fuck what they cost, nutsack

If I am out, I'll buy more.

Just like gas. It's $4.95 a gallon so queers like you will by Prius'

No thanks.

I'll keep my F-350 and fill it up as needed.

See how that works, cumgurgler?

F-350? For what? :eusa_eh: Towing the S.S. Polesmoker?

As to the OP, its clingers like you & Nugent :tinfoil: buying more than you need out of fear. Nothing motivates Rightists like fear. Turd Blossom, Dick & Condi knew that all too well rofl

Fear motivates everyone.... Near the entirety of the Democratic party is welfare based due to fear of going out and living life. This is true of course of the Republican party, but with that fear we have politicians running massive deficits with no end in sight because are to fearful to vote for people that not only advocate but restrict Government involvement in our lives.

My point is, claiming fear is somehow owned or greater seen on the right makes you look like a troll.

Listen to Obama talk sometime, the guy scares the left so badly they want to literally kill people on the right. The amount of hate Obama has spread is impressive when the group of people who buy into his crap love to tell everyone just how educated and intelligent they all are compared to everyone else.
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F-350? For what? :eusa_eh: Towing the S.S. Polesmoker?


Because that's what I choose to drive - cumgurgler.
Does this regime propose a prohibition as to what one chooses to purchase for transportation now?
It wouldn't surprise me.
Lots of support for the allegation President Obama has raised the price of ammunition but I've yet to read how he has done so. Was an executive order issued, did he send drones out to intimate gun shops?

Why is the price of ammo through the roof under this regime - asswipe? Do share....
All part of the NWO Global Elite plan. America is their final obstacle. They're in the process of destroying our Constitution and Sovereignty. Legal Gun Owners are now to be criminalized. More Prison space is being made available. Big Brother can't tolerate you being armed. But hopefully, Citizens will fight back. I guess we'll see though.
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Lots of support for the allegation President Obama has raised the price of ammunition but I've yet to read how he has done so. Was an executive order issued, did he send drones out to intimate gun shops?

Why is the price of ammo through the roof under this regime - asswipe? Do share....

because people are acting out on fear based on ignorance.

hell, i'm sure you're part of the problem. you have said you'll pay any price for your ammo after all.
as a side note i'm looking forward to getting out on the range today. finally get to shoot the AR we bought a couple months back.
as a side note i'm looking forward to getting out on the range today. finally get to shoot the AR we bought a couple months back.

Do you know which end of the tube the round comes out of, faggot?
Lots of support for the allegation President Obama has raised the price of ammunition but I've yet to read how he has done so. Was an executive order issued, did he send drones out to intimate gun shops?

Why is the price of ammo through the roof under this regime - asswipe? Do share....

Because assholes like you have it in your little pin heads that Obama is going to take away your toys.
Lots of support for the allegation President Obama has raised the price of ammunition but I've yet to read how he has done so. Was an executive order issued, did he send drones out to intimate gun shops?
He buy up 1.6 Billion rounds of Ammo but let's just keep that between you and me ok? ;)

Really. So he opened his wallet and went to every gun shop, sporting goods store and wal-mart in the country and bought up Ammuniton Slick.
All part of the NWO Global Elite plan. America is their final obstacle. They're in the process of destroying our Constitution and Sovereignty. Legal Gun Owners are now to be criminalized. More Prison space is being made available. Big Brother can't tolerate you being armed. But hopefully, Citizens will fight back. I guess we'll see though.

I believe you, I believe every paranoid word you write is what you believe. And I support an bill, any law, any rule or regulation that keeps guns out of the hands of the insane population you represent.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

I went back too academy today spent another 61.00 for ammo.
Got one box of American eagle 50 count 45 acp ball ammo for 20.00
7.62 x39 for 6.00 and military spec 12 gauge 00 buck 75 shells for 35.00
I thinmk you were galged
Going back later today and get more
And then there's always tomrrow
And I support an bill, any law, any rule or regulation that keeps guns out of the hands of the insane population you represent.

Looks like you won't be getting that Red Rider BB Gun, assfuck

Darn. How can I defend my family from all those black helicopters flying about? You be careful where you put that tongue of yours. Remember what you caught from Rabbi (who would know you could catch hemorrhoids).
.45 Cal ACP Box of 50 is $36.00 ????

Yes, if you’re even lucky enough to find it.

This has gotten way out of hand, the fault of conservatives who are responsible for creating this needless buying hysteria predicated on unfounded fears of bans that will never be enacted.
Time to start making my own, me thinks. They had a re-load kit for $325 - but have to deal with the primers, etc. Anyone reloading? Is it that difficult?

In order:
No, though it can be time-consuming and takes some space.

If you cast your own, you need a lead furnace, which requires a gas supply or a dedicated circuit (like a dryer or big air conditioner). This requires a well-ventilated area and basic protective gear! Lead can be dangerous.
Time to start making my own, me thinks. They had a re-load kit for $325 - but have to deal with the primers, etc. Anyone reloading? Is it that difficult?

No. The only real issue is knowing when to discard worn out casings. The resizing crushes the bullit sleave and as with any metal the back and forth motion of firing a round and forcing it back to a smaller size eventually developes cracks. Not a huge safety issue as with a high powered rifle cartridge but you will start to get jamming with a .45.

Oooh, yeah, forgot about that. Especially with high-pressure loads, it can happen. My uncle tosses a few cases every time because of this...he had one blow apart in his S&W Model 29 a while back and that was a mess!
Lots of support for the allegation President Obama has raised the price of ammunition but I've yet to read how he has done so. Was an executive order issued, did he send drones out to intimate gun shops?

Here's how: in the past few months, the Feds have bought enough ammo to kill everyone in the U.S. five times.

According to a story on Business Insider, the military contractor ATK was awarded a contract to provide an "indefinate quantity" with and "indefinate delivery" of ammuntion to the Department of Homeland Security and its Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) (The Department Of Homeland Security Is Buying 450 Million New Bullets - Business Insider). The contract will provide up to 450 million rounds to the agencies over 5 years.

DHS is also purchasing more than 2700 Mine Resistant, Ambush Protective (MRAP) wheeled armored vehicles (see video) for use domestically. MRAPs are the same armored personnel carriers used by our Soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect them from roadside IEDs and small arms fire. These vehicles are being issued to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) teams just as President Obama is releasing thousands of illegal aliens from prison and pushing for amnesty.

But, it isn't just Homeland Security that is seemingly preparing for something.

Last year, the Social Security Administration purchased 174,000 .357 hollow point pistol ammunition. In a statement explaining the purchases, the SSA stated "SSA is processing more applications than ever, which means more traffic in SSA offices. Employee and visitor safety is the highest priority for OIG, which, together with the Federal Protective Services and local law enforcement, has jurisdiction over SSA workplaces" (Social Security Administration Requests 174,000 Bullets).

The National Weather Service, the Federal agency tasked with tracking hurricanes and warning of snow storms is purchasing 76,000 rounds of .40 caliber hollow point pistol ammunition (http://1.usa.gov/QxSBzO). The solicitation states that the ammunition is to be delivered in various locations around the country.

With all of these purchases, in the last 10 months, the Federal government has stockpiled more than 2 billion rounds of ammunition. They now have enough bullets to shoot every American 5 times. ...

Feds stockpiling bullets and armored vehicles for use inside U.S. - Watertown Tea Party | Examiner.com

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