.45 Cal ACP Box of 50 is $36.00 ????

The good news is that the new AWB, magazine ban and universal background check are not likley to pass, and so the prices of guns, mags and ammo will return to normal.

At current prices I have about $10k in AR15-related material -- thinking about selling it and then buying it all back when prices drop, using the extra $ to, well, buy more.

Yeah, you can't win unless you get in the fight. Looks like many Americans are fed up with the Dictator asshole's attacks. Hopefully, many more wins are coming. Hang in there.
Lots of support for the allegation President Obama has raised the price of ammunition but I've yet to read how he has done so. Was an executive order issued, did he send drones out to intimate gun shops?

Here's how: in the past few months, the Feds have bought enough ammo to kill everyone in the U.S. five times.

According to a story on Business Insider, the military contractor ATK was awarded a contract to provide an "indefinate quantity" with and "indefinate delivery" of ammuntion to the Department of Homeland Security and its Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) (The Department Of Homeland Security Is Buying 450 Million New Bullets - Business Insider). The contract will provide up to 450 million rounds to the agencies over 5 years.

DHS is also purchasing more than 2700 Mine Resistant, Ambush Protective (MRAP) wheeled armored vehicles (see video) for use domestically. MRAPs are the same armored personnel carriers used by our Soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect them from roadside IEDs and small arms fire. These vehicles are being issued to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) teams just as President Obama is releasing thousands of illegal aliens from prison and pushing for amnesty.

But, it isn't just Homeland Security that is seemingly preparing for something.

Last year, the Social Security Administration purchased 174,000 .357 hollow point pistol ammunition. In a statement explaining the purchases, the SSA stated "SSA is processing more applications than ever, which means more traffic in SSA offices. Employee and visitor safety is the highest priority for OIG, which, together with the Federal Protective Services and local law enforcement, has jurisdiction over SSA workplaces" (Social Security Administration Requests 174,000 Bullets).

The National Weather Service, the Federal agency tasked with tracking hurricanes and warning of snow storms is purchasing 76,000 rounds of .40 caliber hollow point pistol ammunition (http://1.usa.gov/QxSBzO). The solicitation states that the ammunition is to be delivered in various locations around the country.

With all of these purchases, in the last 10 months, the Federal government has stockpiled more than 2 billion rounds of ammunition. They now have enough bullets to shoot every American 5 times. ...

Feds stockpiling bullets and armored vehicles for use inside U.S. - Watertown Tea Party | Examiner.com
This is a perfect example of just how stupid and gullible the Misinformation Voter is!!!

Everyone knows the only reason to but a bullet is to kill an American. Nobody ever buys bullets for target practice or training, especially people in law enforcement. So everybody here who buys ammo and claims they use it for target practice are lying just like the government when they say they buy it for target practice and training. People in law enforcement never have to QUALIFY in the use of firearms, so what the hell do they need to practice for? After all, nobody needs practice or training to kill an American, little children kill their friends and themselves with guns all the time so how hard can it really be to shoot a gun. So don't ever believe anyone who says they are buying ammo for practice. :cuckoo:

And DHS did not purchase MRAPs, they assigned a contract to a company to retrofit MRAPs coming back from overseas to be used to carry Rapid Response Teams to disaster areas.
Dumb shit nutters fall for the lobbyist NRA propaganda and that becomes the president's fault?

No matter what the product is, the cost is whatever the market will bear. That's the way it is in a CAPITALIST, FREE MARKET society.

You idiots did this to yourselves. You screech and whine your lies about the sky falling and about how Obama is coming for your guns and your bibles. I know you will never take responsibility for anything you do and/or say but shut up and live with the mess you have made and continue to make.

This is all on your Dictator asshole. It was all completely unnecessary. He's declared War on his own fellow Americans from day one. He simply used dead children to advance an old agenda. He should be ashamed of himself. These people he's attacking are good decent law abiding fellow Americans. He's caused so much unnecessary pain & suffering. But the People will fight back. He hasn't won quite yet.


The president's not 'attacking' anyone.

The shortages are clearly the consequence of ignorant, hysterical conservatives and libertarians buying up guns and supplies motivated by unfounded fears of ‘bans’ that will never happen, and predatory speculators taking advantage of that hysteria and ignorance.

Yeah but you're a well-known Dear Leader Boot-Licker. So you would say that. This is all on him. He tried to use dead children to advance his Un-American agenda. He's despicable. All this pain & suffering he's caused, is so unnecessary. These are his own damn People for God's sake. His Wars on his own People have grown tiresome. The People are beginning to stand up. It's not gonna be as easy as the Dictator thought it would be. Bet on that.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

So don't buy any. You can find less expensive toys.
All this pain & suffering is completely unnecessary. Only a Dictator asshole could create so much anger & division. His continuous Wars on his fellow Americans are wearing thin. The pot's gonna boil over at some point. But maybe that's exactly what he wants? I suspect it is.

It actually sounds like YOU are the one trying to "create so much anger & division," though.
Lots of support for the allegation President Obama has raised the price of ammunition but I've yet to read how he has done so. Was an executive order issued, did he send drones out to intimate gun shops?

Here's how: in the past few months, the Feds have bought enough ammo to kill everyone in the U.S. five times.

According to a story on Business Insider, the military contractor ATK was awarded a contract to provide an "indefinate quantity" with and "indefinate delivery" of ammuntion to the Department of Homeland Security and its Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) (The Department Of Homeland Security Is Buying 450 Million New Bullets - Business Insider). The contract will provide up to 450 million rounds to the agencies over 5 years.

DHS is also purchasing more than 2700 Mine Resistant, Ambush Protective (MRAP) wheeled armored vehicles (see video) for use domestically. MRAPs are the same armored personnel carriers used by our Soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect them from roadside IEDs and small arms fire. These vehicles are being issued to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) teams just as President Obama is releasing thousands of illegal aliens from prison and pushing for amnesty.

But, it isn't just Homeland Security that is seemingly preparing for something.

Last year, the Social Security Administration purchased 174,000 .357 hollow point pistol ammunition. In a statement explaining the purchases, the SSA stated "SSA is processing more applications than ever, which means more traffic in SSA offices. Employee and visitor safety is the highest priority for OIG, which, together with the Federal Protective Services and local law enforcement, has jurisdiction over SSA workplaces" (Social Security Administration Requests 174,000 Bullets).

The National Weather Service, the Federal agency tasked with tracking hurricanes and warning of snow storms is purchasing 76,000 rounds of .40 caliber hollow point pistol ammunition (http://1.usa.gov/QxSBzO). The solicitation states that the ammunition is to be delivered in various locations around the country.

With all of these purchases, in the last 10 months, the Federal government has stockpiled more than 2 billion rounds of ammunition. They now have enough bullets to shoot every American 5 times. ...

Feds stockpiling bullets and armored vehicles for use inside U.S. - Watertown Tea Party | Examiner.com
This is a perfect example of just how stupid and gullible the Misinformation Voter is!!!

Everyone knows the only reason to but a bullet is to kill an American. Nobody ever buys bullets for target practice or training, especially people in law enforcement. So everybody here who buys ammo and claims they use it for target practice are lying just like the government when they say they buy it for target practice and training. People in law enforcement never have to QUALIFY in the use of firearms, so what the hell do they need to practice for? After all, nobody needs practice or training to kill an American, little children kill their friends and themselves with guns all the time so how hard can it really be to shoot a gun. So don't ever believe anyone who says they are buying ammo for practice. :cuckoo:

And DHS did not purchase MRAPs, they assigned a contract to a company to retrofit MRAPs coming back from overseas to be used to carry Rapid Response Teams to disaster areas.

Not the point. Try reading the Constitution.
All this pain & suffering is completely unnecessary. Only a Dictator asshole could create so much anger & division. His continuous Wars on his fellow Americans are wearing thin. The pot's gonna boil over at some point. But maybe that's exactly what he wants? I suspect it is.

It actually sounds like YOU are the one trying to "create so much anger & division," though.

I'm fighting for Freedom & Liberty and our Constitution. Your Dictator asshole is doing the opposite. Shame on him, and on you for worshipping him.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

Now you are complaining about the market place? What next? Thought you guys loved that free market stuff? :lol: Buy some reloading equipment and stop whining.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

Now you are complaining about the market place? What next? Thought you guys loved that free market stuff? :lol: Buy some reloading equipment and stop whining.

Bullshit. Your Dictator asshole has caused all this unnecessary pain & suffering. He tried to use poor dead children to advance his Un-American agenda. The People he's attacking are good hard working, tax-paying, law abiding Americans. So to Hell with him, and you for defending him.
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Just remember, you can't win unless you're in the fight. More Americans need to understand that. The Dictator can lose. But you're gonna have to fight.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

Now you are complaining about the market place? What next? Thought you guys loved that free market stuff? :lol: Buy some reloading equipment and stop whining.

if it was a free market we wouldn't have legislation banning stuff
Just remember, you can't win unless you're in the fight. More Americans need to understand that. The Dictator can lose. But you're gonna have to fight.

run these fuckers out of office. 2014 = andrew cuomo out of office
All this pain & suffering is completely unnecessary. Only a Dictator asshole could create so much anger & division. His continuous Wars on his fellow Americans are wearing thin. The pot's gonna boil over at some point. But maybe that's exactly what he wants? I suspect it is.

It actually sounds like YOU are the one trying to "create so much anger & division," though.

I'm fighting for Freedom & Liberty and our Constitution. Your Dictator asshole is doing the opposite. Shame on him, and on you for worshipping him.

Yeah. I'll stick a feather in your cap, and call you Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Forgive me if I don't buy into your bullshit. You're just angry and bitter.
It actually sounds like YOU are the one trying to "create so much anger & division," though.

I'm fighting for Freedom & Liberty and our Constitution. Your Dictator asshole is doing the opposite. Shame on him, and on you for worshipping him.

Yeah. I'll stick a feather in your cap, and call you Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Forgive me if I don't buy into your bullshit. You're just angry and bitter.

Well then shove your nose back up your Dear Leader's asshole. Whatever floats your boat i guess.
Here's how: in the past few months, the Feds have bought enough ammo to kill everyone in the U.S. five times.

According to a story on Business Insider, the military contractor ATK was awarded a contract to provide an "indefinate quantity" with and "indefinate delivery" of ammuntion to the Department of Homeland Security and its Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) (The Department Of Homeland Security Is Buying 450 Million New Bullets - Business Insider). The contract will provide up to 450 million rounds to the agencies over 5 years.

DHS is also purchasing more than 2700 Mine Resistant, Ambush Protective (MRAP) wheeled armored vehicles (see video) for use domestically. MRAPs are the same armored personnel carriers used by our Soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect them from roadside IEDs and small arms fire. These vehicles are being issued to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) teams just as President Obama is releasing thousands of illegal aliens from prison and pushing for amnesty.

But, it isn't just Homeland Security that is seemingly preparing for something.

Last year, the Social Security Administration purchased 174,000 .357 hollow point pistol ammunition. In a statement explaining the purchases, the SSA stated "SSA is processing more applications than ever, which means more traffic in SSA offices. Employee and visitor safety is the highest priority for OIG, which, together with the Federal Protective Services and local law enforcement, has jurisdiction over SSA workplaces" (Social Security Administration Requests 174,000 Bullets).

The National Weather Service, the Federal agency tasked with tracking hurricanes and warning of snow storms is purchasing 76,000 rounds of .40 caliber hollow point pistol ammunition (http://1.usa.gov/QxSBzO). The solicitation states that the ammunition is to be delivered in various locations around the country.

With all of these purchases, in the last 10 months, the Federal government has stockpiled more than 2 billion rounds of ammunition. They now have enough bullets to shoot every American 5 times. ...

Feds stockpiling bullets and armored vehicles for use inside U.S. - Watertown Tea Party | Examiner.com
This is a perfect example of just how stupid and gullible the Misinformation Voter is!!!

Everyone knows the only reason to but a bullet is to kill an American. Nobody ever buys bullets for target practice or training, especially people in law enforcement. So everybody here who buys ammo and claims they use it for target practice are lying just like the government when they say they buy it for target practice and training. People in law enforcement never have to QUALIFY in the use of firearms, so what the hell do they need to practice for? After all, nobody needs practice or training to kill an American, little children kill their friends and themselves with guns all the time so how hard can it really be to shoot a gun. So don't ever believe anyone who says they are buying ammo for practice. :cuckoo:

And DHS did not purchase MRAPs, they assigned a contract to a company to retrofit MRAPs coming back from overseas to be used to carry Rapid Response Teams to disaster areas.

Not the point. Try reading the Constitution.
The claim was that the ammo purchased by the government was excessive because it was enough to kill every American 5 times over, so I merely pointed out that it was ludicrous to think a bullet was bought for the sole purpose of killing an American because that would mean that no bullet was ever used for practice.

So how does the government buying bullets for practice, training, and qualification tests violate the Constitution??????? :cuckoo:
I'm fighting for Freedom & Liberty and our Constitution. Your Dictator asshole is doing the opposite. Shame on him, and on you for worshipping him.

Yeah. I'll stick a feather in your cap, and call you Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Forgive me if I don't buy into your bullshit. You're just angry and bitter.

Well then shove your nose back up your Dear Leader's asshole. Whatever floats your boat i guess.

Angry, bitter and paranoid.
This is a perfect example of just how stupid and gullible the Misinformation Voter is!!!

Everyone knows the only reason to but a bullet is to kill an American. Nobody ever buys bullets for target practice or training, especially people in law enforcement. So everybody here who buys ammo and claims they use it for target practice are lying just like the government when they say they buy it for target practice and training. People in law enforcement never have to QUALIFY in the use of firearms, so what the hell do they need to practice for? After all, nobody needs practice or training to kill an American, little children kill their friends and themselves with guns all the time so how hard can it really be to shoot a gun. So don't ever believe anyone who says they are buying ammo for practice. :cuckoo:

And DHS did not purchase MRAPs, they assigned a contract to a company to retrofit MRAPs coming back from overseas to be used to carry Rapid Response Teams to disaster areas.

Not the point. Try reading the Constitution.
The claim was that the ammo purchased by the government was excessive because it was enough to kill every American 5 times over, so I merely pointed out that it was ludicrous to think a bullet was bought for the sole purpose of killing an American because that would mean that no bullet was ever used for practice.

So how does the government buying bullets for practice, training, and qualification tests violate the Constitution??????? :cuckoo:

Boy, things just go right over your head. Sorry, but i can't walk you through everything. Do yourself and your country a favor, quit worshipping the Dictator asshole.
This is a perfect example of just how stupid and gullible the Misinformation Voter is!!!

Everyone knows the only reason to but a bullet is to kill an American. Nobody ever buys bullets for target practice or training, especially people in law enforcement. So everybody here who buys ammo and claims they use it for target practice are lying just like the government when they say they buy it for target practice and training. People in law enforcement never have to QUALIFY in the use of firearms, so what the hell do they need to practice for? After all, nobody needs practice or training to kill an American, little children kill their friends and themselves with guns all the time so how hard can it really be to shoot a gun. So don't ever believe anyone who says they are buying ammo for practice. :cuckoo:

And DHS did not purchase MRAPs, they assigned a contract to a company to retrofit MRAPs coming back from overseas to be used to carry Rapid Response Teams to disaster areas.

Not the point. Try reading the Constitution.
The claim was that the ammo purchased by the government was excessive because it was enough to kill every American 5 times over, so I merely pointed out that it was ludicrous to think a bullet was bought for the sole purpose of killing an American because that would mean that no bullet was ever used for practice.

So how does the government buying bullets for practice, training, and qualification tests violate the Constitution??????? :cuckoo:

yet you piss, moan, bitch and whine when citizens buy ammo in bulk and say they don't need it. citizens practice too
Yeah. I'll stick a feather in your cap, and call you Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Forgive me if I don't buy into your bullshit. You're just angry and bitter.

Well then shove your nose back up your Dear Leader's asshole. Whatever floats your boat i guess.

Angry, bitter and paranoid.

You are correct Sir. Me and Millions of other Americans are very angry at your Dictator piece of shit. He started all these Wars against his fellow Americans. Did he really believe we would all just roll over? Well sorry, it ain't gonna happen. The People are fighting back.
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