.45 Cal ACP Box of 50 is $36.00 ????

I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

Supply and Demand....everyone is buying like crazy because Obama is taking our guns away. Demand goes up...price goes up. Is this a great country or what?

save your brass

and get a reloader if you have not already

it is a good reserve option to have
It is really funny that Liberals gun grabbing exploits have created a system where the rich corporate gun manufacturers are becoming even richer. Yep, the very people Liberals despise are laughing all the way to the Bank. :lol:

What makes you think that some liberals don't have investments in the gun and ammo industry? :eusa_whistle:
If the shoe fits... You're the guys paranoid enough to believe that the govt is out to get you and your guns. Everyone is hysterically running to the nearest store to buy up guns and ammo, which is driving up the prices and drying up the supply. Good thing I stocked up over a period of several months last year, because the shelves are kind of sparse here now.

The only ones that are running around hysterical are those who don't have a gun and have come too the realization that there may be another more permanent assault weapons ban, with an ammo restriction, And that just pisses the anti gun nutters off so badly, because they can't stop people from buying guns and ammo right now. I love it, I get too meet new people and make new friends. You really don't want gun owners gathering together in one centerralized location making plans together now do you?

One more thing
Yes it is market driven
1. The government order billions and Billions and BILLIONS of rounds.
2. Other countries are also ordering lots of ammo
3. those who have never owned a firearm are finally getting a firearm, need ammo
4. and yes people like me who just don't think they have enough ammo.
5. Ammo manufactures had shut down November and December
It's what they called a perfect storm. Six months is what it will take to get back too normal market stock


Fuck off. I'll post when I like and where I like. I don't care if law abiding citizens want to go and buy guns and ammo. I don't care if they meet in one "centerralized" location, whatever the fuck that is. With you right wingers its more like "centerrorized", you're so damn scared of everything. I don't care if you hunker down in your bunker with all your guns and canned food waiting for the apocalypse to come. It just annoys me that when I want to go out and shoot, it's hard to find ammo in my caliber or it's way overpriced. Sometimes it's hard to even find shotgun shells or .22 bricks. Maybe I'll go and get a nice lever gun in .30-30 as I usually see plenty of that on the shelf, along with some other non-military calibers. That or start reloading.

.30-30 ammo is hard to find around here right now....$$$$
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

So now the mighty president sets the price for gouging of prices of greedy companies?
try reloading.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

So now the mighty president sets the price for gouging of prices of greedy companies?
try reloading.

imperial prezbo "drone strike" aka "kill list" has been on a run buying up as much ammo as

the government can get its hands on

Why does Homeland Security need so much ammo and new armored vehicles? More Americans better start asking that question.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?
Sure, it's Obama spreading rumors that there is no ammo! :cuckoo:

Thank your NRA for the high prices, they are the puppets of the gun industry.

Seriously though, who didn't know an Anti-American Marxist President would be coming for their guns? People should have known that from day one. They should have begun preparing back then. It's gonna be tough beginning to prepare now. His Homeland Security Gestapo is buying it all up. I suspect they'll be buying up all the guns next. After all, it's not their money. It's your money. Unfortunately, you're paying to prop up this Dictatorship. It's very sad. But don't give up. You have to keep fighting.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

Dumb shit nutters fall for the lobbyist NRA propaganda and that becomes the president's fault?

No matter what the product is, the cost is whatever the market will bear. That's the way it is in a CAPITALIST, FREE MARKET society.

You idiots did this to yourselves. You screech and whine your lies about the sky falling and about how Obama is coming for your guns and your bibles. I know you will never take responsibility for anything you do and/or say but shut up and live with the mess you have made and continue to make.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

Dumb shit nutters fall for the lobbyist NRA propaganda and that becomes the president's fault?

No matter what the product is, the cost is whatever the market will bear. That's the way it is in a CAPITALIST, FREE MARKET society.

You idiots did this to yourselves. You screech and whine your lies about the sky falling and about how Obama is coming for your guns and your bibles. I know you will never take responsibility for anything you do and/or say but shut up and live with the mess you have made and continue to make.

This is all on your Dictator asshole. It was all completely unnecessary. He's declared War on his own fellow Americans from day one. He simply used dead children to advance an old agenda. He should be ashamed of himself. These people he's attacking are good decent law abiding fellow Americans. He's caused so much unnecessary pain & suffering. But the People will fight back. He hasn't won quite yet.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

Dumb shit nutters fall for the lobbyist NRA propaganda and that becomes the president's fault?

No matter what the product is, the cost is whatever the market will bear. That's the way it is in a CAPITALIST, FREE MARKET society.

You idiots did this to yourselves. You screech and whine your lies about the sky falling and about how Obama is coming for your guns and your bibles. I know you will never take responsibility for anything you do and/or say but shut up and live with the mess you have made and continue to make.

This is all on your Dictator asshole. It was all completely unnecessary. He's declared War on his own fellow Americans from day one. He simply used dead children to advance an old agenda. He should be ashamed of himself. These people he's attacking are good decent law abiding fellow Americans. He's caused so much unnecessary pain & suffering. But the People will fight back. He hasn't won quite yet.
Dumb shit nutters fall for the lobbyist NRA propaganda and that becomes the president's fault?

No matter what the product is, the cost is whatever the market will bear. That's the way it is in a CAPITALIST, FREE MARKET society.

You idiots did this to yourselves. You screech and whine your lies about the sky falling and about how Obama is coming for your guns and your bibles. I know you will never take responsibility for anything you do and/or say but shut up and live with the mess you have made and continue to make.

This is all on your Dictator asshole. It was all completely unnecessary. He's declared War on his own fellow Americans from day one. He simply used dead children to advance an old agenda. He should be ashamed of himself. These people he's attacking are good decent law abiding fellow Americans. He's caused so much unnecessary pain & suffering. But the People will fight back. He hasn't won quite yet.

Try ripping your nose from your Dear Leader's asshole. He's a real piece of shit. His Wars on his own fellow Americans are despicable & shameful. The People he's attacking are good Americans. They work hard, pay their Taxes, and obey the Law. They're not criminals. Shame on him. And shame on you for worshipping him.
I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

Dumb shit nutters fall for the lobbyist NRA propaganda and that becomes the president's fault?

No matter what the product is, the cost is whatever the market will bear. That's the way it is in a CAPITALIST, FREE MARKET society.

You idiots did this to yourselves. You screech and whine your lies about the sky falling and about how Obama is coming for your guns and your bibles. I know you will never take responsibility for anything you do and/or say but shut up and live with the mess you have made and continue to make.

This is all on your Dictator asshole. It was all completely unnecessary. He's declared War on his own fellow Americans from day one. He simply used dead children to advance an old agenda. He should be ashamed of himself. These people he's attacking are good decent law abiding fellow Americans. He's caused so much unnecessary pain & suffering. But the People will fight back. He hasn't won quite yet.

in fact he is losing ground daily. what he thought would be a slam dunk has turned out to have major backlash. it will hurt him and hurt democrats during the mid term elections.
Dumb shit nutters fall for the lobbyist NRA propaganda and that becomes the president's fault?

No matter what the product is, the cost is whatever the market will bear. That's the way it is in a CAPITALIST, FREE MARKET society.

You idiots did this to yourselves. You screech and whine your lies about the sky falling and about how Obama is coming for your guns and your bibles. I know you will never take responsibility for anything you do and/or say but shut up and live with the mess you have made and continue to make.

This is all on your Dictator asshole. It was all completely unnecessary. He's declared War on his own fellow Americans from day one. He simply used dead children to advance an old agenda. He should be ashamed of himself. These people he's attacking are good decent law abiding fellow Americans. He's caused so much unnecessary pain & suffering. But the People will fight back. He hasn't won quite yet.

agreed. He's an emo libertarian lol. Prolly not much complaining from him when we were being violated under Bush's regime
Dumb shit nutters fall for the lobbyist NRA propaganda and that becomes the president's fault?

No matter what the product is, the cost is whatever the market will bear. That's the way it is in a CAPITALIST, FREE MARKET society.

You idiots did this to yourselves. You screech and whine your lies about the sky falling and about how Obama is coming for your guns and your bibles. I know you will never take responsibility for anything you do and/or say but shut up and live with the mess you have made and continue to make.

This is all on your Dictator asshole. It was all completely unnecessary. He's declared War on his own fellow Americans from day one. He simply used dead children to advance an old agenda. He should be ashamed of himself. These people he's attacking are good decent law abiding fellow Americans. He's caused so much unnecessary pain & suffering. But the People will fight back. He hasn't won quite yet.

in fact he is losing ground daily. what he thought would be a slam dunk has turned out to have major backlash. it will hurt him and hurt democrats during the mid term elections.

I sure hope so. These are his own good People he's decared War on. In my opinion, he is a real piece of shit.
This is all on your Dictator asshole. It was all completely unnecessary. He's declared War on his own fellow Americans from day one. He simply used dead children to advance an old agenda. He should be ashamed of himself. These people he's attacking are good decent law abiding fellow Americans. He's caused so much unnecessary pain & suffering. But the People will fight back. He hasn't won quite yet.

agreed. He's an emo libertarian lol. Prolly not much complaining from him when we were being violated under Bush's regime

Piss off, you Dear Leader-Worshipping dimwit.
All this pain & suffering is completely unnecessary. Only a Dictator asshole could create so much anger & division. His continuous Wars on his fellow Americans are wearing thin. The pot's gonna boil over at some point. But maybe that's exactly what he wants? I suspect it is.
The good news is that the new AWB, magazine ban and universal background check are not likely to pass, and so the prices of guns, mags and ammo will return to normal.

At current prices I have about $10k in AR15-related material -- thinking about selling it and then buying it all back when prices drop, using the extra $ to, well, buy more.
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I went to Clark Brothers (guns) today to stock up on a few items. .45 cal auto low-grade, basic target grade rounds - $36.00 ?????? for 50 rounds ?????? A year ago they were $9.00 for the same deal. Obama is making it so law-abiding citizens can't even enjoy some casual target practice. Where is that fuck? On vacation, again?

Dumb shit nutters fall for the lobbyist NRA propaganda and that becomes the president's fault?

No matter what the product is, the cost is whatever the market will bear. That's the way it is in a CAPITALIST, FREE MARKET society.

You idiots did this to yourselves. You screech and whine your lies about the sky falling and about how Obama is coming for your guns and your bibles. I know you will never take responsibility for anything you do and/or say but shut up and live with the mess you have made and continue to make.

This is all on your Dictator asshole. It was all completely unnecessary. He's declared War on his own fellow Americans from day one. He simply used dead children to advance an old agenda. He should be ashamed of himself. These people he's attacking are good decent law abiding fellow Americans. He's caused so much unnecessary pain & suffering. But the People will fight back. He hasn't won quite yet.


The president's not 'attacking' anyone.

The shortages are clearly the consequence of ignorant, hysterical conservatives and libertarians buying up guns and supplies motivated by unfounded fears of ‘bans’ that will never happen, and predatory speculators taking advantage of that hysteria and ignorance.

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