46% say Trump won!! Paul next at 14%

Trump - Survived, that's all he had to do. Had pretty good answers to all the questions. The other candidates were clearly intimidated by him.
Bush - Did ok for a liberal but didn't help himself.
Walker - Played it safe and ended up being lackluster. Nothing really stood out. He'd better come alive soon or he's done.
Cruz - Did very well, sounded like a no-bullshit guy. Smart man.
Rubio - Came across better than usual, had good answers but was following a script. Helped himself a little.
Carson - Probably elevated himself a bit but still too low-keyed.
Paul - Had some good answers but came across as not very likable. Bitch slapped Christie a little, which made me happy.
Kasich - Still looks like he just woke up, had canned answers, kept talking about his dad being a mailman (2 or 3 times). He blew it, he's in over his head.
Huckabee - Did well and gave good answers but still doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. I hope he has enough sense to drop out soon.
Christie - Did ok if you like liberal, squishy Republicans. Got punked by Paul on warrantless wiretaps. He just doesn't get the whole concept of freedom and privacy Fucking jerk.

Best chance at this point of beating Kankles or any of the other Democrat clowns - Trump, Cruz, Walker.
The only question I remember Trump actually answering was that he would not pledge to support the Republican nominee if it wasn't himself and his refusal to pledge he wouldn't run as an independent.

Trump claimed he had evidence that Mexico was sending criminals into the US. When asked twice in the debate to present that evidence, he dodge the questions with comments about building a wall, dishonest reporters, etc..
We ALL have evidence that Mexico is sending criminals into the U.S. It's called the news. Almost daily we hear about another death caused by an illegal immigrant (or legal).
The fact that criminals from Mexico are entering the US is not the same thing as the Mexican government sending them here. Trump was given a chance to present his evidence and he blew it because he has none.
No proof would be good enough for you guys. Trump explained it in a way that makes perfect sense. The Mexican government does not want to feed their violent criminals in their prisons, it's a corrupt government, bought and paid for by the drug cartels. They are not above sending their murderers and rapists to our country and to pretend they are is disingenuous. Trump did not hurt himself on that issue and the only way the left can get any mileage out of it is to misrepresent what he said.
Trump - Survived, that's all he had to do. Had pretty good answers to all the questions. The other candidates were clearly intimidated by him.
Bush - Did ok for a liberal but didn't help himself.
Walker - Played it safe and ended up being lackluster. Nothing really stood out. He'd better come alive soon or he's done.
Cruz - Did very well, sounded like a no-bullshit guy. Smart man.
Rubio - Came across better than usual, had good answers but was following a script. Helped himself a little.
Carson - Probably elevated himself a bit but still too low-keyed.
Paul - Had some good answers but came across as not very likable. Bitch slapped Christie a little, which made me happy.
Kasich - Still looks like he just woke up, had canned answers, kept talking about his dad being a mailman (2 or 3 times). He blew it, he's in over his head.
Huckabee - Did well and gave good answers but still doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. I hope he has enough sense to drop out soon.
Christie - Did ok if you like liberal, squishy Republicans. Got punked by Paul on warrantless wiretaps. He just doesn't get the whole concept of freedom and privacy Fucking jerk.

Best chance at this point of beating Kankles or any of the other Democrat clowns - Trump, Cruz, Walker.
The only question I remember Trump actually answering was that he would not pledge to support the Republican nominee if it wasn't himself and his refusal to pledge he wouldn't run as an independent.

Trump claimed he had evidence that Mexico was sending criminals into the US. When asked twice in the debate to present that evidence, he dodge the questions with comments about building a wall, dishonest reporters, etc..
We ALL have evidence that Mexico is sending criminals into the U.S. It's called the news. Almost daily we hear about another death caused by an illegal immigrant (or legal).
The fact that criminals from Mexico are entering the US is not the same thing as the Mexican government sending them here. Trump was given a chance to present his evidence and he blew it because he has none.
No proof would be good enough for you guys. Trump explained it in a way that makes perfect sense. The Mexican government does not want to feed their violent criminals in their prisons, it's a corrupt government, bought and paid for by the drug cartels. They are not above sending their murderers and rapists to our country and to pretend they are is disingenuous. Trump did not hurt himself on that issue and the only way the left can get any mileage out of it is to misrepresent what he said.
On June 16th, Trump said, "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I'll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall."
And about a month latter he insults Mexico's president with an accusation he can't backup. Is this a sample of Trump foreign policy?

I understand his immigration plan will now have a great hole in the great wall to let the good Mexicans through.
Trump - Survived, that's all he had to do. Had pretty good answers to all the questions. The other candidates were clearly intimidated by him.
Bush - Did ok for a liberal but didn't help himself.
Walker - Played it safe and ended up being lackluster. Nothing really stood out. He'd better come alive soon or he's done.
Cruz - Did very well, sounded like a no-bullshit guy. Smart man.
Rubio - Came across better than usual, had good answers but was following a script. Helped himself a little.
Carson - Probably elevated himself a bit but still too low-keyed.
Paul - Had some good answers but came across as not very likable. Bitch slapped Christie a little, which made me happy.
Kasich - Still looks like he just woke up, had canned answers, kept talking about his dad being a mailman (2 or 3 times). He blew it, he's in over his head.
Huckabee - Did well and gave good answers but still doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. I hope he has enough sense to drop out soon.
Christie - Did ok if you like liberal, squishy Republicans. Got punked by Paul on warrantless wiretaps. He just doesn't get the whole concept of freedom and privacy Fucking jerk.

Best chance at this point of beating Kankles or any of the other Democrat clowns - Trump, Cruz, Walker.
The only question I remember Trump actually answering was that he would not pledge to support the Republican nominee if it wasn't himself and his refusal to pledge he wouldn't run as an independent.

Trump claimed he had evidence that Mexico was sending criminals into the US. When asked twice in the debate to present that evidence, he dodge the questions with comments about building a wall, dishonest reporters, etc..
We ALL have evidence that Mexico is sending criminals into the U.S. It's called the news. Almost daily we hear about another death caused by an illegal immigrant (or legal).
The fact that criminals from Mexico are entering the US is not the same thing as the Mexican government sending them here. Trump was given a chance to present his evidence and he blew it because he has none.

Like he did with Obama's birf certificate.
On June 16th, Trump said, "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I'll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall."
And what's wrong with that statement?

And about a month latter he insults Mexico's president with an accusation he can't backup. Is this a sample of Trump foreign policy?
He doesn't need to make a case in court, it's obvious what Mexico is doing, the scum they're sending here are in the news every day. No amount of "backing up" would be enough for you anyway (like I already said). And if that's a sample of Trump's foreign policy with Mexico, I like it. It's time we start punishing them for sending us their rapists, murderers, and other misfits.

I understand his immigration plan will now have a great hole in the great wall to let the good Mexicans through.
He said he didn't mind having a "big beautiful DOOR (not hole) in that wall so people can come into the country LEGALLY". Again, what's wrong with that statement or his position in general?
Best chance at this point of beating Kankles or any of the other Democrat clowns - Trump, Cruz, Walker.

And explain the electoral math that would allow that?

Cruz will get 0.00% of any independents; all purple states go to the Dems.
Walker may get you Wisconsin but the GOP doesn't need WI; it needs FL, OH and some others. OH is still a union stronghold (as much as any state is) and FL is full of Union pensioners.
Trump is a wildcard but he's not long for the race.
I understand his immigration plan will now have a great hole in the great wall to let the good Mexicans through.
He said he didn't mind having a "big beautiful DOOR (not hole) in that wall so people can come into the country LEGALLY". Again, what's wrong with that statement or his position in general?

The wall does one important thing. It limits the payload someone coming into the nation can bring with them. Other than that, it will do nothing to prevent someone from overstaying their visa. All of the 9/11 Hijackers arrived on planes; not coming across a river.
I'd say Trump won. He survived their attacks, and made his positions clear.

Notice the debate focused very, very little on illegal aliens. Just one token question and they changed the topic after about three replies.

In fact-----in fact the "debate" focused very little on substantive issues - it's Fox, duh!
And that is probably one of the factors on why in the court of public opinion - at least those that are technically savvy enough to use Twitter... that the twits on two -count 'em- two Republican debate stages couldn't win the Twitter popularity contest.
In fact, in fact the Republicans couldn't even place one of their (in the words of Donald Trump) losers, (or in the words of the 2008 Republican candidate for POTUS) crazies in the top two. This does not bode well for Donald's crazy, loser party that he now leads.

Bernie Sanders most retweeted candidate during debate
By Eliza Collins

“Most-retweeted presidential candidate Tweet of #GOPDebate came from Democrat @BernieSanders,” Twitter’s government tracking arm tweeted.
Sanders’ tweet, which read “It’s over. Not one word about economic inequality, climate change, Citizens United or student debt. That’s why the Rs are so out of touch,” had been retweeted nearly 22,000 times as of Friday afternoon.

The second most retweeted tweet came from Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.
“Watch the #GOPdebate? Bet you feel like donating to a Democrat right about now,” she tweeted with a link to her donation page.

I understand his immigration plan will now have a great hole in the great wall to let the good Mexicans through.
He said he didn't mind having a "big beautiful DOOR (not hole) in that wall so people can come into the country LEGALLY". Again, what's wrong with that statement or his position in general?

The wall does one important thing. It limits the payload someone coming into the nation can bring with them. Other than that, it will do nothing to prevent someone from overstaying their visa. All of the 9/11 Hijackers arrived on planes; not coming across a river.
I'm not talking about Islamic terrorists, I'm talking about the scumbags from Mexico who come here to commit crimes against Americans and collect welfare and food stamps (fucking up our economy).
On June 16th, Trump said, "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I'll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall."
And what's wrong with that statement?

And about a month latter he insults Mexico's president with an accusation he can't backup. Is this a sample of Trump foreign policy?
He doesn't need to make a case in court, it's obvious what Mexico is doing, the scum they're sending here are in the news every day. No amount of "backing up" would be enough for you anyway (like I already said). And if that's a sample of Trump's foreign policy with Mexico, I like it. It's time we start punishing them for sending us their rapists, murderers, and other misfits.

I understand his immigration plan will now have a great hole in the great wall to let the good Mexicans through.
He said he didn't mind having a "big beautiful DOOR (not hole) in that wall so people can come into the country LEGALLY". Again, what's wrong with that statement or his position in general?
What's wrong with most of Trump's simplistic statements for solving problems is they're not practical.

Making an enemy out of the Mexican government serves no purpose and is counterproductive. Effective boarder security, sharing of terrorist information, and even deportations requires the cooperation of Mexico. Blaming Mexico for our inability to secure our boarders is just plain stupid.

Trump's statement that he will deport all illegal immigrants in the US and allow the good ones to return is ridiculous. The costs would be in the hundreds of billions to tract them down, build long term detention centers, and go through the legal process of deportations. This of course, ignores the fact that the vast majority of Americans oppose mass deportation.

Some people and apparently Trump is one of them, don't seem to realize that our deportation agreements with other countries are reciprocal. They can be voided by either party at anytime and certainly would be if the US attempted mass deportations.
I understand his immigration plan will now have a great hole in the great wall to let the good Mexicans through.
He said he didn't mind having a "big beautiful DOOR (not hole) in that wall so people can come into the country LEGALLY". Again, what's wrong with that statement or his position in general?

The wall does one important thing. It limits the payload someone coming into the nation can bring with them. Other than that, it will do nothing to prevent someone from overstaying their visa. All of the 9/11 Hijackers arrived on planes; not coming across a river.
Somewhere between 40 to 50% of all illegal immigrants entered the country legally. They just never left when their Visa expired and no one made them leave.
I understand his immigration plan will now have a great hole in the great wall to let the good Mexicans through.
He said he didn't mind having a "big beautiful DOOR (not hole) in that wall so people can come into the country LEGALLY". Again, what's wrong with that statement or his position in general?

The wall does one important thing. It limits the payload someone coming into the nation can bring with them. Other than that, it will do nothing to prevent someone from overstaying their visa. All of the 9/11 Hijackers arrived on planes; not coming across a river.
I'm not talking about Islamic terrorists, I'm talking about the scumbags from Mexico who come here to commit crimes against Americans and collect welfare and food stamps (fucking up our economy).

Yeah, we shouldn't worry about guys who fly planes into buildings. People who come here looking for jobs picking cantaloupe are our larger concerns.

If you're worried about welfare; look at the farm bill (billions go to factory farms), our defense spending for weapons systems that we don't need, and SS disability; quarter of a trillion right there. But hey, those getting paid are largely white and here legally; let's instead focus on someone who may be getting an odd operation here or there and some powdered milk.
I understand his immigration plan will now have a great hole in the great wall to let the good Mexicans through.
He said he didn't mind having a "big beautiful DOOR (not hole) in that wall so people can come into the country LEGALLY". Again, what's wrong with that statement or his position in general?

The wall does one important thing. It limits the payload someone coming into the nation can bring with them. Other than that, it will do nothing to prevent someone from overstaying their visa. All of the 9/11 Hijackers arrived on planes; not coming across a river.
I'm not talking about Islamic terrorists, I'm talking about the scumbags from Mexico who come here to commit crimes against Americans and collect welfare and food stamps (fucking up our economy).

Yeah, we shouldn't worry about guys who fly planes into buildings. People who come here looking for jobs picking cantaloupe are our larger concerns.

If you're worried about welfare; look at the farm bill (billions go to factory farms), our defense spending for weapons systems that we don't need, and SS disability; quarter of a trillion right there. But hey, those getting paid are largely white and here legally; let's instead focus on someone who may be getting an odd operation here or there and some powdered milk.
You're so full of shit. Where did I say we shouldn't worry about guys who fly planes into buildings? You liberals can't make an argument without misrepresenting what others say, can you? Don't you know how to debate honestly?
What's wrong with most of Trump's simplistic statements for solving problems is they're not practical.
Give an honest example, not some bullshit where you twist his words.

Making an enemy out of the Mexican government serves no purpose and is counterproductive.
I hate to tell you this but the Mexican government is already our enemy, bought and paid for by the drug cartels. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Trump's statement that he will deport all illegal immigrants in the US and allow the good ones to return is ridiculous. The costs would be in the hundreds of billions to tract them down, build long term detention centers, and go through the legal process of deportations. This of course, ignores the fact that the vast majority of Americans oppose mass deportation.
Who said anything about "mass deportations"? Seal the borders, then deport illegals as we find them, like when they're pulled over for traffic violations. You libs always have to give extreme examples that nobody is suggesting.
I understand his immigration plan will now have a great hole in the great wall to let the good Mexicans through.
He said he didn't mind having a "big beautiful DOOR (not hole) in that wall so people can come into the country LEGALLY". Again, what's wrong with that statement or his position in general?

The wall does one important thing. It limits the payload someone coming into the nation can bring with them. Other than that, it will do nothing to prevent someone from overstaying their visa. All of the 9/11 Hijackers arrived on planes; not coming across a river.
That's why it's a multiprong plan. You build the wall. Plus you install biometrics check in and check out devices at the border so you know who is here and who isn't. A computer will keep track of them overstaying their visa and an arrest warrant issued. You install e verify, and enforce it by fining employers who arrest illegals. You required citizenship for schools at all levels using the same e verify.
I understand his immigration plan will now have a great hole in the great wall to let the good Mexicans through.
He said he didn't mind having a "big beautiful DOOR (not hole) in that wall so people can come into the country LEGALLY". Again, what's wrong with that statement or his position in general?

The wall does one important thing. It limits the payload someone coming into the nation can bring with them. Other than that, it will do nothing to prevent someone from overstaying their visa. All of the 9/11 Hijackers arrived on planes; not coming across a river.
That's why it's a multiprong plan. You build the wall. Plus you install biometrics check in and check out devices at the border so you know who is here and who isn't. A computer will keep track of them overstaying their visa and an arrest warrant issued. You install e verify, and enforce it by fining employers who arrest illegals. You required citizenship for schools at all levels using the same e verify.
You have to recognize the strategy of the left when they post shit like this. They always try to make the case "if it doesn't solve the ENTIRE problem it's no good". The "all or nothing" approach.
46% are blind as a bat

And this is why people continue their support of Trump. Demeaning someone for their support of a candidate only makes them support him/her more.

If the Republican Party were truly about diverse opinions, I would assume people who support Trump's opinions are welcome, including Trump. But, yeah, "you have a right to your own opinion" and all that. I get it. Diverse opinion as a talking point, not a principle.

And this, my friends, is why I'm not a Republican, or a Democrat. No tolerance for difference of ideas or philosophy. You want to know why people support Trump? He doesn't toe the establishment line. He plays on people's distaste of the establishment. And supporters of the establishment are like you, calling people "blind as a bat" for supporting Trump. Case in point.

As brash as Trump is, he had just as much right to be on that stage as the other 16 of his peers. What he did with his time on the stage was up to him.
Last edited:
Best chance at this point of beating Kankles or any of the other Democrat clowns - Trump, Cruz, Walker.

And explain the electoral math that would allow that?

Cruz will get 0.00% of any independents; all purple states go to the Dems.
Walker may get you Wisconsin but the GOP doesn't need WI; it needs FL, OH and some others. OH is still a union stronghold (as much as any state is) and FL is full of Union pensioners.
Trump is a wildcard but he's not long for the race.

Unions aren't big in Florida. They have no political pull in a state completely dominated by the GOP.

Walker can definitely win here.
Best chance at this point of beating Kankles or any of the other Democrat clowns - Trump, Cruz, Walker.

And explain the electoral math that would allow that?

Cruz will get 0.00% of any independents; all purple states go to the Dems.
Walker may get you Wisconsin but the GOP doesn't need WI; it needs FL, OH and some others. OH is still a union stronghold (as much as any state is) and FL is full of Union pensioners.
Trump is a wildcard but he's not long for the race.

Unions aren't big in Florida. They have no political pull in a state completely dominated by the GOP.

Walker can definitely win here.
You're discounting the millions of union pensioners. I know of six personally. All thought Ryan was the devil. Not sure how they felt about Mitt or Walker but I can guess
What's wrong with most of Trump's simplistic statements for solving problems is they're not practical.
Give an honest example, not some bullshit where you twist his words.

Making an enemy out of the Mexican government serves no purpose and is counterproductive.
I hate to tell you this but the Mexican government is already our enemy, bought and paid for by the drug cartels. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Trump's statement that he will deport all illegal immigrants in the US and allow the good ones to return is ridiculous. The costs would be in the hundreds of billions to tract them down, build long term detention centers, and go through the legal process of deportations. This of course, ignores the fact that the vast majority of Americans oppose mass deportation.
Who said anything about "mass deportations"? Seal the borders, then deport illegals as we find them, like when they're pulled over for traffic violations. You libs always have to give extreme examples that nobody is suggesting.
Trump had quite a bit to say about mass deportations. Trump said Wednesday in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash that as president he would deport all undocumented immigrants and then allow the “good ones” to reenter the country through an “expedited process” and live in the U.S. legally, though not as citizens. This is more stupid nonsense from Trump. The cost, the lack support by the people, and the time required to go through the courts, make this virtually impossible.

Blaming Mexico for our inability to secure our boarders is really dumb. It our responsibility, not theirs. Building walls between nations may have worked thousands of years ago in China, but not today.

Trump Deport illegals but expedite the return of the good ones for legal status Hot Air

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