46% say Trump won!! Paul next at 14%

Carson did a good job. Trump was Trump.

What ultimate will destroy Trump is Trump. His unwillingness to pledge that he will support the party nominee and would not run as an independent will be a show stopper for Republicans. Above all else, Republicans want Hillary defeated. If Trump ran as an independent, it would pretty well insure a Hillary victory.

Trump's attitude toward women is not going to endear him to Republican women and will kill his chances in the general election.
William Gheen, leader of Alipac, brought up a valid point on Facebook that if Jeb was the nominee he wouldn't support him nor would he want Trump too. It is the conservative position that Jeb wouldn't be any better than Hillary.

And Donald said on Hannity that he didn't want to give up his leverage. He'll back the nominee most likely but it would be stupid to give up on that leverage which he'll use to force the GOP to treat him fairly.

It was a homerun for Trump!! Paul is my candidate, but everyone loves Trump!!
Keep in mind who is voting in these polls. They are not the typical Republican voters. They are Republicans that utterly detest the direction the nation is taking and hold the party leadership at least partially responsible. His supporters don't seem to be concerned that he was pro-choice before he was pro-life, that he has been a strong supporter of the Clinton's, has little to say about gay marriage, and makes a joke out of his religious commitment, divorces, and affairs.

It was a homerun for Trump!! Paul is my candidate, but everyone loves Trump!!
Keep in mind who is voting in these polls. They are not the typical Republican voters. They are Republicans that utterly detest the direction the nation is taking and hold the party leadership at least partially responsible. His supporters don't seem to be concerned that he was pro-choice before he was pro-life, that he has been a strong supporter of the Clinton's, has little to say about gay marriage, and makes a joke out of his religious commitment, divorces, and affairs.

Why does any of that matter ?

It was a homerun for Trump!! Paul is my candidate, but everyone loves Trump!!
Keep in mind who is voting in these polls. They are not the typical Republican voters. They are Republicans that utterly detest the direction the nation is taking and hold the party leadership at least partially responsible. His supporters don't seem to be concerned that he was pro-choice before he was pro-life, that he has been a strong supporter of the Clinton's, has little to say about gay marriage, and makes a joke out of his religious commitment, divorces, and affairs.

Why does any of that matter ?
Huh? Low information voter?
Defiant Donald Trump dominates US Republican TV debate - BBC News

What the BBC say.

"Donald Trump continued to dominate the Republican race for US president by causing further controversies in the first debate."

The tycoon's refusal to rule out a third-party run drew boos from the audience on Thursday night.

And he stood by offensive comments he has made in the past about women."

  • "I don't have time for total political correctness," said Mr Trump, when asked about misogynistic remarks"
"Donald Trump was generally seen as an amusing sideshow. "He's not a real Republican," said Tarya O'Neill from Madison, Wisconsin. "I hope people know that now". Sandy Rabe of Cincinnati, Ohio, said she liked some of the things he said, "but I hope he doesn't become president"."
I still stand with Rand. Loved his face off with the pro NSA lover, Chris Christy.

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