46% say Trump won!! Paul next at 14%

I'd say Trump won. He survived their attacks, and made his positions clear.

Notice the debate focused very, very little on illegal aliens. Just one token question and they changed the topic after about three replies.
And for good reason, illegal immigration is not rated by most American's as our most serious problem.
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Carson did a good job. Trump was Trump.

What ultimate will destroy Trump is Trump. His unwillingness to pledge that he will support the party nominee and would not run as an independent will be a show stopper for Republicans. Above all else, Republicans want Hillary defeated. If Trump ran as an independent, it would pretty well insure a Hillary victory.

Trump's attitude toward women is not going to endear him to Republican women and will kill his chances in the general election.
William Gheen, leader of Alipac, brought up a valid point on Facebook that if Jeb was the nominee he wouldn't support him nor would he want Trump too. It is the conservative position that Jeb wouldn't be any better than Hillary.

And Donald said on Hannity that he didn't want to give up his leverage. He'll back the nominee most likely but it would be stupid to give up on that leverage which he'll use to force the GOP to treat him fairly.
I don't think Trump gives a damn about the Republican Party. It's just a convent vehicle. He has been buddy buddy with the Clintons for years and supported Hillary in 2008. He's no more conservative than I am.
Trump - Survived, that's all he had to do. Had pretty good answers to all the questions. The other candidates were clearly intimidated by him.
Bush - Did ok for a liberal but didn't help himself.
Walker - Played it safe and ended up being lackluster. Nothing really stood out. He'd better come alive soon or he's done.
Cruz - Did very well, sounded like a no-bullshit guy. Smart man.
Rubio - Came across better than usual, had good answers but was following a script. Helped himself a little.
Carson - Probably elevated himself a bit but still too low-keyed.
Paul - Had some good answers but came across as not very likable. Bitch slapped Christie a little, which made me happy.
Kasich - Still looks like he just woke up, had canned answers, kept talking about his dad being a mailman (2 or 3 times). He blew it, he's in over his head.
Huckabee - Did well and gave good answers but still doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. I hope he has enough sense to drop out soon.
Christie - Did ok if you like liberal, squishy Republicans. Got punked by Paul on warrantless wiretaps. He just doesn't get the whole concept of freedom and privacy Fucking jerk.

Best chance at this point of beating Kankles or any of the other Democrat clowns - Trump, Cruz, Walker.
First, they are all zionist neocons. But that said.

Donald Trump -- kicked the asses of the "journalists" and his critics amongst establishment politicians. He is very funny and if you know anything about business you know he doesn't necessarily mean a wall like the zionist regime has to keep Palestinians out. But something to prevent illegal invaders from flowing into the USA as they are now.

Ben Carson -- very nice guy. Totally clueless. President Trump should appoint him Surgeon General or something.

Ted Cruz -- nice guy also and very articulate. His Jesus bullshit is gay.

Marco Rubio -- totally out of his league.

John Kasich -- a floater that refused to be flushed and managed to become governor of a state that has tons of stupid people.

Rand Paul -- very disappointing. A whiner but he did humiliate Christie.

Mike Huckabee -- insane neocon zionist. Very funny closing statement though.

Jeb Bush -- dumber and possibly more dangerous than his brother.

Chris Christie -- the worst of the bunch. This neocon zionist had the chutzpah to invoke the Nine Eleven bullshit. His gastric bypass is total fail. He looks like Fred Flintstone.

Scott Walker -- deranged mental case obsessed with fetuses.

It was a homerun for Trump!! Paul is my candidate, but everyone loves Trump!!
Keep in mind who is voting in these polls. They are not the typical Republican voters. They are Republicans that utterly detest the direction the nation is taking and hold the party leadership at least partially responsible. His supporters don't seem to be concerned that he was pro-choice before he was pro-life, that he has been a strong supporter of the Clinton's, has little to say about gay marriage, and makes a joke out of his religious commitment, divorces, and affairs.

Why does any of that matter ?
Huh? Low information voter?

Why don't you answer the question ?

Are you suggesting that these things are not know about him or won't be known about him ?

In the end....true republicans (of which I don't count myself) will vote (I guess) for someone who will lead their charge.

If Hillary suddenly got religion and wanted to kill the ACA, elevate the 10th, and shut down foodstamps (and was believable)....do you think republicans would really care about here "character flaws" and Bengahzi ?
Trump is the best man ever!!
Release the Kraken.jpg
Trump - Survived, that's all he had to do. Had pretty good answers to all the questions. The other candidates were clearly intimidated by him.
Bush - Did ok for a liberal but didn't help himself.
Walker - Played it safe and ended up being lackluster. Nothing really stood out. He'd better come alive soon or he's done.
Cruz - Did very well, sounded like a no-bullshit guy. Smart man.
Rubio - Came across better than usual, had good answers but was following a script. Helped himself a little.
Carson - Probably elevated himself a bit but still too low-keyed.
Paul - Had some good answers but came across as not very likable. Bitch slapped Christie a little, which made me happy.
Kasich - Still looks like he just woke up, had canned answers, kept talking about his dad being a mailman (2 or 3 times). He blew it, he's in over his head.
Huckabee - Did well and gave good answers but still doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. I hope he has enough sense to drop out soon.
Christie - Did ok if you like liberal, squishy Republicans. Got punked by Paul on warrantless wiretaps. He just doesn't get the whole concept of freedom and privacy Fucking jerk.

Best chance at this point of beating Kankles or any of the other Democrat clowns - Trump, Cruz, Walker.
The only question I remember Trump actually answering was that he would not pledge to support the Republican nominee if it wasn't himself and his refusal to pledge he wouldn't run as an independent.

Trump claimed he had evidence that Mexico was sending criminals into the US. When asked twice in the debate to present that evidence, he dodge the questions with comments about building a wall, dishonest reporters, etc..

It was a homerun for Trump!! Paul is my candidate, but everyone loves Trump!!
Keep in mind who is voting in these polls. They are not the typical Republican voters. They are Republicans that utterly detest the direction the nation is taking and hold the party leadership at least partially responsible. His supporters don't seem to be concerned that he was pro-choice before he was pro-life, that he has been a strong supporter of the Clinton's, has little to say about gay marriage, and makes a joke out of his religious commitment, divorces, and affairs.

Why does any of that matter ?
Huh? Low information voter?

Why don't you answer the question ?

Are you suggesting that these things are not know about him or won't be known about him ?

In the end....true republicans (of which I don't count myself) will vote (I guess) for someone who will lead their charge.

If Hillary suddenly got religion and wanted to kill the ACA, elevate the 10th, and shut down foodstamps (and was believable)....do you think republicans would really care about here "character flaws" and Bengahzi ?
Yes they, i, care about hillary,s character flaws.
Trump's a heavyweight, the rest are lightweight chumps. That's how it's shaping up folks.
Trump - Survived, that's all he had to do. Had pretty good answers to all the questions. The other candidates were clearly intimidated by him.
Bush - Did ok for a liberal but didn't help himself.
Walker - Played it safe and ended up being lackluster. Nothing really stood out. He'd better come alive soon or he's done.
Cruz - Did very well, sounded like a no-bullshit guy. Smart man.
Rubio - Came across better than usual, had good answers but was following a script. Helped himself a little.
Carson - Probably elevated himself a bit but still too low-keyed.
Paul - Had some good answers but came across as not very likable. Bitch slapped Christie a little, which made me happy.
Kasich - Still looks like he just woke up, had canned answers, kept talking about his dad being a mailman (2 or 3 times). He blew it, he's in over his head.
Huckabee - Did well and gave good answers but still doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. I hope he has enough sense to drop out soon.
Christie - Did ok if you like liberal, squishy Republicans. Got punked by Paul on warrantless wiretaps. He just doesn't get the whole concept of freedom and privacy Fucking jerk.

Best chance at this point of beating Kankles or any of the other Democrat clowns - Trump, Cruz, Walker.
The only question I remember Trump actually answering was that he would not pledge to support the Republican nominee if it wasn't himself and his refusal to pledge he wouldn't run as an independent.

Trump claimed he had evidence that Mexico was sending criminals into the US. When asked twice in the debate to present that evidence, he dodge the questions with comments about building a wall, dishonest reporters, etc..
We ALL have evidence that Mexico is sending criminals into the U.S. It's called the news. Almost daily we hear about another death caused by an illegal immigrant (or legal).
Trump is refreshing...and even entertaining. Carson is brilliant, and I appreciate how even-keeled his thought process is, but I wonder if voters need someone who exhibits more passion.
Passion is for the bedroom. A cool, collected thinker is needed in the Oval Office.
Trump - Survived, that's all he had to do. Had pretty good answers to all the questions. The other candidates were clearly intimidated by him.
Bush - Did ok for a liberal but didn't help himself.
Walker - Played it safe and ended up being lackluster. Nothing really stood out. He'd better come alive soon or he's done.
Cruz - Did very well, sounded like a no-bullshit guy. Smart man.
Rubio - Came across better than usual, had good answers but was following a script. Helped himself a little.
Carson - Probably elevated himself a bit but still too low-keyed.
Paul - Had some good answers but came across as not very likable. Bitch slapped Christie a little, which made me happy.
Kasich - Still looks like he just woke up, had canned answers, kept talking about his dad being a mailman (2 or 3 times). He blew it, he's in over his head.
Huckabee - Did well and gave good answers but still doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. I hope he has enough sense to drop out soon.
Christie - Did ok if you like liberal, squishy Republicans. Got punked by Paul on warrantless wiretaps. He just doesn't get the whole concept of freedom and privacy Fucking jerk.

Best chance at this point of beating Kankles or any of the other Democrat clowns - Trump, Cruz, Walker.
The only question I remember Trump actually answering was that he would not pledge to support the Republican nominee if it wasn't himself and his refusal to pledge he wouldn't run as an independent.

Trump claimed he had evidence that Mexico was sending criminals into the US. When asked twice in the debate to present that evidence, he dodge the questions with comments about building a wall, dishonest reporters, etc..
We ALL have evidence that Mexico is sending criminals into the U.S. It's called the news. Almost daily we hear about another death caused by an illegal immigrant (or legal).
The fact that criminals from Mexico are entering the US is not the same thing as the Mexican government sending them here. Trump was given a chance to present his evidence and he blew it because he has none.

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