47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

Those records were stolen, and hidden, and lied about....

Trump did not declassify them before he left, there is no record of it, and no person working for him that would handle getting them declassified, said he ever told them to have them declassified...
Besides the fact that if the president did declassify all the records in the 60 cases of records he took without reviewing and looking at them one item at a time, would be an incredible ABUSE OF POWER AND OFFICE, a dereliction of duty, beyond belief!!!!

And on top of that, the three crimes the search warrant had probable cause on, for the search....had NOTHING to do with classification of files, nor did the laws broken relate to the presidential preservation of records act, where he stole our records instead of returning them to the National archives.... They left those crimes out of the search warrant probable crimes....

Read the laws he allegedly broke, in the search warrant, again. They do not mention classification level.

Nope.....he was President, he can take the records he deems are his......then they get to haggle over what is or isn't his....you don't use the democrat party police state, FBI/gestapo....you dumb ass...

He can simply declare, "I declassify thee...." and they are declassified you idiot...
Those records were stolen, and hidden, and lied about....

Trump did not declassify them before he left, there is no record of it, and no person working for him that would handle getting them declassified, said he ever told them to have them declassified...
Besides the fact that if the president did declassify all the records in the 60 cases of records he took without reviewing and looking at them one item at a time, would be an incredible ABUSE OF POWER AND OFFICE, a dereliction of duty, beyond belief!!!!

And on top of that, the three crimes the search warrant had probable cause on, for the search....had NOTHING to do with classification of files, nor did the laws broken relate to the presidential preservation of records act, where he stole our records instead of returning them to the National archives.... They left those crimes out of the search warrant probable crimes....

Read the laws he allegedly broke, in the search warrant, again. They do not mention classification level.

The FBI lied 4 times to a Federal Judge to get FISA warrants.....so nothing they say is now legitimate...
You are wrong...

"The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."

Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."

In fact, Robert F. Turner, associate director of the University of Virginia's Center for National Security Law, said that "if Congress were to enact a statute seeking to limit the president’s authority to classify or declassify national security information, or to prohibit him from sharing certain kinds of information with Russia, it would raise serious separation of powers constitutional issues."

The official documents governing classification and declassification stem from executive orders. But even these executive orders aren’t necessarily binding on the president.

The president is not "obliged to follow any procedures other than those that he himself has prescribed," Aftergood said. "And he can change those."
Turner noted, however, that this isn’t necessarily a big distinction, since the president is ultimately the decider of what is classified and not. If his appointees disagree with his actions, "he can overrule their decisions," Turner said. "Within the Executive Branch the president is the boss."

I didn’t write the article I cited. The portion of the cite you posted doesn’t mention the relevant judicial rulings regarding protocol. What constitutes declassification can be overseen, so that each president doesn’t make their own rules.
Ask the democrat party FBI/gestapo....they raided Trump's home.....where he stored the documents under Secret Service protection.....ask them.....
The FBI says they weren’t there and probably want an accounting of the chain of custody.
Nope.....he was President, he can take the records he deems are his......then they get to haggle over what is or isn't his....you don't use the democrat party police state, FBI/gestapo....you dumb ass...

He can simply declare, "I declassify thee...." and they are declassified you idiot...
I dunno who to believe.
We've got the following poster, '2aguy' assert this about the FBI:

"The FBI lied 4 times to a Federal Judge to get FISA warrants.....so nothing they say is now legitimate.."

So that can't be ignored.
And then, on the other hand, we have Don Trump with over 35,000 tallied fibs/untruths/lies (take your pick).

So here we all are choosing between sides: one side with 4 lies.....and the other with 35k.
Man, it is so hard to judge.

"Some of them have been in prison waiting for trial since the event happened and without charges."

I don't think the poster Esdraelon is correct with all that.
He will need to back up his assertion.

So he says some sit for all these months without charges?
How many?
Why were they arrested?
How do you know?

Show the forum your vetting.
We cannot accept mere unsupported opinions on what you want it to be....not with a charge like that.
I dunno who to believe.
We've got the following poster, '2aguy' assert this about the FBI:

So that can't be ignored.
And then, on the other hand, we have Don Trump with over 35,000 tallied fibs/untruths/lies (take your pick).

So here we all are choosing between sides: one side with 4 lies.....and the other with 35k.
Man, it is so hard to judge.


I don't think the poster Esdraelon is correct with all that.
He will need to back up his assertion.

So he says some sit for all these months without charges?
How many?
Why were they arrested?
How do you know?

Show the forum your vetting.
We cannot accept mere unsupported opinions on what you want it to be....not with a charge like that.

You should look at the so called "Lies." Then see if anyone did that for biden.......the guy who was caught plagarizing an entire speech, and who is taking money from foreign governments through his son.....and he did this his entire political career.....then get back to us about so called "lies."
"...then get back to us about so called "lies."

Ummm, no reason for me to do that.
After all, it wasn't my poor avatar who brought up "lies".....it t'was you, poster '2aguy'.

I was merely adding context --as a comparative -- to your hissyfitting over "four lies".

Four doesn't seem so bad compared to the 35,000+ from the guy you so vigorously want us to believe.

You be you but remember......arithmetic does matter.

Trust me. ;)
Ummm, no reason for me to do that.
After all, it wasn't my poor avatar who brought up "lies".....it t'was you, poster '2aguy'.

I was merely adding context --as a comparative -- to your hissyfitting over "four lies".

Four doesn't seem so bad compared to the 35,000+ from the guy you so vigorously want us to believe.

You be you but remember......arithmetic does matter.

Trust me. ;)

Yes....the democrat party FBI/gestapo lied......to Federal Judges to get a FISA warrant and lied 3 more times to renew it........they have no credibility to claim anything about what Trump had or didn't have ......you can play stupid, as you leftists do...but the fake "35,000" lies is just another stupid thing you idiots do.....
God only knows what was in those folders.

The master troll strikes again! :D

He's left the democrats shitting bricks wondering what was in those folders :auiqs.jpg:

Are you going to cry??

Trump is caught red handed breaking serious law that threatens US security and you don't seem to care. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable, he is fucked and needs to be held accountable.

You care more about Trump than America. You are the typical wacko claiming to be indenpendent, yet you defend Trump for all his repeated crimes.

Trump lost the election and then lied about election fraud that never happened, with no evidence at all of election fraud. Then trump incited a riot at the Capitol

Then Trump stole top secret documents and put US security at risk.

You care more about Trump than America, shame on you. You are a pathetic disgrace and a traitor.
Are you some kind of nut? Why the hell would I cry? If he was caught red handed and not arrested, what the is wrong with our justice system? For 7 seven year I have heard how Trump broke tons of laws and yet seven years later, here we are, no arrest, no charges, nothing.

Your reading comprehension is bad, have you graduated from elementary school? Maybe you should take what I wrote you and have an adult explain it to you. I already stated, if he has done wrong, arrest, try and convict him. I have no use for Trump, he isn’t a conservative, he is a big government Republican. I dislike big government politicians. You keep telling me all that Trump has done, then if it is all true, why no arrest? I want arrest and prosecution, you are “excited” over this news and you call nerve to call me unAmerican?

Spare me your fake outrage, arrest and I’m good, convict I’m good. That goes for any President past, present or future, the only difference is I won’t get a boner over it like you do.

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