47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

We are sorely fearful now of empty folders labeled “Top Secret” because

Well, because they’re empty! Oh heavens!

Of course they might have previously held documents that at one point had been classified. So, you can see this raises the grave concern that ….

Those papers in a secure location may need to be …

Put back into those folder!

LOl! The excuse minus an excuse. Brilliant! 🤪
So where the fuck are those documents, I wonder.

We know the rubes couldn't care less, or at least that's what they're pretending.

Even though I know this con man is capable of anything, I'm trying to assume that those documents are safe.

My votes against this menace have never been more justified. What a fucking disgrace.
When I was a classified records custodian in the Army, I had well over a hundred classified records cover sheets in my unlocked desk at any given time. Cover pages or folders are simply an indication that the CONTENTS are classified. They are reusable.
Right. And as I clearly have stated over and over again, the answer is “yes.” They were declassified.

Why did you leave off the link? You pussy.

We know. No need to trouble yourself. It’s because you ARE nothing but a full blown liar.
Not in that post. Sorry, you don't get the get out of jail card with me. To ask the DOJ, is to not know. There is no semantic trick for you sonny.
When I was a classified records custodian in the Army, I had well over a hundred classified records cover sheets in my unlocked desk at any given time. Cover pages or folders are simply an indication that the CONTENTS are classified. They are reusable.
*In the army? Not at Mara Lago right? Where people come and go as ordinary citizens right?
Right. And as I clearly have stated over and over again, the answer is “yes.” They were declassified.

Why did you leave off the link? You pussy.

We know. No need to trouble yourself. It’s because you ARE nothing but a full blown liar.
Bottom line, you don't know the answer to the declassification. Were you there? Does it matter for a criminal referral that they were declassified ? No! Were tyhey supposed to be in closets, desks, and the like? NO! You have no argument, along with your retarded ilk.
When I was a classified records custodian in the Army, I had well over a hundred classified records cover sheets in my unlocked desk at any given time. Cover pages or folders are simply an indication that the CONTENTS are classified. They are reusable.
So now nothing is top secret
Not in that post. Sorry, you don't get the get out of jail card with me. To ask the DOJ, is to not know. There is no semantic trick for you sonny.
No need. If you had been honest enough to link it, which of course you weren’t, it would be obvious that I was discussing with another poster the topic of admissibility of evidence. That would require the judge NOT just to note that the stuff had previously been MARKED as “classified,” but he would need to determine whether they were STILL classified.

So sure. You took it deliberately out of context, as you liars so often do.

Nevertheless, I have never claimed anything other than that they were declassified. You remain an exposed liar.

NOTE: what the liar BWK has attempted to hide was this post of mine:

Bottom line, you don't know the answer to the declassification. Were you there? Does it matter for a criminal referral that they were declassified ? No! Were tyhey supposed to be in closets, desks, and the like? NO! You have no argument, along with your retarded ilk.
Yes I do know. As I’ve always stated: they were declassified. Your bottom line is just you repeating your now exposed lie.

Why you liars can’t resist lying, we may never know.
You got had Jim Bob. Go take a sedative.
You have been fully exposed as an intentional liar.

Go douche yourself and give yourself an enema. You’re filthy. Don’t mix up the bottles or the nozzles.

Then go play in heavy traffic.

You are a proved liar. Your words have no value. 👍
Yes I do know. As I’ve always stated: they were declassified. Your bottom line is just you repeating your now exposed lie.

Why you liars can’t resist lying, we may never know.
Well they must first show the documents were still classified
Well they must first show the documents were still classified
Exactly. And since they were declassified, that won’t be possible. And if they took this “case” to trial on anything related to the Espionage Act, once Kash Patel testified for Trump that then President Trump HAD declassified them, the US Attorney would have to disprove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

That may be one big reason even Brandon’s corrupted DOJ turns out not to be quite so stupid as to charge Trump with ANY crime related to the Espionage Act.
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Exactly. And since they were declassified, that won’t be possible. And if they took this “case” to trial on anything related to the Espionage Act, once Kash Patel testified for Trump that then President Trump HAD declassified them, the US Attoeney would have to disprove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

That may be one big reason even Brandon’s corrupted DOJ turns out not to be quite so stupid as to charge Trump with ANY crime related to the Espionage Act.
Exactly. It’s why Brandon declared war

This is what you pathetic losers have been reduced to.

The FBI snuck in those folders.... Good luck with that one in court

Trump is going to be some huge black dudes bitch. Do you think he will cry when he gets sentenced, like the Jan 6th rioters did?
I think you won't get a chance to cry.
Uh huh. No one had oversight of what the agents were doing, and no agent was searched. They easily could have brought the classified folders into Trump's residence and there is NO WAY they can prove the did not.
The FBI has a history of messing with evidence to get convictions.

You rarely hear this mentioned today but obviously it happened a few years ago.

Forty years ago, Bob Dylan reacted to the conviction of an innocent man by singing that he couldn't help but feel ashamed "to live in a land where justice is a game." Over the ensuing decades, the criminal-justice system has improved in many significant ways. But shame is still an appropriate response to it, as the Washington Post made clear Saturday in an article that begins with a punch to the gut: "Nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000," the newspaper reported, adding that "the cases include those of 32 defendants sentenced to death."

The article notes that the admissions from the FBI and Department of Justice "confirm long-suspected problems with subjective, pattern-based forensic techniques—like hair and bite-mark comparisons—that have contributed to wrongful convictions in more than one-quarter of 329 DNA-exoneration cases since 1989."

That link points back to 2012 coverage of problems with FBI forensic analysis, but the existence of shoddy forensics has been so clear for so long in so many different state and local jurisdictions that the following conclusion is difficult to avoid: Neither police agencies nor prosecutors are willing to call for the sorts of reforms that would prevent many innocents from being wrongfully convicted and imprisoned, and neither the Republican nor the Democratic Party will force their hands.
Exactly. It’s why Brandon declared war
Brandon is a demented old racist piece of shit. His handlers apparently feel no constraints.

The war Brandon is declaring is an effort to get the low information voters, too easily misled by the liberal main stream propaganda apparatchik “news” media, to come out en mass to vote for the Dims.

I suspect it’s all going to blow up in Brandon’s stupid vacant face.


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