47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

The way TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, 'We've got him THIS time' snowflakes think:

There were no 'National Security-Threatening Nuclear Secrets' found.

* 'That means Trump had already given them to the Russians.'

There were 47 EMPTY FOLDERS marked 'Top Secret'

* 'That means Trump had already sold the contents to the Chicoms'

There was no Fentynal or heroin found in Trump's home.

* That means he had already distributed the drugs to his dealers on the street OR he hadn't gotten the latest shipment from the Cartels yet.

There were no illegal child sex slaves found.

* That means Trump had already sold and trafficked them OR it means they were still on a bus headed from Texas to Fl.

There were no dead bodies of murdered hookers found.

* That means Trump had already moved & dumped the bodies.

laughing hilariously.jpg
If he was caught red handed and not arrested, what the is wrong with our justice system?
A fair question. Maybe nothing. Trump is getting great deference due to his stature as the last president. The Justice Department is treading very carefully, and this is, no doubt, in part because everything they say and do will eventually be public knowledge.

Maybe that's not so wrong. And Garland just might throw it to Congress, in the end, if Candidate Trump declares. Maybe that's not so wrong, ether.
We are sorely fearful now of empty folders labeled “Top Secret” because

Well, because they’re empty! Oh heavens!

Of course they might have previously held documents that at one point had been classified. So, you can see this raises the grave concern that ….

Those papers in a secure location may need to be …

Put back into those folder!

The word "classified" means it has a classification.

- Secret (Embarrassing)
- Top secret
- Above top secret

To say the documents were "CLASSIFIED" means absolutely nothing.
The word "classified" means it has a classification.

- Secret (Embarrassing)
- Top secret
- Above top secret

To say the documents were "CLASSIFIED" means absolutely nothing.
Well, there are laws about who may have or share classified documents.

On the other hand, the President has plenary power to declassify any classified document. The point is: he declassified the ones he still had physical possession of, so the whole thing is moot.
Wow !
This just keeps getting better.

We already know Trump committed a serious crime, illegally stealing and then mishandling ultra top secret documents and then getting caught red handed with them in his basement .


There's plenty more.

We now know that they also found 47 empty Top Secret folders, with the ultra Top secret contents no where to be found.
God only knows what was in those folders. Again these are the ultra sensitive, ultra Top Secret classified material. The serious stuff. The bad stuff.

Now this material is no where to be found. Trump has lost this ultra Top Secret material, even more serious violation than we all originally assumed.

Trump has committed the most serious crime a president has ever committed, and he needs to be held accountable.

Indictment and prison is inevitable.

But, but, Trumps goons say it isn't a big deal. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: I don't think my imagination is good enough to think about the crazies, if Obama had done this.
Well, there are laws about who may have or share classified documents.

On the other hand, the President has plenary power to declassify any classified document. The point is: he declassified the ones he still had physical possession of, so the whole thing is moot.
That's not what you said in other posts. You were asking, now you are telling? Link and evidence please?
100% false

The president can't just wave a magic wand and declassify top secret documents. If that's your defense Trump will go to prison

There is a process to declassify documents, especially when they involve extremely sensitive and top secret material.

Watch what the threat assessment says, Trump's fucked
They keep spinning with the same stupid argument with no proof. They did the same thing with the big lie.
That's not what you said in other posts. You were asking, now you are telling? Link and evidence please?

Post the quote and link of me ever saying anything different about the President’s sole authority to declassify classified documents.

You won’t though because it never happened. That’s why everyone can see that you rely on your lies.
They keep spinning with the same stupid argument with no proof. They did the same thing with the big lie.
You’ve even been pointed to case law from our SCOTUS that is clear that the President does have that authority.

You lie about everything.

Edit to add:

The President, after all, is the "Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States." U.S.Const., Art. II, § 2. His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security and to determine whether an individual is sufficiently trustworthy to occupy a position in the Executive Branch that will give that person access to such information flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the
President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant.

Department of the Navy v. Egan, 484 U.S. 518, 527 (1988).​

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Your obsession with Trump is so deep you will believe any lie and excuse you are fed.

Trunmp is caught red handed.

He had stolen top secret documents in his basement, a crime
He had 47 (a lot) empty Top Secret labeled folders, indicating that he has lost 47 top secret documents.

This is shocling, this is ultra serious material that can harm America dearly.

Trump fucked up so bad here and needs to go to prison

He could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue. They don't care. It isn't hard to find out who the real American patriots are, and it sure ain't this Trump scum.

Post the quote and link of me ever saying anything different about the President’s sole authority to declassify classified documents.

You won’t though because it never happened. That’s why everyone can see that you rely on your lies.
I'm not sifting through your posts again. I know what I saw and read, and that's good enough for me.
A fair question. Maybe nothing. Trump is getting great deference due to his stature as the last president. The Justice Department is treading very carefully, and this is, no doubt, in part because everything they say and do will eventually be public knowledge.

Maybe that's not so wrong. And Garland just might throw it to Congress, in the end, if Candidate Trump declares. Maybe that's not so wrong, ether.
I don’t want him or Biden to run in 2024; they are both terrible Presidents. Gabbard is the one liberal I’d vote for, not sure there is a Republican I’d vote for. If we don’t get a fiscal conservative the next best thing is a Democratic President and a Republican Congress, then we can possibly slow the debt or even reverse it without adding a lot of new taxes.
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Post the quote and link of me ever saying anything different about the President’s sole authority to declassify classified documents.

You won’t though because it never happened. That’s why everyone can see that you rely on your lies.
What is left unsaid by the scumbags at DOJ, of course, is the big issue. We’re they or were they not already declassified? The only reason to question the DOJ that yourself, is that you don't know yourself.
What is left unsaid by the scumbags at DOJ, of course, is the big issue. We’re they or were they not already declassified? The only reason to question the DOJ that yourself, is that you don't know yourself.
Right. And as I clearly have stated over and over again, the answer is “yes.” They were declassified.

Why did you leave off the link? You pussy.

We know. No need to trouble yourself. It’s because you ARE nothing but a full blown liar.

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