47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

The FBI has a history of messing with evidence to get convictions.

You rarely hear this mentioned today but obviously it happened a few years ago.

Forty years ago, Bob Dylan reacted to the conviction of an innocent man by singing that he couldn't help but feel ashamed "to live in a land where justice is a game." Over the ensuing decades, the criminal-justice system has improved in many significant ways. But shame is still an appropriate response to it, as the Washington Post made clear Saturday in an article that begins with a punch to the gut: "Nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000," the newspaper reported, adding that "the cases include those of 32 defendants sentenced to death."

The article notes that the admissions from the FBI and Department of Justice "confirm long-suspected problems with subjective, pattern-based forensic techniques—like hair and bite-mark comparisons—that have contributed to wrongful convictions in more than one-quarter of 329 DNA-exoneration cases since 1989."

That link points back to 2012 coverage of problems with FBI forensic analysis, but the existence of shoddy forensics has been so clear for so long in so many different state and local jurisdictions that the following conclusion is difficult to avoid: Neither police agencies nor prosecutors are willing to call for the sorts of reforms that would prevent many innocents from being wrongfully convicted and imprisoned, and neither the Republican nor the Democratic Party will force their hands.
Richard jewel is all one needs to look at!
Richard jewel is all one needs to look at!
Thanks. I forgot about him.

Cure strawman! What I say is the concern is the fact that they may be missing.

And you don't seem concerned about that at all.

So I am normal, and you are acting like a cultish freak. Let's be crystal clear, before you vomit 100 more strawman, as you always do.

How do you cure a strawman, isn't that a terminal condition?

Wow !
This just keeps getting better.

We already know Trump committed a serious crime, illegally stealing and then mishandling ultra top secret documents and then getting caught red handed with them in his basement .


There's plenty more.

We now know that they also found 47 empty Top Secret folders, with the ultra Top secret contents no where to be found.
God only knows what was in those folders. Again these are the ultra sensitive, ultra Top Secret classified material. The serious stuff. The bad stuff.

Now this material is no where to be found. Trump has lost this ultra Top Secret material, even more serious violation than we all originally assumed.

Trump has committed the most serious crime a president has ever committed, and he needs to be held accountable.

Indictment and prison is inevitable.

Its a pretty safe bet that they were not empty when they left the White House.
Those records were stolen, and hidden, and lied about....

Trump did not declassify them before he left, there is no record of it, and no person working for him that would handle getting them declassified, said he ever told them to have them declassified...
Besides the fact that if the president did declassify all the records in the 60 cases of records he took without reviewing and looking at them one item at a time, would be an incredible ABUSE OF POWER AND OFFICE, a dereliction of duty, beyond belief!!!!

And on top of that, the three crimes the search warrant had probable cause on, for the search....had NOTHING to do with classification of files, nor did the laws broken relate to the presidential preservation of records act, where he stole our records instead of returning them to the National archives.... They left those crimes out of the search warrant probable crimes....

Read the laws he allegedly broke, in the search warrant, again. They do not mention classification level.

You might want to read the damn laws, the president is not a government employee and is not bound by the laws governing employees. Second he has the unilateral ability to declare any record as personal property. If you don't like it, get the court precedent changed.

Where are the classified documents that are missing from their cover folders?
Nope.....he was President, he can take the records he deems are his......then they get to haggle over what is or isn't his....you don't use the democrat party police state, FBI/gestapo....you dumb ass...

He can simply declare, "I declassify thee...." and they are declassified you idiot...
But that is NOT TRUE!

ANYTHING that involves the govt or his presidency, is the governments.

Anything that does not involve his presidency are his personal records.

None of the cases and cases and cases of govt records retrieved from Mara lago are his, but a handful of personal items.

He can negotiate with the National Archives to keep some momentos like the love letter from the north Korean president, they could let him make an identical copy or give him the original, and keep a copy in the National archives...
all you have to do is prove that
Easy peasy! The folks that packed the boxes, or the staff or family that witnessed the documents there who informed the FBI on where to look for them

And DONALD TRUMP HIMSELF admitted he had those TOP SECRET records, photographed on the floor.

What more do you want?


Would you work this hard to defend Obama or a Biden or a Clinton doing something like this? Hell no!!! imo
The FBI lied 4 times to a Federal Judge to get FISA warrants.....so nothing they say is now legitimate...
No they didn't lie 4 times. A single agent lied once for a very minor thing, that if known, would have or could have disqualified two of the 4 fisa searches on Carter Page. The other 2 were 100% legal searches....according to the IG investigation.

The FBI and the new AG knows the mistakes FBI had made previously, and THIS IS WHY BOTH Garland and Wray, personally dotted eyes, and crossed Ts on this search on an uncooperative former President....
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Would you work this hard to defend Obama or a Biden or a Clinton doing something like this?

I have no liking for Trump, as I've stated for about 7 years now, but I have even less for the cult that has hounded him on bullshit during that time.

Yes, I'm referring to the DNC cult.

Started with Russian collusion, which was proved to be a lie, and never one apology given,

Then an impeachment for the same 'crime' Biden committed as VP.

Then a second impeachment for arranging a protest.

an impeachment that was basically, "if you hate Trump, raise your hand." and majority ruled.

I've had 3 chances to vote for Trump, 2016 primary, 2016 General, and 2020 General.

Didn't vote for him, or any other presidential candidate.

there was no one running I felt was worthy of the job.
I have no liking for Trump, as I've stated for about 7 years now, but I have even less for the cult that has hounded him on bullshit during that time.

Yes, I'm referring to the DNC cult.

Started with Russian collusion, which was proved to be a lie, and never one apology given,

Then an impeachment for the same 'crime' Biden committed as VP.

Then a second impeachment for arranging a protest.

an impeachment that was basically, "if you hate Trump, raise your hand." and majority ruled.

I've had 3 chances to vote for Trump, 2016 primary, 2016 General, and 2020 General.

Didn't vote for him, or any other presidential candidate.

there was no one running I felt was worthy of the job.
Don the Con created himself, the impeahments and FBI Russian investigation by Mueller, cuz he fired Comey.

Every thing that happened to trump was not a witch hunt, a hoax, fake news blah blah blah blah blah, that the whiney, helpless, poor baby bitch constantly cried wolf about.... he brought it ALL on to himself...imo.
Who they belong to is up to lawyers...not the democrat party FBI/gestapo......

And now that you concede that Trump could declassify anything he wanted....now you need to admit the FBI is now the gestapo of the democrat party..

Do you want to try again, or do you want to stick with that one?

And I didn't say that "Trump could declassify anything he wanted". You just made that up.

You're both ignorant and a liar. A solid Trumpster.

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