47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

So where the fuck are those documents, I wonder.

We know the rubes couldn't care less, or at least that's what they're pretending.

Even though I know this con man is capable of anything, I'm trying to assume that those documents are safe.

My votes against this menace have never been more justified. What a fucking disgrace.
So many years, so many questionable things never investigated. Uranium, military secrets, high tech secrets, missile technologies, space technologies and so much more. Not a peep.
You might want to read the damn laws, the president is not a government employee and is not bound by the laws governing employees. Second he has the unilateral ability to declare any record as personal property. If you don't like it, get the court precedent changed.


Gawd almighty, heaven help us!!!

Government records are government records, the President can not turn government records magically in to personal records.

Personal records, are PERSONAL records

like Clinton hiring his own biographer for his presidency and discussions on what should go in his future planned book.

That's personal.
And are you REALLY trying to claim the 60 cases of govt documents recovered were his personal records or the classified, top secret, and secret documents were his personal records?

Holy crap!! What is wrong with you? :rofl:
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Wow !
This just keeps getting better.

We already know Trump committed a serious crime, illegally stealing and then mishandling ultra top secret documents and then getting caught red handed with them in his basement .


There's plenty more.

We now know that they also found 47 empty Top Secret folders, with the ultra Top secret contents no where to be found.
God only knows what was in those folders. Again these are the ultra sensitive, ultra Top Secret classified material. The serious stuff. The bad stuff.

Now this material is no where to be found. Trump has lost this ultra Top Secret material, even more serious violation than we all originally assumed.

Trump has committed the most serious crime a president has ever committed, and he needs to be held accountable.

Indictment and prison is inevitable.

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And who the fuck do those agencies work for??????????????????

The president is not a King. He is held to the same standards as other government officials.

If Trump really wanted these documents declassified, there was a process for doing that. And the process makes sense.

You go to the affected agencies, and ask, "What would be the effect of declassifying this document?"

And the agencies would raise their legitimate objections, or if the president was insistent on declassifying said documents, they could take appropriate action (for instance, pulling the agent out of the country where he gathered the information.)

This isn't what Trump did. He took the documents after he no longer had any reason to access them, kept them in an unsecure place where anyone could have access to them, and resisted attempt by the National Archives to retrieve them.
The president is not a King. He is held to the same standards as other government officials.

If Trump really wanted these documents declassified, there was a process for doing that. And the process makes sense.

You go to the affected agencies, and ask, "What would be the effect of declassifying this document?"

And the agencies would raise their legitimate objections, or if the president was insistent on declassifying said documents, they could take appropriate action (for instance, pulling the agent out of the country where he gathered the information.)

This isn't what Trump did. He took the documents after he no longer had any reason to access them, kept them in an unsecure place where anyone could have access to them, and resisted attempt by the National Archives to retrieve them.
Yep...and Bill Barr agrees!

The Aug. 8 raid came months after the National Archives retrieved 15 boxes of materials from Trump's Palm Beach, Florida, resort home in January. FBI agents went to Mar-a-Lago in June to collect all additional records that bore classification markings.

But the FBI later "uncovered multiple sources of evidence" indicating that more classified documents remained at Mar-a-Lago, leading them to seek a warrant to search the premises, according to a DOJ court filing.

Barr said Friday that the search warrant suggests that "for them to have taken things to the current point they probably have pretty good evidence, but that's speculation."

Barr also cast doubt on Trump's claims that he declassified the documents that were taken from Mar-a-Lago, calling it "highly improbable."

But if Trump indeed "stood over scores of boxes, not really knowing what was in them and said, I hereby declassify everything in here that would be such an abuse and that shows such recklessness that it's almost worse than taking the documents," Barr said.

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Don the Con created himself, the impeahments and FBI Russian investigation by Mueller, cuz he fired Comey.

Every thing that happened to trump was not a witch hunt, a hoax, fake news blah blah blah blah blah, that the whiney, helpless, poor baby bitch constantly cried wolf about.... he brought it ALL on to himself...imo.
yea because Trump lost/hid/stole the top secret documents inside putting US security at risk, hence the search warrant, potential indictment, and prison sentence for Trumpy
Herr Leaksensmears sent his minions to plant folders marked "Extra Double Ultra Bonus Top Super Dooper Secret" , take pictures and give the pictures to the little Goebbels at the Voice of the Reich.

BUT he never told them they needed to put anything in the folders...

The balance to the universe is that evil is banal. You ultimately always lose because stupidity is baked into what you are. Evil is simply stupid.
"If he was caught red handed and not arrested, what the is wrong with our justice system? For 7 seven year I have heard how Trump broke tons of laws and yet seven years later, here we are, no arrest, no charges, nothing."

Here's the gig, poster Georgio: You did not hear that he was "caught red-handed" from the DOJ, from the FBI, or hell the Marshall's Service. I don't think you got that from them, at all.

Rather, you heard that from opinion columnist or talking-heads in the media, you heard it from narrow-gauge social media venues, or bloggers. And, I would suspect that along with hearing that you also heard that Obama created ISIS, that the Jews blew up the Twin Towers, and that Joe Biden got a billion dollars in kick-backs from Dollar Tree and Harbor Freight for protecting China. But you didn't hear any of that from the DOJ either.

So calm yourself down. Be patient, Grasshopper.
If Don Trump committed crimes that the DOJ is deadsolidperfectly convinced they can persuasively take before a grand jury or even an empaneled jury-of-peers......well then, you may get your wish and see Don Trump tried for these alleged crimes.

ps....but, my friend, don't expect much about charging Obama on that ISIS-thingy. Trust me.

This is what you pathetic losers have been reduced to.

The FBI snuck in those folders.... Good luck with that one in court

Trump is going to be some huge black dudes bitch. Do you think he will cry when he gets sentenced, like the Jan 6th rioters did?
Well loser, explain why those agents are whining and crying about the Secret Service telling them to pound sand and refusing to turn over the surveillance video after those FBI agents got told the cameras weren’t shut off like they wanted. Why they illegally took attorney-client privileged documents. Why they took Melania’s underwear. That gets your whole case thrown out. Do you think Garland will cry when the judge bitch slaps him?

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