47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

Trump got caught with the top secret documents in his basement, after he told the dept of Justice he did not have those documents, that is the essence of getting caught red handed. Trump got caught red handed with 47 empty top secret folders and no documents... That is the essence of getting caught red handed.
What don't you understand about that, its not very complicated?

The drug dealer gets caught with 20 keys of coke in his basement and you say he is not caught red handed???

You don't even care about America or American security, you care more about Trump than America and this is proof.
Again, if he broke the law then he needs to be arrested, charged and held accountable. I have said that from the start you stupid moron, now what part of that says I don’t care about America or American security?

I also believe in due process, innocent until proven guilty. you know, American values that protect all Americans and their freedoms, I don’t believe in politics before country like you do, that is unAmerican, that threatens American security and American’s freedoms. I don’t believe that “This just keeps getting better” like you said when YOU started this thread. To me this is getting worse if all true. You are the unAmerican partisan that is putting your party, your revenge ove this country.

I said since the 90’s I have heard of BS and nothing has ever come of it, until it does, I’ll let the DOJ, and others a lot smarter than me and tons smarter than you give the evidence and make the moves. I don’t care what a partisan like you thinks, you have proven over and over that you are a clueless partisan hack. I will be patient, YOU on the other hand are getting a hard on because YOU want it to be true so you can get Trump, so spare me you fucking BS, at least be honest.
Again, if he broke the law then he needs to be arrested, charged and held accountable. I have said that from the start you stupid moron, now what part of that says I don’t care about America or American security?

I also believe in due process, innocent until proven guilty. you know, American values that protect all Americans and their freedoms, I don’t believe in politics before country like you do, that is unAmerican, that threatens American security and American’s freedoms. I don’t believe that “This just keeps getting better” like you said when YOU started this thread. To me this is getting worse if all true. You are the unAmerican partisan that is putting your party, your revenge ove this country.

I said since the 90’s I have heard of BS and nothing has ever come of it, until it does, I’ll let the DOJ, and others a lot smarter than me and tons smarter than you give the evidence and make the moves. I don’t care what a partisan like you thinks, you have proven over and over that you are a clueless partisan hack. I will be patient, YOU on the other hand are getting a hard on because YOU want it to be true so you can get Trump, so spare me you fucking BS, at least be honest.
Translation, i need more time to make up a lie to defend Trump and his criminal activity.

Trump got caught red handed with top secret material in his basement, after he told the dept of Justice he didn't have that material. Just like when a drug dealer gets caught with fentanyl or coke in their house...

The list of Trump's crimes is getting bigger and bigger.

Everything you type is all partisan BS. You just make more excuses for Trump and his criminal behavior because you don't care about America, only Trump.
not true at all.
complete false.

If you think that will work in court, then good luck.
Trump will go to prison with that defense.
Yeah! You really got him now!
I don't get it, you think a matress is equal to ultra classified material that could harm the safety and security of America??

A mattress is nothing
American security is the most important thing.
Trump put our security at serious risk.

What is "ultra classified material"?

I carried various security clearances throughout a 20 year Naval career and I never once encountered something marked as "ultra classified"...
Translation, i need more time to make up a lie to defend Trump and his criminal activity.

Trump got caught red handed with top secret material in his basement, after he told the dept of Justice he didn't have that material. Just like when a drug dealer gets caught with fentanyl or coke in their house...

The list of Trump's crimes is getting bigger and bigger.

Everything you type is all partisan BS. You just make more excuses for Trump and his criminal behavior because you don't care about America, only Trump.

You have not addressed any of my points or questions in any post, and you have no want or need for a discussion, so I am done dealing with an unAmerican party before country asshole. So, unless you want to address my points or questions like I have patiently done with you, we have no basis in a discussion because you don’t want an honest discussion, you just want to go off on tangents, I want a discussion.
Bit by bit, the MAGAt-GOP was groomed to chuck any faithfulness they had for America and replacing it with slavish devotion to what they now hold as their orange god.
Are these people actually American ? Any American would be appalled at this theft of documents.The RNC arent helping him on this one But the message hasnt filtered down yet.
What is "ultra classified material"?

I carried various security clearances throughout a 20 year Naval career and I never once encountered something marked as "ultra classified"...
He doesn’t want a discussion, he is a sensationalist. There is no such thing as “ultra classified” however he won’t admit it, he will just keep changing the subject. Thank you for your 20 years of service protecting us Americans so we have the freedom to express our views.
Are these people actually American ? Any American would be appalled at this theft of documents.The RNC arent helping him on this one But the message hasnt filtered down yet.
We are Americans, we believe in innocent until proven guilty. I am concerned about classified information being with Trump however no one knows what those document were, so until the DOJ arrests Trump, we have no idea how serious this is, but it looks bad. If Trump has done anything illegal, he needs to be held accountable, like every other American citizen.
Translation, i need more time to make up a lie to defend Trump and his criminal activity.

Trump got caught red handed with top secret material in his basement, after he told the dept of Justice he didn't have that material. Just like when a drug dealer gets caught with fentanyl or coke in their house...

The list of Trump's crimes is getting bigger and bigger.

Everything you type is all partisan BS. You just make more excuses for Trump and his criminal behavior because you don't care about America, only Trump.
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Egads, empty folders!!!!!!!!!!!!

Could they be the folders which were emptied in January and June?

Empty folders! That charge is gonna stick for sure, LOL.
Here is proof that the folders were empty because the documents in those folders had been turned over unfoldered.

From the FBI filing here

"These communications ultimately resulted in the provision of fifteen boxes ... from former President Trump to NARA in January 2022.... Of most significant concern was that highly classified records were unfoldered, intermixed with other records..." (pages 4/5 of the PDF)

Dems were concerned about fictitious "nuclear secrets" stored at Mar-A-Lago. Now they are worked up about "empty folders." It's laughable.

And to think that someone would try to hide classified documents, and leave empty folders behind during their covert acts is absolutely ridiculous.
Translation, i need more time to make up a lie to defend Trump and his criminal activity.

Trump got caught red handed with top secret material in his basement, after he told the dept of Justice he didn't have that material. Just like when a drug dealer gets caught with fentanyl or coke in their house...

The list of Trump's crimes is getting bigger and bigger.

Everything you type is all partisan BS. You just make more excuses for Trump and his criminal behavior because you don't care about America, only Trump.
The same FBI that violated the Constitution, Laws, the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on Americans and the President, branded parents 'Domestic terrorists', falsely leaked / claimed Trump had 'National Security-threatening nuclear secrets', said they never took his passports before returning them, staged the photo of a pile of classified coversheets, and just declared 47 EMPTY folders constitutes a crime TOLD YOU EVERYTHING YOU JUST POSTED ... AND YOU BELIEVE IT.

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you have defense at all for Trumps criminal behavior
Try coming up with some legit 'criminal behavior'!!

Hillary's / Obama's failed Russion Collusion coup attempt....

Pelosi's failed coup Impeachment attempts based on zero crime, evidence, or witnesses...

Schiff manufacturing false evidence by authoring a fake transcript of a phone call & perjuring himself by claiming he had a non-existent whistleblower...

Chicom compromised Fang Fang Swalwell caught photoshopping a message - manufacturing false evidence...

The FBI violated the Constitution, Law, Patriot Act, oaths of office; defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on the Ptesident, criminally altered documents, criminally withheld exculpatory evidence, participated in a coup attempt, lied about not taking Trump's passports, lied about him having nuclear secrets (which the fake news media reported after they leaked the lie), staging the fake 'classified docs' photo at Trump's home, claiming 47 EMPTY folders constitutes a crime....the same FBI leaders who participated in the failed coup now in the DOJ ordering the raid, the sane FBI Agents who participated in the failed coup and now under investigation by Durham for abuse of power and crimes carrying out the raid...


What is "ultra classified material"?

I carried various security clearances throughout a 20 year Naval career and I never once encountered something marked as "ultra classified"...
Ultra classified means it’s so classified nobody is allowed to read it, including the president. It’s so classified and secret nobody is even allowed to write it down.

That’s why the folders are empty! The information is so super ultra classified it can’t exist! Therefore empty folders are actually full of ultra secret shit and that makes Trump a traitor.

Year seven of we got him now is going well.
Ultra classified means it’s so classified nobody is allowed to read it, including the president. It’s so classified and secret nobody is even allowed to write it down.

That’s why the folders are empty! The information is so super ultra classified it can’t exist! Therefore empty folders are actually full of ultra secret shit and that makes Trump a traitor.

Year seven of we got him now is going well.
Ultra Top Secret is info so classified it can not physically exist but can only exist and be passed along by word of mouth through rumor, innuendo, leaks, and fake news reporting.



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