47 year old MAN ditches wife, 7 kids so he can transform into a "6 yr old girl". Liberalism.

If Chris is in her mid 30's, I am really what you see in my avie. :lol:
I am not even sure ChrisL is the woman "she" claims to be after reading the story in the OP.

It's a truth universally acknowledged that people who aggressively promote a particular physical image on the interwebs generally look more like this:

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

than they do this:

View attachment 56812
I agree that hard sell is usually from a jail cell whether it be mental, physical or spiritual. I sometimes feel sorry for them that they have to lie.
Here's a thought. Maybe she isn't lying at all. She was just rode hard and put away wet and that is the results? Looking older than her true age?

And..most folks lie alla time.
This is why the mental illness of liberalism is so dangerous. It rots society's stability. This was....er..IS...a 47 year old MAN who had a job, a wife and 7 kids. A family.

But....he wanted to pull a Jenner. He ditched his family....and found a couple who would ADOPT HIM as a "6 year old girl".

Just....God dammit. That's all you can say. Liberals belong in mental institutes:

Wow, this guy is getting really creative to get out of paying child support.
I guess he'll be allowed to pee in school bathrooms with little girls. I say the libs send their kids in first with him.
I gag every time I visualize those two morons dressing their "baby girl that is 6 years old" in pretty dresses and fixing his greasy dirty 47 year old hair into nice little bows.
And trying to tuck his manhood in to frilly little girl panties. omg. I'm gonna barf.
Sounds like he found a legal way to skip out on his responsibility to his 7 kids...
Which begs to wonder about his wife. Did he wear frilly panties to bed? And she spurted out 7 kids with this loser? She KNEW he was trans or wanted to be trans. Did she also know of his penchant for wanting to be a 6 year old girl? My bet is, he gets off on THINKING about 6 year old girls hence wanting to be one.
Sounds like he found a legal way to skip out on his responsibility to his 7 kids...
Which begs to wonder about his wife. Did he wear frilly panties to bed? And she spurted out 7 kids with this loser? She KNEW he was trans or wanted to be trans. Did she also know of his penchant for wanting to be a 6 year old girl? My bet is, he gets off on THINKING about 6 year old girls hence wanting to be one.
Take it a step or two further out....

Jenner wants to be called a woman, so we're told that he IS a woman.
Now, this dude says he wants to be a 6yr old little girl.
According to the Jenner logic, that would make it 'perfectly normal' for this 6yr old 'little girl' to play and 'experiment' with 6yr old little boys.

Put the sonofabitch away in a hospital or put him down.
He serves no purpose to society
And trying to tuck his manhood in to frilly little girl panties. omg. I'm gonna barf.
Back in the day they used to call this having a nervous breakdown. They'd toss him in the funny farm and would use electro shock treatment to snap him out of it. Today it's considered normal for a 41 year old man to dress and act like a 6 year old girl. Ya know, you'd think he'd be repelled to have a wife and have enough sex to have 7 kids. Funny how his being a six year old girl didn't seem to effect his sex life for all those years.
Those "play parents" make me want to bitchslap the fuck out of them.

Same here lol!

it brings out some very very, dark feelings from the depth of my soul :laugh2: LOL

that creature won't have a good end ....the degree of derangement ....is just too high!:rolleyes-41:
Great way to ditch your obligations, like mortgages, credit cards etc.

We can't be going after 6 year olds, they are not old enough to sign contracts.
Great way to ditch your obligations, like mortgages, credit cards etc.

We can't be going after 6 year olds, they are not old enough to sign contracts.
He is not 6 years old. He is not a little girl. He cannot ditch jack shit. Unless he is in a looney bin and the courts find him incompetent to stand trial.
This is why the mental illness of liberalism is so dangerous. It rots society's stability. This was....er..IS...a 47 year old MAN who had a job, a wife and 7 kids. A family.

But....he wanted to pull a Jenner. He ditched his family....and found a couple who would ADOPT HIM as a "6 year old girl".

Just....God dammit. That's all you can say. Liberals belong in mental institutes:

Yep, he is living the dream of us liberals. I have my name on a waiting list for a sex change operation, myself. In fact, this particular agenda item is going to be expanded so that when we win the presidency again, we intend to do mandatory transgender operations on anyone caught listening to Rush on the radio.

So....you approve of a man abandoning his wife and children and then getting "adopted" by another family where he is allowed to play little kiddie games with their little girl.

My contempt for you Leftists has escaped the gravity well. You people are all sick perverts.
Great way to ditch your obligations, like mortgages, credit cards etc.

We can't be going after 6 year olds, they are not old enough to sign contracts.
He is not 6 years old. He is not a little girl. He cannot ditch jack shit. Unless he is in a looney bin and the courts find him incompetent to stand trial.

But liberals tell us if someone wishes to be another sex, and in this case a little kid, we must address them that way.

I'm just trying to be liburule.
Great way to ditch your obligations, like mortgages, credit cards etc.

We can't be going after 6 year olds, they are not old enough to sign contracts.
He is not 6 years old. He is not a little girl. He cannot ditch jack shit. Unless he is in a looney bin and the courts find him incompetent to stand trial.
He is a damn fraud just like that other one we mentioned!!!!! Off with his Goddamn head!!!!!!

Great way to ditch your obligations, like mortgages, credit cards etc.

We can't be going after 6 year olds, they are not old enough to sign contracts.
He is not 6 years old. He is not a little girl. He cannot ditch jack shit. Unless he is in a looney bin and the courts find him incompetent to stand trial.

But liberals tell us if someone wishes to be another sex, and in this case a little kid, we must address them that way.

I'm just trying to be liburule.
Children...REAL children....are another whole ball of wax. THIS guy is a con artist. And insane. And is taking advantage of the laws being passed where it is "hate crime" if it is spoken against. He has 7 kids..none that want anything to do with him, thankfully. His wife should be getting spousal support and I hope she goes after it. The two idiots "raising" this scumbag and letting him around their grandchildren so they can "play and color" are just as insane as he is and the parents of the grandchildren didn't fall far from the idiot tree letting their children be there when he is.
The whole think is just fucking up LGBT ideals and the LGBT not speaking up about it is just sad. They will never find understanding or acceptance if they let idiots like this guy speak for them...which he IS doing just by being interviewed.
Mental wards are FULL of people that are batshit crazy. Does the media or tv shows put them on air because they represent a certain stance? No.
The LGBT community is fucking themselves with this shit. Be gay. Be lesbian. Be transgender. But at least be SANE and have SANE spokespersons.
THis nut is a spokesperson?
He...she...it.....says she has fun as a 6 year old girl with her new adopted parents. They play and color and do kid stuff. Nevermind the life he had as a married working man and father to several children. Screw that....tranny oneself into a 6 year old.

Does she occasionally make a doodee in her panties ?
I never thought I could feel this rage....

when I the face of the cretin in the OP


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