5 Election Lessons For CNN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
5 surprising lessons (for CNN) from Trump's astonishing win

1. Trump Won
"The polls were wrong. Projection models were wrong. Veterans of previous presidential campaigns were wrong. Trump's victory is one of the most stunning upsets in American political history."
- Elitists / Liberals underestimated the American people again.

2. There is a Trump Coalition
"Overwhelming support from white, working-class voters swept Trump to victory. Most important: Democrats' so-called "Blue Wall" of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin crumbled, with Trump winning two of the three outright, and leading in Michigan in the early Wednesday hours."

3. There WASN'T a Hillary Coalition
"...strong turnout from new Latino voters and support from college-educated women was nowhere near enough to match Trump's strength with white voters. Clinton was hurt by a downtick in African American turnout, which had helped Obama. But her loss also reflected the reality for a Democratic Party that has drifted leftward and relied more heavily on an urban base in the Obama years. "Blue dogs" -- conservative Democrats -- are gone. And the working-class voters who used to support politicians like Bill Clinton were nowhere to be found for Hillary Clinton."

4. 'Campaign Tools Are Limited'
I don't know what CNN is trying to say here. It seems they are grasping at straws to come up with a reason to explain how they could have been SO WRONG! Hillary's campaign raised and spent approx. $1 Billion. They had polls 'out the ass', had plenty of projection models, had a plethora of talking heads...and as CNN admitted - 'they were all wrong'. :p

5. No 'Down-Ballot- Damage
"Republicans everywhere assumed Trump would be a drag on the party's hopes of keeping Senate control.
He wasn't. At all. And in some states, Trump appears to have helped Republicans."
- The 1st statement is BS (a lie). REPUBICANS did no think Trump would be a drag on Party candidates - Liberals predicted he would be, the Washington Establishment #NeverTrump-ers predicted he would be...and they were all WRONG!

So basically what CNN is admitting in their own article here was that THEY WERE WRONG IN ABOUT EVERY CONCEIVABLE WAY! :p

5 surprising lessons from Donald Trump's astonishing win - CNNPolitics.com
5 surprising lessons (for CNN) from Trump's astonishing win

1. Trump Won
"The polls were wrong. Projection models were wrong. Veterans of previous presidential campaigns were wrong. Trump's victory is one of the most stunning upsets in American political history."
- Elitists / Liberals underestimated the American people again.

2. There is a Trump Coalition
"Overwhelming support from white, working-class voters swept Trump to victory. Most important: Democrats' so-called "Blue Wall" of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin crumbled, with Trump winning two of the three outright, and leading in Michigan in the early Wednesday hours."

3. There WASN'T a Hillary Coalition
"...strong turnout from new Latino voters and support from college-educated women was nowhere near enough to match Trump's strength with white voters. Clinton was hurt by a downtick in African American turnout, which had helped Obama. But her loss also reflected the reality for a Democratic Party that has drifted leftward and relied more heavily on an urban base in the Obama years. "Blue dogs" -- conservative Democrats -- are gone. And the working-class voters who used to support politicians like Bill Clinton were nowhere to be found for Hillary Clinton."

4. 'Campaign Tools Are Limited'
I don't know what CNN is trying to say here. It seems they are grasping at straws to come up with a reason to explain how they could have been SO WRONG! Hillary's campaign raised and spent approx. $1 Billion. They had polls 'out the ass', had plenty of projection models, had a plethora of talking heads...and as CNN admitted - 'they were all wrong'. :p

5. No 'Down-Ballot- Damage
"Republicans everywhere assumed Trump would be a drag on the party's hopes of keeping Senate control.
He wasn't. At all. And in some states, Trump appears to have helped Republicans."
- The 1st statement is BS (a lie). REPUBICANS did no think Trump would be a drag on Party candidates - Liberals predicted he would be, the Washington Establishment #NeverTrump-ers predicted he would be...and they were all WRONG!

So basically what CNN is admitting in their own article here was that THEY WERE WRONG IN ABOUT EVERY CONCEIVABLE WAY! :p

5 surprising lessons from Donald Trump's astonishing win - CNNPolitics.com
Which is why they have a very minimum viewing audience who couldn't affect the election. Communist(Clinton) News Network is a joke.
This was an epic smack down of CNN, media in general and bubble headed celebrities like Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus Jay-Z and Beyoncé and yes, The Boss who think they rule the planet.

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