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5 most difficult promises for Trump to keep

Doesn't mean solar energy is not a good investment. The government of China is investing heavily in solar research. Do you think all of their investments pay off?
Solar Energy is a HORRIBLE investment for the government right now. It is getting better, but is isn't ready for major 'prime time' yet. The govt is trying to take really expensive, inefficient (right now), unpopular energy sources and investing in them USING TAX PAYER DOLLARS. Hell, Liberals are all for throwing up windmills...as long as they are not in their neighborhood or spoiling their view off of Chesapeake...

Solyndra and 12 other FAILED energy companies are a perfect example. Investing in something is risky and you could lose your money. Intelligent business people understand that and accept that. When these 13 companies went bankrupt - while they were going bankrupt - though, Barry was doling out tax payer millions to his huge donors he had gotten to invest in these failed businesses SO THEY WOULD NOT LOSE ANY OF THEIR INVESTED MONEY YET WHILE TAX PAYERS WERE GETTING F*ED!
May I interest you in a calendar? Economic collapse happened prior to Obama being President
Yeah, it began in the last 2 years of the Bush administration when the Democrats held a near-super majority control of all of Congress, when they controlled the budget, spending, and the economy.
Yet you can't point to a single piece of legislation that "ran us into a ditch"
You can point to Bush doing nothing as the economy crashed around him
The ACA, a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven piece of liberal legislation, destroyed US health care that previously existed, leaving nothing to fall back on WHEN the ACA collapses, which it is doing. The ACA has caused the massive spike in prices, many of those touted as getting insurance for the 1st time can not afford it and are being financially penalized on top of that by the government that rammed the legislation down their throats.

I would call that 'running us into a ditch'.

Liberals holding a near-super majority control of al of Congress - which meant they controlled the purse strings - spending / the budget / the economy - added $1.5 Trillion in debt during Bush's last 2 years in office and held that near super-majority for the 1st 2 years of Obama's Presidency.

Despite calling Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding (with Democrats' help) $4 trillion in new debt over an 8 year period that included 9/11/01 / the economic aftermath of 9/11/01 / 2 wars, Barry's 1st 4 year debt addition tab totally almost $7 trillion, an average of approx. $1.3 Trillion a year...and by refusing to agree to more budget cuts to show he was serious about reducing the nation's debt he secured the 1st ever US Credit rating downgrade - according to the bank that did so.

I would call THAT 'running us into a ditch'.
That's only partially true. The ACA has actually held down HC inflation from what it was prior to it's enactment. Further, providers are actually getting paid more often for treatment delivered at costs less than they would be if fewer people were covered. And, it greatly improved coverage for people with prior existing conditions.

However, it was underfunded because the dems lacked the balls to put the price on the top .1%, who own the stock in companies that have cut employee benefits from what they were in 1976-80. That's not to say they are bad people or bad companies, but they compete in a global market, and labor costs are a yuuuuge weakness in terms of competing. But, US corp profits, and the incomes of the top .1% are up yuuugely from 1976-80.

And the ACA is politically unsustainable, because it IS partially funded by a middle class tax HIKE in the mandate.

The question is what will the GOP come up to replace it. Questions remain. How much in tax credits will people get to buy HC insurance? What will we do with the people who don't make enough even with tax credits? The ACA put them on Medicaid in states that expanded. Ryan plans to block graint Medicaid, which means those states will not have the fed revenue to keep covering those folks. What about prior existing conditions? The GOP's plan thus far is to just go back to pre-ACA law, which meant that if you had a prior existing condition you had to be covered UNLESS you ceased to be employed for a while, and that was a fail because pre-existing condition people tend to GET SICK.

As for deficits, Trump is calling for more spending and a tax cut for the .1% of around a million dollars a year.
Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds
With our crumbling infrastructure, there is a lot more that can be done than building the Great Wall of Trump

Projects that actually help Americans

Yeah, like the nearly $1 trillion dollar failed Obama Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only DNC-benefitting PORK, that included such 'needed' spending as Millionaire Diane Feinstein's husband getting a no-interest / no-pay-back loan from the tax payers to save his bankrupting business, a grant for a research project studying why the sex life of homosexual Argentinian men is better than heterosexual American men, training alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsible on duty (links to all have previously been posted), and let's not forget the NON-Existent shovel-ready projects that never existed, which Barry was embarrassingly forced to admit to the country. And according to the Congressional Budget office almost no serious 'infrastructure rebuilding projects' were accomplished and the cost of EACH job Barry claimed to have created / saved came to approx. $774,000.

Money DAMN-WELL spent in a bad economy / recession.


Now Trump and Pence are suggesting the same thing, promising that THEIR government spending would be more responsible and productive...because they are trying to convince us that the government can spend your money in a fiscally responsible way...says the guys who belong to the group that spent approx. $500 per hammer in the past.

I don't care who wants to do it, I don't care what politician believes they know how to spend your money better than you do, I am extremely pessimistic , and past performance says no matter who it is they are full of shit.

The Stimulus worked and reversed an economic collapse. The only problem was that it should have been twice as large. That would have enabled a quicker recovery

Only problem was that idiot Republicans insisted on austerity at a time we were trying to rescue the economy
May I interest you in a calendar? Economic collapse happened prior to Obama being President
Yeah, it began in the last 2 years of the Bush administration when the Democrats held a near-super majority control of all of Congress, when they controlled the budget, spending, and the economy.

Actually, they were unable to override a Bush veto and did not pass any legislation that could have remotely contributed to an economic collapse
Now Trump and Pence are suggesting the same thing, promising that THEIR government spending would be more responsible and productive...because they are trying to convince us that the government can spend your money in a fiscally responsible way...says the guys who belong to the group that spent approx. $500 per hammer in the past.

I actually worked for the Navy at the time that $500 hammer story hit the news. While the myth has survived, the reported $500 was found to be due to an accounting practice and not the cost of the hammer
Actually, they were unable to override a Bush veto and did not pass any legislation that could have remotely contributed to an economic collapse
Oh yes, liberals are never personally accountable for anything because they never do anything wrong...it is all Bush's fault....even though with a near-super majority control of Congress - 4 votes shy - they could not overcome a Bush veto. Amazing.

With our crumbling infrastructure, there is a lot more that can be done than building the Great Wall of Trump

Projects that actually help Americans

Yeah, like the nearly $1 trillion dollar failed Obama Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only DNC-benefitting PORK, that included such 'needed' spending as Millionaire Diane Feinstein's husband getting a no-interest / no-pay-back loan from the tax payers to save his bankrupting business, a grant for a research project studying why the sex life of homosexual Argentinian men is better than heterosexual American men, training alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsible on duty (links to all have previously been posted), and let's not forget the NON-Existent shovel-ready projects that never existed, which Barry was embarrassingly forced to admit to the country. And according to the Congressional Budget office almost no serious 'infrastructure rebuilding projects' were accomplished and the cost of EACH job Barry claimed to have created / saved came to approx. $774,000.

Money DAMN-WELL spent in a bad economy / recession.


Now Trump and Pence are suggesting the same thing, promising that THEIR government spending would be more responsible and productive...because they are trying to convince us that the government can spend your money in a fiscally responsible way...says the guys who belong to the group that spent approx. $500 per hammer in the past.

I don't care who wants to do it, I don't care what politician believes they know how to spend your money better than you do, I am extremely pessimistic , and past performance says no matter who it is they are full of shit.

The Stimulus worked and reversed an economic collapse. The only problem was that it should have been twice as large. That would have enabled a quicker recovery

Only problem was that idiot Republicans insisted on austerity at a time we were trying to rescue the economy

I'm not aware of anything showing the portion of the Obama stimulus going to "shovel ready" projects for short term jobs really made a difference, or much of a difference. Of course that was only a portion of the bill, maybe a third. The feds increased money to states to keep employing cops, nurses, teachers, etc, and that held down unemployment. States have to have balanced budgets. The feds also extended UI benefits, which kept families with unemployed workers in houses and buying stuff, and that was a stimulus with the multiplier effect because every dollar the feds expended went to consumer spending.

The crash was caused by substandard loans being packaged and sold by banks as prime credit debt. Both parties had a role in that. Lenders were allowed to make unsustainable loans and then lie about it to investors buying the loans. But it wasn't because of poor people. Poor people don't crash economies .... because they are poor. LOL
every dollar the feds expended went to consumer spending.
Yeah, the money given to millionaire Barbara Boxer's husband to save his bankrupting business and the money that went to help alcoholic Chinese prostitutes drink more responsibly on the job went to 'consumer spending'. :p

(Just busting your chops in fun.... :p)
Actually, they were unable to override a Bush veto and did not pass any legislation that could have remotely contributed to an economic collapse
Oh yes, liberals are never personally accountable for anything because they never do anything wrong...it is all Bush's fault....even though with a near-super majority control of Congress - 4 votes shy - they could not overcome a Bush veto. Amazing.


Bush was like a deer in the headlights as the economy crashed around him. He even denied there was a recession until after the November elections
With our crumbling infrastructure, there is a lot more that can be done than building the Great Wall of Trump

Projects that actually help Americans

Yeah, like the nearly $1 trillion dollar failed Obama Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only DNC-benefitting PORK, that included such 'needed' spending as Millionaire Diane Feinstein's husband getting a no-interest / no-pay-back loan from the tax payers to save his bankrupting business, a grant for a research project studying why the sex life of homosexual Argentinian men is better than heterosexual American men, training alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsible on duty (links to all have previously been posted), and let's not forget the NON-Existent shovel-ready projects that never existed, which Barry was embarrassingly forced to admit to the country. And according to the Congressional Budget office almost no serious 'infrastructure rebuilding projects' were accomplished and the cost of EACH job Barry claimed to have created / saved came to approx. $774,000.

Money DAMN-WELL spent in a bad economy / recession.


Now Trump and Pence are suggesting the same thing, promising that THEIR government spending would be more responsible and productive...because they are trying to convince us that the government can spend your money in a fiscally responsible way...says the guys who belong to the group that spent approx. $500 per hammer in the past.

I don't care who wants to do it, I don't care what politician believes they know how to spend your money better than you do, I am extremely pessimistic , and past performance says no matter who it is they are full of shit.

The Stimulus worked and reversed an economic collapse. The only problem was that it should have been twice as large. That would have enabled a quicker recovery

Only problem was that idiot Republicans insisted on austerity at a time we were trying to rescue the economy

I'm not aware of anything showing the portion of the Obama stimulus going to "shovel ready" projects for short term jobs really made a difference, or much of a difference. Of course that was only a portion of the bill, maybe a third. The feds increased money to states to keep employing cops, nurses, teachers, etc, and that held down unemployment. States have to have balanced budgets. The feds also extended UI benefits, which kept families with unemployed workers in houses and buying stuff, and that was a stimulus with the multiplier effect because every dollar the feds expended went to consumer spending.

The crash was caused by substandard loans being packaged and sold by banks as prime credit debt. Both parties had a role in that. Lenders were allowed to make unsustainable loans and then lie about it to investors buying the loans. But it wasn't because of poor people. Poor people don't crash economies .... because they are poor. LOL

I always love how the right tries to blame poor people for the economic crash. It was loans to poor people that destroyed our economy. In fact, the poor in this country have so little wealth that they wouldn't make a blip

Those mortgages were being packaged for all homeowners. I received 2-3 calls a week urging me to refinance and take advantage of the newfound equity in my home. It was the greedy capitalists that crashed the economy, not the poor people

Looks like we are headed down the same path as Republicans look to gut Dodd Frank
I always love how the right tries to blame poor people for the economic crash.
Who the hell are blaming the citizens of the United States for the fiscally irresponsible and often criminal actions of our elected officials? I pointed out how the GOVERNMENT misused nearly $1 Trillion dollars in tax money at 1 shot through a 'Jobs Bill' that contained over 7,000 pieces of pork and ended up costing approx. $774,000 PER JOB claimed to have been created / saved. I pointed out how hundreds of millions of tax dollars were stolen from tax payers and given to donors who invested in Solyndra and 12 other bankrupting businesses WHILE they were going bankrupt so the donors would not lose THEIR money. I pointed out how Obama STOLE $500 million in tax dollars - claiming it was for Zika, only to find out on his own he gave it to the UN for their new Global initiative.

The American people - the poor - had no part, no choice in all of that.
I always love how the right tries to blame poor people for the economic crash.
Who the hell are blaming the citizens of the United States for the fiscally irresponsible and often criminal actions of our elected officials? I pointed out how the GOVERNMENT misused nearly $1 Trillion dollars in tax money at 1 shot through a 'Jobs Bill' that contained over 7,000 pieces of pork and ended up costing approx. $774,000 PER JOB claimed to have been created / saved. I pointed out how hundreds of millions of tax dollars were stolen from tax payers and given to donors who invested in Solyndra and 12 other bankrupting businesses WHILE they were going bankrupt so the donors would not lose THEIR money. I pointed out how Obama STOLE $500 million in tax dollars - claiming it was for Zika, only to find out on his own he gave it to the UN for their new Global initiative.

The American people - the poor - had no part, no choice in all of that.

Stimulus reversed an impending depression

On what planet?
Economy is the worst in 50 years, wages are going negative, everyone hates Hopeycare (which he never promised but waited to get elected to pass it secretly at midnight against the will of the people), our troops are fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan this very moment, Gitmo is still occupied, and companies are pouring out of America left and right.

Just eight years ago the Dow had dropped 7000 points, 770,000 people a month were losing their jobs, banks and the auto industry were on the verge of collapse and GDP was negative for five quarters

How can you possibly say the economy TODAY is the worst in 50 years

Yes thanks to Dem's who took control of congress in 2007 and ran the country into the ditch.
Yet you can't point to a single piece of legislation that "ran us into a ditch"

You can point to Bush doing nothing as the economy crashed around him
Lax lending regulations thanks to Barney Frank.

View attachment 101202

George Bush put Barney Frank in charge of lending regulations?

President Bush tried 8 or 9 times to stave off the financial meltdown and was rebuffed by Barney Frank and Dem's who controlled congress. Barney Frank insisted there was nothing whatsoever wrong at Fannie and Freddie, captured on video. When it blew up in their faces Barney Frank the gutless POS was the first in front of the TV cameras blaming everyone else but Barney Frank. Suck it lib, facts.
I always love how the right tries to blame poor people for the economic crash.
Who the hell are blaming the citizens of the United States for the fiscally irresponsible and often criminal actions of our elected officials? I pointed out how the GOVERNMENT misused nearly $1 Trillion dollars in tax money at 1 shot through a 'Jobs Bill' that contained over 7,000 pieces of pork and ended up costing approx. $774,000 PER JOB claimed to have been created / saved. I pointed out how hundreds of millions of tax dollars were stolen from tax payers and given to donors who invested in Solyndra and 12 other bankrupting businesses WHILE they were going bankrupt so the donors would not lose THEIR money. I pointed out how Obama STOLE $500 million in tax dollars - claiming it was for Zika, only to find out on his own he gave it to the UN for their new Global initiative.

The American people - the poor - had no part, no choice in all of that.

Stimulus reversed an impending depression

Stimulus went to the wealthy and increased the economic gap of Americans.
With our crumbling infrastructure, there is a lot more that can be done than building the Great Wall of Trump

Projects that actually help Americans

Yeah, like the nearly $1 trillion dollar failed Obama Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only DNC-benefitting PORK, that included such 'needed' spending as Millionaire Diane Feinstein's husband getting a no-interest / no-pay-back loan from the tax payers to save his bankrupting business, a grant for a research project studying why the sex life of homosexual Argentinian men is better than heterosexual American men, training alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsible on duty (links to all have previously been posted), and let's not forget the NON-Existent shovel-ready projects that never existed, which Barry was embarrassingly forced to admit to the country. And according to the Congressional Budget office almost no serious 'infrastructure rebuilding projects' were accomplished and the cost of EACH job Barry claimed to have created / saved came to approx. $774,000.

Money DAMN-WELL spent in a bad economy / recession.


Now Trump and Pence are suggesting the same thing, promising that THEIR government spending would be more responsible and productive...because they are trying to convince us that the government can spend your money in a fiscally responsible way...says the guys who belong to the group that spent approx. $500 per hammer in the past.

I don't care who wants to do it, I don't care what politician believes they know how to spend your money better than you do, I am extremely pessimistic , and past performance says no matter who it is they are full of shit.

The Stimulus worked and reversed an economic collapse. The only problem was that it should have been twice as large. That would have enabled a quicker recovery

Only problem was that idiot Republicans insisted on austerity at a time we were trying to rescue the economy

I'm not aware of anything showing the portion of the Obama stimulus going to "shovel ready" projects for short term jobs really made a difference, or much of a difference. Of course that was only a portion of the bill, maybe a third. The feds increased money to states to keep employing cops, nurses, teachers, etc, and that held down unemployment. States have to have balanced budgets. The feds also extended UI benefits, which kept families with unemployed workers in houses and buying stuff, and that was a stimulus with the multiplier effect because every dollar the feds expended went to consumer spending.

The crash was caused by substandard loans being packaged and sold by banks as prime credit debt. Both parties had a role in that. Lenders were allowed to make unsustainable loans and then lie about it to investors buying the loans. But it wasn't because of poor people. Poor people don't crash economies .... because they are poor. LOL

I always love how the right tries to blame poor people for the economic crash. It was loans to poor people that destroyed our economy. In fact, the poor in this country have so little wealth that they wouldn't make a blip

Those mortgages were being packaged for all homeowners. I received 2-3 calls a week urging me to refinance and take advantage of the newfound equity in my home. It was the greedy capitalists that crashed the economy, not the poor people

Looks like we are headed down the same path as Republicans look to gut Dodd Frank
Reason #84,546 why Trump is moving into the White House next month.
Stimulus reversed an impending depression
The failed Stimulus bill, nearly $1 trillion in 1 shot, 'reversed' the impending depression, creating one of if not THE longest recoveries in our history where he failed to get 3% growth his entire Presidency?! Ok....

every dollar the feds expended went to consumer spending.
Yeah, the money given to millionaire Barbara Boxer's husband to save his bankrupting business and the money that went to help alcoholic Chinese prostitutes drink more responsibly on the job went to 'consumer spending'. :p

(Just busting your chops in fun.... :p)
No problem, but I did post that the portions of the stimulus going to job creation were bogus. And the gop looks poised for a spending and tax cut spree.
Regarding if fulfilling Trump's promises is possible, as I said, I think we definitely have the physical/economic ability to do so - the roadblock / challenge is I do not believe our government has the political will to do so.

We have already seen numerous articles from Liberals declaring 'the best way to win in the future is to prevent any progress now'. They are talking about Obstructionist politics, blocking any potential for growth, prosperity, or good happening for this country in order to do what is best for the Democratic Party. In my opinion, anyone willing to engage in such activity - no matter who it is or what party they belong to - is 'treasonous'.

Again, bottom line IMO, political WILL more than anything else will stop Trump from keeping his campaign promises. (As stated earlier, I also believe he can ENCOURAGE several of the things that he promised but can not do it himself or force it to happen.)
Given his cabinet picks so far, it’s reasonable to assume that The Donald finds hanging out with anyone who isn’t a billionaire (or at least a multimillionaire) a drag. What would there be to talk about if you left the Machiavellian class and its exploits for the company of the sort of normal folk you can rouse at a rally?

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