5 year old burned and permanently disfigured in "voodoo" ritual.

Liberals will no doubt support this as religious freedom. If we ban voodoo we must certainly smash the stained glass windows and burn the crosses.
Religion is one thing, tort is another...If you had ever been associated with the law profession you'd know that...
Yeah evil white folks is okay, you know them ones from Europe that burned folks at the stake for being witches, yeah them fine upstanding white folks...

Not to mention the modern day conservative Christians who do crazy shit like denying their children medical treatment for some crackpot religious reason.
Nothing like what liberals are doing to their children.View attachment 174852
Can you prove that these people are liberals? Nope didn't think so....Are conservatives all molesting children in church? That's your kind of statement..
Voodoo is predominantly practiced by people of color. Let’s not be racist and judge them.

Voodoo would only be bad if it was predominantly practiced by Western European Caucasians.
There are those groups of humans which do harm through religious activity of all colors....
What does finding 2 Haitians that did a bad thing prove?

Could I prove as much if I found 2 Christian Conservatives who did a bad thing?
Yeah evil white folks is okay, you know them ones from Europe that burned folks at the stake for being witches, yeah them fine upstanding white folks...

Not to mention the modern day conservative Christians who do crazy shit like denying their children medical treatment for some crackpot religious reason.
Nothing like what liberals are doing to their children.View attachment 174852
Can you prove that these people are liberals? Nope didn't think so....Are conservatives all molesting children in church? That's your kind of statement..
I'm against priest molesting children. They should get the death penalty. Liberals are supporting letting young children, make a major life's decision. Even teaching at a young age, that it's normal. Yes, most are liberal letting their children do this.

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