5 years ago today - Sandy Hook

God bless you and every impacted family always!!!


P.S. And may God bless the family of the late beautiful precious who does the leading of this song here always too...I love him so much.
How many rounds are in the clip, 17 or 10? Why do you need more than 1 round? Are you that sorry of a shot?

17 and It's not a clip - it's a magazine

See ya snowflake - yer boring me at this point.

How many rounds are in the clip, 17 or 10? Why do you need more than 1 round? Are you that sorry of a shot?

17 and It's not a clip - it's a magazine

See ya snowflake - yer boring me at this point.

Well , I have had fun, using your own Rules for Radicals back at you, but I am going to leave this link, knowing that I will be well armed yet, those that still will be in a gun free zone will continue to be victims of liberalism and lose their miserable lives.
My daughter is graduating college to become a k-12 teacher. She has concealed carry class and women's defense course and is licensed to conceal carry. She wont be a victim of liberalism like those in Sandy Hook...
yep must piss you off royally that you cant take what is mine and make it yours as you just proved with your statement. yeah, I have mine, I worked my ass off for it, and will not give it to worthless fucks like you.
You mean you actually have something worth taking in that single wide? LOL And most thieves are apolitical. Look at the treasonous fat senile old clown for an example of that. He was a Republican or Democrat whenever one or the other would get him what he wanted.,
You mean you actually have something worth taking in that single wide?
At first I thought we were having a rational discussion now I see that you have gone into the depths of the gutter and resort to the Rules for Radicals as wont of the liberal who starts losing the argument. Sorry I wont follow you down to that level.

This is my single wide, and I could care less if you believe me or not. I laugh at how stupid you miserable fucks are.

View attachment 165920
So I am supposed to post a picture of the Taj Mahal in return? LOL
Seems that you must live in the single wide, because you don't need a weapon to protect what little belongings that you have. Since I am well armed I may need to use my weapons when shits like you decide that you want what I have so you can move out of that piece of shit you call home.
Note in an earlier post, I stated that I have been a gun owner for over 60 years. And still own several hunting guns. And am proficient with both the long and short guns. I don't need a war weapon for defense, what I have is more than adequate.

Since you continuously misrepresent the facts of semi-automatic weapons tells me you know nothing about guns, you are lying, or both.
You constitional rights are regulated. Right to bear arms? Where's your howitzer, your mortar, your rocket propelled grenade launcher? How loudly are you permitted to shout "Fire!" In a theater? Where's your right to sacrifice live animals?

You don't need a weapon designed for warfare. Other weapons serve the purpose of self defense. An AR or an AK are not defensive weapons. They are weapons of offense.
They are if the perp has m-16s
Rambo wannabe.

Is your home under assault by bands of gun wielding maniacs? Mine isn't, and I would hazard a guess and say no one else's is. Frankly, there are just no incidents of hordes of idiots armed to the teeth attacking private homes with automatic weapons. You are living in a cinematic fantasy.
So here is an example of a woman who wants to protect her children and herself from a liberal who didn't want to just rob the house but wanted to do her harm. Morons like you want to be a rapist of women , like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein, but you cant because you don't know who has a gun or not(except in Gun free states) where crime is rampant.

You're an idiot.

Nice response typical end argument of the squirrely liberal. Also why the 2nd amendment is there to protect US is just for the reason the Bill Clinton and Janet Reno had used excessive force upon those in Texas.

My response was based on the scurrilous nature of your post. "A woman who wants to protect her children and herself from a libera."

As I said, you're an idiot.
Rambo wannabe.

Is your home under assault by bands of gun wielding maniacs? Mine isn't, and I would hazard a guess and say no one else's is. Frankly, there are just no incidents of hordes of idiots armed to the teeth attacking private homes with automatic weapons. You are living in a cinematic fantasy.
So here is an example of a woman who wants to protect her children and herself from a liberal who didn't want to just rob the house but wanted to do her harm. Morons like you want to be a rapist of women , like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein, but you cant because you don't know who has a gun or not(except in Gun free states) where crime is rampant.

You're an idiot.

Nice response typical end argument of the squirrely liberal. Also why the 2nd amendment is there to protect US is just for the reason the Bill Clinton and Janet Reno had used excessive force upon those in Texas.

The height of hypocritical irony is an asshat who waddles in with dick gun pics crowing about "I bought this because I can" and "joking" to his own kids about killing Liberals, coming back five minutes later to start whining about "excessive force".

Can't make this shit up. You really can't.

You liars make shit up all the times.

I just got a milsurp solothurn 20mm


For self defense?
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Shit for brains, You don’t know anything about firearms. So shut your fucking mouth. LOL
What should they do? Amend the Constitution of our most important right?

Dafuk does the First Amendment have to do with Sandy Hook? :cuckoo:
The first amendment is protected by the second. They all are.
"without ammunition, there can be no revolution"

Because of the first amendment....we have never needed the second
The only backbone the Constitution and Bill of Rights has is the second amendment. dip shit
What should they do? Amend the Constitution of our most important right?

No, they should ban bump stocks, demand universal background checks, and up their game on keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people like Adam Lanza.

In short, they should do what 95% of the American people (including 90% of NRA members) want them to do.
Enforce the current laws, and fuck what you think… LOL
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
If you were a decent human being you would not care what other people want
Progressive scum do most of the mass shootings and the dimtard leaders love it.
What should they do? Amend the Constitution of our most important right?

Um, yeah, because it's not that important of a right. Nor should it even be a "right".

Because a crazy woman was stockpiling weapons like the Zombies were coming, her crazy son shot her and then shot 20 kids and six teachers.
Cry me a river, it’s best if you stay in seclusion in your mothers basement you stupid ass motherfucker... lol

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