5 years ago today - Sandy Hook

Arguing gun control with these bastards is a waste of time. Let them try and take them.

Ah yes, a picture of what I'm told is "our most important right".

The right to take life, cause misery and end multiple pursuits of happeiness I guess. Because nothing is more "important" than Numero Uno and his firearm fetish. :gay:

Who cares if dozens of first graders are sacrificed?

We need to ensure assassins have free access to the weapons of their choice
Do you realize A progressive nut job did the shooting... lol
What should they do? Amend the Constitution of our most important right?

No, they should ban bump stocks, demand universal background checks, and up their game on keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people like Adam Lanza.

In short, they should do what 95% of the American people (including 90% of NRA members) want them to do.

Bump stocks had nothing to do with Sandy Hook.

Universal background checks have nothing to do with Sandy Hook.

Keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people is already the law. At Sandy Hook, he killed his mother to get access to the guns, which, last I checked, murder was illegal too!

You are 0 for 3. So what else do you have have?
What should they do? Amend the Constitution of our most important right?

Dafuk does the First Amendment have to do with Sandy Hook? :cuckoo:
The first amendment is protected by the second. They all are.
"without ammunition, there can be no revolution"

Oh fucking bullshit. The 1A is in that position because it's the most basic, the most vital, that from which all else flow. It's about THOUGHT, which is where everything starts. Without free thought --- THERE ARE NO RIGHTS AT ALL.

And I can say any of this without needing to "defend" it with a fucking firearm.

No...you just rely on all the men and women in uniform to protect that for you.....
Then you dont deserve freedom or safety. Pansy ass, irresponsible bedwetter.
The govt is corrupt, why in the holy fuck would you trust them to protect you?

Because they are trained professionals?

I don't feel "Free" or "Safe" when I have to walk past a metal detector or armed guards or need a key card to move from one office to another because they need internal locks to frustrate a mass shooter.

It seems to me that we all make a lot of sacrifices so that a few of you can compensate for tiny dicks.
You have a fetish for tiny dicks apparently, it seems that you want to control what everyone thinks indoors, that makes you a fucking coward. LOL
Five years....

And we have done nothing to prevent it from happening again

We already have all the laws we need to prevent it...what we need are better mental health options for sick people. Do you realize that the Newton police department knew about his threats against that school....? Did you know that?
And what has congress done?

Bupkis ... Sad :(

Sandy Hook shooting victims remembered - CNN
Nothing will ever be done. As a nation, we don't care about these massacres....only the people personally affected care.

My thoughts and prayers are with those young children

What more could you ask
Thoughts and prayers are very effective. They've done a lot towards preventing future massacres.

But they are so comforting to the parents of a first grader who was riddled with bullets
Effective gun legislation could never bring such comfort
More frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul - you can’t be that fucking stupid to think they will...
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?

I don't have a need. I have a right!
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?

Remind me the next time someone is murdered with two refrigerators
Firearms Have never killed anybody on their own, you stupid ass motherfucker. LOL

Well coward liar, if guns compensated for tiny dicks, I never would have bought a revolver with a 2 inch barrel.
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?

Remind me the next time someone is murdered with two refrigerators

I have yet to see the refrigerator --- or the car, or the PA system, or the house, that was designed for the express purpose of killing.

Again --- comes down to values. Some of us like to preserve food, get from point A to point B, or be heard in a concert. Others like to take life. Values.
I have yet to see a refrigerator chase someone down the street and kill them you stupid ass motherfucker... lol
If we don't have the right to protect ourselves and our possessions then we don't have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Protect them from whom?

If I can't go to a movie without having to worry about some crazy person shooting up the place because he thinks he's The Joker, then that's hardly life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness, either.

If we have to live in a world of CCTV, metal detectors and armed guards, that's hardly a free state, is it? Not to mention 2 million people in prison.

I'll tell you the fix for that: open-carry everywhere and compulsive gun-training. See there? Less police needed, no need for metal detectors and men to man them, problem solved.

You're welcome. :)
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?
You constitional rights are regulated. Right to bear arms? Where's your howitzer, your mortar, your rocket propelled grenade launcher? How loudly are you permitted to shout "Fire!" In a theater? Where's your right to sacrifice live animals?

You don't need a weapon designed for warfare. Other weapons serve the purpose of self defense. An AR or an AK are not defensive weapons. They are weapons of offense.
AR’s are defensive rifles, they are not military grade weapons you stupid ass motherfucker... Why don’t you educate yourself you sorry ass sack of shit. Lol
Bernie Sanders has 3 houses, which he only needs 1. His self-centered values are about taking what is mine and giving it to others, while his wallows like a fucking pig with 3 houses. If I don't have my weapons what is to keep shitfucks like you from stealing my house or what is in it? Or worse keeping shitfucks like you from harming my family or me. You wont knowing that I am well protected....

If the government decided they really wanted to get you, they'd probably get you. Just ask David Koresh of the Burning House.
The military would never back the government against its own citizens you stupid ass motherfucker... military folk are overwhelmingly pro second amendment
If we don't have the right to protect ourselves and our possessions then we don't have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Protect them from whom?

If I can't go to a movie without having to worry about some crazy person shooting up the place because he thinks he's The Joker, then that's hardly life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness, either.

If we have to live in a world of CCTV, metal detectors and armed guards, that's hardly a free state, is it? Not to mention 2 million people in prison.
The vast majority of firearm owners will never kill anybody in fact almost all of them will not kill anybody… Law-abiding people are the only ones your frivolous gun control laws will damage
Then you dont deserve freedom or safety. Pansy ass, irresponsible bedwetter.
The govt is corrupt, why in the holy fuck would you trust them to protect you?

Because they are trained professionals?

I don't feel "Free" or "Safe" when I have to walk past a metal detector or armed guards or need a key card to move from one office to another because they need internal locks to frustrate a mass shooter.

It seems to me that we all make a lot of sacrifices so that a few of you can compensate for tiny dicks.

If we don't have the right to protect ourselves and our possessions then we don't have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Again, one doesn't need to "protect" those rights. The Law does that. As far as personal exercise of them, all one need do is assert them.

Guess who else had a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Twenty little kids in Newtown
Your frivolous gun laws only damage law abiding people

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