5 years ago today - Sandy Hook

Again, one doesn't need to "protect" those rights. The Law does that. As far as personal exercise of them, all one need do is assert them.

Guess who else had a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Twenty little kids in Newtown
What if they govt decides to say fuck you to your first amendment right? WHo will protect it then?

Me, Myself and I. Just try to stop me. Uh, I mean us.

But that's why we have a Constitution isn't it.
yep must piss you off royally that you cant take what is mine and make it yours as you just proved with your statement. yeah, I have mine, I worked my ass off for it, and will not give it to worthless fucks like you.
You mean you actually have something worth taking in that single wide? LOL And most thieves are apolitical. Look at the treasonous fat senile old clown for an example of that. He was a Republican or Democrat whenever one or the other would get him what he wanted.,
You mean you actually have something worth taking in that single wide?
At first I thought we were having a rational discussion now I see that you have gone into the depths of the gutter and resort to the Rules for Radicals as wont of the liberal who starts losing the argument. Sorry I wont follow you down to that level.

This is my single wide, and I could care less if you believe me or not. I laugh at how stupid you miserable fucks are.

View attachment 165920
So I am supposed to post a picture of the Taj Mahal in return? LOL
More children and women died by Janet than those who died at Sandy Hook? What is the difference? Oh yeah, it is okay for liberals in government to kill innocents as long as it is for the cause..

When the Feds are outside your compound with an arrest warrant - you SURRENDER.

The diddler who believed he was Jesus had a death wish - and he got it:
Tapes From Sect Compound Reveal Talk of Setting Fire

But nice to see that you gave up on your "unarmed" claim at least :rolleyes-41:
Davidian Compound Had Huge Weapon Cache, Ranger Says
The women and children in the compound if you watched the NY times video weren't armed or dangerous. So you are condoning the actions of the government to kill women and children through fire, but hate it when a loony leftie uses a gun to do the same?
Well now, after you fuckers defended and supported Moore, why is defending and supporting a piece of shit like Koreesh any different? The women and children may not have been armed, but the men that shot the officers certainly were. And they started the fires. The deaths there are on their heads.
Keep on believing in your government and soon you too will be like the Jews of Germany or the "workers" in the Soviet Gulags. Fucking dumbasses all of you.
And what has congress done?

Bupkis ... Sad :(

Sandy Hook shooting victims remembered - CNN
Nothing will ever be done. As a nation, we don't care about these massacres....only the people personally affected care.

My thoughts and prayers are with those young children

What more could you ask
Thoughts and prayers are very effective. They've done a lot towards preventing future massacres.
They are effective as they were at Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
You know that is was the German Democratic SOCIALIST Workers Party who stripped the rights away of the Jews to keep guns? Your argument just failed on that statement..
Dumb fuck, the Nazis and fascists were about as far right as you can get. Right in line with your ideologies.
What if they govt decides to say fuck you to your first amendment right? WHo will protect it then?

Me, Myself and I. Just try to stop me. Uh, I mean us.

But that's why we have a Constitution isn't it.
yep must piss you off royally that you cant take what is mine and make it yours as you just proved with your statement. yeah, I have mine, I worked my ass off for it, and will not give it to worthless fucks like you.
You mean you actually have something worth taking in that single wide? LOL And most thieves are apolitical. Look at the treasonous fat senile old clown for an example of that. He was a Republican or Democrat whenever one or the other would get him what he wanted.,
You mean you actually have something worth taking in that single wide?
At first I thought we were having a rational discussion now I see that you have gone into the depths of the gutter and resort to the Rules for Radicals as wont of the liberal who starts losing the argument. Sorry I wont follow you down to that level.

This is my single wide, and I could care less if you believe me or not. I laugh at how stupid you miserable fucks are.

View attachment 165920
So I am supposed to post a picture of the Taj Mahal in return? LOL
Seems that you must live in the single wide, because you don't need a weapon to protect what little belongings that you have. Since I am well armed I may need to use my weapons when shits like you decide that you want what I have so you can move out of that piece of shit you call home.
Nothing will ever be done. As a nation, we don't care about these massacres....only the people personally affected care.

My thoughts and prayers are with those young children

What more could you ask
Thoughts and prayers are very effective. They've done a lot towards preventing future massacres.
They are effective as they were at Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
You know that is was the German Democratic SOCIALIST Workers Party who stripped the rights away of the Jews to keep guns? Your argument just failed on that statement..
Dumb fuck, the Nazis and fascists were about as far right as you can get. Right in line with your ideologies.
Says the stupid one who went to fuckem high, and got dem edumacation from pubic hi skrool.
Me, Myself and I. Just try to stop me. Uh, I mean us.

But that's why we have a Constitution isn't it.
yep must piss you off royally that you cant take what is mine and make it yours as you just proved with your statement. yeah, I have mine, I worked my ass off for it, and will not give it to worthless fucks like you.
You mean you actually have something worth taking in that single wide? LOL And most thieves are apolitical. Look at the treasonous fat senile old clown for an example of that. He was a Republican or Democrat whenever one or the other would get him what he wanted.,
You mean you actually have something worth taking in that single wide?
At first I thought we were having a rational discussion now I see that you have gone into the depths of the gutter and resort to the Rules for Radicals as wont of the liberal who starts losing the argument. Sorry I wont follow you down to that level.

This is my single wide, and I could care less if you believe me or not. I laugh at how stupid you miserable fucks are.

View attachment 165920
So I am supposed to post a picture of the Taj Mahal in return? LOL
Seems that you must live in the single wide, because you don't need a weapon to protect what little belongings that you have. Since I am well armed I may need to use my weapons when shits like you decide that you want what I have so you can move out of that piece of shit you call home.
Note in an earlier post, I stated that I have been a gun owner for over 60 years. And still own several hunting guns. And am proficient with both the long and short guns. I don't need a war weapon for defense, what I have is more than adequate.
This is my single wide, and I could care less if you believe me or not. I laugh at how stupid you miserable fucks are.

View attachment 165920

Here's mine --- and my boat! :cool:


My thoughts and prayers are with those young children

What more could you ask
Thoughts and prayers are very effective. They've done a lot towards preventing future massacres.
They are effective as they were at Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
You know that is was the German Democratic SOCIALIST Workers Party who stripped the rights away of the Jews to keep guns? Your argument just failed on that statement..
Dumb fuck, the Nazis and fascists were about as far right as you can get. Right in line with your ideologies.
Says the stupid one who went to fuckem high, and got dem edumacation from pubic hi skrool.
LOL No, I don't yet have a degree. And the highest class taken thus far in college is only a 470/570 Eng. Geo. class. And, yes, the Nazis were right wing, just as you are.
And what has congress done?

Bupkis ... Sad :(

Sandy Hook shooting victims remembered - CNN

PBS has a documentary running on Sandy Hook. It should be a must watch for every adult in the US. From the parents to the people that lived near the school that had children run to their front yards in terror to the medical people that saved the wounded and had to witness the deceased children that came in. Law enforcement in the film note that the Principal of the school had wounds that show she was lunging at the shooter when she was killed.

You will see and hear what it's like for parents that were in the room at the fire station waiting for word on their children. Also 911 calls from inside the school as the shooting is taking place.

If you watch this documentary and aren't moved then you should just lay down in a box, you are already dead.
Thoughts and prayers are very effective. They've done a lot towards preventing future massacres.
They are effective as they were at Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
You know that is was the German Democratic SOCIALIST Workers Party who stripped the rights away of the Jews to keep guns? Your argument just failed on that statement..
Dumb fuck, the Nazis and fascists were about as far right as you can get. Right in line with your ideologies.
Says the stupid one who went to fuckem high, and got dem edumacation from pubic hi skrool.
LOL No, I don't yet have a degree. And the highest class taken thus far in college is only a 470/570 Eng. Geo. class. And, yes, the Nazis were right wing, just as you are.
Are you ready for the truth about the Nazis you stupid ****.

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
Adolf Hitler had central government control of his people. Fucking dumbasses like you need to pull your head out of your stinky ass.

Are you ready for the truth about the Nazis you stupid ****.

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
Adolf Hitler had central government control of his people. Fucking dumbasses like you need to pull your head out of your stinky ass.

View attachment 165924

If the shoe fits ..

Fascist/ Fascism noun
a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
(often initial capital letter) a member of a fascist movement or party.
a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.

a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)
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Are you ready for the truth about the Nazis you stupid ****.

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
Adolf Hitler had central government control of his people. Fucking dumbasses like you need to pull your head out of your stinky ass.

View attachment 165924

If the shoe fits ..

Fascist/ Fascism noun
a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
(often initial capital letter) a member of a fascist movement or party.
a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.

a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)
a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government
It is interesting that we on the right(Conservatives or Classical Liberals) want limited government, with freedom in our pursuit of happiness, yet here you are a dumbass of the Nth degree trying to paint US as Fascists, while showing your own link about authoritarian government that Obama brought in his fundamental transformation of America, which you voted twice for.

Classical liberalism
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with representative democracy under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedom.
Classical liberalism - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_liberalism [/guote]
Nay, I don't think so, this is your shack and you with your shotgun, that you said you own.. ROTFLMAO...

I don't have a shotgun. For home protection I have a Glock 9mmx17

Don't try to break into my mansion or my yacht snowflake ... I practice frequently. :wink:

How many rounds are in the clip, 17 or 10? Why do you need more than 1 round? Are you that sorry of a shot?

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