5 years ago today - Sandy Hook

I bet if any of these gun free zones had someone with a legal gun, the outcome would of been different. But gun free zones kill people, as the liberal who doesn't follow the law will bring a gun anyway.

Okay, let's get real.

Most businesses are gun free zones. Why? Because they are more worried that someone is going to shoot the boss than a crazy person is going to come in and shoot a bunch of people.
Na, Only in urban areas where nut jobs like yourself live you stupid ass motherfucker
Then you dont deserve freedom or safety. Pansy ass, irresponsible bedwetter.
The govt is corrupt, why in the holy fuck would you trust them to protect you?

Because they are trained professionals?

I don't feel "Free" or "Safe" when I have to walk past a metal detector or armed guards or need a key card to move from one office to another because they need internal locks to frustrate a mass shooter.

It seems to me that we all make a lot of sacrifices so that a few of you can compensate for tiny dicks.

If we don't have the right to protect ourselves and our possessions then we don't have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Good grief, only cowards feel the need to defend the 2nd A. by the sacrifice of 20 five year children. You disgust me!
You don’t understand the issue you stupid ass motherfucker
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?
You constitional rights are regulated. Right to bear arms? Where's your howitzer, your mortar, your rocket propelled grenade launcher? How loudly are you permitted to shout "Fire!" In a theater? Where's your right to sacrifice live animals?

You don't need a weapon designed for warfare. Other weapons serve the purpose of self defense. An AR or an AK are not defensive weapons. They are weapons of offense.
They are if the perp has m-16s
Rambo wannabe.

Is your home under assault by bands of gun wielding maniacs? Mine isn't, and I would hazard a guess and say no one else's is. Frankly, there are just no incidents of hordes of idiots armed to the teeth attacking private homes with automatic weapons. You are living in a cinematic fantasy.
You watch too many Hollywood movies, you certainly have the morals of those Hollywood types you sick fucker
I can post photos of grieving parents losing their kid to drunk drivers and speeders as well.. Is that going to make you want to regulate cars and big alcohol? Or will it just make you laugh at my ridiculous "gotcha?"

Actually, we do regulate cars and alcohol. I'd be happy if we regulated guns to the same standards.

Which means if you want to keep your penis compensator, you have to get a license, registration, insurance, training, go in for regular recertication of your gun, etc.
Vehicle ownership is not a right, firearm ownership is a right you stupid ass motherfucker
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Who are you to determine that more americans need to die because you want a war weapon? I think that the majority of us are sick and tired of people like you defending the profits of the merchants of death in our nation. And before you say it, I have been a gun owner for 60 years, and also have a dd214 that states Honorable.
You have no understanding of firearms you stupid ass motherfucker
What should they do? Amend the Constitution of our most important right?
With the new bill to FORCE reciprocity for concealed carry in all 50 states and D.C. you can bet gun deaths will go way, way down, as the criminal who could go to a gun free zone with impunity will now have to way the risk of retaliation. My city has only few really stupid liberals in it who try at gun point to rob a store, just to find out that 50 guys in the store are packing heat.

  1. the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another.
Oh my, another lie. You asses have been saying, as we see each mass shootings, that what is needed is more guns on the street. So, each time, more people have bought guns, and the mass shootings just continue to happen, and increase in how deadly they are every year.
Don’t be a coward, buy more guns and ammo...
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?
God, are you really that stupid? The Supreme Court has already ruled that it is Constitutional to limit the type of gun that one can own. That is done by requiring special licenses for weapons like the full auto .45 Thompson. Simply pass a law that you cannot have in your possession a semi-automatic of any kind without having the same license as required for the Thompson. Nor can you buy or sell such without such a license. Problem solved. And you still have your war weapon in your home in case of zombie attack.
Na, Frivolous gun control laws solve nothing you stupid ass motherfucker
What should they do? Amend the Constitution of our most important right?
With the new bill to FORCE reciprocity for concealed carry in all 50 states and D.C. you can bet gun deaths will go way, way down, as the criminal who could go to a gun free zone with impunity will now have to way the risk of retaliation. My city has only few really stupid liberals in it who try at gun point to rob a store, just to find out that 50 guys in the store are packing heat.

  1. the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another.
Oh my, another lie. You asses have been saying, as we see each mass shootings, that what is needed is more guns on the street. So, each time, more people have bought guns, and the mass shootings just continue to happen, and increase in how deadly they are every year.
Please if you would like, as blindboo always says, "Link"?
WASHINGTON — A report released by the F.B.I. on Wednesday confirmed what many Americans had feared but law enforcement officials had never documented: Mass shootings have risen drastically in the past half-dozen years.

There were, on average, 16.4 such shootings a year from 2007 to 2013, compared with an average of 6.4 shootings annually from 2000 to 2006. In the past 13 years, 486 people have been killed in such shootings, with 366 of the deaths in the past seven years. In all, the study looked at 160 shootings since 2000. (Shootings tied to domestic violence and gangs were not included.)

Many of the sprees ended before the police arrived, the report said. In 44 of the 64 cases in which the F.B.I. was able to determine the length of the shooting, the gunfire lasted less than five minutes. Twenty-three shootings ended in less than two minutes. In 64 of the 160 total cases, the gunmen committed suicide.

The report was prompted by the spate of mass shootings in recent years, like those at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo. It measured “active” shootings, which the F.B.I defined as committed by “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.”

Continue reading the main story


There you go, took all of 2 minutes to find that. Of course, if you really don't want to know the truth, you won't find it, now, will you?
Most mass shootings are done by Progressives you stupid ass motherfucker



Elections have consequences.. I am sorry for the families who lost their young ones, but when you don't give a shit to protect your children and rely on the government to protect them, then you will not like the outcome.
By the way, why didn't Obama, Pelosi and Reid ban all guns in the first two years of Obama's admin when they were in the majority? Because they were spineless liberals who had to FORCE, ACA on US instead of protecting those young children. So blow me bitch and your worthless argument.
A real dumb fuck, aren't you? No one said they wanted to ban all guns. Just require the same license as is required for full auto .45 Thompson to buy, or possess a semi-auto of any kind outside of your home.
Na, you sound like a cowardly fuck - firearm ownership Shall not be infringed motherfucker
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?

Remind me the next time someone is murdered with two refrigerators
I thought it was about NEED?
You couldnt argue your way out of a 3 walled box, RW
And people like you are going to continue your nonsense until laws are made concerning guns that even I will not like. You are the danger to my right to own guns, not the people that would like some common sense laws concerning them.
You believe in gun confiscation obviously, firearm ownership is none of your fucking business
Then you dont deserve freedom or safety. Pansy ass, irresponsible bedwetter.
The govt is corrupt, why in the holy fuck would you trust them to protect you?

Because they are trained professionals?

I don't feel "Free" or "Safe" when I have to walk past a metal detector or armed guards or need a key card to move from one office to another because they need internal locks to frustrate a mass shooter.

It seems to me that we all make a lot of sacrifices so that a few of you can compensate for tiny dicks.

If we don't have the right to protect ourselves and our possessions then we don't have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I see. So you need a weapon that you can fire 30 rounds in less than 10 seconds to protect yourself. You know, I was in a situation where I had to make it plain to 10 rather tough individuals that if they continued as they were, at least one of them was going to die. And all I needed was a single shot 12 gauge. Once they decided that I really would do it, none of them wanted to be the one. But if your weapon skills are so bad that you need a semi with 30 or more shots to do the same, so be it. LOL
someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business you stupid ass motherfucker
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?

Remind me the next time someone is murdered with two refrigerators
I thought it was about NEED?
You couldnt argue your way out of a 3 walled box, RW
And people like you are going to continue your nonsense until laws are made concerning guns that even I will not like. You are the danger to my right to own guns, not the people that would like some common sense laws concerning them.
what common sense law would of prevented the Loonie LIberal from killing the children in Sandy Hook?
what common sense law would of prevented the loonie Liberal Mooslim from shooting up the Gay bar in Orlando?
what common sense law would of prevented the angry Bernie Sanders supporter from shooting up the young kids at the country western event in Las Vegas?

instead of bitching about gun deaths, PROVIDE SOME SOLUTIONS to stop illegal gun crimes...
I have, and you cocksucks just keep saying put more guns on the streets. And the mass killings just keep increasing in frequency and number killed.
Progressives do most of the mass shootings
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?

You don't "need" to know...

And it's none of your business what a law abiding Legal citizen owns.
What should they do? Amend the Constitution of our most important right?

Dafuk does the First Amendment have to do with Sandy Hook? :cuckoo:
The first amendment is protected by the second. They all are.
"without ammunition, there can be no revolution"

Oh fucking bullshit. The 1A is in that position because it's the most basic, the most vital, that from which all else flow. It's about THOUGHT, which is where everything starts. Without free thought --- THERE ARE NO RIGHTS AT ALL.

And I can say any of this without needing to "defend" it with a fucking firearm.

No...you just rely on all the men and women in uniform to protect that for you.....

I've never relied on anyone in my life. The only interaction I've had with uniforms were pointing their guns at me. So fuck you.
If we don't have the right to protect ourselves and our possessions then we don't have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Protect them from whom?

If I can't go to a movie without having to worry about some crazy person shooting up the place because he thinks he's The Joker, then that's hardly life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness, either.

If we have to live in a world of CCTV, metal detectors and armed guards, that's hardly a free state, is it? Not to mention 2 million people in prison.

I'll tell you the fix for that: open-carry everywhere and compulsive gun-training. See there? Less police needed, no need for metal detectors and men to man them, problem solved.

You're welcome. :)

"Compulsive" huh..... :rolleyes:

I believe "compulsive" is the problem we already have.
When I bought my .45 Thompson semi automatic, I had to do an extensive FBI and VA state background check. Are you that daft to not know that? You really are that stupid to believe the liars of the liberal left? Don't answer I know you are THAT STUPID..

Nope Rocks is correct - you are a dumb fuck.

I can go to ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds and buy anything I want from a private seller with no background check. I can go to gun shows in at least 25 states and do the same. I can also carry concealed in 15 states with no license and no special training.

And I can be mentally ill now and go buy a gun at Dick's or Cabela's

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness
No, private firearm sales are none of your fucking business, so shut the fuck up you cowardly motherfucker
If we don't have the right to protect ourselves and our possessions then we don't have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Again, one doesn't need to "protect" those rights. The Law does that. As far as personal exercise of them, all one need do is assert them.

Guess who else had a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Twenty little kids in Newtown
What if they govt decides to say fuck you to your first amendment right? WHo will protect it then?

Me, Myself and I. Just try to stop me.
You gonna kick the fed gov in the nuts, rambo?
You going to go up against Apaches and Warthogs with Ak's and AR's?
Stupid ass motherfucker the military is overwhelmingly pro second Amendment they would never go against their own citizens you cowardly fuck... lol
If we don't have the right to protect ourselves and our possessions then we don't have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Again, one doesn't need to "protect" those rights. The Law does that. As far as personal exercise of them, all one need do is assert them.

Guess who else had a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Twenty little kids in Newtown
What if they govt decides to say fuck you to your first amendment right? WHo will protect it then?

Me, Myself and I. Just try to stop me. Uh, I mean us.

But that's why we have a Constitution isn't it.
yep must piss you off royally that you cant take what is mine and make it yours as you just proved with your statement. yeah, I have mine, I worked my ass off for it, and will not give it to worthless fucks like you.
You mean you actually have something worth taking in that single wide? LOL And most thieves are apolitical. Look at the treasonous fat senile old clown for an example of that. He was a Republican or Democrat whenever one or the other would get him what he wanted.,
The election is over get over it dip shit
What should they do? Amend the Constitution of our most important right?

Dafuk does the First Amendment have to do with Sandy Hook? :cuckoo:
The first amendment is protected by the second. They all are.
"without ammunition, there can be no revolution"

Oh fucking bullshit. The 1A is in that position because it's the most basic, the most vital, that from which all else flow. It's about THOUGHT, which is where everything starts. Without free thought --- THERE ARE NO RIGHTS AT ALL.

And I can say any of this without needing to "defend" it with a fucking firearm.

No...you just rely on all the men and women in uniform to protect that for you.....

I've never relied on anyone in my life. The only interaction I've had with uniforms were pointing their guns at me. So fuck you.

Asshole......men and women are standing watch tonight in your town and around the world...so you can sit on your fat ass and post......moron....

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