50 people shot in Chicago Memorial Day weekend

The Chicago Police Chief said more gun laws might not work because these "gun offenders" don't always follow society's rules...

Can you imagine that?

It's the number of guns that are out there that's the problem.....In theory, most of these people shouldn't be able to buy guns. But they can get the from someone who can.
Do you think if somebody is willing to go through with committing suicide they wouldn't do so if they didn't have access to a gun?

I think some people would think twice if they had to put more effort into it.

I think some people might try less effective methods, and be able to be saved.

I don't think there is any good reason for an average citizen to have access to guns.

If somebody really wants to commit suicide, they're going to find a way to do so.

Let's say a burglar breaks into my house tonight. I don't know what their intentions are, what weapons they might have, etc. Give me a method that's equally as effective at protecting my children as having a gun would be.
If somebody really wants to commit suicide, they're going to find a way to do so.

But what if they aren't that committed? Or they use a method where they can be stopped? I'm not saying we'll get rid of all 19,000 gun suicides by taking away your "compensation", but hey, cut them in half, I'll call it a win.

Let's say a burglar breaks into my house tonight. I don't know what their intentions are, what weapons they might have, etc. Give me a method that's equally as effective at protecting my children as having a gun would be.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy. You might as well get a feral pit bull to protect your house. It will be just as effective and just as dangerous to your loved ones.
If somebody really wants to commit suicide, they're going to find a way to do so.

But what if they aren't that committed? Or they use a method where they can be stopped? I'm not saying we'll get rid of all 19,000 gun suicides by taking away your "compensation", but hey, cut them in half, I'll call it a win.

Let's say a burglar breaks into my house tonight. I don't know what their intentions are, what weapons they might have, etc. Give me a method that's equally as effective at protecting my children as having a gun would be.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy. You might as well get a feral pit bull to protect your house. It will be just as effective and just as dangerous to your loved ones.

So Joe, surely you don't have a gun and you have a big sign in your yard that says you are a gun free home. :badgrin:
If somebody really wants to commit suicide, they're going to find a way to do so.

But what if they aren't that committed? Or they use a method where they can be stopped? I'm not saying we'll get rid of all 19,000 gun suicides by taking away your "compensation", but hey, cut them in half, I'll call it a win.

Let's say a burglar breaks into my house tonight. I don't know what their intentions are, what weapons they might have, etc. Give me a method that's equally as effective at protecting my children as having a gun would be.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy. You might as well get a feral pit bull to protect your house. It will be just as effective and just as dangerous to your loved ones.

-People who're not that committed don't commit suicide...also people who commit suicide very rarely tell other people-because they don't want others to attempt to stop them.

-Guns are more likely to kill a family member due to incompetent people, and I don't believe in dumbing down America due to incompetent people, do you? For the record my handgun requires my fingerprint in order to be used, and has a laser showing me exactly where the bullet's going to go. I'd aim right for the chest and take the burglar out. If a burglar is in my house and is putting the life of my kid at risk-I'm going to kill the burglar, no questions asked.

PS: Pets (by definition) can't be feral.
Each year over a million crimes are prevented by good citizens with guns.

No, they aren't. That's always been a BS number.

Only 201 cases of justified homicide with guns by civilians a year, according to the FBI.

-Guns are more likely to kill a family member due to incompetent people, and I don't believe in dumbing down America due to incompetent people, do you? For the record my handgun requires my fingerprint in order to be used, and has a laser showing me exactly where the bullet's going to go. I'd aim right for the chest and take the burglar out. If a burglar is in my house and is putting the life of my kid at risk-I'm going to kill the burglar, no questions asked.

I don't want to interupt your gun nut fantasy, but the numbers tell a different story. 19000 gun suicides, 11,000 gun homicides, 1000 gun accidents, every year... and only about 200 cases where some gun nut lives the dream of killing a bad guy.
So Joe, surely you don't have a gun and you have a big sign in your yard that says you are a gun free home.

No, I also don't have a sign telling people I have a big screen and a really nice computer, either.

I also don't have a yard because I live in a condo. But that's besides the point, because most burglars break in when no one is home, so there's no point giving them a shopping list.
So Joe, surely you don't have a gun and you have a big sign in your yard that says you are a gun free home.

No, I also don't have a sign telling people I have a big screen and a really nice computer, either.

I also don't have a yard because I live in a condo. But that's besides the point, because most burglars break in when no one is home, so there's no point giving them a shopping list.

Does the gunfire and sirens keep you up all night? Honest question.
Each year over a million crimes are prevented by good citizens with guns.

No, they aren't. That's always been a BS number.

Only 201 cases of justified homicide with guns by civilians a year, according to the FBI.

-Guns are more likely to kill a family member due to incompetent people, and I don't believe in dumbing down America due to incompetent people, do you? For the record my handgun requires my fingerprint in order to be used, and has a laser showing me exactly where the bullet's going to go. I'd aim right for the chest and take the burglar out. If a burglar is in my house and is putting the life of my kid at risk-I'm going to kill the burglar, no questions asked.

I don't want to interupt your gun nut fantasy, but the numbers tell a different story. 19000 gun suicides, 11,000 gun homicides, 1000 gun accidents, every year... and only about 200 cases where some gun nut lives the dream of killing a bad guy.

Have you worked in the mental health field before? I worked at a crisis center for years and am very well versed on suicidal tendencies in people.

I own one gun, if you think that me wanting to protect my family from criminals makes me a gun nut-then fine. I hope I never have to use it, but I'd rather have it and not need it then not have it and need it.
Guns aren't the problem in Chicago....the ACLU and the democrats are the problem. The democrat mayors who have been in control of the city for decades have allowed the Chicago police to lose 2,000 cops....the ACLU has put so much paperwork on them for any interaction with the community that cops are tied up with paperwork.......and after the democrats supported black lies matter, the cops have stopped their non 911 police work.....stops are down 80%........

Yeah, so, um, when you have cops like Jason van Dyke on the force, we can afford to lose guys like that. The reason why they have to do so much paperwork is because guys like John Burg used to torture false confessions out of people. In short, I don't want to hear the CPD whining that we don't trust them because we have good reasons not to trust them.

The people doing the shooting...are also currently getting less than 3 years in prison for repeat gun crimes...another factor.

That's because your boys in the NRA fought against tougher gun sentencing.

NRA pushes back against Illinois proposal to increase gun penalties

No asswipe......the democrats in this state are fighting tougher sentencing, not the NRA, their gang buddies are telling them to oppose more police and more police resources.........and the city is down 2,000 officers, 1000 they are just missing, and another 1,000 from vacations and sick leave....
Why should law abiding citizens be denied guns just because Obamathugs can't act civilized?

Because most gun violence is "law abiding citizens" committing suicide or having domestic arguments that go wrong.

No.....law abiding citizens are not shooting people....even in Chicago.....the victims are criminals...and the shooters are criminals...with long histories of crime and violence...

Gang Killers In Chicago Used Christmas Gatherings To Target Their Victims

Gang killers, knowing their targets would be home for Christmas, launched a bloody weekend of shootings in Chicago that left 11 dead and another 37 wounded.

"We now know that the majority of these shootings and homicides were targeted attacks by gangs against potential rivals who were at holiday gatherings. This was followed by several acts of retaliatory gun violence," police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said in a statement Monday.


The violence primarily occurred in areas with historical gang conflicts on the South and West Side of Chicago."

And this is what we keep telling you anti gunners and you refuse to believe it....

"Ninety percent of those fatally wounded had gang affiliations, criminal histories and were pre-identified by the department's strategic subject algorithm as being a potential suspect or victim of gun violence," Guglielmi said.

And as to he killers....

JURIST - The Criminology of Firearms

In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications and some empirical research of its own about guns. The Academy could not identify any gun restriction that had reduced violent crime, suicide or gun accidents.

Why don't gun bans work? Because they rely on voluntary compliance by gun-using criminals. Prohibitionists never see this absurdity because they deceive themselves into thinking that, as Katherine Christoffel has said: "[M]ost shootings are not committed by felons or mentally ill people, but are acts of passion that are committed using a handgun that is owned for home protection."

Christoffel, et al., are utterly wrong. The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies. Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."

Do you think if somebody is willing to go through with committing suicide they wouldn't do so if they didn't have access to a gun?

I think some people would think twice if they had to put more effort into it.

I think some people might try less effective methods, and be able to be saved.

I don't think there is any good reason for an average citizen to have access to guns.

No...again....Japan, China....absolute gun control for law abiding people, only the Yakuza and cops have guns.....and they have higher suicide rates than we do....

There is no link between guns and suicide rates...

Fact Check, Gun Control and Suicide

There is no relation between suicide rate and gun ownership rates around the world. According to the 2016 World Health Statistics report, (2) suicide rates in the four countries cited as having restrictive gun control laws have suicide rates that are comparable to that in the U. S.: Australia, 11.6, Canada, 11.4, France, 15.8, UK, 7.0, and USA 13.7 suicides/100,000. By comparison, Japan has among the highest suicide rates in the world, 23.1/100,000, but gun ownership is extremely rare, 0.6 guns/100 people.

Suicide is a mental health issue. If guns are not available other means are used. Poisoning, in fact, is the most common method of suicide for U. S. females according to the Washington Post (34 % of suicides), and suffocation the second most common method for males (27%).

Secondly, gun ownership rates in France and Canada are not low, as is implied in the Post article. The rate of gun ownership in the U. S. is indeed high at 88.8 guns/100 residents, but gun ownership rates are also among the world’s highest in the other countries cited. Gun ownership rates in these countries are are as follows: Australia, 15, Canada, 30.8, France, 31.2, and UK 6.2 per 100 residents. (3,4) Gun ownership rates in Saudia Arabia are comparable to that in Canada and France, with 37.8 guns per 100 Saudi residents, yet the lowest suicide rate in the world is in Saudia Arabia (0.3 suicides per 100,000).

Third, recent statistics in the state of Florida show that nearly one third of the guns used in suicides are obtained illegally, putting these firearm deaths beyond control through gun laws.(5)

Fourth, the primary factors affecting suicide rates are personal stresses, cultural, economic, religious factors and demographics. According to the WHO statistics, the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the Republic of Korea, with 36.8 suicides per 100,000, but India, Japan, Russia, and Hungary all have rates above 20 per 100,000; roughly twice as high as the U.S. and the four countries that are the basis for the Post’s calculation that gun control would reduce U.S. suicide rates by 20 to 38 percent. Lebanon, Oman, and Iraq all have suicide rates below 1.1 per 100,000 people--less than 1/10 the suicide rate in the U. S., and Afghanistan, Algeria, Jamaica, Haiti, and Egypt have low suicide rates that are below 4 per 100,000 in contrast to 13.7 suicides/100,000 in the U. S.
Do you think if somebody is willing to go through with committing suicide they wouldn't do so if they didn't have access to a gun?

I think some people would think twice if they had to put more effort into it.

I think some people might try less effective methods, and be able to be saved.

I don't think there is any good reason for an average citizen to have access to guns.

except the 1,500,000 times Americans use them each year to stop rapes, robberies and murders...according to bill clinton and barak obama........

And the 25,000 lives guns in the hands of normal people save each year.....
Do you think if somebody is willing to go through with committing suicide they wouldn't do so if they didn't have access to a gun?

I think some people would think twice if they had to put more effort into it.

I think some people might try less effective methods, and be able to be saved.

I don't think there is any good reason for an average citizen to have access to guns.

Screw em. If they want to call it quits then fine......



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