51 to 49 witnesses rejected

There is no evidence of any criminality or illegality with the bidens.

You are confused Moon Bat.

What you mean is that since you only pay attention to the Libtard fake news you have not learned about the Biden's corruption. That happens when uneducated low information Moon Bats like you dismiss reality and embrace denial. You also did it big time when you ignored the massive corruption by Crooked Hillary.

Since you are confused about this here is a little article outlining some of the Biden family corruption. If you still have your head up your ass and still remain confused I can post 20 more articles about the Biden family corruption.


How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections

Political figures have long used their families to route power and benefits for their own self-enrichment. In my new book, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” one particular politician — Joe Biden — emerges as the king of the sweetheart deal, with no less than five family members benefiting from his largesse, favorable access and powerful position for commercial gain. In Biden’s case, these deals include foreign partners and, in some cases, even US taxpayer dollars.

The Biden family’s apparent self-enrichment involves five family members: Joe’s son Hunter, son-in-law Howard, brothers James and Frank, and sister Valerie.

According to Hunter he's dead broke

Even Republicans agree he did it. It just doesn't matter enough. Enough for a censure by God.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Republicans agree that it was the right thing for Trump to ask the Ukrainians to look into the corruption of the Biden Crime Syndicate. Only filthy Democrats think that Biden is above the law and should not be investigated. Just like they thought Crooked Hillary was above the law and should be let off the hook for her crimes because she didn't have any "intent"..
There is no evidence of any criminality or illegality with the bidens.

You are confused Moon Bat.

What you mean is that since you only pay attention to the Libtard fake news you have not learned about the Biden's corruption. That happens when uneducated low information Moon Bats like you dismiss reality and embrace denial. You also did it big time when you ignored the massive corruption by Crooked Hillary.

Since you are confused about this here is a little article outlining some of the Biden family corruption. If you still have your head up your ass and still remain confused I can post 20 more articles about the Biden family corruption.


How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections

Political figures have long used their families to route power and benefits for their own self-enrichment. In my new book, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” one particular politician — Joe Biden — emerges as the king of the sweetheart deal, with no less than five family members benefiting from his largesse, favorable access and powerful position for commercial gain. In Biden’s case, these deals include foreign partners and, in some cases, even US taxpayer dollars.

The Biden family’s apparent self-enrichment involves five family members: Joe’s son Hunter, son-in-law Howard, brothers James and Frank, and sister Valerie.

I am shocked shocked that The offspring of a vice president could do well through connections. Hilarious coming from the party that is the swamp the GOP lying thieving propagandizing piece of crap party. Everything you know is wrong LOL
[ GOP give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else.

But yet confused Moon Bats like you helped to elect that shithhead Obama, who got the majority of support from Wall Street and Billionaires and who gave away tens of billions to corporations and also increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, screws up health care, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth that fucked everybody. Then along comes Trump who lowers taxes for everybody, creates a booming economy, creates record low unemployment and negotiates fair trade deals to help the balance of trade and you filthy Moon Bats bitch about it because he is not furthering your agenda to make the US a socialist shithole.
. Everything you know is garbage propaganda super duper. Obama's economy was slightly better than Trump's has been you believe a mountain of crap.what f*** everybody was the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression that cost 10 trillion dollars to avert. You people don't even know that happened it's amazing a disgrace. Poor America. Every buddy else in the world knows you people are just terribly misinformed
You're a delusional fucking moron

Even Republicans agree he did it. It just doesn't matter enough. Enough for a censure by God.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Republicans agree that it was the right thing for Trump to ask the Ukrainians to look into the corruption of the Biden Crime Syndicate. Only filthy Democrats think that Biden is above the law and should not be investigated. Just like they thought Crooked Hillary was above the law and should be let off the hook for her crimes because she didn't have any "intent"..
The GOP doesn't give a damn about investigating the biden's, they know they are not corrupt and they have been investigated and there is nothing there. Thank God Democrats are on the right side in Ukraine because Trump enjoys giving away everything to Putin wherever he is.
There is no evidence of any criminality or illegality with the bidens.

You are confused Moon Bat.

What you mean is that since you only pay attention to the Libtard fake news you have not learned about the Biden's corruption. That happens when uneducated low information Moon Bats like you dismiss reality and embrace denial. You also did it big time when you ignored the massive corruption by Crooked Hillary.

Since you are confused about this here is a little article outlining some of the Biden family corruption. If you still have your head up your ass and still remain confused I can post 20 more articles about the Biden family corruption.


How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections

Political figures have long used their families to route power and benefits for their own self-enrichment. In my new book, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” one particular politician — Joe Biden — emerges as the king of the sweetheart deal, with no less than five family members benefiting from his largesse, favorable access and powerful position for commercial gain. In Biden’s case, these deals include foreign partners and, in some cases, even US taxpayer dollars.

The Biden family’s apparent self-enrichment involves five family members: Joe’s son Hunter, son-in-law Howard, brothers James and Frank, and sister Valerie.

According to Hunter he's dead broke

He can tool around in a $130K car and go to celebrity night clubs but he he can't pay child support to the stripper he knocked up.

You would think that if your daddy fixed you up with a cool $85K a month job you could pay a little child support, wouldn't you?

Of course I imagine his cocaine bill is an enormous family expense so maybe I am being over critical.

Even Republicans agree he did it. It just doesn't matter enough. Enough for a censure by God.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Republicans agree that it was the right thing for Trump to ask the Ukrainians to look into the corruption of the Biden Crime Syndicate. Only filthy Democrats think that Biden is above the law and should not be investigated. Just like they thought Crooked Hillary was above the law and should be let off the hook for her crimes because she didn't have any "intent"..
The GOP doesn't give a damn about investigating the biden's, they know they are not corrupt and they have been investigated and there is nothing there. Thank God Democrats are on the right side in Ukraine because Trump enjoys giving away everything to Putin wherever he is.
your signature is full of lies.
[ GOP give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else.

But yet confused Moon Bats like you helped to elect that shithhead Obama, who got the majority of support from Wall Street and Billionaires and who gave away tens of billions to corporations and also increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, screws up health care, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth that fucked everybody. Then along comes Trump who lowers taxes for everybody, creates a booming economy, creates record low unemployment and negotiates fair trade deals to help the balance of trade and you filthy Moon Bats bitch about it because he is not furthering your agenda to make the US a socialist shithole.
pure baloney, brainwashed functional moron.
Trump didn't transform the economy — it's mostly the same as it was under Obama
Nov 16, 2019 · Boosted by fiscal stimulus, U.S. GDP has averaged 2.6% under Donald Trump vs. 2.4% in Barack Obama's last four years in office.

You visited this page on 1/22/20.

upload_2020-2-1_7-50-23.pngThe New York Times
Opinion | Trump Can't Beat Obama on the Economy

Aug 27, 2019 · It's time for a reality check on Trump's claims about jobs, wages and ... growth in thousands: Obama's last 30 months versus Trump's ...

Meme Makes Flawed Obama, Trump Comparison

Dec 13, 2019 · More than 4 million jobs were lost in Obama's first year in office, but that was while the economy was still reeling from the Great Recession, ...
There is no evidence of any criminality or illegality with the bidens.

You are confused Moon Bat.

What you mean is that since you only pay attention to the Libtard fake news you have not learned about the Biden's corruption. That happens when uneducated low information Moon Bats like you dismiss reality and embrace denial. You also did it big time when you ignored the massive corruption by Crooked Hillary.

Since you are confused about this here is a little article outlining some of the Biden family corruption. If you still have your head up your ass and still remain confused I can post 20 more articles about the Biden family corruption.


How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections

Political figures have long used their families to route power and benefits for their own self-enrichment. In my new book, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” one particular politician — Joe Biden — emerges as the king of the sweetheart deal, with no less than five family members benefiting from his largesse, favorable access and powerful position for commercial gain. In Biden’s case, these deals include foreign partners and, in some cases, even US taxpayer dollars.

The Biden family’s apparent self-enrichment involves five family members: Joe’s son Hunter, son-in-law Howard, brothers James and Frank, and sister Valerie.

According to Hunter he's dead broke

He can tool around in a $130K car and go to celebrity night clubs but he he can't pay child support to the stripper he knocked up.

You would think that if your daddy fixed you up with a cool $85K a month job you could pay a little child support, wouldn't you?

Of course I imagine his cocaine bill is an enormous family expense so maybe I am being over critical.
When your daddy no longer has any political pull you can't have one of those high paying jobs that only pay you for your name not what you know.
[ GOP give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else.

But yet confused Moon Bats like you helped to elect that shithhead Obama, who got the majority of support from Wall Street and Billionaires and who gave away tens of billions to corporations and also increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, screws up health care, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth that fucked everybody. Then along comes Trump who lowers taxes for everybody, creates a booming economy, creates record low unemployment and negotiates fair trade deals to help the balance of trade and you filthy Moon Bats bitch about it because he is not furthering your agenda to make the US a socialist shithole.
pure baloney, brainwashed functional moron.
Trump didn't transform the economy — it's mostly the same as it was under Obama
Nov 16, 2019 · Boosted by fiscal stimulus, U.S. GDP has averaged 2.6% under Donald Trump vs. 2.4% in Barack Obama's last four years in office.

You visited this page on 1/22/20.

View attachment 303885The New York Times
Opinion | Trump Can't Beat Obama on the Economy
Aug 27, 2019 · It's time for a reality check on Trump's claims about jobs, wages and ... growth in thousands: Obama's last 30 months versus Trump's ...

View attachment 303886FactCheck.org
Meme Makes Flawed Obama, Trump Comparison
Dec 13, 2019 · More than 4 million jobs were lost in Obama's first year in office, but that was while the economy was still reeling from the Great Recession, ...
ol'e dear fake news lol

Even Republicans agree he did it. It just doesn't matter enough. Enough for a censure by God.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Republicans agree that it was the right thing for Trump to ask the Ukrainians to look into the corruption of the Biden Crime Syndicate. Only filthy Democrats think that Biden is above the law and should not be investigated. Just like they thought Crooked Hillary was above the law and should be let off the hook for her crimes because she didn't have any "intent"..
The GOP doesn't give a damn about investigating the biden's, they know they are not corrupt and they have been investigated and there is nothing there. Thank God Democrats are on the right side in Ukraine because Trump enjoys giving away everything to Putin wherever he is.

You get goofier every day.
I'm shocked, most POS lefties did.
No lies, just campaign promises changed by Congress 2 years later. More garbage propaganda from the champion liars of all time

Like keeping your doctor, if you like them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obama zero lies, Trump 14562 so far
Who brainwashed your feeble mind into believing that?

Let me guess... was it the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post? CNN?

You TDS afflicted morons are fucking pathetic. :cuckoo:
All the respected journalists and law enforcement around the world, as opposed to your bought off high School grad ex Coke head DJ lying heroes.
Hmm.... seems to me that you are purposely dodging the question.

Why are you dodging the question?

Is it because your idiotic opinion makes no fucking sense to any reasonable rational person?


Even Republicans agree he did it. It just doesn't matter enough. Enough for a censure by God.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Republicans agree that it was the right thing for Trump to ask the Ukrainians to look into the corruption of the Biden Crime Syndicate. Only filthy Democrats think that Biden is above the law and should not be investigated. Just like they thought Crooked Hillary was above the law and should be let off the hook for her crimes because she didn't have any "intent"..
The GOP doesn't give a damn about investigating the biden's, they know they are not corrupt and they have been investigated and there is nothing there. Thank God Democrats are on the right side in Ukraine because Trump enjoys giving away everything to Putin wherever he is.
your signature is full of lies.
Bologna. All fact-checked and backed up. Everything you know is wrong you are a poor brainwashed functional moron.

It's essentially over. Trump wins again. Extending the farce is nothing but silly.
Yeah, he won a rigged game. Good for him.

Actually, the Game was rigged AGAINST President Trump, yet he still prevailed.

He had no due process at all in the House of Representatives, could bring no witnesses before the committee, Schiff's hearing were held in secret with choice details leaked by the libs.

The problem the libs had was that there were no witnesses as nothing happened. The House impeached President Trump without a single individual coming forward to provide testimony against him. Calling for "new witnesses" that no one knows that they witnessed anything or what they are going to say, is absurd. This kind of crap isn't done in trials
No lies, just campaign promises changed by Congress 2 years later. More garbage propaganda from the champion liars of all time

Like keeping your doctor, if you like them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obama zero lies, Trump 14562 so far
Who brainwashed your feeble mind into believing that?

Let me guess... was it the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post? CNN?

You TDS afflicted morons are fucking pathetic. :cuckoo:
All the respected journalists and law enforcement around the world, as opposed to your bought off high School grad ex Coke head DJ lying heroes.
Hmm.... seems to me that you are purposely dodging the question.

Why are you dodging the question?

Is it because your idiotic opinion makes no fucking sense to any reasonable rational person?

What question? where I get my ideas is from every possible media there is. While most GOP voters can't stand to watch anything but Fox Rush etc etc garbage propaganda. Law enforcement also thinks you're nuts.
Like keeping your doctor, if you like them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obama zero lies, Trump 14562 so far
Who brainwashed your feeble mind into believing that?

Let me guess... was it the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post? CNN?

You TDS afflicted morons are fucking pathetic. :cuckoo:
All the respected journalists and law enforcement around the world, as opposed to your bought off high School grad ex Coke head DJ lying heroes.
Hmm.... seems to me that you are purposely dodging the question.

Why are you dodging the question?

Is it because your idiotic opinion makes no fucking sense to any reasonable rational person?

What question? where I get my ideas is from every possible media there is. While most GOP voters can't stand to watch anything but Fox Rush etc etc garbage propaganda. Law enforcement also thinks you're nuts.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the convoluted logic that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

Perhaps we can show you exactly where your thought processes, your train of logic, breaks down into fallacious stupidity.

Even Republicans agree he did it. It just doesn't matter enough. Enough for a censure by God.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Republicans agree that it was the right thing for Trump to ask the Ukrainians to look into the corruption of the Biden Crime Syndicate. Only filthy Democrats think that Biden is above the law and should not be investigated. Just like they thought Crooked Hillary was above the law and should be let off the hook for her crimes because she didn't have any "intent"..
The GOP doesn't give a damn about investigating the biden's, they know they are not corrupt and they have been investigated and there is nothing there. Thank God Democrats are on the right side in Ukraine because Trump enjoys giving away everything to Putin wherever he is.

You get goofier every day.
I admire and respect your opinion, brainwashed functional moron troll
Obama zero lies, Trump 14562 so far
Who brainwashed your feeble mind into believing that?

Let me guess... was it the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post? CNN?

You TDS afflicted morons are fucking pathetic. :cuckoo:
All the respected journalists and law enforcement around the world, as opposed to your bought off high School grad ex Coke head DJ lying heroes.
Hmm.... seems to me that you are purposely dodging the question.

Why are you dodging the question?

Is it because your idiotic opinion makes no fucking sense to any reasonable rational person?

What question? where I get my ideas is from every possible media there is. While most GOP voters can't stand to watch anything but Fox Rush etc etc garbage propaganda. Law enforcement also thinks you're nuts.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the convoluted logic that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
Why do none of your hundreds of phony scandals against Democrats ever get to a courtroom or go anywhere in the real world or with law enforcement? The deep state conspiracy? Absolute idiocy and everyone in the world knows it outside your bubble of dumb.

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