51 to 49 witnesses rejected

It really doesn’t matter loser, does it?

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Of course it does. Why shouldn't we hold our elected officials to their promises?

Sure, just like you did with Obama...Dumbass.

I never voted for, supported or defended Obama's lies.

I'm shocked, most POS lefties did.

Why would you find these actions objectionable out of others when you do the same?

I don't.
Should we wait longer than we have for Trump's Hillary investigation?

It really doesn’t matter loser, does it?

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Of course it does. Why shouldn't we hold our elected officials to their promises?

Sure, just like you did with Obama...Dumbass.

I never voted for, supported or defended Obama's lies.

I'm shocked, most POS lefties did.

You wrote in Ralph Nader?

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It really doesn’t matter loser, does it?

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Of course it does. Why shouldn't we hold our elected officials to their promises?

Sure, just like you did with Obama...Dumbass.

I never voted for, supported or defended Obama's lies.

I'm shocked, most POS lefties did.
No lies, just campaign promises changed by Congress 2 years later. More garbage propaganda from the champion liars of all time

Like keeping your doctor, if you like them?

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everyone knows the only reason Dems wanted witnesses was so that they clog up the senate so that Marvelous Mitch cant get anymore judges through

everyone knows the truth, my friends!
Of course it does. Why shouldn't we hold our elected officials to their promises?

Sure, just like you did with Obama...Dumbass.

I never voted for, supported or defended Obama's lies.

I'm shocked, most POS lefties did.
No lies, just campaign promises changed by Congress 2 years later. More garbage propaganda from the champion liars of all time

Like keeping your doctor, if you like them?

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Obama zero lies, Trump 14562 so far
Sure, just like you did with Obama...Dumbass.

I never voted for, supported or defended Obama's lies.

I'm shocked, most POS lefties did.
No lies, just campaign promises changed by Congress 2 years later. More garbage propaganda from the champion liars of all time

Like keeping your doctor, if you like them?

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Obama zero lies, Trump 14562 so far

How many bankers did Obama prosecute?

After Failing to Prosecute Bankers, Obama Cashes In With Wall Street Speeches

Obama Definitely Lied About Having Intent to Prosecute Banksters - Global Research
This is remarkable. Not surprising necessarily but remarkable.

The Dems tried to take Trump out and they only look dumber, sillier, and more inept.

It's glorious

It's epic

It's hilarious

NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, deserves it more
No indictment=no impeachment. No more "how many angels can dance on the head of an pin" philosophical arguments.The entire democratic impeachment thing requires proof.

He is still impeached and will go down as the 3rd Potus impeached, and he is not and will never be exonerated.

read my signature, they have and had proof.
Sure, just like you did with Obama...Dumbass.

I never voted for, supported or defended Obama's lies.

I'm shocked, most POS lefties did.
No lies, just campaign promises changed by Congress 2 years later. More garbage propaganda from the champion liars of all time

Like keeping your doctor, if you like them?

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Obama zero lies, Trump 14562 so far
Who brainwashed your feeble mind into believing that?

Let me guess... was it the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post? CNN?

You TDS afflicted morons are fucking pathetic. :cuckoo:
Today is a sad day for democracy.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The sad day for this country is when the Democrat scum in this country used their majority in the House to vote a Bill of Impeachment along strict party lines. Even "Tits" Nancy (and other Democrats) have said that is always the wrong thing to do.

It was never a legitimate Bill of Impeachment but a Democrat Dirty Trick Operations from a party that is still butt hurt because their girl didn't win in 2016. Despicable!
[ GOP give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else.

But yet confused Moon Bats like you helped to elect that shithhead Obama, who got the majority of support from Wall Street and Billionaires and who gave away tens of billions to corporations and also increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, screws up health care, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth that fucked everybody. Then along comes Trump who lowers taxes for everybody, creates a booming economy, creates record low unemployment and negotiates fair trade deals to help the balance of trade and you filthy Moon Bats bitch about it because he is not furthering your agenda to make the US a socialist shithole.
I never voted for, supported or defended Obama's lies.

I'm shocked, most POS lefties did.
No lies, just campaign promises changed by Congress 2 years later. More garbage propaganda from the champion liars of all time

Like keeping your doctor, if you like them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obama zero lies, Trump 14562 so far
Who brainwashed your feeble mind into believing that?

Let me guess... was it the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post? CNN?

You TDS afflicted morons are fucking pathetic. :cuckoo:
All the respected journalists and law enforcement around the world, as opposed to your bought off high School grad ex Coke head DJ lying heroes.
[ GOP give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else.

But yet confused Moon Bats like you helped to elect that shithhead Obama, who got the majority of support from Wall Street and Billionaires and who gave away tens of billions to corporations and also increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, screws up health care, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth that fucked everybody. Then along comes Trump who lowers taxes for everybody, creates a booming economy, creates record low unemployment and negotiates fair trade deals to help the balance of trade and you filthy Moon Bats bitch about it because he is not furthering your agenda to make the US a socialist shithole.
. Everything you know is garbage propaganda super duper. Obama's economy was slightly better than Trump's has been you believe a mountain of crap.what f*** everybody was the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression that cost 10 trillion dollars to avert. You people don't even know that happened it's amazing a disgrace. Poor America. Every buddy else in the world knows you people are just terribly misinformed
"Getting" each other is the only thing that seems to have occupied the duopoly for decades. When will America wake up and form a party, or parties, to end this stupidity?
The House version of what an impeachment proceedings were was nothing less than a sham.
Then the House calls out the Senate? Next time maybe they'll take the time and do it right.
I chalk it up to poetic justice.
Agreed the orange man bad syndrome didn't work
There is no evidence of any criminality or illegality with the bidens.

You are confused Moon Bat.

What you mean is that since you only pay attention to the Libtard fake news you have not learned about the Biden's corruption. That happens when uneducated low information Moon Bats like you dismiss reality and embrace denial. You also did it big time when you ignored the massive corruption by Crooked Hillary.

Since you are confused about this here is a little article outlining some of the Biden family corruption. If you still have your head up your ass and still remain confused I can post 20 more articles about the Biden family corruption.


How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections

Political figures have long used their families to route power and benefits for their own self-enrichment. In my new book, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” one particular politician — Joe Biden — emerges as the king of the sweetheart deal, with no less than five family members benefiting from his largesse, favorable access and powerful position for commercial gain. In Biden’s case, these deals include foreign partners and, in some cases, even US taxpayer dollars.

The Biden family’s apparent self-enrichment involves five family members: Joe’s son Hunter, son-in-law Howard, brothers James and Frank, and sister Valerie.


It's essentially over. Trump wins again. Extending the farce is nothing but silly.
Yeah, he won a rigged game. Good for him.
Yeah, the retarded Dems rigged it and lost . Scum demoncraps.
Nah, you dont believe that. You cultists are not good actors.
Hey chip orange man bad get orange man failed now what?
You silly fuckers need to do a better job

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