51 to 49 witnesses rejected

Of The Dems ran an honest inquiry and weren’t assholes The Senate May have given them something but they get nothing once it was exposed how dishonest the House Inquiry Was.
So did Nancy, Adam, and Jerry
Wrong. The ones who want the facts on the table aren't rigging the game. The ones blocking and obstructing are rigging the game. Obviously.
Democrats do not run the Senate. If they wanted more witnesses they should have called them in the house.

It's essentially over. Trump wins again. Extending the farce is nothing but silly.
Yeah, he won a rigged game. Good for him.
The rigging started with the Schiff Sham.

Way before even that!

Whats a Chuz

Chuz Life = Choose Life. It's how I abbreviated the words to try to get it on a ppersonalized license plate, several years before the "choose life "vanity plates became available.
Time for a censure...
Time for you to face reality and 4 More Years!!!!!
I think a quick sent you vote is in order. And I doubt you're getting four more years. Your imaginary planet is becoming just too obvious to the 65% or so who are not brainwashed with garbage GOP propaganda.
More fantasy.
Trump is still president and you only have Bernie or Biden. Better pick quick and concentrate on your own circus.
Good luck with that.
Whoops a censure vote. We should concentrate on your ridiculous GOP propaganda and try and get it through your skulls that everything you know is wrong. All your ridiculous conspiracies and phony scandals and just pure misinformation about what a crappy society were getting out of GOP give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Which you don't know anything about unbelievable
Do you spit and drool on the screen when you type those rants.

He probably posts while wearing one of those spit masks the police use on wackos...

Recuse Warren, Sanders, and Klobuchar as they should have, there were only 46 Yea votes
There was no first hand testimony
Right, regarding Trump. The question was, "why would they need more witnesses". Please pay attention before vomiting your truncated thoughts, thanks.
No actual first hand witness to anything. The House could have called witnesses and fought Trump in Court as is allowed under the Constitution instead they did nothing and had no case, It is NOT the Senates JOB to investigate that is the House. Hell they did not even subpoena any of the ACTUAL first hand knowledge people at all.
You can complain to Satan how no one bought your lies when you see him In Hell.

It’s over child of Hell.
Democrats do not run the Senate. If they wanted more witnesses they should have called them in the house.
They did, and Trump obstructed. That was literally one of the articles. Good God man, do you know ANYTHING about ANY of this?
Coming from a leftist who supported this sham
Yes, that is what cultists call "brining facts to light", when it concerns dear leader. I am not fazed by this.
The left never brought facts. They brought butthurt, and third person hearsay. Which I do understand is a factual representation of your feelings on the 2016 election. Unfortunately the governing of the worlds greatest super power is unmoved by the tantrums of sore losers. They go basically unnoticed. Or are unceremoniously discarded like a ream of dried dog shit pried from the tread of ones boot heel.
Time for a censure...
Time for you to face reality and 4 More Years!!!!!
I think a quick sent you vote is in order. And I doubt you're getting four more years. Your imaginary planet is becoming just too obvious to the 65% or so who are not brainwashed with garbage GOP propaganda.
More fantasy.
Trump is still president and you only have Bernie or Biden. Better pick quick and concentrate on your own circus.
Good luck with that.
Whoops a censure vote. We should concentrate on your ridiculous GOP propaganda and try and get it through your skulls that everything you know is wrong. All your ridiculous conspiracies and phony scandals and just pure misinformation about what a crappy society were getting out of GOP give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Which you don't know anything about unbelievable

Poor Franco. So jealous and angry has to blame his loser life on someone. Might as well be "the rich".
Regardless, additional witnesses would have accomplished absolutely nothing or presented any further evidence Shifty and his lap dog Neutered had already dreamed up. No case, furthermore no crime, or abuse of power.
Now maybe Mitty will man up, don’t think so, and leave the GOP.
So when will the next impeachment proceedings begin in the house?
If it were a real trial Every Democrat that made biased statements against The President and who were running for President would have been booted out of The Senate and not been allowed to participate in asking questions, presenting motions nor voting on them.

And you leftist lying assholes are bitching about fair?
Why did Warren, Sanders, and Klobuchar vote?

Don’t they have a conflict of interest because they are running for the Dem ticket?

The voted because they can. When your a democrat it's different. The MSM will not say a word. Their supports will pretend it never happened. The NYT will make up so.ething about Trump to cover it.

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