51 to 49 witnesses rejected

The Senate didn’t see it that way.

The leftardz are so stewpid. They should be THANKFUL that the GOP didn't vote for witnesses. I for one, would like to have seen the Bidens interrogated on the Senate floor. Something still smells about that whole deal.
There is no evidence of any criminality or illegality with the bidens. And the GOP only is interested in garbage innuendo propaganda about the bidens, not an actual investigation. You live on an alternate planet.
Just announced on FOX!
If the tRumpling senators that had publicly made their choice before the trial even started had decided themselves the way they should have the outcome would have been different.
Damn. I was hoping for a tie, I wanted to see on which side Roberts would come down...
He already showed what side he is on when he refused to read Senator Paul's question.
we need a whistleblower law and this has worked out just about right, except they should probably censure him. Except for the fact that you right wingers are totally misinformed brainwashed functional morons
Incompetent stumblebum Dems in house pointing fingers instantly over their self inflicted lack of competency and responsibility. Prosecute and present your own witnesses you flailing imbeciles.
Notice and warning to all of my conservative friends. . . . MOVE to higher ground immediately! The vote has been taken and there is not going to be any more witness testimony in the impeachment sham. Snowflakes are unanimous in a perpetual meltdown that is likely to last well past Trump's landslide reelection and 2nd. Term!

Seek high ground or swim at your own risk!

Shame that my thread was merged. I wanted a thread just for articles, videos and memes of melting snowflakes, water falls, tsunamis and rising sea levels that are certain to be newsworthy in the coming years.
The compulsive thread merging on this site is probably the biggest downside of the site. When something big happens, and every thread on the topic gets merged into a single thread with hundreds or thousands of posts, I end up going to other sites where there are multiple threads that are all a little bit different, but on the same subject.
Funny how in early December Piglosi and Schiff-for-brains claimed the House’s case was “rock solid” and “proved his guilt”. Why the need for more witnesses?
Because they had first hand testimony, of course. Come on man, you have got to have the brain capacity to figure this simple shit out.
There was no first hand testimony NONE, it was all hearsay and opinion.
Because the whole GOP ran a cover-up. They should at least censure the orange disaster
Wrong the President has the right to refuse Congress, then if Congress presses it is up to the Courts. The House refused to do their supposed job and get witesses, all they called were hearsay and opinion witnesses, NO evidence at ALL. It is NOT the Senates JOB to do the Houses work for them.
Damn. I was hoping for a tie, I wanted to see on which side Roberts would come down...
He already showed what side he is on when he refused to read Senator Paul's question.
we need a whistleblower law and this has worked out just about right, except they should probably censure him. Except for the fact that you right wingers are totally misinformed brainwashed functional morons
You just found out Democrats do not always win. In fact, are quite adept at losing. The House will flip and the Senate will gain Republicans and Trump will be re-elected. Sit tight for the next impeachment.
Damn. I was hoping for a tie, I wanted to see on which side Roberts would come down...
He already showed what side he is on when he refused to read Senator Paul's question.
we need a whistleblower law and this has worked out just about right, except they should probably censure him. Except for the fact that you right wingers are totally misinformed brainwashed functional morons
You just found out Democrats do not always win. In fact, are quite adept at losing. The House will flip and the Senate will gain Republicans and Trump will be re-elected. Sit tight for the next impeachment.
You're damn straight Republicans have been dominant for 35 years now. Their tax rates and obstruction and only garbage propaganda makes it possible.

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