53 Per-Cent Of College Grads Unemployed,Will Obama Lie Again To Buy Their Votes?

Mar 16, 2012

This has been one of the leading stories in the media this week. (well at least on FOX, not sure if the buttheads on MSNBC are all over it)
Does Obama really expect all of those milllions of jobless College Grads to get all excited to vote for him with 35,000 in debt and living with their parents?
Thank god they live with their parents being their parents will tell them if they want a job, VOTE FOR ROMNEY !!!
You have to keep in mind that Come late October and the "53%" are stilll living with mom and dad will be getting extremely antsy and will not put up with another 4 years of Bozo and his Dog Biden !!!
This has been one of the leading stories in the media this week. (well at least on FOX, not sure if the buttheads on MSNBC are all over it)
Does Obama really expect all of those milllions of jobless College Grads to get all excited to vote for him with 35,000 in debt and living with their parents?
Thank god they live with their parents being their parents will tell them if they want a job, VOTE FOR ROMNEY !!!
You have to keep in mind that Come late October and the "53%" are stilll living with mom and dad will be getting extremely antsy and will not put up with another 4 years of Bozo and his Dog Biden !!!

And the other 74% suck at math.

Just like my generation. I voted for hopey changey with Jimmy Carter.

I learned. They will too!
Food stamps, unemployment comp, disability. It's the lifestyle of the 21st Obama century.
Hell yeah they'll vote Him back.
Obama took advantage of all those naive 20/21 years old , brainwashing them that "If you elect me, you will live a financially secure life" in other words, I will make u sucsessful and u will never have to worry about being in debt for the rest of your life, while u will make a six-digit figure and have a second home in Florida or the Hamptons,,,,,,,yup,,,,just keep lying !!!!
Obama took advantage of all those naive 20/21 years old , brainwashing them that "If you elect me, you will live a financially secure life" in other words, I will make u sucsessful and u will never have to worry about being in debt for the rest of your life, while u will make a six-digit figure and have a second home in Florida or the Hamptons,,,,,,,yup,,,,just keep lying !!!!

When Obama spoke to a graduating class, he told them to consider not going for high paying jobs. Instead of focusing on making money, he wanted them to consider volunteer work or community organizing. He might be grooming them for his private army of social justice seekers. If they go years without employment, they might get desperate enough to do anything.
I wonder how many dufusses the Obama campaign will be paying to faint at his massive rallies of 800 people this summer.

This has been one of the leading stories in the media this week. (well at least on FOX, not sure if the buttheads on MSNBC are all over it)
Does Obama really expect all of those milllions of jobless College Grads to get all excited to vote for him with 35,000 in debt and living with their parents?
Thank god they live with their parents being their parents will tell them if they want a job, VOTE FOR ROMNEY !!!
You have to keep in mind that Come late October and the "53%" are stilll living with mom and dad will be getting extremely antsy and will not put up with another 4 years of Bozo and his Dog Biden !!!

Fox and Rush and Romney have called these unemployed 99%'ers lazy, hippy pieces of shit the last 5 years. Do you think they will be voting GOP? :cuckoo:

Or do you think they won't be showing up? :cuckoo:

This aint no midterm. And Obama will get their votes. As he should. Survey's show the majority of the people still understand it was GW that tanked this economy, not Obama.

And you righties don't realize just how bad things were when Obama took over or just how great of a job he has done. But that's to be expected. It's an election year. You said Clinton sucked too and we should vote for Gore. Remember? And you said vote for McCain when he said the fundamentals of our economy were STRONG as the economy was collapsing into a depression. Maybe that's not a big deal to him since he already lived through the last Great Depression. :lol:

This has been one of the leading stories in the media this week. (well at least on FOX, not sure if the buttheads on MSNBC are all over it)
Does Obama really expect all of those milllions of jobless College Grads to get all excited to vote for him with 35,000 in debt and living with their parents?
Thank god they live with their parents being their parents will tell them if they want a job, VOTE FOR ROMNEY !!!
You have to keep in mind that Come late October and the "53%" are stilll living with mom and dad will be getting extremely antsy and will not put up with another 4 years of Bozo and his Dog Biden !!!

Fox and Rush and Romney have called these unemployed 99%'ers lazy, hippy pieces of shit the last 5 years. Do you think they will be voting GOP? :cuckoo:

Or do you think they won't be showing up? :cuckoo:

This aint no midterm. And Obama will get their votes. As he should. Survey's show the majority of the people still understand it was GW that tanked this economy, not Obama.

And you righties don't realize just how bad things were when Obama took over or just how great of a job he has done. But that's to be expected. It's an election year. You said Clinton sucked too and we should vote for Gore. Remember? And you said vote for McCain when he said the fundamentals of our economy were STRONG as the economy was collapsing into a depression. Maybe that's not a big deal to him since he already lived through the last Great Depression. :lol:

I would love it if in November we had great poll turnouts but almost no one votes for either presidenttial candidate.
Do we really want to compare treasure chests???


that would be a pot and kettle comparison.
The 2012 Money Race: Compare the Candidates - Campaign Finance - Election 2012 - NYTimes.com

Mr. Obama ended March with 10 times the cash on hand as Mr. Romney.

Looks like big money thinks Obama will win then.

I do not intentionally give any politician money, not thru PACS or by any other means.

but my point was about WHO Gave, not how much.
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