6.4 mag earthquake in S. Ca.

After that earthquake on the 4th they said meh, it would be aftershocks and that was it. Then comes another big one. I really hope they're right THIS time and these are not foreshocks to ANOTHER big one coming. Sheesh

Um...that is not what was said by the lady who did the explanations on Earthquakes. Do you lie because you are an anti-intellectual? Or, didn't listen to the MSM and heard that from Hannity or Limbaugh (both who didn't finish college, and the lady has a Ph.D).

This post is one good reason the rest of us kinda hope CA breaks up and floats away into the Pacific. Bye now. Bye
OMG look at all these swarms of quakes


After that earthquake on the 4th they said meh, it would be aftershocks and that was it. Then comes another big one. I really hope they're right THIS time and these are not foreshocks to ANOTHER big one coming. Sheesh

Um...that is not what was said by the lady who did the explanations on Earthquakes. Do you lie because you are an anti-intellectual? Or, didn't listen to the MSM and heard that from Hannity or Limbaugh (both who didn't finish college, and the lady has a Ph.D).

This post is one good reason the rest of us kinda hope CA breaks up and floats away into the Pacific. Bye now. Bye
Because you say dumb things and get corrected, you want 10s of millions to die? That's special.

This is a laughable claim. The two are separated by a geomorphic province and have no connection at all.

Add to that the Yellowstone caldera Is a volcanic entity, and operates independently from ANY outside influence , and this is just some moron trying to scare people for his personal gain.
It is doubly laughable. The claim that "scientists are saying this" is also laughable, in and of itself.
After that earthquake on the 4th they said meh, it would be aftershocks and that was it. Then comes another big one. I really hope they're right THIS time and these are not foreshocks to ANOTHER big one coming. Sheesh

Um...that is not what was said by the lady who did the explanations on Earthquakes. Do you lie because you are an anti-intellectual? Or, didn't listen to the MSM and heard that from Hannity or Limbaugh (both who didn't finish college, and the lady has a Ph.D).

This post is one good reason the rest of us kinda hope CA breaks up and floats away into the Pacific. Bye now. Bye
Because you say dumb things and get corrected, you want 10s of millions to die? That's special.

You didn't read what I said. Breaks away and floats into the Pacific....to make their own little island. Read down the thread
6.4 magnitude earthquake in Southern California
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A large earthquake has rattled a large swath of Southern California. There are no immediate reports of damage.

Oh well happens all the time lol

Actually yes, earthquakes happen a lot in the west.

Hurricanes happen a lot in the south.

Tornados happen a lot in the mid west.

Only you far right radical extremists make big deal of it.
Shoot. Them falling into the ocean would give us twice as much reason for July 4th to be Independence Day.

What is really disgusting about your post is you are serious and don't see anything wrong with it.

You do realize you're calling for the deaths of millions of innocent people don't you?

I will never stop being disgusted with people like you.

So much for being pro life.
Shoot. Them falling into the ocean would give us twice as much reason for July 4th to be Independence Day.

Careful what you wish for, your wine, fruit and veggies, nuts and rice will be much more costly.

You know that the only part of California on the pacific plate is from Santa Cruz to Inverness. The rest of the state is on the stable side.

LOL, See: California Earthquake Map Collection

The map shows big quakes in SoCal and the Bay Area. However, all up and down the Pacific Coast is fair game for tsunamis, big quakes usually off the coast, and don't forget volcanoes in Lassen and Shasta Counties in CA, and the volcanoes in the Cascades going from Oregon to Washington and into British Columbia.

Earthquakes aren't as much of a concern as wildfires.

Wildfires have raged the past decade every summer. The air gets clogged with the smoke and it's like smoking 9 cigarettes a day.

I grew up with earthquakes. It's just not that big of a deal to those of us who have lived with it all our lives.

Get in a doorway or under a very sturdy table away from windows. Don't go outside. The power lines can come down and the ground isn't as stable.

Wildfires are the biggest threat here in the west.
Think of California as a typical liberal teenager.

Think of that minor earthquake as the mom of said teen.

Telling him/her/it to clean up their room.

Then delivering with real consequences if they fail so to do.

In a perfect world, of course.

Sadly, no guarantees.
Nice to see you believe all the conservative talking points about children in California. There is no "clean up your room" demands as the rooms are clean.
yea but it happened in an area that you said is outside your bubble....you probably think those "people" are messy......
Shoot. Them falling into the ocean would give us twice as much reason for July 4th to be Independence Day.

What is really disgusting about your post is you are serious and don't see anything wrong with it.

You do realize you're calling for the deaths of millions of innocent people don't you?

I will never stop being disgusted with people like you.

So much for being pro life.

You won't find me being pro life except by your prejudicial inference. You will, however, find me state many times the planet needs fewer people. I did not however say anything about anybody driving. I assume the silicone would keep most of them afloat for days waiting for the rescue.
Shoot. Them falling into the ocean would give us twice as much reason for July 4th to be Independence Day.

What is really disgusting about your post is you are serious and don't see anything wrong with it.

You do realize you're calling for the deaths of millions of innocent people don't you?

I will never stop being disgusted with people like you.

So much for being pro life.
They're not innocent people if they keep electing Socialists to office.
This just out this AM

this is from DUTCHNESES anyonen who knows of him knows he is excellent at what he does!

7/07/2019 -- Major Seismic Unrest underway -- New M7.0 in West Pacific + California on watch

Nobody needs anny caution taken here because some ppl know it all and can tell others shhh go back to sleep it's all good.
Apparently caution was NOT needed and there was no reason for anyone to lose sleep over it. What a surpise. :cuckoo:
After that earthquake on the 4th they said meh, it would be aftershocks and that was it. Then comes another big one. I really hope they're right THIS time and these are not foreshocks to ANOTHER big one coming. Sheesh

Um...that is not what was said by the lady who did the explanations on Earthquakes. Do you lie because you are an anti-intellectual? Or, didn't listen to the MSM and heard that from Hannity or Limbaugh (both who didn't finish college, and the lady has a Ph.D).

This post is one good reason the rest of us kinda hope CA breaks up and floats away into the Pacific. Bye now. Bye
Because you say dumb things and get corrected, you want 10s of millions to die? That's special.

You didn't read what I said. Breaks away and floats into the Pacific....to make their own little island. Read down the thread
Yes, that would kill millions. Think, man.

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